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Druid/Treasure Effects:By Slot

205 bytes added, 13:39, 18 November 2022
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<!-- Updated as of patch v287on November 17, July 21, 2017 2022 from v374-->
==<!--start-->Druid Slot List==
<noinclude>[[Category:Treasure Effects By Slot]]</noinclude>
<span style = "color: red"><b>Note that this only shows the max-level version of each treasure effect.</b></span>
* Druid Skill Base Damage +2345%<br>* Heart Thorn restores 66 74 armor to you<br>* Pulse of Life gives +17 18 Fire, Cold, and Electricity Mitigation (direct and indirect) for 15 seconds<br>* Delerium depletes +360 rage and deals +55 67 damage<br>* Brambleskin increases your Max Power by +36 40 for 30 seconds and restores 36 40 Power<br>
* Cloud Sight causes target's attacks to have +5% more chance of missing, but Power cost is +15%<br>
* Cosmic Strike deals +200 208 damage, generates no Rage, and removes 560 565 Rage<br>* Regrowth restores 42 48 Power<br>* Toxinball Power Cost -1517<br>* Your Healing Sanctuary immediately heals you for 70 health upon summoningrestores +16 Power with each heal<br>
* Heart Thorn coats the target in stinging insects that deal 190 306 Nature damage over 15 12 seconds<br>* Rotskin Armor Damage +5044%<br>* Rotskin deals 170 282 Trauma damage to health over 15 12 seconds<br>* Delerium Damage +7350%<br>* Brambleskin increases your Max Armor by +85 95 for 30 seconds and restores 85 95 Armor<br>* Cosmic Strike Damage +7062%<br>* Regrowth Healing +7078<br>* Cloud Sight covers the target in insects that deal 165 240 Nature damage over 15 12 seconds<br>* Your Healing Sanctuary immediately restores 100 armor to you upon summoning+40 Armor with each heal<br>
* Indirect Nature Damage +3640% when Druid is active<br>* Heart Thorn coats the target in stinging insects that deal 190 306 Nature damage over 15 12 seconds<br>* Heart Thorn deals Poison damage (instead of Nature) and also deals 192 258 Poison damage over 12 seconds<br>* Delerium depletes +360 rage and deals +55 67 damage<br>* Brambleskin increases your Max Health by +61 69 for 30 seconds and heals 61 69 Health<br>* Cosmic Strike deals +200 208 damage, generates no Rage, and removes 560 565 Rage<br>* Fill With Bile heals 68 76 health and 68 76 armor<br>* Energize restores 87 97 armor to each target<br>* Cloud Sight Damage +5342.5%<br>* Toxinball deals 108 +186 Poison damage to health over 12 seconds<br>
* All Druid abilities have a 1830% chance to restore 15 Power to you<br>* Heart Thorn deals Poison damage (instead of Nature) and also deals 192 258 Poison damage over 12 seconds<br>* Pulse of Life restores 70 80 Health over 15 seconds<br>* Rotskin deals 170 282 Trauma damage to health over 15 12 seconds<br>* Rotskin hits all targets within 10 meters and deals 70 direct health damagefurther debuffs their mitigation -48<br>* Brambleskin heals you for 72 healthdeals +96 Nature damage to melee attackers<br>* Fill With Bile heals 68 76 health and 68 76 armor<br>* Regrowth restores +31 35 Health and causes your Minor Heals to restore +42 46 Health for 10 seconds<br>* Toxinball deals 108 +186 Poison damage to health over 12 seconds<br>* Your Healing Sanctuary immediately restores 100 armor to you upon summoning+40 Armor with each heal<br>
* Heart Thorn Damage +8574%<br>* Pulse of Life Healing +4248<br>* Rotskin Armor Damage +5044%<br>* Delerium Damage +7350%<br>* Brambleskin heals you for 72 healthdeals +96 Nature damage to melee attackers<br>* Cosmic Strike Damage +7062%<br>* Regrowth restores +38 44 Health and conjures a magical field on the target that mitigates 10% of all physical damage they take for 1 minute (or until 100 damage is mitigated)<br>* Energize restores +16 20 Health and conjures a magical field that mitigates 10% of all physical damage they take for 1 minute (or until 100 damage is mitigated).<br>* Cloud Sight Damage +5342.5%<br>* Your Healing Sanctuary heals +19 health and buffs Melee Accuracy +12<br>
* Druid Skill Base Damage +2345%<br>* Indirect Nature Damage +3640% when Druid is active<br>* All Druid abilities have a 1830% chance to restore 15 Power to you<br>* Delerium depletes +565 650 rage and taunts -420480<br>* Cosmic Strike deals +55% 115 damage and reuse timer is -5 seconds<br>* Regrowth restores +31 35 Health and causes your Minor Heals to restore +42 46 Health for 10 seconds<br>* Regrowth and Pulse of Life Healing +2832%<br>* Energize restores 87 97 armor to each target<br>* Cloud Sight covers the target in insects that deal 165 240 Nature damage over 15 12 seconds<br>* Toxinball Damage +7263%<br>* Your Healing Sanctuary restores +15 27 health with each heal<br>
* Max Health +35 40 when Druid is active<br>* Pulse of Life restores 70 80 Health over 15 seconds<br>* Heart Thorn restores 66 74 armor to you<br>* Rotskin deals +1820% Armor damage and boosts your Nice Attack Damage +87 83 for 10 seconds<br>* Brambleskin increases your Max Armor by +85 95 for 30 seconds and restores 85 95 Armor<br>* Regrowth Healing +7078<br>* Energize Healing +5662<br>* Cloud Sight and Delerium Damage +5436%<br>* Your Healing Sanctuary restores +15 27 health with each heal<br>
* Max Health +35 40 when Druid is active<br>* Rotskin deals +1820% Armor damage and boosts your Nice Attack Damage +87 83 for 10 seconds<br>* Brambleskin increases your Max Health by +61 69 for 30 seconds and heals 61 69 Health<br>* Cosmic Strike deals +15% damage and boosts your Major Healing +70 80 for 10 seconds<br>* Fill With Bile increases target's Max Health by +68 76 for 3 minutes and heals 68 76 health<br>* Regrowth and Pulse of Life Healing +2832%<br>* Energize Healing +5662<br>* Cloud Sight and Delerium Damage +5436%<br>* Toxinball Damage +7263%<br>* Your Healing Sanctuary immediately heals you for 70 health upon summoningrestores +16 Power with each heal<br>
* Heart Thorn Damage +8574%<br>* Pulse of Life Healing +4248<br>* Rotskin shortens hastens the current reuse timer of Regrowth by 5 seconds<br>* Delerium depletes +565 650 rage and taunts -420480<br>* Brambleskin increases your Max Power by +39 40 for 30 seconds and restores 39 40 Power<br>* Cosmic Strike deals +15% damage and boosts your Major Healing +70 80 for 10 seconds<br>* Fill With Bile increases target's Max Health by +68 76 for 3 minutes and heals 68 76 health<br>* Regrowth Healing +7078<br>* Energize restores +16 20 Health and conjures a magical field that mitigates 10% of all physical damage they take for 1 minute (or until 100 damage is mitigated).<br>* Fill With Bile increases target's direct Poison damage +51<br>