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Revision as of 18:53, 19 June 2016


Prefix Suffix Best Tier Slot All Tiers
of Flashing Life Tier 12 - Flashing Strike heals you for 36 health OffHand, Ring

  • Tier 1
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 3 health
    Tier 2
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 6 health
    Tier 3
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 9 health
    Tier 4
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 12 health
    Tier 5
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 15 health
    Tier 6
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 18 health
    Tier 7
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 21 health
    Tier 8
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 24 health
    Tier 9
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 27 health
    Tier 10
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 30 health
    Tier 11
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 33 health
    Tier 12
  • Flashing Strike heals you for 36 health

of Explosive Slashes Tier 4 - Combo: Sword Slash+Any Melee+Any Melee+Sword Slash: final step hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +20 damage. Hands

  • Tier 1
  • Combo: Sword Slash+Any Melee+Any Melee+Sword Slash: final step hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +5 damage.
    Tier 2
  • Combo: Sword Slash+Any Melee+Any Melee+Sword Slash: final step hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +10 damage.
    Tier 3
  • Combo: Sword Slash+Any Melee+Any Melee+Sword Slash: final step hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +15 damage.
    Tier 4
  • Combo: Sword Slash+Any Melee+Any Melee+Sword Slash: final step hits all enemies within 5 meters and deals +20 damage.

Invigorating of Invigoration Tier 5 - Parry and Riposte have a 40% chance to restore 25 Power to you Chest

  • Tier 1
  • Parry and Riposte have a 40% chance to restore 8 Power to you
    Tier 2
  • Parry and Riposte have a 40% chance to restore 12 Power to you
    Tier 3
  • Parry and Riposte have a 40% chance to restore 16 Power to you
    Tier 4
  • Parry and Riposte have a 40% chance to restore 20 Power to you
    Tier 5
  • Parry and Riposte have a 40% chance to restore 25 Power to you

Tier 12 - Decapitate restores 225 armor to you Chest, OffHand

  • Tier 1
  • Decapitate restores 27 armor to you
    Tier 2
  • Decapitate restores 45 armor to you
    Tier 3
  • Decapitate restores 63 armor to you
    Tier 4
  • Decapitate restores 81 armor to you
    Tier 5
  • Decapitate restores 99 armor to you
    Tier 6
  • Decapitate restores 117 armor to you
    Tier 7
  • Decapitate restores 135 armor to you
    Tier 8
  • Decapitate restores 153 armor to you
    Tier 9
  • Decapitate restores 171 armor to you
    Tier 10
  • Decapitate restores 189 armor to you
    Tier 11
  • Decapitate restores 207 armor to you
    Tier 12
  • Decapitate restores 225 armor to you

of Resurgence Tier 6 - Finishing Blow restores 27 Power to you Chest, OffHand

  • Tier 1
  • Finishing Blow restores 7 Power to you
    Tier 2
  • Finishing Blow restores 10 Power to you
    Tier 3
  • Finishing Blow restores 13 Power to you
    Tier 4
  • Finishing Blow restores 17 Power to you
    Tier 5
  • Finishing Blow restores 22 Power to you
    Tier 6
  • Finishing Blow restores 27 Power to you

Tier 12 - Flashing Strike deals +80% Slashing damage Legs, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Flashing Strike deals +20% Slashing damage
    Tier 2
  • Flashing Strike deals +25% Slashing damage
    Tier 3
  • Flashing Strike deals +30% Slashing damage
    Tier 4
  • Flashing Strike deals +40% Slashing damage
    Tier 5
  • Flashing Strike deals +45% Slashing damage
    Tier 6
  • Flashing Strike deals +50% Slashing damage
    Tier 7
  • Flashing Strike deals +55% Slashing damage
    Tier 8
  • Flashing Strike deals +60% Slashing damage
    Tier 9
  • Flashing Strike deals +65% Slashing damage
    Tier 10
  • Flashing Strike deals +70% Slashing damage
    Tier 11
  • Flashing Strike deals +75% Slashing damage
    Tier 12
  • Flashing Strike deals +80% Slashing damage

of Masterful Parrying Tier 5 - Parry hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing an additional +15 damage Hands

  • Tier 1
  • Parry hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing an additional +3 damage
    Tier 2
  • Parry hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing an additional +6 damage
    Tier 3
  • Parry hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing an additional +9 damage
    Tier 4
  • Parry hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing an additional +12 damage
    Tier 5
  • Parry hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing an additional +15 damage

of Feinting Tier 12 - After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +100 damage Legs

