From Animal Fats are only obtained by butchering the relevant mobs. See [[Butchering]]:for more information.<div style="column-count:5;!-moz-columnTo add drops, modify the relevant mob page and it will automatically be added to the following table. -count:5;-webkit-column-count:5">;[[Kur Mountains]]<dpl>* [[Ice Bear]]noresultsheader = This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot;[[Dark Chapel]]* [[Charged Boar]];[[Kur Tower]]* [[Ancient Hook Beast]];[[Ilmari]]* [[Sand Dog]] (during Warden Event); [[War Caches]]* [[Sand Dog]]* [[Drug-Test category = Loot/Typical Animal (Deer)]]Fat* [[Drug-Test Animal (Cow)]]mode = unordered* [[Mutated Test Subject (Deer)]]columns = 1* [[Snow Leaper]]include = {MOB Location}:area* [[Ancient Hook Beast]];[[Rahu Sewer]]* [[Grizzled Milktable = class="wikitable mw-Goat]]* [[Necro Rat]];[[Gazluk]]* [[Snow Leaper]];[[Fae Realm]]* [[Fae Bear]]* [[Fae Panther]]* [[True Barghest]];[[Povus]]* [[Tentakiller]]* [[Angry Guardcollapsible mw-Goat]] (night event)collapsed sortable", Monster, Location</divdpl>
Updating drops, v380
=== Drops ===
=== Gathering ===
<!-- Include items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit