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6,646 bytes added, 10 June
Nick J Vaccaro - Nikodemus
=== Eric Heimburg - Citan ===
: His Birthday is August 19th! Citan and Srand's anniversary is April 1st.
=== Sandra Powers - Srand===
'''Srand''' is Citan's partner in both life and Project Gorgon development. She serves as co-lead developer on the game.
{{Quote|source=[[Dev Blog: July 12, 2023]]|I'm srand (Sandra), co-lead developer on Project: Gorgon along with my husband Citan (Eric). Way, way back in the day I worked on Asheron's Call 1 as a coder and a producer; on Project: Gorgon I've done a little bit of everything except art.}}
=== Admin Jackencola ===
'''Jackencola,''' (as Rummencola) was invited to be a Volunteer Guide in 2018. In August of 2018, they became an Elder Game employee as "Admin Jackencola.'''
{{Quote|source={{Ability icon|Treachery Trooper's Battle Cry|32}} Jackencola (February 2024)|I manage the event system and do development for events. As of recently, I have begun doing development work for other things in game. I handle customer support tickets and do the majority of policing in the game.
Aside from that, it's whatever random task is assigned to me.}}=== Admin Lemons ==='''Lemons,''' (as Sims) was invited to be a Volunteer Guide in 2018. In October of 2018, they became an Elder Game employee as '''Admin Lemons.'''{{Quote|source= Sandra Powers {{Item icon|Lemon|32}} Lemons (2022)|I manage the bug database, and more recently I've been helping with QA testing. I help with customer service when needed (moderating steam forums/official pages, very rarely replying to e- Srandmails). I sometimes help create and set up live events (things involving scapegoats, mainly). Hmm.. Other than that, I do pretty much anything srand/Citan need done at the time.}}===Nick J Vaccaro - Nikodemus ==='''Nikodemus''' is a professional programmer who began working as a contractor on Project Gorgon in February 2021. They have made major contributions to the UI, redesigned the targeting system, implemented player mounts, added fishing, and solved hundreds of player-submitted bugs.* Their personal website is https: text//{{Quote|source=Nikodemus (February 5th 2024)|I focus primarily on Quality-of-Life changes and bugfixes; my goal is to take all the brilliant design ideas of the others (sometimes including players!) and make them as accessible and smooth as possible. Ocasionally I sneak in some animation and VFX work, because who doesn't want to have a little fun from time to time? But none of the animation bugs are my fault, definitely not... that's uhh, some other guy. /gulp.}}=== "Asset Guy" - ??? ===The mysterious '''Asset Guy''' was first mentioned by Admin Jackencola in early April 2024. They are known to be a professional 3D artist and designer with their first contributions to Project Gorgon planned for release in the June 2024 update.* [[Lice|Some players]] have suggested that '''Asset Guy''' should take up the name "Slickodemus."
=== Ryan Fritz- Silvonis ===
: '''Silvonis''' is a member of the Project Gorgon Development team with the title of Producer. They previously ran the second website forum and handled in-game moderation tasks before the introduction of the Volunteer Guide system.
=== Conor Brace - Wyrmrider ===
: '''Conor Brace''' is a composer, sound designer, and game designer from Austin, Texas. Check out his His music is featured as background tracks in most dungeons and zones. Wyrmrider is the name of a character he once used in-game.  His personal website for hosts clips of Project Gorgon music, information on the game's instrument system, and more informationdetails about his other musical projects.
=== Aaron Victoria - Aviticus Gladius===
: '''Aaron''' is a friend and sometimes development partner of '''Eric Heimburg.''' Aaron is Around 2013 he began working on his own MMOusing the Gorgon Engine, Legends of Etherell: Antavia. The game was still being worked on as of 2019. His company has provided art assets to Project Gorgon in exchange for programming support for Legends of Etherelland other projects such as Valiance Online.; https* Interview discussing partnership with Project Gorgon://; ''''''; Interview discussing partnership with Project Gorgon* Facebook page for Etherell: ''''''
{{:Volunteer Guides}}
=== Pre-Alpha and Alpha EMs & Moderators ===
; Auriel
: '''Auriel''' was the game's Event Moderator between pre-alpha and 2015. She was known for running live activities, and was known for doing unexpected snazzy things such as teleporting players, resurrection, and being almost invincible.
