Updating to v414
==[[Sigil Scripting/Abilities|Sigil Scripting Complete Ability List]]==
</includeonly><noinclude><!-- Updated to v414 on November 08, 2019 from v328 Fri Oct 04 2024 23:24:28 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) using FoxnEagle's auto-wiki-generator --></noinclude>Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Abilities for the {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} skill.{| {{STDT|sortable mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>}} style="width: 100%;"
! Icon !! Level !! Name !! style="width: 25%;" | Description !! style="width: 25%;" | Special !! style="width: 11%;" | Effects !! style="width: 11%;" | Stats !! style="width: 9%;" | Source
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3325.png</span> {{Ability icon|Explosion Sigil|2}} || 0 || Explosion Sigil || Create a dangerous symbol that explodes when an enemy gets near. Requres one Basic Volatile Ink, with a 50% chance to consume it. || Sigil explodes to deal 85 burst Fire damage plus 30 . Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 85 <br><b>Lingering Fire:</b> 5 Fire damage , 12 times over 15 12 seconds || || <b>Power Cost: </b>735<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3324.png</span> {{Ability icon|Electricity Sigil|2}} || 5 || Electricity Sigil || Create a symbol of power that shocks all creatures that get too close. Lasts 60 seconds. Consumes one Basic Volatile Ink. || Sigil uses burst attacks that deal 13 Electricity damage . Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 19 || || <b>Power Cost: </b>714<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3328.png</span> {{Ability icon|Restorative Sigil|2}} || 10 || Restorative Sigil || Create a symbol of health that heals nearby allies when danger is nearby. Lasts 60 seconds. Consumes one Basic Holistic Ink. || Sigil heals nearby allies for 15 health every 5 seconds while in combat . Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability. || || <b>Power Cost: </b>932<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3324.png</span> {{Ability icon|Acid Sigil|2}} || 15 || Acid Sigil || Create a symbol of bile that flings armor-destroying acid at targets. Lasts 60 seconds. Consumes one Basic Caustic Ink. || Sigil uses long range attacks that deal 5 Acid damage plus 15 armor damage . Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 28 <br><b>Lingering Acid:</b> 3 Acid, 10 times over 15 10 seconds || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1026<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3325.png</span> {{Ability icon|Explosion Sigil 2|2}} || 20 || Explosion Sigil 2 || Create a dangerous symbol that explodes when an enemy gets near. Requires one Advanced Volatile Ink, with a 50% chance to consume it. || Sigil explodes to deal 155 burst Fire damage plus 45 . Effects that boost Fire damage Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 155 <br><b>Lingering Fire:</b> 6 Fire, 12 times over 15 12 seconds || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1165<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3324.png</span> {{Ability icon|Restorative Sigil 2|2}} || 25 || Electricity Restorative Sigil 2 || Create a symbol of power that shocks all creatures health that get too closeheals nearby allies when danger is nearby. Lasts 90 seconds. Consumes one Advanced Volatile Holistic Ink. || Sigil uses burst attacks heals nearby allies for 25 health every 5 seconds while in combat. Effects that deal 25 Electricity damage boost Fire Wall also boost this ability. || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1245<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3328.png</span> {{Ability icon|Electricity Sigil 2|2}} || 25 || Restorative Electricity Sigil 2 || Create a symbol of health power that shocks all creatures that heals nearby allies when danger is nearbyget too close. Lasts 90 seconds. Consumes one Advanced Holistic Volatile Ink. || Sigil heals nearby allies for 25 health every 5 seconds while in combat uses burst attacks that deal Electricity damage. Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 29 || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1223<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3324.png</span> {{Ability icon|Repulsion Barrier|2}} || 35 || Acid Sigil 2 Repulsion Barrier || Create a symbol of bile repulsion; enemies that flings armor-destroying acid at targetsenter it will be flung away. Lasts 90 30 seconds. Consumes one Advanced Caustic Holistic Ink. || Sigil uses long range attacks Effects that deal 10 Acid damage plus 30 armor damage over 15 seconds boost Fire Wall also boost this ability. || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1539<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3329.png</span> {{Ability icon|Acid Sigil 2|2}} || 35 || Repulsion Barrier Acid Sigil 2 || Create a symbol of repulsion; enemies bile that enter it will be flung awayflings armor-destroying acid at targets. Lasts 30 90 seconds. Consumes one Advanced Holistic Caustic Ink. || Sigil uses long range attacks that deal Acid damage. Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 58 <br><b>Lingering Acid:</b> 6 Acid, 10 times over 10 seconds || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1539<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3325.png</span> {{Ability icon|Explosion Sigil 3|2}} || 40 || Explosion Sigil 3 || Create a dangerous symbol that explodes when an enemy gets near. Requires one Expert Volatile Ink, with a 33% chance to consume it. || Sigil explodes to deal 225 burst Fire damage plus 60 . Effects that boost Fire damage Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 297 <br><b>Lingering Fire:</b> 7 Fire, 12 times over 15 12 seconds || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1593<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3328.png</span> {{Ability icon|Restorative Sigil 3|2}} || 45 || Restorative Sigil 3 || Create a symbol of health that heals nearby allies when danger is nearby. Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes one Expert Holistic Ink. || Sigil heals nearby allies for 35 health every 5 seconds while in combat . Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability. || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1663<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3324.png</span> {{Ability icon|Explosion Sigil 4|2}} || 50 || Acid Explosion Sigil 3 4 || Create a dangerous symbol of bile that flings armor-destroying acid at targetsexplodes when an enemy gets near. Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes Requires one Expert Caustic Volatile Ink, with a 50% chance to consume it. || Sigil uses long range attacks that explodes to deal 20 Acid damage plus 45 armor burst Fire damage . Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 458 <br><b>Lingering Fire:</b> 8 Fire, 12 times over 15 12 seconds || || <b>Power Cost: </b>17105<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir ArifPreta]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3324.png</span> {{Ability icon|Electricity Sigil 3|2}} || 50 || Electricity Sigil 3 || Create a symbol of power that shocks all creatures that get too close. Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes one Expert Volatile Ink. || Sigil uses burst attacks that deal 37 Electricity damage . Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 67 || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1734<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Sir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3325.png</span> {{Ability icon|Acid Sigil 3|2}} || 50 || Explosion Acid Sigil 4 3 || Create a dangerous symbol of bile that explodes when an enemy gets nearflings armor-destroying acid at targets. Requires Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes one Expert Volatile Caustic Ink, with a 50% chance to consume it. || Sigil explodes to uses long range attacks that deal 285 burst Fire Acid damage plus 75 . Effects that boost Fire damage Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 101 <br><b>Lingering Acid:</b> 10 Acid, 10 times over 15 10 seconds || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1746<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[PretaSir Arif]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3587.png</span> {{Ability icon|Health Glyph|2}} || 50 || Health Glyph || Trace a symbol in the air that restores tremendous health to you. Consumes one Amazing Holistic Ink and takes four seconds one second to cast. || Instantly heals you for 500 health, increased by any First Aid or Major Healing bonuses you have || || <b>Power Cost: </b>25<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>180<br><b>Channel Time: </b>4 1 || <b>Training:</b> [[The Sand Seer]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3324.png</span> {{Ability icon|Restorative Sigil 4|2}} || 53 55 || Electricity Restorative Sigil 4 || Create a symbol of power that shocks all creatures health that get too closeheals nearby allies when danger is nearby. Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes one Amazingly Volatile Amazing Holistic Ink. || Sigil uses burst attacks heals nearby allies for 50 health every 5 seconds while in combat. Effects that deal 50 Electricity damage boost Fire Wall also boost this ability. || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1771<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Kohan]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3328.png</span> {{Ability icon|Explosion Sigil 5|2}} || 55 60 || Restorative Explosion Sigil 4 5 || Create a dangerous symbol of health that heals nearby allies explodes when danger is nearbyan enemy gets near. Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes Requires one Amazing Holistic Volatile Ink, with a 33% chance to consume it. || Sigil heals nearby allies for 50 health every 5 explodes to deal burst Fire damage. Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 624 <br><b>Lingering Fire:</b> 9 Fire, 12 times over 12 seconds while in combat || || <b>Power Cost: </b>18118<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Kohan]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3324.png</span> {{Ability icon|Teleportation Sigil|2}} || 58 60 || Acid Teleportation Sigil 4 || Create a symbol of bile movement that flings armor-destroying acid at targetscan be used by you and your allies (if they wish). Lasts 120 seconds5 minutes. Consumes one Amazingly Caustic Inktwo Amazing Holistic Inks. || Sigil uses long range attacks can teleport willing users to a random Teleportation Circle that deal 30 Acid damage plus 60 armor damage over 15 seconds they have used recently. || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1821<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 60 || <b>Training:</b> [[Kohan]]
| <span class="extimage64px">http://cdn.projectgorgon.com/v328/icons/icon_3325.png</span> {{Ability icon|Electricity Sigil 4|2}} || 60 65 || Explosion Electricity Sigil 5 4 || Create a dangerous symbol of power that shocks all creatures that explodes when an enemy gets nearget too close. Requires Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes one Amazingly Amazing Volatile Ink, with a 33% chance to consume it. || Sigil explodes to uses burst attacks that deal 355 burst Fire Electricity damage plus 90 . Effects that boost Fire damage over 15 seconds Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 98 || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1940<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Kohan]]
| {{Ability icon|Acid Sigil 4|2}} || 65 || Acid Sigil 4 || Create a symbol of bile that flings armor-destroying acid at targets. Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes one Amazing Caustic Ink. || Sigil uses long range attacks that deal Acid damage. Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 146 <br><b>Lingering Acid:</b> 15 Acid, 10 times over 10 seconds || || <b>Power Cost:</b> 55<br><b>Range:</b> 4<br><span class="extimage64px"b>httpCooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</cdnb> [[Kohan]]|-| {{Ability icon|Explosion Sigil 6|2}} || 70 || Explosion Sigil 6 || Create a dangerous symbol that explodes when an enemy gets near.projectgorgonRequires one Astounding Volatile Ink, with a 33% chance to consume it. || Sigil explodes to deal burst Fire damage. Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.com<br>Sigil Direct Damage 796 <br><b>Lingering Fire:</v328b> 10 Fire, 12 times over 12 seconds || || <b>Power Cost:</iconsb> 131<br><b>Range:</icon_3327b> 4<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Item:</b> [[Sigil Scripting: Explosion Sigil 6]]|-| {{Ability icon|Restorative Sigil 5|2}} || 75 || Restorative Sigil 5 || Create a symbol of health that heals nearby allies when danger is nearby. Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes one Astounding Holistic Ink. || Sigil heals nearby allies for 60 health every 5 seconds while in combat. Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.png|| || <b>Power Cost:</spanb> 87<br> <b>Range:</b> 4<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Item:</b> [[Sigil Scripting: Restorative Sigil 5]]|-| {{Ability icon|Electricity Sigil 5|2}} || 60 80 || Teleportation Electricity Sigil 5 || Create a symbol of movement power that shocks all creatures that can be used by you and your allies (if they wish)get too close. Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes one Astounding Volatile Ink. || Sigil uses burst attacks that deal Electricity damage. Effects that boost Fire Wall also boost this ability.<br>Sigil Direct Damage 133 || || <b>Power Cost:</b> 47<br><b>Range:</b> 4<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Item:</b> [[Sigil Scripting: Electricity Sigil 5 minutes]]|-| {{Ability icon|Acid Sigil 5|2}} || 80 || Acid Sigil 5 || Create a symbol of bile that flings armor-destroying acid at targets. Lasts 120 seconds. Consumes two one Amazing Holistic InksCaustic Ink. || Sigil can teleport willing users to a random Teleportation Circle uses long range attacks that deal Acid damage. Effects that they have used recentlyboost Fire Wall also boost this ability. <br>Sigil Direct Damage 195 <br><b>Lingering Acid:</b> 20 Acid, 10 times over 10 seconds || || <b>Power Cost: </b>1964<br><b>Range: </b>4<br><b>Cooldown: </b>60 15 || <b>Item:</b> [[Sigil Scripting: Acid Sigil 5]]|-| {{Ability icon|Health Burst Glyph|2}} || 85 || Health Burst Glyph || Trace a symbol in the air that restores tremendous health to you and all your allies. Consumes one Astounding Holistic Ink and takes one second to cast. || Instantly heals you and allies for 500 health, increased by any First Aid or Major Healing bonuses you have || || <b>Power Cost:</b> 36<br><b>AoE:</b> 20<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 180<br><b>Channel Time:</b> 1 || <b>TrainingItem:</b> [[KohanSigil Scripting: Health Burst Glyph]]