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Skeleton Ice Wizard

1,417 bytes added, 15:37, 17 October 2024
Eltibule Loot
| title = Skeleton Ice Wizard
| type = Undead
| health = 66139| armor = 65101| rage = 160270| effective = Crushing, Fire, Nature| veffective ineffective = FireTrauma| vineffective = Poison, TraumaCold, Cold| immune = Darkness
[[Skeleton Ice Wizard]]s are [[Undead]] skilled in the art of [[Ice Magic]]. These strong mages can freeze an Adventurer in place.
| area = Serbule Crypt
| location = Found in the deeper areas of the main floor.
| health = 66139| armor = 65101| rage = 160270| lootlevel = 25}}{{MOB Location| area = Serbule| location = Found near the entrance to Serbule Crypt.Found occasionally when disturbing uncovered graves.| health = ???| armor = ???| rage = ???| lootlevel = ??? }}{{MOB Location| area = Serbule Hills| location = Found occasionally when disturbing uncovered graves.| health = ???| armor = ???| rage = ???| lootlevel = 25}}{{MOB Location| area = Eltibule| location = Found occasionally when disturbing uncovered graves.| health = 395| armor = 101| rage = ???| lootlevel = ???
==Combat Abilities==
== Miscellaneous ==
{{Header|[[Skinning#Skinning Mechanics|Skinning Bonus]]}}
{{Header|[[Butchering|Skull Extraction]]|2}}
|{{Loot|Human Skull}}
|{{Loot|Elf Skull}}
|{{Loot|Rakshasa Skull}}
{{Header|[[Butchering#Butchering Mechanics|Butchering Bonus]]}}
== Reported Loot ==
==== [[Serbule Crypt]] Loot ====
|{{Loot|Strange Dirt}}
'''Abilities & Recipes'''
|{{Loot|Alchemy: The Hows and Whys of Acid}}
'''Equipment (Level 25)'''
==Miscellaneous==[[Serbule]] Loot ===='''Misc'''{|* Skin: None|{{Loot|Femur}}* Meat: None|{{Loot|Strange Dirt}}* Skull: Random between Elf/Human/Rakshasa|}
==Reported == [[Serbule Hills]] Loot====*'''Misc'''{||{{Loot|Femur}}|{{Loot|Strange Dirt}}|}'''Equipment (Level 25)'''*Femurs{||{{Loot|Battle Hardened Staff}}*Ancient Gear.|}
==== [[Category:Serbule Crypt CreaturesEltibule]]Loot ===='''Misc'''{||{{Loot|Femur}}|{{Loot|Strange Dirt}}|}'''Abilities & Recipes'''{||{{Item |Tailoring: Add Electricity Damage to Cloth Shirt}}|{{Item |Saddlery: Decent Mystic Saddlebag}}|}