; Mortitia
: '''Mortitia''' was listed as a Moderator on the 2014 forums.
; Nimor
: ''' Nimor ''' was listed as a Moderator on the 2014 forums.
: '''Secret Mods''' - Three or Four additional players had moderator powers between pre-alpha and 2015. These individuals have requested that the Wiki not list their information.
== Citan's Forum Posts ==
== Srand's Forum Posts ==
{{:Srand Forum Posts}}
== Jackencola's Forum Posts ==
{{:Jackencola Forum Posts}}
== Lemons' Forum Posts ==
{{:Lemons Forum Posts}}
== Blog Posts & Long Forum Comments ==
This section chronologically organizes backups of posts made by the developers across three separate blogs. The oldest blog posts (beginning in 2010) are from the Elder Game blog, a website run by Citan and Srand where they posted thoughts about the game industry. Eventually that blog become dedicated to Project Gorgon themed posts. In 2014, posts shifted to the second Project Gorgon forum. The most recent era of posts are from the current (third) forum's blog section.
; Navigation Notes and Useful Links.
* Clicking on any blog post will allow a user to read a copy of that post.
* Each blog post entry on the wiki has a link to the previous and next posts chronologically plus a link to return to this page.
* The oldest blog entry is: [[Elder Game: Indie Games, Prototyping, and Fun Finding]] - Posted by Citan on June 14, 2010.
* The first mention of Project Gorgon is: [[Elder Game: Punditry is dumb. Switching to developer mode!]] - Posted by Citan on June 18, 2011.
* The first blog entry on the second forum is: [[Recent Site Changes]] - Posted by Citan on Thursday, October 14, 2014.
* The first blog entry on the third forum is: [[Citan's Bug Reporting]] - Posted by Citan in 2016.
===== 2023 =====
: [[Game News, 2023-11]] - Posted by Citan on Friday, November 10, 2023.
: [[Dev Blog: July 12, 2023]] - Posted by srand (using Citan's blog account) on Wednesday, July 12, 2023.
===== 2022 =====
: [[Town Hall Q&A #3, Part 1]] - Posted by Citan on Saturday, May 28, 2022.
: [[Dev Blog: February 2022]] - Posted by Citan on Sunday, February 20, 2022.
===== 2021 =====
: [[Town Hall - July 11, 2021]] - Posted by Citan on Sunday, July 11, 2021.
: [[Town Hall - June 14, 2021]] - Posted by Citan on Monday, June 14, 2021.
: [[All About the VIP Membership Program]] - Posted by Citan on Saturday, May 22, 2021.
===== 2020 =====
: [[All About the Guides Program]] - Posted by Citan on Monday, August 17, 2020.
: [[Dev Blog: Say Hello to Playable Fairies]] - Posted by Citan on Friday, February 21, 2020.
: [[Dev Blog: Let's Brainstorm about Housing]] - Posted by Citan on Friday, February 14, 2020.
: [[Dev Blog: The Life and Death of Charged Pig]] - Posted by Citan on Thursday, January 30, 2020.
: [[Event Blog: Crafting Caravan 2.0]] - Posted by Jackencola on Thursday, January 16, 2020.
===== 2019 =====
: [[Dev Blog: April 2, 2019]] - Posted by Citan on Tuesday, April 2, 2019.
===== 2018 =====
: [[Dev Blog: November 15 2018 - The Demo Is Live!]] - Posted by Citan on Thursday, November 15, 2018.: [[Dev Blog: August 28, 2018]] - Posted by srand (using Citan's blog account) on Tuesday, August 28, 2018.: [[Dev Blog: June 18, 2018]] - Posted by Citan on Monday, June 18, 2018.: [[May 2018 Developer Blog]] - Posted by Citan on Sunday, May 6, 2018.: [[Reddit MMORPG AMA!]]:: - Held on Monday, April 23, 2018.: [[Steam Integration is Coming! How Will it Work?]] - Posted by Citan on Sunday, February 11, 2018.
