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Blacksmithing Complete Recipe List
==[[Blacksmithing/Recipes|Blacksmithing Complete Recipe List]]==
<!-- This table is Updated on November 17, 2022 from patch v287, July 21, 2017 v374 -->
Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} skill.
{| {{STDT|sortable mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>}} style='"width:100%;'"! Lvl !! style="width: 1511%"| Name !! style="width: 5%" | First-Time XP !! Bonus XP !! style="width: 20%"| Ingredients !! style="width: 20%"| Results !! style="width: 30%" | Description!! Source
| 1 || Quarter Hoop || 40 || 10 || 40 {{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Quarter Hoop|1}} [[Quarter Hoop]] x1 || A small metal hoop used in making casks.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Tadion]]
| 1 || Reinforce Metal Shoes || 40 || 10 || 40 {{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x2<br>[[:Category:Items/MetalBoots|Metal Boots ]] x1 || Reinforce Metal Shoes || Add +3 Armor to a pair of metal boots. Consumes 20 Enhancement Craft Points. (Must be near a forge.)|| Leveling
| 1 || Shoddy Werewolf Hind Leg Guards Horseshoes || 40 || 10 || 40 {{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x2x4<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span> <br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1 || {{Item icon|Shoddy Horseshoes| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Shoddy Werewolf Hind Leg GuardsHorseshoes]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed Basic horseshoes to fit on the hind legs of protect your mount's feet. (Must be near a wolfforge.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Falkrin Overstrike]]
| 1 || Shoddy Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) Simple Nails || 40 || 10 || 40 {{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x2x1 || {{Item icon|Simple Nails|1}} [[Simple Nails]] x3 || A handful of wood nails. || <brb><span class="extimage32px">httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Dishing HammerTadion]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Shoddy Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the hind legs of a wolf.
| 1 2 || Simple Nails Throwing Knife || 40 || 10 || 40 {{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x1 x5<br>{{Item icon|Peening Hammer| 1}} [[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume:20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Sharpening Stone|1}} [[Sharpening Stone]] x1 || {{Item icon|Simple Throwing Knife|1}} [[Simple NailsThrowing Knife]] x3 x10 || A handful of wood nailssimple knife designed for beginning knife-throwers. (Used with the Knife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Bahdba]]
| 2 3 || Shoddy Werewolf Foreguards Cow Shoes || 10 48 || 40 12 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span> <br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1 || {{Item icon|Shoddy Cow Shoes|1}} [[Shoddy Cow Shoes]] x1 || Level 5 horseshoes, but for a cow. (Must be near a forge.) || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Shoddy Werewolf ForeguardsTadion]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf.
| 2 3 || Shoddy Werewolf Hindguard Deer Shoes || 10 48 || 40 12 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x3x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span> <br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1 || {{Item icon|Shoddy Deer Shoes|1}} [[Shoddy Deer Shoes]] x1 || Level 5 horseshoes, but for a deer. (Must be near a forge.) || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Shoddy Werewolf HindguardKalaba]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf.
| 2 3 || Shoddy Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) Gryphon Statue || 50 || 10 || 40 {{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x2 || {{Item icon|Shoddy Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerShoddy Gryphon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A poor rendition of a gryphon. This will not impress anyone, but it's good practice to consume: 20make once. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)|| </supb>Gift:</spanb><br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 [[Forgotten Loading Golem|| Shoddy Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf.Borghild Corpse]]
| 2 5 || Simple Throwing Knife Dye Metal Armor (1 color) || 10 80 || 40 20 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Lac|1}} [[Simple Metal SlabLac]] x5x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http[[:Category:Items//</span> &nbsp;[[Peening HammerMetalDyeableArmor|Metal Dyeable Armor]] x1 <span style="display: inline"br><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume[[: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px">httpCategory:Items//</span> &nbsp;[[Sharpening StoneDye|Dye]] x1 || Dye Metal Armor (1 color) || Dye a piece of metal armor one solid color. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Simple Throwing KnifeTadion]] x10 || A simple knife designed for beginning knife-throwers. (Used with the Knife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives.
| 3 5 || Reinforce Metal Gloves || Shoddy Cow Shoes 80 || 12 20 || 48 {{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Dishing HammerBasic Metal Slab]] x1 <span style="display: inline"br><sup style="font-weight[[: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px">httpCategory:Items//</span> &nbsp;[[RivetsMetalGloves|Metal Gloves]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Shoddy Cow Shoes]] x1 Reinforce Metal Gloves || Level 5 horseshoes, but for Add +3 Armor to a cowpair of metal gauntlets or gloves. Consumes 20 Craft Points. (Must be near a forge.)|| Leveling
| 3 5 || Shoddy Deer Shoes Dragon Statue ||75 | 12 |15 | 48 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x2 || {{Item icon|Shoddy Dragon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerShoddy Dragon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A poor rendition of a dragon. This will not impress anyone, but it's good practice to consume: 20make once.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdnLasts for 5 minutes once</span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpGift://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Shoddy Deer ShoesVenenae|Borghild Bookshelf]] x1 || Level 5 horseshoes, but for a deer. (Must be near a forge.)
| 3 5 ||Strong Nails | Shoddy Gryphon Statue |80 | 10 |20 | 200 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Basic Metal Slab]] x1 || {{Item icon|Strong Nails|1}} [[Strong Nails]] x2 || A handful of long wood nails. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Shoddy Gryphon StatueTadion]] x1 || A poor rendition of a gryphon. This will not impress anyone, but it's good practice to make once. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.
| 3 8 || Shoddy Werewolf Barding Small Gryphon Statue || 12 100 || 48 20 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Basic Metal Slab]] x4<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x2 || {{Item icon|Small Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerSmall Gryphon Statue]] x2 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance x1 || A small gryphon. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to consume: 20murder better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span> || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpGift://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Shoddy Werewolf BardingForgotten Loading Golem|Borghild Corpse]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf.
| 3 10 || Shoddy Werewolf Champron Medium Hoop || 12 160 || 48 40 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Basic Metal Slab]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x1 || {{Item icon|Medium Hoop|1}} [[Dishing HammerMedium Hoop]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20|| A metal hoop used in making casks.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span> || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Shoddy Werewolf ChampronTadion]] x1 || It's metal. It fits on a werewolf. These are the only positive attributes.
