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User talk:MrSeven

10,964 bytes added, 19:49, 22 June 2022
Undo revision 119667 by MrSeven (talk)
Update: 360,700 exp is needed for 72 Cheesemaking.
LOL, yea right.. lemme get my lazy butt started!
First, I'll start collecting milk for Cheesemaking!
Late, but HAPPY DECEMBER! I've been playing on USA alot. I'm making progress in leveling up all the beginner level combats and skills.
I'm mainly on to just procure a better/smoother gameplay for USA.
Also, I might be switching to Battle/
I'm going to unlock 80 Battle Chemistry.
I need 180 masterwork slabs
i need 100 Expert quality slabs
I need 80 gold
I need 80 silver
I need 40 good metals
Ok! I'm still gathering money to unlock 80 BC! Making sure to do daily and AM when I can! FULL MONEY CONSERVATION MODE! []-[]
OYMCEB, hogquei gob d
OK! :D Now, begins the TREANT LEAF GRIND!
Stopping all motherlodes and immediately getting 60 blacksmithing!
Alright so i did all that and I found that Treant leaves are infrequent drops on treants..
plan now: Do only the daily and AM quests and just level up the other accs.
OR: continue to grind gold in Kur and more likely the sewer..
Finally! I have a Saturday off! I'm going to grind as much cotton as I can to take advantage!
I need 289 FB's and 544 FW's DONE!
NOW. I need to go to ROHINA in SUNVALE for Flower Arrangement.
Creplin in FR for Nature Appreciation AND
Floxie in FR for Flower Arrangment
It has been done! The plan worked perfectly, the materials I had were in the perfect amounts! I am so very glad that I did this!
Ech-hem...! Annoucing the totals!
Flower Arrangement, which once was at a paltry level 12... has been boosted to level 68!!!
Nature Apprecation, which once was a dismal level 27... has been boosted to level 77!!
WOW! How incredible... just an amazing.. amazing turn out!
Leatherworking was also raised from 78 to 80!!!
@_@_@_@_@_@_@_@! It's like I did several hard achievements in 1 day! (cuz.. i did)
NOW! The only thing I'm trying to do it begin Cheesemaking, Brewery, and Mushroom Farming..
But.. I may put these on the back burner for now..
Currently, Ri-Shin is going on! The new thing is a server-quest that involves players giving a specfic "donation" to a shrine in order to level it up!
The more we level it up, the better the rewards we all recieve are.
One of the items to donate was 25,000 beets, for example. So, beets were obviously a big ticket item.. especially since you could acquire the first ever "Vanity pet" from donating only 100 beets.
In fact, I was able to sell 100 beets for 50k!! I was literally given free money!
Right now, I'm taking advantage of that and I'm planning to vendor beets for a HUGE markup of 800-1500 councils each.
Another thing is that I realized just how OP vendor and raffle machines are! It seems that players are willing and ready to POUR their councils into a machine for random items...
and I will DEFININTELY take advantage of that by leveling Gadgeterring and acquire the level 30 "Simple Item Vendor" recipe which is the first recipe to allow me to place and sell a single item for profit.
I've already tested it out on several items:
some rare food, and some cashfall tokens!
I did a "resonable" markup on these and ended up making about 40k!
Vendors.. are where... it's at.
So.. after I get tired of preparing these beets, I'll stack everything I have into a vendor and place it by the Shrine... so the lazy rich players can buy! ;)
Then I'll grind Gagdeterring to max level and then... I'll just play on my alts if I don't feel like starting the other skills.
Ok. I did the calculations.
I need x39 of the Simple Free Item Raffler
I need x83 of the level 30 Simple Item Vendor
for the rest of the exp.
107.2 of the level 10s are needed for level 30.
its 17,200 exp to 30
60,550 exp remaining to 50.
x190 level 30 recipe to 50
Only 67,163 exp is needed due to the buffs.
Right now, I'm gathering clownfish for the level 10 "Modest Free" recipe. Making 107!
Alright so, besides for just being a mule for the ALTS, I'm going to be retiring Mr7.
So, say hello to USA! Our main character!
Anyways, I'm going to start training at Serb hills near the goblins. The exp is easy and very steady. I'll do that until 25 Fire Magic, get Ice Magic... and then start rolling Ice/Psych! :D
It's another day on USA! I've done a bit.. i suppose, most importantly, I've gotten past 40 Psych and past 30 Ice Magic! Won't be long now untill I'm vendor all my items! XD�
After I get 50 Psych, I need to start Druid immediately. Or, maybe I'll unlock 50-60 on Psych and level it...
Got Alch to 15. About ready to grind out to level 50! :D
15-20 will be the Pure Crainium Powder recipe. I'll need 100 onions and brain lobes.
20-30 will be the Agonizing speed potions. It'll take 11,700 exp or 9,945.I'll need 125 fire dust and perch fillets
30-50 will take 59,550 exp. Or 50.6k exp.
I'll need 846 parasols and 421 beets.
Just reached level 50 Alchemy! Time to buy Battle Chem! >:)
I'll be doing Battle Chem and Druid! Both are very low leveled, so I'll start training in the newbie levels.
See you later! I'ma try something new
Hey!! So, here's what I've completed so far:
Ice Magic is at level 53
Battle Chemistry is at level 43
Alchemy is at level 50
So, I'm planning to go Ice Mag/BC and Druid as another option for cold-resistant enemies.