===== 2017 =====
: [[New UI Preview]] - Posted by Silvonis on Monday, November 27, 2017.: [[Dev Blog, Oct 18 2017: The New UI Is Coming!]] - Posted by Citan on Wednesday, October 18, 2017.: [[Alpha, QA - and why we need you!]]:: - Posted by srand on Saturday, January 21, 2017: [[Dev Notes, January 16]]:: - Posted by Citan on Monday, January 16, 2017: [[Dev Notes, January 2, 2017]]:: - Posted by Citan on Monday, January 2, 2017
===== 2016 =====
: [[Dev Blog, December 22]]:: - Posted by Citan on Thursday, December 22, 2016: [[Dev Blog, December 9]]:: - Posted by Citan on Friday, December 9, 2016: [[Dev Notes, November 23: On Balancing MMOs]]:: - Posted by Citan on Wednesday, November 23, 2016: [[Dev Notes, November 13]]:: - Posted by Citan on Sunday, November 13, 2016: [[Dev Notes, November 3]]:: - Posted by Citan on Thursday, November 3, 2016: [[Dev Notes, October 28]]:: - Posted by Citan on Friday, October 28, 2016: [[Dev Notes, October 20]]:: - Posted by Citan on Friday, October 21, 2016: [[Dev Notes, October 11]]:: - Posted by Citan on Wednesday, October 12, 2016: [[Dev Notes, October 3]]:: - Posted by Citan on Tuesday, October 4, 2016: [[Dev Update, September 24]]:: - Posted by Citan on Saturday, September 24, 2016: [[Dev Update, September 15]]:: - Posted by Citan on Thursday, September 15, 2016: [[Quick Update, Sept 6]]:: - Posted by Citan on Tuesday, September 6, 2016: [[Quick Update, August 21]]:: - Posted by Citan on Sunday, August 21, 2016: [[Developer Info Round-Up]]:: - Posted by Citan on Saturday, August 13, 2016: [[Quick Update, August 7]]:: - Posted by Citan on Sunday, August 7, 2016: [[Quick Update, July 30]]:: - Posted by Citan on Saturday, July 30, 2016: [[Animal Handling Revisons]]:: - Posted by Citan on Tuesday, July 19, 2016: [[Citan's notes 5/6]]:: - Posted by Citan on May 6, 2016: [[Introducing Vendor Stalls]]:: - Posted by Citan on Thursday, April 7, 2016: [[Citan's update: Enthusiasm]]:: - Posted by Citan in 2016: [[Citan's Gardening Limitations]]:: - Posted by Citan in 2016: [[Citan's Potion Belt]]:: - Posted by Citan in 2016: [[Citan's Bug Reporting]]:: - Posted by Citan in 2016
===== 2015 =====
: [[Kickstarter 3: Updates]] - Posted between July 26, 2015 and August 28, 2015. (Updates continued between December 2015 and March 2018.): [[Website Was Down! ... New Website Coming Soon!]]:: - Posted by Citan on Sunday, November 1, 2015: [[The Pain -- and Joy -- of Alpha-Testing]]:: - Posted by Citan on Friday, September 25, 2015: [[Nighttime Update! Level 60 Skills!]]:: - Posted by Citan on Wednesday, July 15, 2015: [[January Update]]:: - Posted by Citan on Thursday, January 22, 2015 
===== 2014 =====
: [[Kickstarter 2: Updates]] - Posted between August 29, 2014 and September 27, 2014: [[The Next Dungeon: Winter Nexus]]:: - Posted by Citan on Saturday, November 8, 2014: [[Rakshasa (blog)]]:: - Posted by Citan on Saturday, October 18, 2014: [[Recent Site Changes]]:: - Posted by Citan on Thursday, October 14, 2014: [[Website Death Penalties Explained]]:: - Posted by Citan in 2014: [[Website Words of Power]]:: - Posted by Citan in 2014: [[Website Damage Types]]:: - Posted by Citan in 2014
===== 2013 =====
:[[Elder Game: Cheesemaking]]:: - Posted by Citan on December 6, 2013:[[Elder Game: November arrives! Notes about stuff]]:: - Posted by Citan on November 3, 2013:[[Elder Game: Racial Game Systems]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 1, 2013:[[Elder Game: NPC Systems and Kickstarter Delays]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 29, 2013:[[Elder Game: Skill Costs and NPC Variables]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 22, 2013:[[Elder Game: MMOs as Self-Sustaining Small Businesses]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 