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Armor Set Identification

4,892 bytes added, 12 June
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This is a list of the identified armors in the game to be used for Glamour purposes. If something is incorrect or missingSome armors look the same, but have different attributes. For this page, either message Kahli in armors that look the same are grouped into one category. The different attributes of each type of armor are available on the PG Discord Server and she will fix it [[equipment]] page. There is also a LOT of duplication of looks of armor - or if you are comfortable doing solow level goblin armor looks like differently dyed nimble armor for example. So this is not a comprehensive list of every piece that looks like the picture, edit it yourselfis just to help you find a piece of the armor for glamour purposes. :)
Some armors look Dyeable* - To see if a piece of armor is dyeable, click on the link - then expand the icon box by clicking on the samered "Expand" in the bottom right corner. If the item is dyeable, there will usually be information under Stock Dye indicating how many colors can be used to dye the piece. If the item is not dyeable, there will be a keyword that says "NotDyeable". Occasionally a piece is dyeable but no stock information is provided - which means you just have different attributesto experiment. For :) Thanks to Deldaron who put together the original photographs that were used as the starting point for this page. Weapons, additional hats, armors that look and off-hands will be added eventually. :) If something is incorrect or missing, either message Kahli in the same PG Discord Server and she will fix it - or if you are grouped into one categorycomfortable doing so, edit it yourself. The different attributes of each type of armor are available on the [[equipment]] page.:)
<!-- Created on December 15, 2023-->
! Armor Picture Male !! Armor Picture Female !! style="width: 15%;" | Name !! style="width: 15%;" | Links !! style="width: 8%;" | Dyeable !! style="width: 15%;" | Crafted/Drop !!Type
| [[File:Tough_Kelp_Armor.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Tough Kelp]] || [[File:Fk.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Kelp]] || Kelp Armor <br> Tough Kelp Armor || [[Kelp Shoes]]<br>[[Kelp Coat]]<br>[[Kelp Gloves]]<br>[[Kelp Cap]]<br>[[Kelp Leggings]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[Sun Vale]] || Organic|-| [[File:Crafted_Cloth.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Crafted Cloth]] || [[File:Fcc.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Crafted Cloth]] || Cloth (Crafted Cloth) || [[Tailoring]] || Dyeable* || Crafted || Cloth
| [[File:Crafted_ClothBasic.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Crafted ClothBasic]] || [[File:Fbasic.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Basic Cloth]] || Novice's [[Tailoring]] Practice <br> Cloth Cargo Gear (Crafted Cloth[[Tailoring]]) <br> Drop on Starter Island || [[Tailoring]] || Kind of Dyeable* || Crafted || Cloth
| [[File:Fae_Navy.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Fae Navy]] || [[File:Ffn.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Fae Navy]] || Fae Navy Armor || [[Fae Navy Shoes]]<br>[[Fae Navy Harness]]<br>[[Fae Navy Jumpsuit]]<br>[[Fae Navy Gloves]]<br>[[Fae Navy Communicator]] || Not Dyeable || Drop<br>[[Wintertide ]] || Organic
| [[File:Crafted_Leather_Bard.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Crafted Leather Bard]] || [[File:Fb.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Crafted Leather Bard]] || Bard (Crafted Leather) || [[Leatherworking]] || Not Dyeable <br> Cap is Dyeable || Crafted || Leather
| [[File:Pelast.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Peltast]] || [[File:fpeltast.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Peltast]] || Peltast Armor || [[Peltast Boots]]<br>[[Peltast Coat]]<br>[[Peltast Gauntlets]]<br>[[Peltast Hat]]<br>[[Peltast Kilt]] || Not Dyeable || Drop <br> Ilmari [[Labyrinth]] || Metal
