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Project: Gorgon Wiki β


Charles Thompson/Small talk

1 byte added, 22:24, 14 January 2023
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* Likes Mushrooms of all Types {{Hint|Parasol +0.6, Mycena +1.3, Field Mushroom +2.5, Blusher Mushroom +3.2, Milk Cap Mushroom +3.8, Heartshroom +5.1, Blood Mushroom +5.1, Iocaine Mushroom +8.3, Pixie's Mushroom Parasol +18.8, Fly Amanita +21.4, Charged Mycelium +24, Wizard Mushroom +5049.4}}
* Likes Combat Beakers and Flasks {{Hint|Purple +17.5% value}}
* Likes Rare Alchemy Recipes
<noinclude>[[Category:Small talk]]</noinclude>