| 5 10 || Dye Reinforce Metal Armor (1 color) Helm ||160 | 20 |40 | 80 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[LacBasic Metal Slab]] x1x2<br>[[:Category:Items/MetalHelm|Metal Dyeable Armor x1<br>Dye Helm]] x1 || Dye Reinforce Metal Helm || Add +4 Armor to a metal helmet. Consumes 20 Craft Points. (1 colorMust be near a forge.) || Dye a piece of metal armor one solid color.Leveling
| 5 10 || Reinforce Metal Gloves Rough Horseshoes || 160 || 20 40 || 80 {{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab| 1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x1x2<br>{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume:20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Basic Metal SlabRivets]] x1<br>Metal Gloves x1 || Reinforce Metal Gloves {{Item icon|Rough Horseshoes|1}} [[Rough Horseshoes]] x1 || Add +3 Armor Basic horseshoes to a pair of metal gauntlets or gloves. Consumes 20 Enhancement Pointsprotect your mount's feet. (Must be near a forge.)|| <b>Training:</b> [[Falkrin Overstrike]]
| 5 10 || Simple Armor Stake || Shoddy Dragon Statue 160 || 10 40 || 200 {{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x2 x1<br>{{Item icon|Peening Hammer| 1}} [[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume:20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Simple Armor Stake|1}} [[Shoddy Dragon StatueSimple Armor Stake]] x1 || A poor rendition specially-shaped piece of a dragonhardened metal. This will not impress anyone, but it's good practice to make onceis used in the making of plate mail armor. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed<br><br>Must be near a forge.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Tadion]]
| 5 10 ||Small Dragon Statue | Shoddy Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) |150 | 20 |30 | 80 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Basic Metal Slab]] x4<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x2 || {{Item icon|Small Dragon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerSmall Dragon Statue]] x2 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance x1 || A small dragon. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to consume: 20craft better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)|| </supb>Gift:</spanb><br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 [[Venenae|| Shoddy Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf.Borghild Bookshelf]]
| 5 12 || Shoddy Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) Basic Throwing Knife ||192 | 20 |48 | 80 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Basic Metal Slab]] x2x5<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br>Auxiliary Crystal {{Item icon|Sharpening Stone|1}} [[Sharpening Stone]] x1 || Shoddy Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) {{Item icon|Basic Throwing Knife|1}} [[Basic Throwing Knife]] x10 || Simple bits of metal A knife designed to fit on for throwing. (Used with the front legs and claws of a wolfKnife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives. || <b>Training:</b> [[Bahdba]]
| 5 13 || Medium Gryphon Statue || Strong Nails 300 || 20 60 || 80 {{Item icon|Good Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Basic Good Metal Slab]] x3 || {{Item icon|Medium Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Medium Gryphon Statue]] x1 || A medium gryphon. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to murder better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpGift://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Strong NailsForgotten Loading Golem|Borghild Corpse]] x2 || A handful of long wood nails.
| 6 13 || Shoddy Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) Rough Cow Shoes ||208 | 24 |52 | 96 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x3x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br>Auxiliary Crystal {{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1 || Shoddy Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) {{Item icon|Rough Cow Shoes|1}} [[Rough Cow Shoes]] x1 || It's metalLevel 10 horseshoes, but for a cow. It fits on (Must be near a werewolf. These are the only positive attributesforge.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Tadion]]
| 7 13 || Rough Werewolf Champron Deer Shoes || 28 208 || 112 52 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Basic {{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Rough Deer Shoes|1}} [[Rough Werewolf ChampronDeer Shoes]] x1 || It's metalLevel 10 horseshoes, but for a deer. It fits on (Must be near a werewolf. These are the only positive attributesforge.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Kalaba]]
| 7 13 || Shoddy Silver Gryphon Statue || Rough Werewolf Hind Leg Guards 300 || 28 60 || 112 {{Item icon|Shoddy Gryphon Statue| 1}} [[Shoddy Gryphon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Simple Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Dishing HammerSilver Ore]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Shoddy Silver Gryphon Statue|1}} [[RivetsShoddy Silver Gryphon Statue]] x1 || A poor rendition of a gryphon, covered in silver. This will not impress anyone, but making it was good practice. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Rough Werewolf Hind Leg GuardsArt: Silver Gryphon Statues]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the hind legs of a wolf.
| 7 15 || Rough Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) Medium Dragon Statue || 28 325 || 112 65 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Good Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x3 || {{Item icon|Medium Dragon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerMedium Dragon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A medium dragon. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to consume: 20craft better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)</sup>|| </spanb><br><span class="extimage32px">httpGift://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsVenenae|Borghild Bookshelf]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Rough Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the hind legs of a wolf.
| 8 15 || Rough Werewolf Barding Reinforce Metal Pants || 240 || 32 60 || 128 {{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Good Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x2 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px">httpCategory:Items//</span> &nbsp;[[RivetsMetalPants|Metal Pants]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rough Werewolf Barding]] x1 Reinforce Metal Pants || Simple bits Add +5 Armor to a pair of metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of pants. Consumes 20 Craft Points. (Must be near a wolfforge.) || Leveling
| 8 15 || Rough Werewolf Foreguards Shoddy Silver Dragon Statue || 32 325 || 128 65 || {{Item icon|Shoddy Dragon Statue|1}} [[Shoddy Dragon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Simple Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Dishing HammerSilver Ore]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Shoddy Silver Dragon Statue|1}} [[RivetsShoddy Silver Dragon Statue]] x1 || A poor rendition of a dragon, covered in silver. This will not impress anyone, but making it was good practice. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Rough Werewolf ForeguardsArt: Silver Dragon Statues]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf.
| 8 15 || Rough Werewolf Hindguard Thin Metal Lattice || 32 240 || 128 60 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|1}} [[Simple Basic Metal Slab]] x1x4<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span>|| {{Item icon|Thin Metal Lattice|1}} [[Thin Metal Lattice]] x1 || A metal mesh, useful for cages, filters, and similar systems.<br><span class="extimage32px"br>http://cdnMust be near a</span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Rough Werewolf HindguardLeah Bowman]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf.
| 8 17 || Rough Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) Large Gryphon Statue || 32 450 || 128 90 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Basic {{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|1}} [[Simple Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x4 || {{Item icon|Large Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerLarge Gryphon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A large gryphon. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to consume: 20murder better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span>|| <brb><span class="extimage32px">httpGift://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsForgotten Loading Golem|Borghild Corpse]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Rough Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf.
| 8 18 || Small Gryphon Statue Bilge Hoop || 30 288 || 400 72 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Good Metal Slab]] x2 x1 || {{Item icon|Bilge Hoop|1}} [[Bilge Hoop]] x1 || A large metal hoop used in making casks. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Small Gryphon StatueTadion]] x1 || A small gryphon. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to murder better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.
| 9 18 || Rough Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) Small Silver Gryphon Statue || 36 450 || 144 90 || {{Item icon|Small Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Small Gryphon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Silver Ore]] x1 || {{Item icon|Small Silver Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerSmall Silver Gryphon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A small gryphon coated in silver. People who view it will be inspired to consume: 20murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)</sup>|| </spanb><br><span class="extimage32px">httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsArt: Silver Gryphon Statues]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Rough Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf.
| 10 20 || Medium Hoop Basic Armor Stake || 320 || 40 80 || 160 {{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab| 1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x1 <br>{{Item icon|Peening Hammer| 1}} [[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight:bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Basic Armor Stake|1}} [[Medium HoopBasic Armor Stake]] x1 || A specially-shaped piece of hardened metal hoop . This is used in the making casksof plate mail armor.<br><br>Must be near a forge.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Tadion]]
| 10 20 || Crude Horseshoes || 320 || 80 ||{{Item icon| Reinforce Good Metal Helm Slab|1}} [[Good Metal Slab]] x2<br>{{Item icon| 40 Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x2<br>{{Item icon| 160 |Dishing Hammer| 1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight:bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Basic Metal SlabRivets]] x2<br>Metal Helm x1 || Reinforce Metal Helm {{Item icon|Crude Horseshoes|1}} [[Crude Horseshoes]] x1 || Add +4 Armor Basic horseshoes to a metal helmet. Consumes 20 Enhancement Pointsprotect your mount's feet. (Must be near a forge.)|| <b>Training:</b> [[Falkrin Overstrike]]
| 10 20 ||Large Dragon Statue | Rough Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) |550 | 40 |110 | 160 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Basic Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|1}} [[Simple Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x4 || {{Item icon|Large Dragon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerLarge Dragon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A large dragon. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to consume: 20craft better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span>|| <brb><span class="extimage32px">httpGift://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsVenenae|Borghild Bookshelf]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Rough Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) || It's metal. It fits on a werewolf. These are the only positive attributes.
