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Paul Vaughn

1,885 bytes added, 11:21, 19 February 2023
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{{NPC infobox
|title = Paul Vaughn
|image = [[File:Paul VaughnPaul_Vaughn.jpgpng|300px]]
|caption = He looks angry and tired.
|zone = Serbule Hills
|town = Tapestry Inn|location = A room Bunkroom behind the [[Tapestry Inn]] in [[Serbule Hills]].main building|anatomy = Human|species = Human|beastspeak = ???Yes|beastlist = All|skilltrainer = [[Carpentry]]|vendor = vendorYes
"I wish I was a fighter instead of a lumberjack. But it's too late to change professions now!"Goblins attacked our lumber camps, due east of here. No humans are left alive now; it's just goblins and their slaves. And they're stealing our lumber!
'''[[Paul Vaughn''' ]] is an alcoholic lumberjack and [[Carpentry|carpenter]] living in one of the [[Tapestry Inn]]'s rented rooms in . He worked at one of the lumber camps until the [[Tapestry InnGoblin]]s attacked, driving him to safety. He claims to be named after [[Paullus]], god of parties and drink.  
== Location ==
; [[Serbule Hills]] <!-- List the Zone the npc is found in. -->: '''[[Paul Vaughn''' ]] is often found drinking alone in his rented room behind the barn in the [[Tapestry Inn]].== Shopkeeper =={{Vendor items sold}}
<!-- If you have the info, please edit the resulting pages <vendorname>/Items_purchased and <vendorname>/Spending_limits. (Links to these will automatically be created when using the {{Vendor_purchase_info}} template.) --><!-- Remember that your max purchase value will be affected by buffs from random skills, open up Persona->Stats and adjust for your Max Purchase Cap %. --><!-- Money Pool *should* be affected (?), but atm it seems bugged. --> ==SellsFavor =='''Paul Vaughn''' buys and sells wood and [[Carpentry]] items. He does not sell any items of his own.  ===Small Talk== <!-- Add an area displaying the favor categories the NPC claims to enjoy. -->* Loves Perfect Pieces of Wood* Loves Dessert Meals* Likes Beer [[{{Hint|Hints about good gifts can be added like so.msg:BASEPAGENAME}}  /Small_talk|<span style==Quests==<!"font-- Each quest should be linked, to be added as a separate page. {{Favor|requirement}} should be indicated. If the Quest requires a prior quest to be completed, also list it here. If there is dialogue worth recording about the quest, add it on the quest page. Consider using Templatesize:Hint for spoiler-y material.--50%"><sup>* [[The Logging Camp Overseersview/edit]] {{Hint|Kill 10 goblin Logging Camp Overseers. They can be found in the logging camps on the NE end of Serbule Hills}}<spoiler show="Reward for The Logging Camp Overseers"/sup>Reward: 100 favor, 5 Oak Wood</spoilerspan>|* [[Paul's Mycena Weakness]]===Obtain {{Item|Fried Mycena Bites:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk}} For Paul. == Rewards Quests ==<!-- List rewards from favor tiers. --dpl>; At {{Favor|Comfortable}}category = Quests/Paul Vaughn: {{Item|Item}}mode = unordered; At {{Favor|Friends}}columns = 1: include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements</dpl>
== Training ==
'''[[Paul Vaughn''' ]] will train the player to craft a wide variety of chairs, calligraphy benches, dowels, barrels, and wood chips used by the [[Carpentry]] skill.:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Carpentry]]:{{NPC training row | recipe = Oak Wood Chips |level = 0 |cost=? |favor=?}}{{NPC training row | recipe = Super-Shoddy Chair |level = 2 |cost=? |favor=?}}{{NPC training row | recipe = Oak Dowels |level = 3 |cost=? |favor=?}}{{NPC training row | recipe = Super-Shoddy Calligraphy Bench |level = 4 |cost=? |favor=?}}{{NPC training row | recipe = Empty Fletching Box |level = 5 |cost=? |favor=?}}{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Carpentry: Oak Wood Chips (from From Perfect) |level = 5 |cost=1000279 |favor=Comfortable (I think}}{{NPC training row | recipe = Firkin |level = 10 |cost=? |favor=?}}{{NPC training row | recipe = Maple Dowels |level = 10 |cost=? |favor=?}}{{NPC training row | recipe = Shoddy Chair |level = 10 |cost=433 |favor=?)