| [[File:ThenTree.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Thentree]] || [[File:fthentree.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Thentree]] || Thentree Armor || [[Thentree Boots]]<br>[[Thentree Harness]]<br>[[Thentree Gloves]]<br>[[Thentree Helmet]]<br>[[Thentree Skirt]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[Kur Tower]] || Metal
| [[File:Ravana.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Ravana Soldier]] || [[File:frs.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Ravana Soldier]] || Ravana Soldier Armor || [[Ravana Soldier Boots]]<br>[[Ravana Soldier Coat]]<br>[[Ravana Soldier Gloves]]<br>[[Ravana Soldier Helm]]<br>[[Ravana Soldier Leggings]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[Ilmari]] || Metal
| [[File:Summer_Court.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Summer Court]] || [[File:Fsc.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Summer Court]]|| Summer Court Armor || [[Boots of the Summer Court]]<br>[[Coat of the Summer Court]]<br>[[Gauntlets of the Summer Court]]<br>[[Helm of the Summer Court]]<br>[[Greaves of the Summer Court]] || Dyeable* || Favor Rewards<br>[[Eleme]]<br>[[Agrashab/Sun Vale]] || Metal
| [[File:Winter_Court.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Winter Court]] || [[File:Fwc.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Winter Court]] || Winter Court Armor <br> Winter Court Battle-Armor <br> Winter Court Murder-Armor|| [[Boots of the Winter Court]]<br>[[Coat of the Winter Court]]<br>[[Gauntlets of the Winter Court]]<br>[[Helm of the Winter Court]]<br>[[Greaves of the Winter Court]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[Fae Realm]] || Metal
| [[File:Spring_Fairy_Crafted.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Crafted Spring Fairy ]] || [[File:Fsf.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Crafted Spring Fairy ]] || Spring Fairy <br>(Crafted Toolcrafting) <br> Boots, Legs, Shirt only|| [[Toolcrafting]] || Dyeable* || Crafted || Cloth
| [[File:Desert_Vagabond.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Desert Vagabond]] || [[File:Fdv.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Desert Vagabond]] || Desert Vagabond Armor || [[Desert Vagabond Boots]]<br>[[Desert Vagabond Coat]]<br>[[Desert Vagabond Gloves]]<br>[[Desert Vagabond Cap]]<br>[[Desert Vagabond Pants]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[Rahu]] || Leather
| [[File:NimbleCrafted_Cloth_Nimble.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Crafted Nimble Cloth]] || [[File:fnimble.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Crafted Nimble Cloth]] || Nimble Gear (Crafted Cloth) || [[Tailoring]] || Dyeable* || Crafted || Cloth
| [[File:Leather_Crafted_EvasionCrafted_Camo_Cloth.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Crafted Leather Evasion]] || [[File:Fcl.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Crafted Leather]] || Evasion (Crafted LeatherArmor <br> <br> Camouflaged Crafted Cloth <br> (Legs & Shirt only) || [[Leatherworking]] <br> [[Tailoring]] || Dyeable* || Crafted || Leatheror Cloth
| [[File:Orc_MageLeather_Crafted_Evasion.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Orc MageCrafted Leather Evasion]] || [[File:Fce2.png|150px| Mutterer Cabalist Armor <br> Mutterer Necromancer Armor <br> Magic Trooper Armor thumb|center| [[Mutterer Cabalist ShoesFemale Crafted Leather Evasion]] || Evasion (Crafted Leather) <br>Boots, Legs, Shirt only|| [[Mutterer Cabalist Coat]]<br>[[Mutterer Cabalist Gloves]]<br>[[Mutterer Cabalist Cowl]]<br>[[Mutterer Cabalist PantsLeatherworking]] || Dyeable* || Drop<br>Gazluk Keep Crafted || ClothLeather