| 10 20 || Simple Armor Stake Reinforce Metal Shirt ||320 | 40 |80 | 160 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Good Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weightCategory: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)<Items/sup></span> MetalShirt|| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Simple Armor StakeMetal Shirt]] x1 || A specially-shaped piece of hardened Reinforce Metal Shirt || Add +5 Armor to a metalshirt or chestplate. Consumes 20 Craft Points. This is used in the making of plate mail armor(Must be near a forge.) || Leveling
| 10 20 || Small Silver Dragon Statue || 30 550 || 400 110 || {{Item icon|Small Dragon Statue|1}} [[Small Dragon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x2 x1<br>{{Item icon|Silver Ore| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Silver Ore]] x1 || {{Item icon|Small Silver Dragon Statue|1}} [[Small Silver Dragon Statue]] x1 || A small dragoncoated in silver. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to craft better. Lasts for 5 10 minutes once deployed.|| <b>Item:</b> [[Art: Silver Dragon Statues]]
| 11 20 ||Thin Mesh Grate | Rough Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) |320 | 44 |80 | 176 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Good Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Thin Mesh Grate|1}} [[Dishing HammerThin Mesh Grate]] x2 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20|| A small thin piece of metal covered in a grid of holes. It is used by flower arrangers. Makes two.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span>|| <brb><span class="extimage32px">httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsTadion]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Rough Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf.
| 12 22 || Basic Good Throwing Knife || 48 352 || 192 88 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Good Metal Slab]] x5x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Sharpening Stone|1}} [[Sharpening Stone]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Throwing Knife|1}} [[Basic Good Throwing Knife]] x10 || A well-balanced knife designed for throwing. (Used with the Knife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Bahdba]]
| 13 23 || Medium Gryphon Statue Crude Cow Shoes (Enchanted) || 60 368 || 800 92 || {{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Simple Metal Slab]] x3 x1<br>{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer| 1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight:bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1<br>[[Medium Gryphon Statue:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || A medium gryphon{{Item icon|Crude Cow Shoes |1}} [[Crude Cow Shoes |Crude Cow Shoes (Enchanted)]]|| Level 20 horseshoes, but for a cow. People who view it will Infused with magic. (Must be vaguely inspired to murder better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployednear a forge.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Tadion]]
| 13 23 || Rough Cow Crude Deer Shoes (Enchanted) || 52 368 || 208 92 || {{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"br>http[[:Category:Items//</span> &nbsp;Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Crude Deer Shoes |1}} [[Rough Cow Crude Deer Shoes |Crude Deer Shoes(Enchanted)]] x1 || Level 10 20 horseshoes, but for a cowdeer. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)|| <b>Training:</b> [[Kalaba]]
| 13 23 || Rough Deer Shoes Huge Gryphon Statue || 52 650 || 208 130 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x5 || {{Item icon|Huge Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerHuge Gryphon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A huge gryphon. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to consume: 20murder better.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdnLasts for 5 minutes once</span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpGift://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Rough Deer ShoesForgotten Loading Golem|Borghild Corpse]] x1 || Level 10 horseshoes, but for a deer. (Must be near a forge.)
| 13 23 || Shoddy Medium Silver Gryphon Statue || 60 650 || 800 130 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Medium Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Shoddy Medium Gryphon Statue]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Good Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Silver Ore]] x1 x2 ||{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Medium Silver Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Shoddy Medium Silver Gryphon Statue]] x1 || A poor rendition of a medium gryphon, covered coated in silver. This People who view it will not impress anyone, but making it was good practicebe inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.|| <b>Item:</b> [[Art: Silver Gryphon Statues]]
| 15 23 || Medium Dragon Shoddy Gold Gryphon Statue || 60 600 || 800 120 || {{Item icon|Shoddy Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Shoddy Gryphon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Simple Metal Slab]] x3 x1<br>{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Gold Ore]] x1 | <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;| {{Item icon|Shoddy Gold Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Medium Dragon Shoddy Gold Gryphon Statue]] x1 || A medium dragonpoor rendition of a gryphon, covered in gold. People who view This will not impress anyone, but making it will be vaguely inspired to craft betterwas good practice. Lasts for 5 10 minutes once deployed.|| <b>Item:</b> [[Art: Gold Gryphon Statues]]
| 15 25 || Reinforce Metal Add Pockets To Organic Pants || 60 400 || 240 100 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1x2<br>{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Silver Ore]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Good Metal SlabGold Ore]] x1<br>Metal [[:Category:Items/OrganicPants|Organic Pants ]] x1 || Reinforce Metal Add Pockets To Organic Pants || Add +5 Armor 2 inventory slots to a pair of metal organic-armor pants. Consumes 20 Enhancement Craft Points. (Must be near a forge.)|| <b>Training:</b> [[Solgribue]]
| 15 25 || Shoddy Silver Dragon Statue Combine Gold Nuggets || 60 400 || 800 100 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Nugget|1}} [[Shoddy Dragon StatueGold Nugget]] x4 || {{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Gold Ore]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Gold Ore]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color://</span> &nbspred;[[Simple Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class" title="extimage32pxChance of being created: 25% &#010;">http:(!)<//></span> &nbsp;[[Silver Ore]] x1 || Combine gold nuggets into a larger, more useful chunk of gold. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Shoddy Silver Dragon StatueBlacksmithing: Combining Gold Nuggets]] x1 || A poor rendition of a dragon, covered in silver. This will not impress anyone, but making it was good practice. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
| 17 25 || Crude Werewolf Champron Dye Metal Armor (2 colors) || 400 || 68 100 || 272 {{Item icon|Lac| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Good Metal SlabLac]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px">http[[:Category:Items//</span> &nbsp;[[Basic MetalDyeableArmor|Metal SlabDyeable Armor]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http[[:Category:Items//</span> &nbsp;[[Tack HammerDye|Dye]] x1 <span style="display: inline"br><sup style="font-weight: bold; color[[: red;" title="Chance to consumeCategory: 20.0% &#13;">(!)<Items/sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[RivetsDye|Dye]] x1 || Dye Metal Armor (2 colors) || Dye a piece of metal armor using two colors. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Crude Werewolf ChampronTadion]] x1 || It's metal. It fits on a werewolf. These are the only positive attributes.
| 17 25 || Crude Werewolf Hind Leg Guards Huge Dragon Statue || 68 750 || 272 150 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x5 || {{Item icon|Huge Dragon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerHuge Dragon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A huge dragon. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdncraft for 5 minutes once deployed.png</span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpGift://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Crude Werewolf Hind Leg GuardsVenenae|Borghild Bookshelf]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the hind legs of a wolf.
| 17 25 || Crude Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) Medium Silver Dragon Statue || 68 750 || 272 150 || {{Item icon|Medium Dragon Statue|1}} [[Medium Dragon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Silver Ore]] x2 || {{Item icon|Medium Silver Dragon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerMedium Silver Dragon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A medium dragon coated in silver. People who view it will be inspired to consume: 20craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)</sup>|| </spanb><br><span class="extimage32px">httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsArt: Silver Dragon Statues]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Crude Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the hind legs of a wolf.
| 17 25 || Large Gryphon Statue Rivets || 90 400 || 1200 100 || {{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Metal Slab]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br>{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x1</spanbr> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Simple Metal Slab]] x4 x1 || {{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x5 || Metal pins used in armorsmithing. Makes 5 bundles. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Large Gryphon StatueTadion]] x1 || A large gryphon. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to murder better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployed.
