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2,435 bytes added, 15:00, 1 April 2023
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What I don't get is why so many druids transform into homely deer. If you could be any deer you wanted, why would you pick some average-looking face? It's like they can't even tell a pretty deer from an ugly one. Druids: so dumb! But they're okay guys. Dumb, but okay.
'''[[Jumper''' ]] is a male deer living in [[Sun Vale]]. He is often found at his [[Animal Town]] home, an enclave in the valley between two mountain ridges in the southeast corner of [[Sun Vale]]. He is in an open marriage with [[Daisy_(NPC)|Daisy]], who is staging an intervention for '''Bouncer''' due to his addiction to [[Bounceweed]]. '''Jumper''' is one of the many animals in [[Animal Town]] who will not talk to humans, nor will he talk to players who have recently been in human form. Players must spend three (3) consecutive in As a resident of [[Animal Town]], [[Jumper]] is only willing to hold conversations with characters that have transformed into a [[Beast Forms|Beast Form]] over 180 real-game hours in an animal form before '''Jumper''' will acknowledge world minutes prior to the conversation attempt. If you loose track of the player; time you last transformed, [[Norbert]] is willing to tell you how long you have until then, the player still "smells like a human"other residents will tolerate talking with you.
Players who want to raise their [[Deer (Skill)]] past level 50 must befriend '''Jumper''' in order to unlock the right to train 51-60.
Since [[Daisy]] did my [[Awakening]], there wasn't any wizard to give me a name. Daisy just called me Hotness. But they I tried Bounceweed and realized what my name should be.
== Favor ==
=== Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]]
===Favor Rewards===
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Comfortable}}.|
{{Quote|You did me a solid and I won't forget that. Hey, if you need to store anything in our tent, there's some room.}}
:Enables Storage.
=== Hang Outs ===
[[Category:Favor/Hang Outs]]
{{Spoiler|Have some bounceweed with Jumper (4h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|
{{Quote|Oh man! Ha ha! Are you hurt? You can't jump off of mountains, you aren't a bird! You've gold a mild concussion. Don't worry, though: another dose of bounceweed will fix you right up. There. Feel better?
==Small Talk If you think that stuff was good, some day maybe we can try this super special strain that Daisy made for me. It's supposed to be amazing!}}:40 (estimated) {{Favor|favor}} with [[{{msgJumper]]:Bounceweed Buff:BASEPAGENAMEConcussion}}/Small_talk{{Spoiler|<span style="fontTry some of Jumper's special bounceweed (6h) -sizeRequires a [[Deer]]|:50%"><sup>(estimated) {{Favor|favor}} with [[view/editJumper]</sup></span>]:Bounceweed Buff}}{{Spoiler|Bounce around Sun Valve(8h) - Requires a [[Deer]]==|{{Quote|You're getting better at keeping your feet tucked when you land. I think you're almost ready for the really good stuff:the ultimate bounceweed. It's a serious head trip, so think it over.}}:65 {{msgFavor|favor}} with [[Jumper]]:BASEPAGENAMEBounceweed Buff}}/Small_talk{{Spoiler|Test out a new strain of bounceweed (10h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|:80 {{Favor|favor}} with [[Jumper]]}}
== Quests ==
== Training ==
