Our ranks are as follows...
'''Noobie: ''' Joined the Guild - Extremely susceptible to idle kicks.
'''Recruit: ''' Slightly Active in the guild - Next on the chopping block if no inactive noobies. - On the verge of becoming a solidified member.
'''Member: ''' Moderately active in the guild - Immune to reasonably-inactive kicks.
'''Veteran: ''' Very active in the guild - Immune to inactive kicks. - Given the Warbound title.
'''Elite: ''' Extremely active in the guild - Considered a genuine force the be reckoned with. - To be looked up to. - Access to elite only chats.
'''Lieutenant: ''' Has attended or contributed to many guild ran events and groups. - My go-to group support.
'''Captain: ''' Backbone of the guild - Runs events and groups in my absences reliably. - The ability to remove items from the guild vault in use of events. - On the verge of becoming a moderator.
'''Major: ''' Junior moderation. - A large amount of trust. - The ability to remove unruly members from the guild and discord.
'''Lieutenant General: ''' Moderator. - Face of the guild. - Upmost respect and trust. - Ability to edit MOTD and promote members.
'''Commander: ''' GM
=== Recruitment ===