| 18 25 || Bilge Hoop Shoddy Gold Dragon Statue || 72 600 || 288 120 || {{Item icon|Shoddy Dragon Statue|1}} [[Shoddy Dragon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br>{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Metal Slab]] x1</spanbr> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Good Metal SlabGold Ore]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Shoddy Gold Dragon Statue|1}} [[Bilge HoopShoddy Gold Dragon Statue]] x1 || A large metal hoop used poor rendition of a dragon, covered in gold. This will not impress anyone, but making casksit was good practice. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.|| <b>Item:</b> [[Art: Gold Dragon Statues]]
| 18 27 || Crude Werewolf Barding Large Silver Gryphon Statue || 72 750 || 288 150 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Large Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Good Metal SlabLarge Gryphon Statue]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Dishing HammerSilver Ore]] x2 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Large Silver Gryphon Statue|1}} [[RivetsLarge Silver Gryphon Statue]] x1 || A large gryphon coated in silver. People who view it will be inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Crude Werewolf BardingArt: Silver Gryphon Statues]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf.
| 18 28 || Crude Werewolf Foreguards Small Gold Gryphon Statue || 72 750 || 288 150 || {{Item icon|Small Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Small Gryphon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Basic Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Dishing HammerGold Ore]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Small Gold Gryphon Statue|1}} [[RivetsSmall Gold Gryphon Statue]] x1 || A small gryphon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Crude Werewolf ForeguardsArt: Gold Gryphon Statues]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf.
| 18 30 || Crude Werewolf Hindguard Add Pockets To Organic Shirt || 72 480 || 288 120 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Silver Ore]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Dishing HammerGold Ore]] x1 <span style="display: inline"br><sup style="font-weight[[: bold; colorCategory: red;" title="Chance Items/OrganicShirt|Organic Shirt]] x1 || Add Pockets To Organic Shirt || Add +2 inventory slots to consume: an organic-armor shirt. Consumes 20Craft Points.0% &#13;">(!Must be near a forge.)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Crude Werewolf HindguardSolgribue]] x1 || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf.
| 18 30 || Crude Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) Decent Horseshoes ||480 | 72 |120 | 288 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Good Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Hardened Rivets|1}} [[Hardened Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal {{Item icon|Amethyst|1}} [[Amethyst]] x1 || Crude Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) {{Item icon|Decent Horseshoes |1}} [[Decent Horseshoes]] || Simple bits of metal designed Magical horseshoes to fit on the lower legs and haunches of protect your mount's feet. (Must be near a wolfforge.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Falkrin Overstrike]]
| 18 30 || Small Silver Gryphon Statue Good Armor Stake || 90 480 || 1200 120 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Small Gryphon StatueBasic Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Good Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color:red;" title="Chance to consume: 50% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Good Armor Stake|1}} [[Silver OreGood Armor Stake]] x1 || A specially-shaped piece of hardened metal. This is used in the making of plate mail armor.<br><br>Must be near a forge. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Small Silver Gryphon StatueTadion]] x1 || A small gryphon coated in silver. People who view it will be inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
| 19 30 || Crude Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) Large Silver Dragon Statue || 76 750 || 304 150 || {{Item icon|Large Dragon Statue|1}} [[Large Dragon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Silver Ore]] x2 || {{Item icon|Large Silver Dragon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerLarge Silver Dragon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A large dragon coated in silver. People who view it will be inspired to consume: 20craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br>|| <span class="extimage32px"b>httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsArt: Silver Dragon Statues]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Crude Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) || Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf.
| 20 30 || Basic Armor Stake Mesh Grate || 480 || 80 120 || 320 {{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Simple Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Peening HammerSimple Metal Slab]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span> || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Mesh Grate|1}} [[Basic Armor StakeMesh Grate]] x1 x2 || A specially-shaped piece of hardened metalcovered in a grid of holes. This It is used in the making of plate mail armorby flower arrangers. Makes two.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Tadion]]
| 20 30 || Crude Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) Small Gold Dragon Statue || 80 750 || 320 150 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Small Dragon Statue|1}} [[Good Metal SlabSmall Dragon Statue]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Gold Ore]] x1 || {{Item icon|Small Gold Dragon Statue|1}} [[Tack HammerSmall Gold Dragon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A small dragon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to consume: 20craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)</sup>|| </spanb><br><span class="extimage32px">httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsArt: Gold Dragon Statues]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Crude Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) || It's metal. It fits on a werewolf. These are the only positive attributes.
| 20 30 || Sturdy Metal Lattice || 480 ||120 | Large Dragon Statue |{{Item icon| 90 Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Metal Slab]] x3<br>{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab| 1200 1}} [[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer| 1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume:20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Expert-Quality Metal SlabPeening Hammer]] x4 || x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight:bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Sturdy Metal Lattice|1}} [[Large Dragon StatueSturdy Metal Lattice]] x1 || A large dragonmetal mesh, useful for cages, filters, and similar systems. People who view it will <br><br>Must be vaguely inspired to craft better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployednear a forge.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Leah Bowman]]
| 20 30 || Reinforce Metal Shirt Vise || 480 || 80 120 || 320 {{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab| 1}} [[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Simple Metal Slab]] x2x1<br>Metal Shirt {{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1 || Reinforce Metal Shirt {{Item icon|Vise|1}} [[Vise]] x1 || Add +5 Armor to a A metal shirt or chestplateclamp used by toolmakers and armorsmiths. Consumes 20 Enhancement Points. (Must be near a forge.)|| <b>Training:</b> [[Tadion]]
| 20 32 || Expert's Throwing Knife || Small Silver Dragon Statue 512 || 90 128 || 1200 {{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Small Dragon StatueExpert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color://</span> &nbspred;[[Basic Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class" title="extimage32pxChance to consume: 20% &#010;">http:(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Sharpening Stone|1}} [[Silver OreSharpening Stone]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert's Throwing Knife|1}} [[Small Silver Dragon StatueExpert's Throwing Knife]] x1 x10 || A small dragon coated in silvercarefully-made knife designed for expert knife-throwers. People who view it will be inspired to craft better(Used with the Knife combat skill. Lasts for ) Recipe creates 10 minutes once deployedknives.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Bahdba]]
| 20 33 || Decent Cow Shoes (Enchanted) || Thin Mesh Grate 528 || 80 132 || 320 {{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab| 1}} [[Basic Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Simple Metal Slab]] x2x1<br>{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume:20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Simple Metal SlabRivets]] x2 || x1<span class="extimage32px"br>http[[:Category:Items//cdnCrystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Decent Cow Shoes |1}} [[Decent Cow Shoes |Decent Cow Shoes (Enchanted)]]|| Level 30 horseshoes, but for a cow.projectgorgonInfused with be near a forge.png) || <b>Training:</spanb> &nbsp;[[Thin Mesh GrateTadion]] x2 || A small thin piece of metal covered in a grid of holes. It is used by flower arrangers. Makes two.
| 21 33 || Crude Werewolf Barding Decent Deer Shoes (Enchanted) || 84 528 || 336 132 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Basic Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Simple Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Simple Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x2 x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal ]] x1 || Crude Werewolf Barding {{Item icon|Decent Deer Shoes |1}} [[Decent Deer Shoes |Decent Deer Shoes (Enchanted) ]]|| Simple bits of metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of Level 30 horseshoes, but for a deer. Infused with magic. (Must be near a wolfforge.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Kalaba]]
| 22 33 || Good Throwing Knife Huge Silver Gryphon Statue || 88 900 || 352 180 || {{Item icon|Huge Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Huge Gryphon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Peening HammerSilver Ore]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x3 || {{Item icon|Huge Silver Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Sharpening StoneHuge Silver Gryphon Statue]] x1 || A huge gryphon coated in silver. People who view it will be inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Good Throwing KnifeArt: Silver Gryphon Statues]] x10 || A well-balanced knife designed for throwing. (Used with the Knife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives.