:{| {{STDTclass = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" |sortable}}[[Deer]] !Ability NameUnlock!DescriptionSkill Level!Cost!LevelFavor !Damage{{NPC training row |-ability=Bounding Escape 3 | Deer skilllevel=51-60 |cost=9750 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | Unlock the ability to train the =Deer skill past 50 and up to 60 Kick 6 |skilllevel=53 |cost=9850 | 13800 or less favor=???}}{{NPC training unlock row |Icon=Unlock | item=Deer{{pipe}}Unlock Deer Skill Levels 51-60 |skilllevel=50 |cost=20000 |favor=Friends}}{{NPC training row |ability=Doe Eyes 4 |-skilllevel=54 | Deer 61-70cost=9900 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | Unlock the ability to train the =Deer skill past 60 and up to 70 Bash 6 |skilllevel=56 |cost=11500 | favor=??? }}{{NPC training row |ability=Summon Deer 4 | 60 skilllevel=56 |cost=11500 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row |-ability=Pummeling Hooves 6 | Bounding Escape 3 skilllevel=57 |cost=11500 | You gain 7 sprint speed and enhanced jump control for 12 seconds favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=King of the Forest 4 | 9067 skilllevel=59 |cost=11650 | 51 |favor=???}}{{NPC training unlock row |Icon=Unlock |item=Deer{{pipe}}Unlock Deer Skill Levels 61-70 | Doe Eyes 4 skilllevel=60 |cost=100000 | You mitigate 20 damage from crushing, slashing, and physical attacks. (10 seconds) favor=???}}{{NPC training row |ability=Antler Slash 7 | 9207 skilllevel=60 |cost=11700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 54 ability=Cuteness Overload 4 |skilllevel=61 |cost=14750 |-favor=???}}{{NPC training row | ability=Deer Bash 6 Kick 7 |skilllevel=63 | Stuns opponent cost=14850 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 10695 ability=Bounding Escape 4 |skilllevel=64 | 56 cost=14900 || 83 Crushingfavor=???}}|-{{NPC training row | Summon ability=Deer 4 Bash 7 |skilllevel=66 | Summons a majestic deer cost=17000 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 10695 ability=Doe Eyes 5 |skilllevel=65 | 56 |cost=14950 |favor=???}}|-{{NPC training row | ability=Pummeling Hooves 6 7 |skilllevel=67 | Target is taunted as if you'd done an additional 200 damage to them cost=10750 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 10741 ability=Antler Slash 8 |skilllevel=70 | 57 cost=17200 || 85 Crushingfavor=???}}|-{{NPC training row | ability=King of the Forest 4 5 |skilllevel=72 | Targets are taunted as if you'd done an additional 250 damage to them cost=19800 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 10834 ability=Deer Kick 8 |skilllevel=73 | 59 cost=19850 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 88 Slashing (+7 Area Effect)ability=Forest Challenge |-skilllevel=15 | Antler Slash 7 cost=1450 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | Swing your antlers in a cutting motion (Works for does, too, because you're just that awesome) ability=Forest Challenge 2 |skilllevel=30 | 10881 cost=2700 |favor=???}}{{NPC training row | 60 ability=Forest Challenge 3 |skilllevel=45 | 45 Slashingcost=6950 |-favor=???}}{{NPC training row | Cuteness Overload ability=Forest Challenge 4 || Maximize your cuteness to cause an enemy heart-wrenching guilt. || 10881 || skilllevel=60 |cost=11700 | 137 Psychicfavor=???}}{{NPC training row |-ability=Forest Challenge 5 | Deer Kick 7 skilllevel=73 |cost=19850 | Kick your enemy. || 13810 || 63 || 95 Crushingfavor=???|-}}
|soulmates =56
==Hang Outs==
{{Spoiler|Have some bounceweed with Jumper (4h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|
:35 favor with Jumper
{{Spoiler|Try some of Jumper's special bounceweed (6h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|
{{Spoiler|Bounce around Sun Valve(8h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|
:65 favor with Jumper
{{Spoiler|Test out a new strain of bounceweed (10h) - Requires a [[Deer]]|
:80 favor with Jumper
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
|RiShin Friends = 3x {{Item|Bounceweed}}, 2x{{Item|Cedar Wood}}
|RiShin Family = 5X {{Item|Pure Bounceweed}} and <br><b>2-3 items which may include:</b> {{Item|Cinnamon}}, {{Item|Muntok Peppercorns}}, {{Item|CinnamonCedar Wood}}x2, 1x ({{Item|Amulet of Max Health +30}} (lv35Lv 35) or , {{Item|Ring of Directness}} (L35)Lv 35)
== Conversations ==