| dye =
Updating infobox, v396
|skillreqs = Endurance 80<br>
|description = Made of snail shells and sinew.
|basemods = {{Attribute|MAX_ARMOR|+9897}}<br>{{Attribute|VULN_PIERCING|-510.0}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_HEALTH_DELTA|+15}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_ARMOR_DELTA|+15}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_POWER_DELTA|+15}}
|value = 240
|extra = {{Spoiler|
| equipslot = Feet
| stack = 1
| keywords = <p>{{KW|Armor}}{{KW|ArmorOrShield}}{{KW|Crafted}}{{KW|Equipment}}</p><p>{{KW|Feet}}{{KW|Loot}}{{KW|NotDyeable}}{{KW|OrganicArmor}}</p><p>{{KW|OrganicBoots}}</p>
===Producing with Recipes===
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{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
|+ style="text-align:left; width: 250px;" | [[Toolcrafting]]
! Lvl !! Name !! Ingredients !! Results
| 80 || Astounding Snail Boots (Enchanted) || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_5074.png</span> [[Giant Snail Shell]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_5403.png</span> [[Snail Sinews]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_5175.png</span> [[Leather Strips]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_5398.png</span> [[Grizlark]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Primary Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_10009.png</span> [[Astounding Snail Boots]] x1
| 80 || Astounding Snail Boots (Max-Enchanted) || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_5074.png</span> [[Giant Snail Shell]] x3<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_5403.png</span> [[Snail Sinews]] x2<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_5175.png</span> [[Leather Strips]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_5398.png</span> [[Grizlark]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_5211.png</span> [[Maximized Obsidian]] x1<br><span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_5702.png</span> [[Glowy Yellow Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Primary Crystal]] x1<br>[[:Category:Items/Crystal|Auxiliary Crystal]] x1 || <span class="extimage32px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v349/icons/icon_10009.png</span> [[Astounding Snail Boots]] x1
=== Obtaining through Bartering ===
=== Drops ===
<!-- Include items dropped from monstersTo add drops, modify the relevant mob page and it will automatically be added to the following table. --><dpl>noresultsheader = This item has not been submitted by an editor as well loot, or may not exist as those obtained through skinning, butchering, skull extraction, etc.lootExample section:category = Loot/Astounding Snail Boots;[[Eltibule]]mode = unordered* [[Fire Rat]], sometimes drops columns = 1 [[Fire Dust]]* [[Fire Spider]], often drops as much as 3-5 [[Fire Dust]].include = {MOB Location}:areatable = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", Monster, Location</dpl>
=== Gathering ===
<!-- Include items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit trees, mushroom patches, ice blocks, serbule crypt urnsExample line:
===Using in Recipes===
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Also can be used in any recipes which call for:
*[[:Category:Items/Equipment|Pieces of Equipment]]
*[[:Category:Items/Feet|Foot gear]]
<!-- v349 -->
===Quest Fulfillment===
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<!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] (check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error. -->
{| {{STDT|sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
! Quest !! Number Required !! Quest Cooldown<br>(if repeatable) !! NPC !! Minimum Favor !! Location !! Notes
| [[Holistic Wellness: Hold Gear]] || 40 (Have any [[:Category:Items/Equipment|Pieces of Equipment]]) || 12 Hours || Unknown || Despised || Rahu ||
=== Other Uses ===
<!-- Add a subsection for any uses that don't fit in above sections.