| 23 33 || Crude Cow Shoes Medium Gold Gryphon Statue || 92 900 || 368 180 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Medium Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Basic Metal SlabMedium Gryphon Statue]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Good Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Gold Ore]] x2 || {{Item icon|Medium Gold Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Dishing HammerMedium Gold Gryphon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A medium gryphon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to consume: 20murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)|| </supb></span><br><span class="extimage32px">httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsArt: Gold Gryphon Statues]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Crude Cow Shoes || Level 20 horseshoes, but for a cow. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)
| 23 35 || Crude Deer Shoes Add Pockets To Metal Pants ||560 | 92 |140 | 368 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Simple Metal SlabGold Ore]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consumeCategory: 20.0% &#13;">(!)<Items/sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[RivetsMetalPants|Metal Pants]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Crude Deer Shoes Add Pockets To Metal Pants || Level 20 horseshoes, but for Add +1 inventory slot to a deerset of metal-armor pants. Infused with magicConsumes 12 Craft Points. (Must be near a forge.)|| <b>Training:</b> [[Solgribue]]
| 23 35 || Huge Gryphon Silver Dragon Statue || 150 900 || 2000 180 || {{Item icon|Huge Dragon Statue|1}} [[Huge Dragon Statue]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x5 x1<br>{{Item icon|Silver Ore|1}} [[Silver Ore]] x3 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Huge Silver Dragon Statue|1}} [[Huge Gryphon Silver Dragon Statue]] x1 || A huge gryphondragon coated in silver. People who view it will be vaguely inspired to murder craft better. Lasts for 5 10 minutes once deployed.|| <b>Item:</b> [[Art: Silver Dragon Statues]]
| 23 35 || Medium Silver Gryphon Gold Dragon Statue || 120 900 || 2000 180 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Medium Dragon Statue|1}} [[Medium Gryphon Dragon Statue]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Silver Gold Ore]] x2 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Medium Gold Dragon Statue|1}} [[Medium Silver Gryphon Gold Dragon Statue]] x1 || A medium gryphon dragon coated in silvergold. People who view it will be inspired to murder craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.|| <b>Item:</b> [[Art: Gold Dragon Statues]]
| 23 37 || Shoddy Large Gold Gryphon Statue || 120 1000 || 2000 200 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Large Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Shoddy Large Gryphon Statue]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Gold Ore]] x1 x2 ||{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Large Gold Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Shoddy Large Gold Gryphon Statue]] x1 || A poor rendition of a large gryphon, covered coated in gold. This People who view it will not impress anyone, but making it was good practicebe inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.|| <b>Item:</b> [[Art: Gold Gryphon Statues]]
| 25 40 || Dye Add Pockets To Metal Armor (2 colors) Shirt || 640 || 100 160 || 400 {{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[LacMasterwork Metal Slab]] x2x1<br>{{Item icon|Amazing Metal Slab|1}} [[Amazing Metal Dyeable Armor Slab]] x1<br>Dye x1{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Gold Ore]] x2<br>Dye [[:Category:Items/MetalShirt|Metal Shirt]] x1 || Dye Add Pockets To Metal Armor (2 colors) Shirt || Dye Add +1 inventory slot to a piece of metal -armor using two colorsshirt. Consumes 12 Craft Points. (Must be near a forge.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Solgribue]]
| 25 40 || Huge Dragon Statue Expert-Quality Armor Stake || 150 640 || 2000 160 || {{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Metal Slab]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Masterwork Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x5 x1<br>{{Item icon|Shaping Hammer| 1}} [[Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume:20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Expert-Quality Armor Stake|1}} [[Huge Dragon StatueExpert-Quality Armor Stake]] x1 || A huge dragonspecially-shaped piece of hardened metal. People who view it will This is used in the making of plate mail armor.<br><br>Must be vaguely inspired to craft better. Lasts for 5 minutes once deployednear a forge.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Tadion]]
| 25 40 || Medium Silver Large Gold Dragon Statue || 120 1250 || 2000 250 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Large Dragon Statue|1}} [[Medium Large Dragon Statue]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Silver Gold Ore]] x2 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Large Gold Dragon Statue|1}} [[Medium Silver Large Gold Dragon Statue]] x1 || A medium large dragon coated in silvergold. People who view it will be inspired to craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.|| <b>Item:</b> [[Art: Gold Dragon Statues]]
| 25 40 || Rivets Nice Horseshoes ||640 | 100 |160 | 400 |{{Item icon| Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1x2<br>{{Item icon|Shaping Hammer|1}} [[Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume:10% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Hardened Rivets|1}} [[Basic Metal SlabHardened Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amethyst|1}} [[Simple Metal SlabAmethyst]] x1 || {{Item icon|Nice Horseshoes |1}} [[Nice Horseshoes]] || High-quality enchanted horseshoes for any type of horse. (Must be near a forge.) || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsFalkrin Overstrike]] x5 || Metal pins used in armorsmithing. Makes 5 bundles.
| 25 42 || Shoddy Gold Dragon Statue Master's Throwing Knife || 120 672 || 2000 168 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Shoddy Dragon StatueMasterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight://</span> &nbspbold; color: red;[[Simple Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class" title="extimage32pxChance to consume: 20% &#010;">http:(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Sharpening Stone|1}} [[Gold OreSharpening Stone]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Master's Throwing Knife|1}} [[Shoddy Gold Dragon StatueMaster's Throwing Knife]] x1 x10 || A poor rendition of a dragon, covered in goldmasterfully-made throwing knife. This will not impress anyone, but making it was good practice(Used with the Knife combat skill. Lasts for ) Recipe creates 10 minutes once deployedknives.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Bahdba]]
| 27 43 || Decent Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) Huge Gold Gryphon Statue || 108 1500 || 432 300 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Huge Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Expert-Quality Metal SlabHuge Gryphon Statue]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Gold Ore]] x3 || {{Item icon|Huge Gold Gryphon Statue|1}} [[Tack HammerHuge Gold Gryphon Statue]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance || A huge gryphon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to consume: 20murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span>|| <brb><span class="extimage32px">httpItem://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsArt: Gold Gryphon Statues]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Decent Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) || Resilient metal guards for a wolf's hind legs.