| [[File:ElvenCrafted_Leather_Winter.png|150px|thumb|center|Male ElvenCrafted Leather Winter]] || [[File:Fwinter.png|150px| Elven Armor thumb|center| [[Elven Plate BootsFemale Crafted Leather Winter]]<br>[[Elven Ceremonial Suit]]<br>[[Elven Gauntlets]]<br>[[Elven Officer's Helm]]<br>|| Winter (Crafted Leather) || [[Elven Plate LeggingsLeatherworking]] || Dyeable* || Drop Crafted || MetalLeather
| [[File:Rakshasaian_EliteOrc_Mage.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Rakshasian EliteWar-Wizard Armor]] || [[File:Fom.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Orcish Magic Trooper]] || Rakshasian Elite Mutterer Cabalist Armor (teal) <br> Mutterer Necromancer Armor (purple) <br> Orcish Magic Trooper Armor (white/red) <br> War-Wizard Armor (orange) || [[Rakshasian Elite BootsMutterer Cabalist Shoes]]<br>[[Rakshasian Elite Mutterer Cabalist Coat]]<br>[[Rakshasian Elite Mutterer Cabalist Gloves]]<br>[[Rakshasian Elite HelmMutterer Cabalist Cowl]]<br>[[Rakshasian Elite LeggingsMutterer Cabalist Pants]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[Gazluk Keep]] || LeatherCloth
| [[File:Crafted_Dwarven_PlateElven.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Crafted Dwarven PlateElven]] || [[File:felven.png|150px|thumb|center| Dwarven Plate (Crafted Metal) Female Elven]] || Elven Armor || [[ArmorsmithingElven Plate Boots]]<br>[[Elven Ceremonial Suit]]<br>[[Elven Gauntlets]]<br>[[Elven Officer's Helm]]<br>[[Elven Plate Leggings]] || Dyeable* || Crafted Drop <br> [[Dark Chapel]] || Metal
| [[File:Crafted_Metal_ChainmailRakshasaian_Elite.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Crafted ChainmailRakshasian Elite]] || [[File:fra.png|150px|thumb| Chainmail (Crafted Metal) center|Female Rakshasian Elite]] || Rakshasian Elite Armor || [[ArmorsmithingRakshasian Elite Boots]]<br>[[Rakshasian Elite Coat]]<br>[[Rakshasian Elite Gloves]]<br>[[Rakshasian Elite Helm]]<br>[[Rakshasian Elite Leggings]] || Dyeable* || Crafted Drop <br> Plateau near [[General Pask]] <br> in [[Rahu]]|| MetalLeather
| [[File:Orcish_MilitaryCrafted_Dwarven_Plate.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Orcish MilitaryCrafted Dwarven Plate]] || [[File:fcd.png|150px| Orcish Military Armor thumb|center| [[Orcish Military BootsFemale Crafted Dwarven Plate]] || Dwarven Plate (Crafted Metal) <br>Basic Armor purchased from Joeh|| [[Orcish Military Coat]]<br>[[Orcish Military Gloves]]<br>[[Orcish Military Helmet]]<br>[[Orcish Military GreavesArmorsmithing]] || Dyeable* || Drop Crafted || LeatherMetal
| [[File:Snowblood_TrooperCrafted_Metal_Chainmail.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Snowblood Misery TrooperCrafted Chainmail]] || [[File:Fcch.png|150px| Snowblood Misery Trooper Armor <br> Misery Trooper Armor <br> Treachery Trooper Armor <br> Death Trooper Armor thumb|center| [[Snowblood Misery Trooper BootsFemale Crafted Chainmail]]<br>[[Snowblood Misery Trooper Coat]]<br>[[Snowblood Misery Trooper Gloves]]<br> || Chainmail (Crafted Metal) || [[Snowblood Misery Trooper Helmet]]<br>[[Snowblood Misery Trooper GreavesArmorsmithing]] || Dyeable* || Drop Crafted || Metal
| [[File:Stalwart or Dwarven SoldierGoblin.png|150px|thumb|center|Male StalwartGoblin/Dwarven SoldierHobgoblin]] || [[File:Fhobgoblin.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Goblin/Hobgoblin]] || Stalwart Goblin Armor <br> Dwarven Soldier Hobgoblin Armor || [[Dwarven Soldier BootsHobgoblin Kickers]]<br>[[Dwarven Soldier BreastplateHobgoblin Coat]]<br>[[Dwarven Soldier GauntletsHobgoblin Gloves]]<br>[[Dwarven Soldier HelmHobgoblin Helmet]]<br>[[Dwarven Soldier Hobgoblin Leggings]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[Goblin Dungeon]] <br> [[Fungal Fortress]] || MetalLeather
| [[File:Crafted_Camo_Clothmorc.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Crafted Camouflaged ClothOrcish Military]] || [[File:forc.png|150px|thumb|center| Camouflaged Female Orcish]] || Orcish Armor <br> (Crafted Cloth) Orcish Military Armor|| [[TailoringOrcish Military Boots]]<br>[[Orcish Military Coat]]<br>[[Orcish Military Gloves]]<br>[[Orcish Military Helm]]<br>[[Orcish Military Greaves]] || Dyeable* || Crafted Drop <br> Orcs in [[Kur]], [[Gazluk]] & [[Povus]] || Cloth Leather
