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Baroness Marith Felgard

2,297 bytes removed, 22:31, 5 July 2023
Conversations: Added spider only dialogue.
<!-- see for details on this info box (and easy copy/paste). If an NPC does not require all the attributes, you may delete them. For example, if the NPC is not a skilltrainer, than "|skilltrainer =" can be left blank. -->
{{NPC infobox
|title = Baroness Marith Felgard
|image = [[File:BaronessMarithFelgard.jpgpng|300px]] <!-- Make sure to include an image, even if you do not have one ready to upload. It will show in [[Special:WantedFiles]]. -->|caption = An older human <!-- This caption comes from the in-game text above the NPC's head -->
|zone = Serbule Hills
|location = Her farm in [[Serbule Hills]]
|anatomy = Human|species = Yes|beastspeak = All <!-- animals that the npc is known to speak too, See the NPC Infobox page for more information. -->Yes|skilltrainer beastlist = CookingAll|vendor = vendorYes|storage = Yes
 {{Quote| <!-- This quote should be something informative about the NPC, or express their personality. -->Well, [[Caroline Serbule]] was the duchess, more or less, and my good friend. After her fool husband died, I watched her wither away from stress. It was horrid. So I decided to take a more active role in managing [[Serbule Hills]]. Nowadays, everyone in the [[Serbule Hills|Hills ]] knows to come here if there's trouble. Not that I can do much about these damned ranalon people...
[[Baroness Marith Felgard]] is a baroness living in her castle in [[Serbule Hills]]. <!-- Add a brief description of the NPC -->
She was appointed baroness by [[Lord Serbule]] before his disappearance and sees herself as the rightful leader of Serbule Hills. However, the [[The Council]] has since taken charge of [[Serbule]] and the surrounding areas, so her official title is nothing more than a title.
She has disliked [[Nelson Ballard ]] ever since she requested assistance with Serbule Hills' [[ranalon]] problem and he simply told her to evacuate to [[Serbule Keep]]. It is possible he would have requested assistance from the [[Council Army]], but they are currently preoccupied fighting demons in [[VirdariaVidaria]].
Nowadays, she is still the most powerful person in Serbule Hills, since the Council does not enforce their laws much in Serbule, let alone the sparsely-populated hills south of Serbule. She despises [[ranalon]]s and would like to see the [[Serbule Hills]] ranalons killed off or driven away.
She seems to dislike the fact that many displaced elves have fled into Serbule.
<!-- Add other information about the NPC. Lore, relationships, ect. -->
== Location ==
; [[Serbule Hills]] <!-- List the Zone the npc is found in. -->: [[Baroness Marith Felgard]] is found standing inside and to the rear of the courtyard of her estate, in the west of [[Serbule Hills]]. <!-- This could be == Shopkeeper ==[[Baroness Marith Felgard]] sells a town or location such as selection of supplies and seedlings used in [[Serbule KeepGardening]]. She also sells Tannin Powder, a Basic Fertilizer Recipe, [[Hogan's KeepHandsaw|Handsaws]], or and [[AmulnaBottle of Water|Bottles of Water]]. You may also want to describe their location with more details. -->{{Vendor items sold}}
<!-- If you have the info, please edit the resulting pages <vendorname>/Items_purchased and <vendorname>/Spending_limits. (Links to these will automatically be created when using the == Favor =====Small Talk [[{{Vendor_purchase_infomsg:BASEPAGENAME}} template.) -/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><!-- Remember that your max purchase value will be affected by buffs from random skills, open up Persona-sup>Stats and adjust for your Max Purchase Cap %. --[view/edit]</sup><!-- Money Pool *should* be affected (?), but atm it seems bugged. --/span]]==Sells==<!-- Add an introductory sentence or two briefly explains what this merchant has to offer. -->{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk}}[[Baroness Marith FelgardCategory:Favor/Small Talk]] sells a selection of supplies and seedlings used in ===Favor Rewards===[[GardeningCategory:Favor/Rewards]]. She also sells [[Tannin PowderBaroness Marith Felgard]], a Basic Fertilizer Recipe, rewards her friends with [[HandsawStorage]]s and [[Bottles of Water]].<!-- Now, add the items the NPC has for sale. Make sure to spell the item names exactly as they appear in-gamebeginning at '''{{favor|Comfortable}}''' favor. The table for [[Velkort]] was used here to save space. -->==Sells=={{Spoiler|Reward at {{vendor item row Favor| item = Potato Seedling Comfortable}}.| cost = 7 | favor = Neutral:Enables Storage.