| 27 43 || Large Silver Gryphon Statue Nice Cow Shoes (Enchanted) || 150 688 || 2400 172 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Large Gryphon StatueGood Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Basic Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight:bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Silver OreRivets]] x2 || <span class="extimage32px"br>http[[:Category:Items//cdnCrystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Nice Cow Shoes |1}} [[Nice Cow Shoes |Nice Cow Shoes (Enchanted)]]|| Level 40 horseshoes, but for a cow.projectgorgonInfused with be near a forge.png) || <b>Training:</spanb> &nbsp;[[Large Silver Gryphon StatueTadion]] x1 || A large gryphon coated in silver. People who view it will be inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
| 28 43 || Decent Werewolf Hindguard Nice Deer Shoes (Enchanted) || 112 688 || 448 172 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Good Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Basic Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Basic Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Tack Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1x2<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal ]] x1 || Decent Werewolf Hindguard {{Item icon|Nice Deer Shoes |1}} [[Nice Deer Shoes |Nice Deer Shoes (Enchanted) ]]|| Strong metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of Level 40 horseshoes, but for a deer. Infused with magic. (Must be near a wolfforge.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Kalaba]]
| 28 45 || Small Huge Gold Gryphon Dragon Statue || 150 1750 || 2400 350 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Huge Dragon Statue|1}} [[Small Gryphon Huge Dragon Statue]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Basic Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Gold Ore]] x1 x3 || {{Item icon|Huge Gold Dragon Statue| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Small Huge Gold Gryphon Dragon Statue]] x1 || A small gryphon huge dragon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to murder craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.|| <b>Item:</b> [[Art: Gold Dragon Statues]]
| 29 50 || Decent Werewolf Foreguards Dye Metal Armor (Enchanted3 colors) || 116 800 || 200 || 464 {{Item icon|Lac| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Expert-Quality Metal SlabLac]] x1x3<br><span class="extimage32px">http[[:Category:Items//</span> &nbsp;[[Good MetalDyeableArmor|Metal SlabDyeable Armor]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http[[:Category:Items//</span> &nbsp;[[Tack HammerDye|Dye]] x1 <span style="display: inline"br><sup style="font-weight[[: bold; colorCategory: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)<Items/sup></span>Dye|Dye]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http[[:Category:Items//</span> &nbsp;[[RivetsDye|Dye]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Decent Werewolf Foreguards Dye Metal Armor (Enchanted3 colors) || Strong Dye a piece of metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolfarmor using three colors.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Tadion]]
| 30 50 || Decent Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) Hardened Rivets || 800 || 120 200 || 480 {{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Expert-Quality Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Stibnite|1}} [[Delicate Tack HammerStibnite]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20|| {{Item icon|Hardened Rivets|1}} [[Hardened Rivets]] x5 || Metal pins used in armorsmithing. Makes 5 bundles.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span>|| <brb><span class="extimage32px">httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsLeah Bowman]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Decent Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) || A reasonable-looking metal helm for a werewolf.
| 30 50 || Good Masterwork Armor Stake || 120 800 || 200 || 480 {{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Basic Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Shaping Hammer|1}} [[Peening Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 50.020% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span> || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Armor Stake|1}} [[Good Masterwork Armor Stake]] x1 || A specially-shaped piece of hardened metal. This is used in the making of plate mail armor.<br><br>Must be near a forge. || <b>Training:</b> [[Tadion]]
| 30 50 || Large Silver Dragon Statue Quality Horseshoes || 150 800 || 2400 200 || {{Item icon|Amazing Metal Slab|1}} [[Amazing Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br>{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2</spanbr> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Shaping Hammer|1}} [[Large Dragon StatueShaping Hammer]] x1<brspan style="display: inline"><span classsup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="extimage32pxChance to consume: 10% &#010;">http:(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Hardened Rivets|1}} [[Expert-Quality Metal SlabHardened Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amethyst|1}} [[Amethyst]] x1 || {{Item icon|Quality Horseshoes |1}} [[Silver OreQuality Horseshoes]] x2 || High-quality enchanted horseshoes for any type of horse. (Must be near a forge.) || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Large Silver Dragon StatueFalkrin Overstrike]] x1 || A large dragon coated in silver. People who view it will be inspired to craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
| 30 52 || Mesh Grate Amazing Throwing Knife || 120 832 || 480 208 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amazing Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Amazing Metal Slab]] x2x1<br>{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight://</span> &nbspbold; color: red;[[Basic Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class" title="extimage32pxChance to consume: 20% &#010;">http:(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Sharpening Stone|1}} [[Simple Metal SlabSharpening Stone]] x1 || {{Item icon|Amazing Throwing Knife|1}} [[Amazing Throwing Knife]] x10 || An exceptionally well-made throwing knife. (Used with the Knife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Mesh GrateBahdba]] x2 || A piece of metal covered in a grid of holes. It is used by flower arrangers. Makes two.
| 30 53 || Small Gold Dragon Statue Quality Cow Shoes (Enchanted) || 150 848 || 2400 212 || {{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Small Dragon StatueGood Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight:bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Basic Metal SlabRivets]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px">http[[:Category:Items//</span> &nbsp;Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Quality Cow Shoes |1}} [[Gold OreQuality Cow Shoes |Quality Cow Shoes (Enchanted)]] x1 || Level 50 horseshoes, but for a cow. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.) || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Small Gold Dragon StatueTadion]] x1 || A small dragon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
| 30 53 || Vise Quality Deer Shoes (Enchanted) || 120 848 || 480 212 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Good Metal Slab|1}} [[Simple Good Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Dishing Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume:20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1 || x2<span class="extimage32px"br>http[[:Category:Items//cdnCrystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Quality Deer Shoes |1}} [[Quality Deer Shoes |Quality Deer Shoes (Enchanted)]]|| Level 50 horseshoes, but for a deer.projectgorgonInfused with be near a forge.png) || <b>Training:</spanb> &nbsp;[[ViseKalaba]] x1 || A metal clamp used by toolmakers and armorsmiths.
| 31 60 || Decent Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) Amazing Armor Stake || 960 || 124 240 || 496 {{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Expert-Quality Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amazing Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Amazing Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.050% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Shaping Hammer|1}} [[Tack Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span>|| {{Item icon|Amazing Armor Stake|1}} [[Amazing Armor Stake]] x1 || A specially-shaped piece of hardened metal. This is used in the making of plate mail armor.<br><span class="extimage32px"br>Must be near a forge. || <b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsTadion]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Decent Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf.
| 32 60 || Expert's Throwing Knife Great Horseshoes || 128 960 || 512 240 || {{Item icon|Astounding Metal Slab|1}} [[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amazing Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Amazing Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Grand Shaping Hammer|1}} [[Peening Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.010% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br>{{Item icon|Extreme Rivets|1}} [[Extreme Rivets]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amethyst|1}} [[Sharpening StoneAmethyst]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Great Horseshoes |1}} [[Expert's Throwing KnifeGreat Horseshoes]] x10 || A carefully-made knife designed Magic horseshoes optimized for expert knife-throwersacceleration. (Used with the Knife combat skillMust be near a forge.) Recipe creates 10 knives.|| <b>Training:</b> [[Falkrin Overstrike]]
