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Watermelon Candy

619 bytes added, 13:54, 12 January 2024
Updating infobox, v401
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Watermelon Candy
|skillreqs = Gourmand 0<br>
|description = A sweet disk of hard candy that tastes of watermelon. (This is a snack. Snacks stack with meal foods; you can eat one of each and get the benefits of both.)
|basemods = Max Power +14<br>Health Regen +46 per update<br>Power Regen +28 per update<br>Health Regen +5 per update (in combat)<br>Power Regen +8 per update (in combat)<br>Metabolism Regen +1 per update<br>Direct Trauma/Psychic/Nature Mitigation +4<br>Lasts 1 hour (plus Gourmand bonus)<br>Snack Level 14
|value = 85
|extra = {{Spoiler|
=== Drops ===
<!-- Include items dropped from monstersTo add drops, modify the relevant mob page and it will automatically be added to the following table. --><dpl>noresultsheader = This item has not been submitted by an editor as well loot, or may not exist as those obtained through skinning, butchering, skull extraction, etc.lootExample section:category = Loot/Watermelon Candy;[[Eltibule]]mode = unordered* [[Fire Rat]], sometimes drops columns = 1 [[Fire Dust]]* [[Fire Spider]], often drops as much as 3-5 [[Fire Dust]].include = {MOB Location}:areatable = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", Monster, Location</dpl>
=== Gathering ===
<!-- Include items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit
<!-- v337 v338 -->
<!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] (check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error. -->
{| {{STDT|mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}
! NPC !! Location !! Preferences
|- style="background:#4AF24A;"
| [[Paul Vaughn]] || A room near the Tapestry Inn in [[Serbule Hills]] || Loves ([[:Category:Items/Dessert|Desserts]]: 170*)
|- style="background:#9EF24A;"
| [[Yalox]] || The [[Goblin Dungeon]] in Eltibule || Likes ([[:Category:Items/Dessert|Desserts]]: 170*)
|- style="background:#9EF24A;"
| [[Laura Neth]] || The Outpost in Northwestern [[Kur]] || Likes ([[:Category:Items/Edible|Edible Items]])<br>Likes ([[:Category:Items/Dessert|Desserts]]: 170*)
|- style="background:#9EF24A;"
| [[Thimble Pete]] || [[Hogan's Keep]] in Eltibule || Likes ([[:Category:Items/Dessert|Desserts]]: 170*)
|- style="background:#9EF24A;"
| [[Sir Arif]] || [[Serbule Crypt]] in Serbule || Likes ([[:Category:Items/Edible|Edible Items]])
| [[Flia]] || East of Serbule Keep in [[Serbule]] || Hates ([[:Category:Items/Edible|Edible Items]])
<nowiki>*</nowiki>[[Watermelon Candy]] has an effective value different from its base value (85) when gifted as a member of this item category.
=== Bartering Uses ===
===Quest Fulfillment===
<!-- v337 v339 -->
<!-- This section has been added automatically by a bot. Please contact [[User:Alleryn]] (check page history for link to user page with contact info) if you believe this section is in error. -->
None.{| {{STDT|sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed}}! Quest !! Number Required !! Quest Cooldown<br>(if repeatable) !! NPC !! Minimum Favor !! Location !! Notes|-| [[Halloween Event: Show Me The Candy]] || 20 (Have any [[:Category:Items/Candy|Candy]]) || 60 Days || Unknown || Unknown || Unknown || |} 
=== Other Uses ===
<!-- Add a subsection for any uses that don't fit in above sections.