10, 2013:[[Elder Game: August Update Still In Progress]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 3, 2013:[[Elder Game: Falling through the ground]]:: - Posted by Citan on July 2, 2013:[[Elder Game: Pet Classes in MMOs]]:: - Posted by Citan on June 10, 2013:[[Elder Game: June Status Report]]:: - Posted by Citan on June 1, 2013:[[Elder Game: Notes During A Slow Upload]]:: - Posted by Citan on May 16, 2013:[[Elder Game: Gorgon's Archery System]]:: - Posted by Citan on May 5, 2013:[[Elder Game: Try the new stand-alone clients]]:: - Posted by Citan on April 10, 2013:[[Elder Game: What is Lag?]]:: - Posted by Citan on April 27, 2013:[[Elder Game: The flying animal fiasco]]:: - Posted by Citan on April 24, 2013:[[Elder Game: Grab Bag Update: Web Player, Skill Swapping, Languages]]:: - Posted by Citan on April 13, 2013:[[Elder Game: 4:30am Update]]:: - Posted by Citan on March 31, 2013:[[Elder Game: Pre-Alpha 3 server is live!]]:: - Posted by Citan on March 25, 2013:[[Elder Game: ETA]]:: - Posted by Citan on March 25, 2013:[[Elder Game: Quote of the Day: A Cavalcade of Nightmares]]:: - Posted by Srand on March 23, 2013:[[Elder Game: Loot progress]]:: - Posted by Citan on March 13, 2013:[[Elder Game: More Stuff Happening]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 21, 2013:[[Elder Game: Vendors!]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 12, 2013:[[Elder Game: Quote of the Day: WTF]]:: - Posted by Srand on February 5, 2013:[[Elder Game: Milk, Vaults & Ulfoi]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 29, 2013:[[Elder Game: Progress Toward Pre-Alpha 3]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 14, 2013.
===== 2012 =====
:[[Kickstarter 1: Updates]] - Posted between October 4, 2012 and November 11, 2012.:[[Elder Game: Addendum: Matt’s Idea]]:: - Posted by Citan on December 27, 2012:[[Elder Game: Toward more interesting deaths]]:: - Posted by Citan on December 25, 2012:[[Elder Game: Twitter Updates]]:: - Posted by Citan on December 19, 2012:[[Elder Game: AC2 First Impressions]]:: - Posted by Citan on December 12, 2012 :[[Elder Game: Taunting, Mentalism, and Variety]]:: - Posted by Citan on December 10, 2012:[[Elder Game: Death Penalties, Quick Follow-up]]:: - Posted by Citan on December 2, 2012:[[Elder Game: Prealpha 3′s Death Penalties]]:: - Posted by Citan on November 25, 2012:[[Elder Game: Gorgon Chat Logs, pt 2, and Status Update]]:: - Posted by Citan on November 20, 2012:[[Elder Game: Gorgon Chat Logs, pt 1]]:: - Posted by Citan on November 8, 2012:[[Elder Game: Kickstarter: The Missing FAQ]]:: - Posted by Citan on November 4, 2012:[[Elder Game: Pre-Alpha Update: Tech notes, update notes, ramblings]]:: - Posted by Citan on November 2, 2012:[[Elder Game: Designing Project: Gorgon’s combat sounds]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 29, 2012. Written by Conor Brace.:[[Elder Game: Pre-Alpha’s Getting Better (every day)]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 26, 2012:[[Elder Game: Quote of the Day: Humanities]]:: - Posted by Srand on October 25, 2012:[[Elder Game: Community-esque things]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 23, 2012:[[Elder Game: Opening Pre-Alpha to Kickstarter pledges!]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 22, 2012:[[Elder Game: Please TwitFace Project: Gorgon!]]:: - Posted by Srand on October 10, 2012:[[Elder Game: Video Diary #3]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 9, 2012:[[Sylvia in Halvue]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 7, 2012:[[Elder Game: Kickstarter is Live!]