| 33 60 || Decent Cow Shoes Melt Golden Acorns || 132 960 || 528 240 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Golden Acorn|1}} [[Basic Metal SlabGolden Acorn]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;x1 || {{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Simple Metal SlabGold Ore]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Gold Ore|1}} [[Dishing HammerGold Ore]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consumeof being created: 20.050% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span>|| Combine gold acorns into a more useful form of gold for crafting. || <brb><span class="extimage32px">httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsSolgribue]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Decent Cow Shoes || Level 30 horseshoes, but for a cow. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)
| 33 62 || Decent Deer Shoes Astounding Throwing Knife || 132 992 || 528 248 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Basic {{Item icon|Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|1}} [[Simple Astounding Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Dishing Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Sharpening Stone|1}} [[RivetsSharpening Stone]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Decent Deer Shoes {{Item icon|Astounding Throwing Knife|1}} [[Astounding Throwing Knife]] x10 || Level 30 horseshoes, but for a deerAn exceptionally well-made throwing knife. Infused (Used with magicthe Knife combat skill. (Must be near a forge) Recipe creates 10 knives.)|| <b>Training:</b> [[Bahdba]]
| 33 63 || Huge Silver Gryphon Statue Great Cow Shoes (Enchanted) || 180 1008 || 3000 252 || {{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Huge Gryphon StatueExpert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Tack Hammer|1}} [[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume:20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Masterwork Metal SlabRivets]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px">http[[:Category:Items//</span> &nbsp;Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Great Cow Shoes |1}} [[Silver OreGreat Cow Shoes |Great Cow Shoes (Enchanted)]] x3 || Level 60 horseshoes, but for a cow. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.) || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Huge Silver Gryphon StatueFalkrin Overstrike]] x1 || A huge gryphon coated in silver. People who view it will be inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
| 33 63 || Medium Gold Gryphon Statue Great Deer Shoes (Enchanted) || 180 1008 || 3000 252 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Medium Gryphon StatueMasterwork Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Expert-Quality Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Tack Hammer|1}} [[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color:red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Gold OreRivets]] x2 || <span class="extimage32px"br>http[[:Category:Items//cdnCrystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Great Deer Shoes |1}} [[Great Deer Shoes |Great Deer Shoes (Enchanted)]]|| Level 60 horseshoes, but for a deer.projectgorgonInfused with be near a forge.png) || <b>Training:</spanb> &nbsp;[[Medium Gold Gryphon StatueFalkrin Overstrike]] x1 || A medium gryphon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
| 35 70 || Huge Silver Dragon Statue Amazing Horseshoes || 180 1120 || 3000 280 || {{Item icon|Superb Metal Slab|1}} [[Superb Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br>{{Item icon|Astounding Metal Slab|1}} [[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2</spanbr> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Grand Shaping Hammer|1}} [[Huge Dragon StatueGrand Shaping Hammer]] x1<brspan style="display: inline"><span classsup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="extimage32pxChance to consume: 10% &#010;">http:(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Extreme Rivets|1}} [[Masterwork Metal SlabExtreme Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amethyst|1}} [[Amethyst]] x1 || {{Item icon|Amazing Horseshoes |1}} [[Silver OreAmazing Horseshoes]] x3 || Magic horseshoes optimized for acceleration. (Must be near a forge.) || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Huge Silver Dragon StatueFalkrin Overstrike]] x1 || A huge dragon coated in silver. People who view it will be inspired to craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
| 35 72 || Medium Gold Dragon Statue Superb Throwing Knife || 180 1152 || 3000 288 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Superb Metal Slab|1}} [[Medium Dragon StatueSuperb Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Peening Hammer|1}} [[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume:20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Sharpening Stone|1}} [[Good Metal SlabSharpening Stone]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Superb Throwing Knife|1}} [[Gold OreSuperb Throwing Knife]] x2 x10 || An exceptionally well-made throwing knife. (Used with the Knife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives. || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Medium Gold Dragon StatueBahdba]] x1 || A medium dragon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
| 37 73 || Large Gold Gryphon Statue Amazing Cow Shoes (Enchanted) || 200 1168 || 3200 292 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amazing Metal Slab|1}} [[Large Gryphon StatueAmazing Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br>{{Item icon|Delicate Tack Hammer|1}} [[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline">http<sup style="font-weight:bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Gold OreRivets]] x2 || <span class="extimage32px"br>http[[:Category:Items//cdnCrystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Amazing Cow Shoes |1}} [[Amazing Cow Shoes |Amazing Cow Shoes (Enchanted)]]|| Level 70 horseshoes, but for a cow.projectgorgonInfused with be near a forge.png) || <b>Training:</spanb> &nbsp;[[Large Gold Gryphon StatueFalkrin Overstrike]] x1 || A large gryphon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.
| 37 73 || Nice Werewolf Hind Leg Guards Amazing Deer Shoes (Enchanted) || 148 1168 || 592 292 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amazing Metal Slab|1}} [[Masterwork Amazing Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Masterwork Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Delicate Tack Hammer|1}} [[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Rivets]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px">http[[:Category:Items//</span> &nbsp;[[Leather StripsCrystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Werewolf Hind Leg Guards {{Item icon|Amazing Deer Shoes |1}} [[Amazing Deer Shoes |Amazing Deer Shoes (Enchanted) ]]|| Resilient metal guards Level 70 horseshoes, but for a wolf's hind legsdeer. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.) || <b>Training:</b> [[Falkrin Overstrike]]
| 38 75 || Nice Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) Extreme Rivets || 1200 || 152 300 || 608 {{Item icon|Astounding Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Masterwork Astounding Metal Slab]] x2x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amazing Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Paladium|1}} [[Delicate Tack HammerPaladium]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;|| {{Item icon|Extreme Rivets|1}} [[Extreme Rivets]] x1x5 || Hardened metal pins used in armorsmithing. Makes 5 bundles. || <br><span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Leather StripsLeah Bowman]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf.
| 39 80 || Nice Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) Astounding Horseshoes || 1280 || 156 320 || 624 {{Item icon|Marvelous Metal Slab| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;1}} [[Masterwork Marvelous Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Superb Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Superb Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Grand Shaping Hammer|1}} [[Delicate Tack Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span><br>{{Item icon|Extreme Rivets|1}} [[Extreme Rivets]] x1<span class="extimage32px"br>http://cdn{{Item icon|Amethyst|1}} [[Amethyst]] x1 || {{Item icon|Astounding Horseshoes |1}} [[Astounding Horseshoes]] || Masterful magical horseshoes.projectgorgon(Must be near a || <b>Training:</spanb> &nbsp;[[RivetsFalkrin Overstrike]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining://</spanb> &nbsp;[[Leather StripsSolgribue]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf.
| 40 83 || Expert-Quality Armor Stake Astounding Cow Shoes (Enchanted) ||1328 | 160 |332 | 640 |{{Item icon| <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;Astounding Metal Slab|1}} [[Good Astounding Metal Slab]] x1x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amazing Metal Slab|1}} [[Expert-Quality Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Delicate Tack Hammer|1}} [[Shaping Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13010;">(!)</sup></span> <br>{{Item icon|Rivets| 1}} [[Rivets]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br>http[[:Category:Items//cdnCrystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || {{Item icon|Astounding Cow Shoes |1}} [[Astounding Cow Shoes |Astounding Cow Shoes (Enchanted)]]|| Level 80 horseshoes, but for a cow.projectgorgonInfused with be near a forge.png) || <b>Training:</spanb> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Armor StakeSolgribue]] x1 || A specially-shaped piece of hardened metal. This is used in the making of plate mail armor.
