Added coordinates to the Yellow Room
{{Spoiler|Destination List|
; '''Bold Numbers Are Confirmed as of 04/04/2023'''
When entering or modifying code entries, please indicate the date. Codes (very infrequently) change because of large zone changes, and it's helpful to know how old an entry is here.
; [[Anagoge Island]]
: Docks.
; [[Serbule Hills]]
: Portal to [[Serbule]].
:: '''0006''',0991,1111Unknown
: Outside [[Spider Cave]]
:: '''0001''',0169
:: '''9984''',0406,0912
: Top of giant tree.
:: '''0698''', 1111 (20241104)
; [[Eltibule]]
: Left-Middle Mountain
:: '''0300'''
: Inside [[Nightmare Caves]] next to the skill trainers.
:: '''9636'''
: Inside [[Aktaari Caves]] next to [[Cheb]].
:: '''9664'''
: A mysterious locale next to a ship in a bottle.
:: '''9610'''
: Inside a pocket dimension known as the Yellow Room.
:: '''9554'''
: Entrance of Errruka's Cave
:: 0006 (20241104), 0991 (20241104)
; [[Fae Realm]] - Alharth tp machine can't send you to different planes.
[[Category:Register of Lore]]