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Brown Ale Yeast

431 bytes added, 24 February
Updating infobox, v420
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| stack = 99
| keywords = <p>{{KW|BrewingIngredient}}{{KW|Ingredient}}{{KW|Stock}}</p>
=== Purchasing ===
<!-- Add as much information as you have available. Include incomplete informationThis table is pulled directly from the use of Template:Vendor Item Row.--><dpl>category = Sold/Brown Ale Yeastmode = unorderedcolumns = 1Example line:includesubpages = no*[[Sammie Grimspine]] in [[Serbule Hills]] for 75 councils. Requires include = {{Favor|Close FriendsNPC Infobox}}.:zonetable = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", Vendor, Location</dpl>Sold by [[Note: Brianna Willer]] and [[Dhakmar]]. Brianna sells Dachak sell it cheaper (300c each) but requires a much higher favor levelboth require Soul Mates status to purchase it from them
=== Drops ===
<!-- Include items dropped from monstersTo add drops, modify the relevant mob page and it will automatically be added to the following table. --><dpl>noresultsheader = This item has not been submitted by an editor as well loot, or may not exist as those obtained through skinning, butchering, skull extraction, etc.lootExample section:category = Loot/Brown Ale Yeast;[[Eltibule]]mode = unordered* [[Fire Rat]], sometimes drops columns = 1 [[Fire Dust]]* [[Fire Spider]], often drops as much as 3-5 [[Fire Dust]].include = {MOB Location}:areatable = class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed sortable", Monster, Location</dpl>
=== Gathering ===
<!-- Include items obtained from ground spawns such as fruit
{{Quote|source=[[Work Order for Fire Dust]]|Rumor has it that Fire Dust can be found all over the place in Serbule and Eltibule. You are very lucky! It is not so common here in Verta.}}
* Buying 87 Moss Agates at 200 each, with no favor bonus, to get Brianna from Neutral to Soul Mates would pay for itself after purchasing 287 [[Brown Ale Yeast]] from her instead of from Dhakmar.
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