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Amulet of Fire Magic

186 bytes added, 02:09, 6 March 2023
Updating drops, v380
|name = Amulet of Fire Magic
|description = A figurine of a tiny metal fireball on a chain.
|basemods = {{Attribute|BOOST_SKILL_FIREMAGIC|+2}}<br>
|value = 30
|extra = {{Spoiler|
=== Drops ===
<!-- Include items dropped from monstersTo add drops, modify the relevant mob page and it will automatically be added to the following table. --><dpl>noresultsheader = This item has not been submitted by an editor as well loot, or may not exist as those obtained through skinning, butcheringlootcategory = Loot/Amulet of Fire Magicmode = unorderedcolumns = 1include = {MOB Location}:areatable = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", skull extractionMonster, etc.LocationExample section:;[[Eltibule]]</dpl>* [[Fire RatBrain Bug]], sometimes drops 1 in [[Fire DustSerbule]]* and [[Fire Spider]], often drops as much as 3-5 [[Fire DustBrain Bug Cave]].-->
=== Gathering ===
<!-- Include items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit