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Kib the Unkillable

1 byte removed, 04:46, 6 November 2023
Fixed typo which should remove "Irkirma" from the list of wanted pages
{{Spoiler|Talk about psychic mantises(2h)|
{{Quote|"Indeed. Did you know there are Psychic Mantises in my far-off home, the [[Great City of Insects]]? They look and behave like [[IrkirmaIrkima]]: bookish and logical, with incredible psychic powers and unnecessary hats. They consider my species inferior because we lack mental magics. But our shamans and fire-dervishes are far more effective in battle!
I like these Red Wings better. In fact, it is why I came here. But that is a story for another time, perhaps! You're an attentive listener, but I must return to my shop now. Here, a guest dropped one of these useless coins."}}

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