{{vendor item row Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Friends}}.| item = Onion Seedling {{Quote| cost = 9You're a surprising one (playername). I think you should stop by more often. I might even put the kettle on. Oh, and you can use a spare room here to store your items, if need be.}} | favor = Neutral:Additional Storage slots become available.
{{vendor item row
| item = Bottle of Water
| cost = 100
| favor = Neutral
{{vendor item row
| item = Gardening: Basic Fertilizer
| cost = 45
| favor = Neutral
{{vendor item row
| item = Handsaw
| cost = 75
| favor = Neutral
{{vendor item row
| item = Rough Tannin Powder
| cost = ???
| favor = ???
{{vendor item row
| item = Decent Tannin Powder
| cost = ???
| favor = ???
{{vendor item row
| item = Quality Tannin Powder
| cost = ???
| favor = ???
==Small TalkQuests == <dpl>category = Quests/Marith Felgardmode = unorderedcolumns = 1include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements<!/dpl>=== Tree Decoration: Serbule Hills ===During the [[Winter Holiday]] of Ri-- Add an area displaying the favor categories the NPC claims Shin, [[Marith Felgard]] offers additional quests to enjoydecorate a tree in [[Serbule Hills]]. <dpl>category = Quests/Ri-->Shin Quests* Likes Ringscategory = Quests/Baroness Marith Felgard* Likes Fashionable Clothingmode = unordered* Likes Topaz Gems {{Hint|Hints about good gifts can be added like so.}}columns = 1</dpl>
== Services ====Quests== [[Storage]] ====<!-- Each quest should be linked, to be added as a separate page. {{FavorNPC STORAGE|requirement}} should be indicated. If the Quest requires a prior quest to be completed, also list it here.npcname = Baroness Marith Felgard If there is dialogue worth recording about the quest, add it on the quest page.|favorrestriction =Comfortable Consider using Template:Hint for spoiler-y material.|itemrestriction =-->|neutral =0* [[Clearing the Ranalon Temple]] {{Hint|Slay the Ranalon Prayermaster. Reward:400 Councils}}comfortable =5* [[Attacking Ranalon Farms]] {{Hint|Kill Ranalon Farmers at the lake. Reward: 100 favour, 500 Councils}}friends =10* [[Distracting the Ranalon]] {{Hint|Kill six Ranalon Guards. Reward: 350 Councils}}closefriends =20<spoiler show|bestfriends ="Reward for (Quest name)">30Reward: X favor, X (skill) XP, (item)|likefamily =40</spoiler>|soulmates =50}}== Rewards Events ==<!-- List rewards from favor tiers. -->===== Winter Celebration =====; At {{FavorHOLIDAY|Comfortable}}: RiShin Friends = {{Item|ItemCoinpurse}} x2x10; At {{Favor|Friends}}:  =RiShin Family = Training ==[[Baroness Marith Felgard]] will only train [[Cooking]] skills if you reach {{FavorItem|UnknownCoin Sack}} with her. <!-- If needed, write a sentence about training requirements. --><!-- List the abilities the NPC trains by skill. -->;[[Shield]]:{|x10
== Conversations =={{vendor item row Quote|itemsource=Cooking: Mutton and Eggs [[Baroness Marith Felgard]]|cost=0 |favor=**Unknown**The old hunting lodge south of here has become infested with elves, too. And they're horrid weather-witches! So unnatural! Weather should be left alone, not under the control of some... some elf.}}
If the player is a Spider:
Ah! A talking spider! Bad! Bad spider!
:'''Wait, why am I bad?'''
Well, I suppose if I can tolerate elves, I can tolerate a spider. You're a good bit more natural than an elf, anyway! Well, what are you here for?
:'''I'm here to help.'''
== Services == <!-- List some of the services offered by the NPC. Consignment, Storage, Bartering, or unique options. Rappanel plays music if paid, and Ashk the Answerer tells fortunes that grant buffs. -->
==== [[Storage]] ====
: ''All items''
: X slots at {{Favor|Comfortable}}
: 10 slots at {{Favor|Friends}}
: X slots at {{Favor|Close Friends}}
: X slots at {{Favor|Best Friends}}
: X slots at {{Favor|Like Family}}
: X slots at {{Favor|Soul Mates}}
== Hang Outs == <!-- List NPC Hang Outs -->
*''' Title ''' (Duration) {{Favor|Neutral}}
<spoiler show="Reward goes here">
:X favor with Baroness Marith Felgard
[[Category:NPCs]], [[Category:Serbule Hills NPCsFavor/Small Talk]], [[Category:Human]], [[Category:Vendor]], [[Category:StorageFavor/Rewards]]