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Mantis Art Guard

189 bytes added, 16:57, 3 November 2024
Reported Loot
== Reported Loot ==
==== General Loot ===='''Misc'''
|{{Loot|Brass Gear}}
|{{Loot|Crossing Oil}}
|{{Loot|Goblin Poetry}}
|{{Loot|Good Metal Slab}}
|{{Loot|Mind Enhancement Gem}}
| {{Loot|Cooking: Ur-BaconPeppercorns}}| {{Loot|Brain}}| {{Loot|Brass Gear}}| {{Loot|SulfurSmall Prism}}
| {{Loot|Crossing OilSulfur}}| {{Loot|PeppercornsUnidentified Poetry Book}}|}'''Abilities & Recipes'''{||{{Loot|Alchemy: Dirt Shield Potion}}| {{Loot|Small PrismAlchemy: Imatia's Sight Potion}}|{{Loot|Alchemy: Inks for Special Occasions Pt 1}}| {{Loot|CookingAlchemy: Poached EggInks for Special Occasions Pt 2}}
| {{Loot|TailoringAlchemy: Add Cold Damage to Cloth PantsOverclock Your Heart and Mind}}| {{Loot|Alchemy: Inks for Special Occasions Pt 1Potent Poison For Knives}}| {{Loot|Alchemy: Dirt Shield PotionStrong Antivenom}}| {{Loot|StaffAlchemy: PinWater Lung Potion}}
| {{Loot|KnifeArt: Duelist's Slash 2Silver Dragon Statues}}| {{Loot|KnifeCooking: Duelist's Slash 3Mantis-Stuffed Mushroom}}| {{Loot|TailoringCooking: Camouflaged Crude ShirtPoached Egg}}| {{Loot|Work Order for Concentrated Wolfen Speed Juices (Alchemy)Cooking: Ur-Bacon}}
| {{Loot|Sword: RiposteFae Phrenology Research}}| {{Loot|UnarmedKnife: Jab Duelist's Slash 2}}| {{Loot|AlchemyKnife: Water Lung PotionDuelist's Slash 3}}| {{Loot|AlchemyLeatherworking: Overclock Your Heart and MindCrude Evasion Shirt}}
| {{Loot|Leatherworking: Crude Decent Evasion Shirt}}| {{Loot|Psychology: Mock}}| {{Loot|Goblin PoetrySaddlery: Decent Mystic Saddlebag}}| {{Loot|Weather WitchSpirit Fox: Summon Doomstorm 2Illusive Guise}}
| {{Loot|AlchemyStaff: Imatia's Sight PotionPin}}| {{Loot|LeatherworkingSword: Decent Evasion ShirtPrecision Pierce}}| {{Loot|UnarmedSword: BodyslamPrecision Pierce 3}}| {{Loot|SaddlerySword: Decent Mystic SaddlebagRiposte}}
| {{Loot|Spirit FoxSword: Illusive GuiseRiposte 3}}| {{Loot|ArtTailoring: Silver Dragon StatuesAdd Cold Damage to Cloth Pants}}| {{Loot|SwordTailoring: Precision PierceCamouflaged Crude Shirt}}| {{Loot|CookingUnarmed: Mantis-Stuffed MushroomBodyslam}}
| {{Loot|AlchemyUnarmed: Potent Poison For KnivesJab 2}}| {{Loot|AlchemyWeather Witch: Strong AntivenomSummon Doomstorm 2}}|}'''Work Orders'''{|| {{Loot|Unidentified Poetry BookWork Order for Concentrated Wolfen Speed Juices (Alchemy)}}|}