I've been short on money, so I might need to start doing surveys!
After level 50 BC, I'm going to go to the Carpal Tunnels to farm up some Ambient Sponges from jars
Ok, So, I bought the level 55 Ice Magic spells and I bought a few BC skills.
I need to get mycology, fishing, gardening, meditation and cooking up.
So, I created new level 50 gear for Ice Magic/BC.. and MAN... I am stronk as hell.
Blizzard does flat damage of 931! o_o! It's only at level 45!
Right now I'm in the Carpal Tunnels looking for jars that might contain Ambient sponges
I got 29 sponges! Much easier than I thought!
I need 42 total for 55 and 60 Ice Magic. I'll go on Mr7 and try to gather some faded blues at Rahu.
Right now, I'm training up Meditation for BC.
I'm going to use the 350+ pork i have to train up cooking.
For Extra toes 3, these are the altar locations that I need for Lore exp:
Altar: Eye 250 Sun Vale
Altar: Femur 250 Serbule
Altar: Fish 250 Serbule Hills
Altar: Mushroom 250 Serbule Hills
Altar: Onion 250 Serbule Hills
Altar: Salt 250 Serbule
Altar: Water 250 Serbule
Altar: Eye 250 Sun Vale
Book: Elzehatl's First Journal 50 Serbule
Book: Elzehatl's Second Journal 50 Serbule
Book: Fighting Lessons From Elsenro 50 Serbule Hills
Book: The Wasted Wishes 50 Serbule
Sign: Eltibule Graveyard 50 Eltibule
Sign: Model Home 50 Eltibule
Sign: Welcome to Sun Vale! 50 Sun Vale
Note: Old Owner's Note 50 Sun Vale
Ok, so I'm going to get Fishing up for Acid bomb and i'll passively level up Mycology for Mycotoxin Formula. I also need Gardening at level 40 for the last Freezing Mist skill.
I also need 1 more level in Cooking and 1 more level in Lore.
Total cost to buy EVERYTHING for skill training (except knees): 57k.
Alright! I unlocked Ice Magic 61-70 and BC 51-60..
I finished learning ALL level 55 and 60 Ice Magic spells! All I'm going to be doing now is leveling up Ice and BC. I'll eventually unlock BC 61-70 then I'll start gearing for them at level 70.
Firstly, I should start leveling up my other skills.
Namely, mining and surverying... retail too..
I need to be able to make my own money without Mr7.
So, just level as you train. We also need Industry, sos doing Work Orders.
I've decided to start doing skinning for money and exp. I'll spend a huge majority of time at Kur while I'm there. I'll get enough materials and the like to to have a LARGE amount of stuff to sell... and this will fund what I need.
Now... what I need to do is get my Mining and Foraging levels up in order to get the interactables in Kur... Gold, Silver, Cedar, Tundra Lichen... etc.
Mining should be at 40
Foraging should be at 50.
Let's get started.
Cool! I reached level 10 mining! I'll continue this!
Also! I can start mining moledybmun at level 35.. so I REALLY need to aim for that!
-> follow the pinned defenstration. everything done already.
Ok, I'm heading back to Serbule Hills to buy Eltibule EXPERTS'S MINING SURVEY at level 35.
I'll calculate how many i need to do for 40 mining.
Seems like I'll need to do 144. Oof.. I need 16k gold.. ok... back to Goblin dung. to farm for gear to sell to Kib and Willem! :)
OK! 40 Mining Acquired! Now, it's time to head the Moldyb. mine and start spam farming it! I'm aiming for farm so much that I have 10+ stacks of it lol... but... yea.. just as much as I want to.
(Realisitically, enough to fund myself for my BC and Ice Magic level 70's)
So, after I have enough fun doing that, I'll head to Kur to start farming wolves for skins and items.
Then, depending on my levels I'll do what I need to do.
Heyyyy! It's just another dayyyy! Feeling.. craaa..zy? .-. Anywho, I'. in Kur Towers right now just leveling my skills and... idk? leveling phrenology? Really, I dont really have a goal atm... I know that I definintely want to unlock 60-70 BC but ill need about 95k.
And i'll be getting the level 65 recipes for ice magic soon...
besides that, I'm thinking about getting transumation and augmentation started..
Get your necklace modded with Ice armor +16 mitigation instead of nova and shardblast boost.
Alright, I unlocked Blacksmithing from Tadion. I'll go to Kleave, then Yogzi, then Malgath next.
First, go to Borghild and touch the books and corpses to get recipes and armored golem
So... It's been a while!!! (not really, I've just been playing alts.. well kinda) I ran into a problem with leveling my alts.. I realized that they would share the same fate as Mr7, bored with no real desire to pursure the rest of the "high-level" content. i.e cheesemaking, brewery, higher tier industry tasks.. It just didn't seem smart to create a new char when I already knew I wasn't interested. BUT PG is much to fun to quit cold turkey! I tried, but it has so much charm that I just keep making new characters -> I then realize that this character is doomed for a boring end-game, then I delete it. I've done this at least 50 times.. just trying figure out I can approach the game with a new character in a way that get me interested in playing.. but ultimately, it doesn't last long. I endured to level 40s, 50s, even 70s with some characters... but.. nuthin.
Anyways, I made another character. Mr7 is gone, USA is gone and all the others. I'll try again to start this journey with another char.. and hopefully it'll last!

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