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 3, 2012:[[Elder Game: The dangers of a too-statistics-driven treasure generator]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 1, 2012:[[Elder Game: How does Project Gorgon make money?]]:: - Posted by Citan on September 24, 2012:[[Elder Game: The Case Against Auction Houses]]:: - Posted by Citan on September 10, 2012:[[Elder Game: Crazier Kickstarter Reward Ideas]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 25, 2012:[[Elder Game: Gorgon Kickstarter is Coming!]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 21, 2012:[[Elder Game: Today in pictures]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 13, 2012:[[Elder Game: Optional Ways to Play]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 10, 2012:[[Elder Game: Progress Update]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 1, 2012:[[Elder Game: Battle Chemistry]]:: - Posted by Citan on July 16, 2012:[[Elder Game: A little more about evil, undead, and pet classes]]:: - Posted by Citan on July 4, 2012:[[Elder Game: Facebook me!]]:: - Posted by Citan on June 26, 2012:[[Elder Game: What It Means to Be Undead]]:: - Posted by Citan on June 24, 2012:[[Elder Game: On Fire, and Wolf-Talk, and Competitive Systems]]:: - Posted by Citan on June 11, 2012:[[Elder Game: My Favorite Bugs (Part I)]]:: - Posted by Srand on June 5, 2012:[[Elder Game: Gorgon Random Treasure]]:: - Posted by Citan on May 15, 2012:[[Elder Game: Video Diary, First Attempt]]:: - Posted by Citan on May 1, 2012:[[Elder Game: Death Stories in MMOs]]:: - Posted by Citan on April 30, 2012:[[Elder Game: Cows]]:: - Posted by Citan on April 23, 2012:[[Elder Game: When Puppets Lose Their Puppeteers]]:: - Posted by Citan on April 16, 2012:[[Elder Game: Still Developing!]]:: - Posted by Citan on April 9, 2012:[[Elder Game: Adding Direction]]:: - Posted by Citan on March 27, 2012:[[Elder Game: Quote of the Day]]:: - Posted by Srand on March 22, 2012:[[Elder Game: Quick Dev Diary: Combos]]:: - Posted by Citan on March 15, 2012:[[Elder Game: Quote of the Day: Balance]]:: - Posted by Srand on March 10, 2012:[[Elder Game: Update on the Next Step]]:: - Posted by Citan on March 9, 2012:[[Elder Game: Believe In Yourself and Blah Blah Blah]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 28, 2012:[[Elder Game: Disney-esque House Magic]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 23, 2012:[[Elder Game: A setback]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 21, 2012:[[Elder Game: The point of races]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 20, 2012:[[Elder Game: Expediency, Thy Name is Indie MMO]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 7, 2012:[[Elder Game: Sign Up For Pre-Alpha/Alpha/Beta]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 4, 2012:[[Elder Game: Project Gorgon’s Death Penalty]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 1, 2012:[[Elder Game: Easy Player-Made Content]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 26, 2012:[[Elder Game: Quick Test of Pre-Alpha 0.1 Completed]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 22, 2012:[[Elder Game: What’s my target audience?]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 22, 2012:[[Elder Game: Complexity and Group Combat]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 19, 2012:[[Elder Game: Howl Sound Effect]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 8, 2012
===== 2011 =====