| [[File:Snowblood_Trooper.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Snowblood Misery Trooper]] || [[File:Fmt.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Snowblood Misery Trooper]] || Snowblood Misery Trooper Armor <br> Misery Trooper Armor (blue) <br> Treachery Trooper Armor (green) <br> Death Trooper Armor (black) <br> Gazluk Officer Armor (brown) || [[Snowblood Misery Trooper Boots]]<br>[[Snowblood Misery Trooper Coat]]<br>[[Snowblood Misery Trooper Gloves]]<br>[[Snowblood Misery Trooper Helmet]]<br>[[Snowblood Misery Trooper Greaves]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[Gazluk Keep]]|| Metal|-| [[File:Stalwart or Dwarven Soldier.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Stalwart/Dwarven Soldier]] || [[File:Fds.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Stalwart/Dwarven Soldier]] || Stalwart Armor <br> Dwarven Soldier Armor || [[Dwarven Soldier Boots]]<br>[[Dwarven Soldier Breastplate]]<br>[[Dwarven Soldier Gauntlets]]<br>[[Dwarven Soldier Helm]]<br>[[Dwarven Soldier Leggings]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[Sun Vale]]|| Metal|-| [[File:Scorpiclaw.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Scorpiclaw]] || [[File:fscorp.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Scorpiclaw]] || Scorpiclaw Armor <br> General Pask's Armor <br> Seashell Armor <br> Fancy Seashell Armor || [[Scorpiclaw Boots]]<br>[[Scorpiclaw Suit]]<br>[[Scorpiclaw Gauntlets]]<br>[[Scorpiclaw Mask]]<br>[[Scorpiclaw Leggings]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[General Pask]] <br> Plateau near [[General Pask]] <br> in [[Rahu]]|| Organic|-| [[File:Yeti_and_Fungal.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Yeti]] || [[File:fweb.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Yeti]] || Yeti Armor <br> Fungal Armor <br> Web Armor || [[Yeti Stockings]]<br>[[Yeti Jacket]]<br>[[Yeti Gloves]]<br>[[Yeti Mask]]<br>[[Yeti Leggings]] || Dyeable* || Drop <br> [[Spider Cave]] <br> [[Yeti Cave]] <br> [[Fungal Fortress]] || Organic|-| [[File:mumrad.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Umrad]] || [[File:fumrad.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Umrad]] || Umrad Armor || [[Umrad Boots]]<br>[[Umrad Coat]]<br>[[Umrad Gloves]]<br>[[Umrad Helm]]<br>[[Umrad Leggings]] || Not Dyeable || Drop <br> New Lvl 90 Dungeons <br> Gauntlets 1 & 2 || Metal|-| [[File:Misc_Pieces.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Miscellaneous Pieces]] || [[File:MISC.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Miscellaneous Pieces]] || Miscellaneous Armor || [[Windstep Shoes]]<br>[[Silver-Threaded Shirt]]<br>[[Cloth Gloves]]<br>[[Sir Coth's Discarded Gift]] || Dyeable || Drop <br> Quest Reward from [[Gurki]] <br> Neophyte's [[Tailoring]] Practice (gloves) <br> Quest Reward from [[Sir Coth]] || Varies|-| [[File:Council_Pathfinder.png|150px|thumb|center|Male Council Pathfinder]] || [[File:Fcp.png|150px|thumb|center|Female Council Pathfinder]] || Council Pathfinder Armor || [[Council Pathfinder Boots]]<br>[[Council Pathfinder Armor]]<br>[[Council Pathfinder Gloves]]<br>[[Council Pathfinder Helm]]<br>[[Council Pathfinder Leggings]] || Dyeable* || Barter with [[Drima]] <br>for [[Sir Johnson Buck]] || Leather
Dyeable* - To see if a piece of armor is dyeable, click on the link - then expand the icon box by clicking on the red "Expand" in the bottom right corner. If the item is dyeable, there will be information under Stock Dye indicating how many colors can be used to dye the piece. If the item is not dyeable, there will be a keyword that says "NotDyeable". Occasionally a piece is dyeable but no stock information is provided - which means you just have to experiment. :)

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