{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Shoddy Calligraphy Bench |level = 12 |cost=805 |favor=Comfortable}}{{NPC training row |recipe = Carpentry: Maple Wood Chips (from Perfect) |level = 18 |cost=0?
{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Carpentry: Cedar Maple Wood Chips (from From Perfect) |level = 18 |cost=0991 |favor=C?Friends
{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Carpentry: Spruce Wood Chips (from Perfect)Cedar Dowels |level = 20 |cost=0?
{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Carpentry: Shoddy Calligraphy BenchKilderkin |level = 20 |cost=0?
{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Carpentry: Rough Calligraphy BenchChair |level = 20 |cost=01053
{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Carpentry: Crude Rough Calligraphy Bench |level = 22 |cost=1425 |favor=Comfortable}}{{NPC training row |recipe = Cedar Wood Chips |level = 28 |cost=01611
{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Carpentry: Decent Calligraphy BenchCedar Wood Chips (From Perfect) |level = 28 |cost=1611 |favor=Best Friends}}{{NPC training row |recipe = Barrel |level = 30 |cost=01674
{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Carpentry: Nice Calligraphy BenchCrude Chair |level = 30 |cost=01674
{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Carpentry: Quality Calligraphy BenchSpruce Dowels |level = 30 |cost=01674
{{vendor item NPC training row |itemrecipe =Crude Calligraphy Bench |level = 32 |cost=2665 |favor=Friends}}{{NPC training row |recipe = Decent Chair |level = 38 |cost=2851 |favor=Best Friends}}{{NPC training row |recipe = Decent Calligraphy Bench |level = 40 |cost=2882 |favor=Best Friends}}{{NPC training row |recipe =Carpentry: Hogshead |level = 40 |cost=2882(?)2913
{{NPC training row
|recipe =Nice Chair
|level = 44
|favor=Like Family
{{NPC training row
|recipe = Nice Calligraphy Bench
|level = 46
|favor=Like Family
{{NPC training row
|recipe = Spruce Wood Chips (From Perfect)
|level = 48
|favor=Best Friends
== Services Events == <!-- List some of the services offered by the NPC. Consignment, Storage, Bartering, or unique options. Rappanel plays music if paid, and Ashk the Answerer tells fortunes that grant buffs. --> ==== [[Storage]] = Winter Celebration ====={{HOLIDAY|RiShin Friends =Does he store things? Please contribute|RiShin Family = {{Item|Oak Wood}} x10}}== Hang Outs Conversations == <{{Quote |source=[[Paul Vaughn]]|: ''' Any advice on attacking the goblins at the lumber camps?''': First off, let me take a look at you...: Um, no offense, but that swarm of goblins might be outta your league. Now if you had a partner, that might work. Or if you're very careful and follow my advice.: ''' What's your advice?''': First off, don't just rush into their camp. Goblins win by swarming!-- List NPC Hang Outs -->Your best bet is to fight them one or two at a time, not the while group of 'em.: ''' How do I do that?''': Start by picking off the guards. They're tough, but they patrol alone. Sneak up to a guard, let 'em see you, and then sprint away from the camp. That way when they shout for help, nobody'll hear 'em. Once they're away from the camp, just kill 'em.*: ''' Title And after the guards?''' (Duration) {{Favor|Neutral}}<spoiler show="Reward goes here">: Once the guards are dead, you just need to find a way to fight them a few at a time. If they swarm on you, run!:X favor Hmm, maybe start by pot-shotting a few fairies. They have fairy slaves working with Baroness Marith Felgardthe goblin laborers, and the slaves are pretty harmless. But don't be fooled: the fairies will heal their Goblin masters, which is how I nearly died -- a bunch of unexpected healing can ruin your day!:ItemYou can either put the fairies out of their misery, or just drag the fight away from the camps a bit. See, they wear cold-iron chains so they can't fly away, and that makes them very slow and weak.: ''' What other advice can you give me?'''</spoiler>: The last thing you'd have to watch out for is the overseer of each camp. They know magic and can be dangerous! But I'm sure you can handle it.}}
[[Category:NPCs]], [[Category:Serbule Hills NPCs]], [[Category:Human]], [[Category:Vendor]], [[Category:Skills TrainerFavor/Small Talk]]