:[[Elder Game: Features In, Features Out]]:: - Posted by Citan on December 30, 2011:[[Elder Game: Field Autopsies, and Man I’m Slow]]:: - Posted by Citan on December 17, 2011:[[Elder Game: Back to work! Pre-Alpha Combat Skills]]:: - Posted by Citan on November 28, 2011:[[Elder Game: Delays, Thoughts about Launches, and Some Icons]]:: - Posted by Citan on November 7, 2011:[[Elder Game: Words of Power]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 28, 2011:[[Elder Game: Pot-Luck Dinners and Dungeon Sushi]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 17, 2011:[[Elder Game: Early prep for newbies]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 10, 2011:[[Elder Game: Project Gorgon Screenshot Diary #1, take 2]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 6, 2011:[[Elder Game: Project Gorgon Screenshot Diary #1]]:: - Posted by Citan on October 2, 2011:[[Elder Game: Minimizing Tedium: Not Always Straightforward]]:: - Posted by Citan on September 30, 2011:[[Elder Game: The first exploiter?]]:: - Posted by Citan on September 19, 2011:[[Elder Game: the reason you write clean code]]:: - Posted by Srand on September 19, 2011:[[Elder Game: A Psychologist, a Fire Mage, and a Dickweed Walk Into a Bar…]]:: - Posted by Citan on September 11, 2011:[[Elder Game: The Stamina Bar]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 31, 2011:[[Elder Game: Thinking about Gorgon Combat]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 22, 2011:[[Elder Game: Creating a backstory for the game]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 14:[[Elder Game: NPCs as Systems Nexus]]:: - Posted by Citan on August 5, 2011:[[Elder Game: Notes From The Coding Pit]]:: - Posted by Citan on July 29, 2011:[[Elder Game: Go Big or Go Home]]:: - Posted by Citan on July 22, 2011:[[Elder Game: Item Decay Redux]]:: - Posted by Citan on July 21, 2011:[[Elder Game: We Can’t Have Nice Things (They Keep Decaying)]]:: - Posted by Citan on July 15, 2011:[[Elder Game: Alpha Art Woes: Sex-Crazed Elves]]:: - Posted by Citan on July 8, 2011:[[Elder Game: Permanent Character Choices in a Classless Game (or, “Werewolves!”)]]:: - Posted by Citan on July 1, 2011:[[Elder Game: World vs. Game, Emergent Gameplay, and the Fun Loop]]:: - Posted by Citan on June 24, 2011:[[Elder Game: Punditry is dumb. Switching to developer mode!]]:: - Posted by Citan on June 18, 2011:: - First mention of Project: Gorgon by name.:[[Elder Game: You Can’t Bolster Your Newbie Hose With Self-Indulgence]]:: - Posted by Citan on May 10, 2011:[[Elder Game: Evolving Quests]]:: - Posted by Citan on March 21, 2011:[[Elder Game: The Griefer With The Coin Bag]]:: - Posted by Citan on March 8, 2011:[[Elder Game: “The Dev Team” Footprint]]:: - Posted by Srand on February 10, 2011:[[Elder Game: Proximity Breeds Endearment]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 7, 2011:[[Elder Game: Who’s In Charge of Quality?]]:: - Posted by Citan on February 3, 2011:[[Elder Game: Retention and Rebound]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 31, 2011:[[Elder Game: Graphical Upgrades Are Dangerous]]:: - Posted by Srand on January 27, 2011:[[Elder Game: More on Classed vs. Unclassed Games]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 24, 2011:[[Elder Game: Classes vs. Open Skill Systems]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 20, 2011:[[Elder Game: Why We Need More Women Developers]]:: - Posted by Srand on January 17, 2011:[[Elder Game: Beginner’s Luck and Expert’s Intuition]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 12, 2011:[[Elder Game: Ready the Meat Sacrifices]]:: - Posted by Srand on January 10, 2011:[[Elder Game: Joust is Not Coming Back]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 7, 2011:[[Elder Game: Converting Players with Content is a Waste]]:: - Posted by Srand on January 5, 2011:[[Elder Game: There Shouldn’t Be A Signup Form]]:: - Posted by Citan on January 3, 2011:[[Elder Game: New Year, New Method]]:: - Posted by Srand on January 1, 2011 
===== 2010 =====
:[[Elder Game: Indie Games, Prototyping, and Fun Finding]]:: - Posted by Citan on June 14, 2010
== Town Hall Transcripts ==

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