;==Sample output==
<includeonly>Any categories for the template itself
[[Category:Template documentation]]
→On the Template/doc page: Making BASEPAGENAME call work incase template version not exist
===On the Template page===
<noinclude>{{Underconstruction}}</noinclude><!-- Template code--><noinclude>
===On the Template/doc page===
|info=Not needed when using the <i>preload functionality</i> provided by the <b>create</b> link when using the {{t|Documentation}} template.<br/>
The preload version will be more enhanced and is <b><u>recommended</u></b>.<br/>
To make use of the <i>preload functionality</i> click the <b>create</b> link provided when using the {{t|Documentation}} template.<br/>
<b>Don't</b> forget to save the generated doc page without alterations first before making any changes to it !
{{SPW|name={{subst:msg:BASEPAGENAME}}}};<includeonly><!-- Any categories for the template itself --></includeonly><noinclude>[[Category:Template documentation]]</noinclude>==Description==
:This template is used to do something.
:* Uses (some CSS, JS, file, or other template).
:Type <code>{{t|templatename}}</code> somewhere.
:<code><nowiki>{{templatename|foo}}</nowiki></code> gives...
*Use any or all of the above description/syntax/sample output sections. *:You may also want to add "see also" or further usage information sections. *Note that the above example also uses {{t|T}}.
== Dependencies ==
:*[[Template:T]] + [[Template:T/doc]]:*[[Template:Tocright]] + [[Template:Tocright/doc]]:*[[Template:SPW]] + [[Template:SPW/doc]]:*[[Template:Underconstruction]]<dl><dt>Site-wide CSS:</dt><dd><pre>.template-documentation .color1,
#bodyContent .template-documentation .color1 a,
#bodyContent .template-documentation .color1 a.external
}</pre>:*[[Template:T]] + [[Template:T/doc]]:*[[Template:Tocright]] + [[Template:Tocright</doc]]dd>:*[[Template:SPW]] + [[Template:SPW</doc]]dl>
[[Category:General wiki templates]]
[[Category:Template documentation]]