| 40 83 || Large Gold Dragon Statue Astounding Deer Shoes (Enchanted) || 1328 || 200 332 || 3200 {{Item icon|Astounding Metal Slab| 1}} [[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<span class="extimage32px"br></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Amazing Metal Slab|1}} [[Large Dragon StatueAmazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;{{Item icon|Delicate Tack Hammer|1}} [[Expert-Quality Metal SlabDelicate Tack Hammer]] x1<br><span classstyle="extimage32pxdisplay: inline"></span> &nbsp;[[Gold Ore]] x2 || <span classsup style="extimage32pxfont-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20% &#010;">http:(!)<//></span> &nbsp;<br>{{Item icon|Rivets|1}} [[Large Gold Dragon StatueRivets]] x1 x2<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 | A large dragon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.|-{{Item icon| 40 Astounding Deer Shoes |1}} [[Astounding Deer Shoes | Nice Werewolf Champron Astounding Deer Shoes (Enchanted) ]]|| 160 || 640 Level 80 horseshoes, but for a deer. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.) || <span class="extimage32px"b>httpTraining:<//</span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[b> [[Expert-Quality Metal SlabSolgribue]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Leather Strips]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) || Quite a nice werewolf helm.|-| 40 || Nice Werewolf Hindguard (Max-Enchanted) || 160 || 640 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Leather Strips]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Werewolf Hindguard (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 41 || Nice Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || 164 || 656 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf.|-| 41 || Nice Werewolf Barding (Max-Enchanted) || 164 || 656 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Werewolf Barding (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 41 || Nice Werewolf Foreguards (Max-Enchanted) || 164 || 656 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Leather Strips]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Werewolf Foreguards (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 41 || Nice Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Max-Enchanted) || 164 || 656 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Leather Strips]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Max-Enchanted) || Resilient metal guards for a wolf's hind legs. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 42 || Master's Throwing Knife || 168 || 672 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Sharpening Stone]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Master's Throwing Knife]] x10 || A masterfully-made throwing knife. (Used with the Knife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives.|-| 42 || Nice Werewolf Champron (Max-Enchanted) || 168 || 672 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Leather Strips]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Werewolf Champron (Max-Enchanted) || Quite a nice werewolf helm. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 43 || Huge Gold Gryphon Statue || 300 || 3500 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Huge Gryphon Statue]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Gold Ore]] x3 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Huge Gold Gryphon Statue]] x1 || A huge gryphon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to murder better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.|-| 43 || Nice Cow Shoes || 172 || 688 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Good Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Basic Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x2<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Cow Shoes || Level 40 horseshoes, but for a cow. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)|-| 43 || Nice Deer Shoes || 172 || 688 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Good Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Basic Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x2<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Nice Deer Shoes || Level 40 horseshoes, but for a deer. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)|-| 45 || Huge Gold Dragon Statue || 300 || 3500 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Huge Dragon Statue]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Gold Ore]] x3 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Huge Gold Dragon Statue]] x1 || A huge dragon coated in gold. People who view it will be inspired to craft better. Lasts for 10 minutes once deployed.|-| 47 || Quality Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) || 188 || 752 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) || Resilient metal guards for a wolf's hind legs.|-| 48 || Quality Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) || 192 || 768 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf.|-| 49 || Quality Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) || 196 || 784 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf.|-| 50 || Dye Metal Armor (3 colors) || 200 || 800 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Lac]] x3<br>Metal Dyeable Armor x1<br>Dye x1<br>Dye x1<br>Dye x1 || Dye Metal Armor (3 colors) || Dye a piece of metal armor using three colors.|-| 50 || Masterwork Armor Stake || 200 || 800 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span> || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Armor Stake]] x1 || A specially-shaped piece of hardened metal. This is used in the making of plate mail armor.|-| 50 || Quality Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) || 200 || 800 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) || Quite a nice werewolf helm.|-| 50 || Quality Werewolf Hindguard (Max-Enchanted) || 200 || 800 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Werewolf Hindguard (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 51 || Quality Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || 204 || 816 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf.|-| 51 || Quality Werewolf Barding (Max-Enchanted) || 204 || 816 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Werewolf Barding (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 51 || Quality Werewolf Foreguards (Max-Enchanted) || 204 || 816 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Werewolf Foreguards (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 51 || Quality Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Max-Enchanted) || 204 || 816 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Max-Enchanted) || Resilient metal guards for a wolf's hind legs. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 52 || Amazing Throwing Knife || 208 || 832 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Sharpening Stone]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Throwing Knife]] x10 || An exceptionally well-made throwing knife. (Used with the Knife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives.|-| 52 || Quality Werewolf Champron (Max-Enchanted) || 208 || 832 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Werewolf Champron (Max-Enchanted) || Quite a nice werewolf helm. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 53 || Quality Cow Shoes || 212 || 848 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Good Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x2<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Cow Shoes || Level 50 horseshoes, but for a cow. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)|-| 53 || Quality Deer Shoes || 212 || 848 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Good Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x2<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Quality Deer Shoes || Level 50 horseshoes, but for a deer. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)|-| 57 || Great Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) || 228 || 912 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) || Resilient metal guards for a wolf's hind legs.|-| 58 || Great Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) || 232 || 928 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf.|-| 59 || Great Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) || 236 || 944 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf.|-| 60 || Amazing Armor Stake || 240 || 960 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 50.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span> || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Armor Stake]] x1 || A specially-shaped piece of hardened metal. This is used in the making of plate mail armor.|-| 60 || Great Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) || 240 || 960 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x2 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) || Quite a nice werewolf helm.|-| 60 || Great Werewolf Hindguard (Max-Enchanted) || 240 || 960 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Werewolf Hindguard (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 61 || Great Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || 244 || 976 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf.|-| 61 || Great Werewolf Barding (Max-Enchanted) || 244 || 976 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Werewolf Barding (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 61 || Great Werewolf Foreguards (Max-Enchanted) || 244 || 976 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Werewolf Foreguards (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 61 || Great Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Max-Enchanted) || 244 || 976 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Max-Enchanted) || Resilient metal guards for a wolf's hind legs. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 62 || Astounding Throwing Knife || 248 || 992 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Sharpening Stone]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Throwing Knife]] x10 || An exceptionally well-made throwing knife. (Used with the Knife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives.|-| 62 || Great Werewolf Champron (Max-Enchanted) || 248 || 992 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x2 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Werewolf Champron (Max-Enchanted) || Quite a nice werewolf helm. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 63 || Great Cow Shoes || 252 || 1008 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x2<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Cow Shoes || Level 60 horseshoes, but for a cow. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)|-| 63 || Great Deer Shoes || 252 || 1008 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Expert-Quality Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x2<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Great Deer Shoes || Level 60 horseshoes, but for a deer. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)|-| 67 || Amazing Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) || 268 || 1072 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Enchanted) || Resilient metal guards for a wolf's hind legs.|-| 68 || Amazing Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) || 272 || 1088 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Werewolf Hindguard (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf.|-| 69 || Amazing Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) || 276 || 1104 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Werewolf Foreguards (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf.|-| 70 || Amazing Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) || 280 || 1120 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x2 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Werewolf Champron (Enchanted) || Quite a nice werewolf helm.|-| 70 || Amazing Werewolf Hindguard (Max-Enchanted) || 280 || 1120 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Glowy Yellow Crystal]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Werewolf Hindguard (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the lower legs and haunches of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 71 || Amazing Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || 284 || 1136 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Werewolf Barding (Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf.|-| 71 || Amazing Werewolf Barding (Max-Enchanted) || 284 || 1136 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Glowy Yellow Crystal]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Werewolf Barding (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the chest and shoulders of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 71 || Amazing Werewolf Foreguards (Max-Enchanted) || 284 || 1136 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Glowy Yellow Crystal]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Werewolf Foreguards (Max-Enchanted) || Strong metal designed to fit on the front legs and claws of a wolf. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 71 || Amazing Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Max-Enchanted) || 284 || 1136 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Glowy Yellow Crystal]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Werewolf Hind Leg Guards (Max-Enchanted) || Resilient metal guards for a wolf's hind legs. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 72 || Amazing Werewolf Champron (Max-Enchanted) || 288 || 1152 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Astounding Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Grand Shaping Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 10.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Dishing Hammer]] x2 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Maximized Aquamarine]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Glowy Yellow Crystal]] x1<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Werewolf Champron (Max-Enchanted) || Quite a nice werewolf helm. Max-Enchanting tends to give the item one more enhancement than it otherwise would have.|-| 72 || Awesome Throwing Knife || 288 || 1152 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Awesome Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Peening Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Sharpening Stone]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Awesome Throwing Knife]] x10 || An exceptionally well-made throwing knife. (Used with the Knife combat skill.) Recipe creates 10 knives.|-| 73 || Amazing Cow Shoes || 292 || 1168 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x2<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Cow Shoes || Level 70 horseshoes, but for a cow. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)|-| 73 || Amazing Deer Shoes || 292 || 1168 || <span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Amazing Metal Slab]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Masterwork Metal Slab]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Delicate Tack Hammer]] x1 <span style="display: inline"><sup style="font-weight: bold; color: red;" title="Chance to consume: 20.0% &#13;">(!)</sup></span><br><span class="extimage32px"></span> &nbsp;[[Rivets]] x2<br>Auxiliary Crystal x1 || Amazing Deer Shoes || Level 70 horseshoes, but for a deer. Infused with magic. (Must be near a forge.)