  • Tier 1
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +8 damage
    Tier 2
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +16 damage
    Tier 3
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +24 damage
    Tier 4
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +32 damage
    Tier 5
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +40 damage
    Tier 6
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +48 damage
    Tier 7
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +56 damage
    Tier 8
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +64 damage
    Tier 9
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +72 damage
    Tier 10
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +80 damage
    Tier 11
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +90 damage
    Tier 12
  • After a Wind Strike attack, your next attack deals an additional +100 damage

of Hacking Blades Tier 12 - Hacking Blade deals +130% slashing damage Head, Ring

  • Tier 1
  • Hacking Blade deals +20% slashing damage
    Tier 2
  • Hacking Blade deals +30% slashing damage
    Tier 3
  • Hacking Blade deals +40% slashing damage
    Tier 4
  • Hacking Blade deals +50% slashing damage
    Tier 5
  • Hacking Blade deals +60% slashing damage
    Tier 6
  • Hacking Blade deals +70% slashing damage
    Tier 7
  • Hacking Blade deals +80% slashing damage
    Tier 8
  • Hacking Blade deals +90% slashing damage
    Tier 9
  • Hacking Blade deals +100% slashing damage
    Tier 10
  • Hacking Blade deals +110% slashing damage
    Tier 11
  • Hacking Blade deals +120% slashing damage
    Tier 12
  • Hacking Blade deals +130% slashing damage

of Fast Decapitation Tier 6 - Decapitate Reuse Time -6 Hands

  • Tier 1
  • Decapitate Reuse Time -1
    Tier 2
  • Decapitate Reuse Time -2
    Tier 3
  • Decapitate Reuse Time -3
    Tier 4
  • Decapitate Reuse Time -4
    Tier 5
  • Decapitate Reuse Time -5
    Tier 6
  • Decapitate Reuse Time -6

Swordsman's of Swordsmanship Tier 6 - Sword Base Damage +35% Head, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Sword Base Damage +10%
    Tier 2
  • Sword Base Damage +15%
    Tier 3
  • Sword Base Damage +20%
    Tier 4
  • Sword Base Damage +25%
    Tier 5
  • Sword Base Damage +30%
    Tier 6
  • Sword Base Damage +35%

of Rapid Finishes Tier 5 - Wind Strike shortens the remaining reset time of Finishing Blow by 5 seconds Ring

  • Tier 1
  • Wind Strike shortens the remaining reset time of Finishing Blow by 1 seconds
    Tier 2
  • Wind Strike shortens the remaining reset time of Finishing Blow by 2 second
    Tier 3
  • Wind Strike shortens the remaining reset time of Finishing Blow by 3 seconds
    Tier 4
  • Wind Strike shortens the remaining reset time of Finishing Blow by 4 seconds
    Tier 5
  • Wind Strike shortens the remaining reset time of Finishing Blow by 5 seconds

of Arachnid Slicing Tier 10 - Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +120 damage to Spiders Necklace, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +20 damage to Spiders
    Tier 2
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +30 damage to Spiders
    Tier 3
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +40 damage to Spiders
    Tier 4
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +50 damage to Spiders
    Tier 5
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +60 damage to Spiders
    Tier 6
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +70 damage to Spiders
    Tier 7
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +80 damage to Spiders
    Tier 8
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +90 damage to Spiders
    Tier 9
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +100 damage to Spiders
    Tier 10
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow attacks deal +120 damage to Spiders

of De-escalating Heart Piercing Tier 12 - Heart Piercer removes (up to) 190 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage Chest, Feet

  • Tier 1
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 50 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 2
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 60 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 3
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 70 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 4
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 80 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 5
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 90 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 6
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 100 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 7
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 110 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 8
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 120 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 9
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 130 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 10
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 155 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 11
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 170 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
    Tier 12
  • Heart Piercer removes (up to) 190 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage

of Fast Decapitation Tier 6 - Debilitating Blow shortens the remaining reset time of Decapitate by 12 seconds Necklace

  • Tier 1
  • Debilitating Blow shortens the remaining reset time of Decapitate by 0.5 seconds
    Tier 2
  • Debilitating Blow shortens the remaining reset time of Decapitate by 4 seconds
    Tier 3
  • Debilitating Blow shortens the remaining reset time of Decapitate by 6 seconds
    Tier 4
  • Debilitating Blow shortens the remaining reset time of Decapitate by 8 seconds
    Tier 5
  • Debilitating Blow shortens the remaining reset time of Decapitate by 10 seconds
    Tier 6
  • Debilitating Blow shortens the remaining reset time of Decapitate by 12 seconds

Precision Healer's Tier 12 - Precision Pierce heals you for 12 health OffHand, Ring

  • Tier 1
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 1 health
    Tier 2
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 2 health
    Tier 3
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 3 health
    Tier 4
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 4 health
    Tier 5
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 5 health
    Tier 6
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 6 health
    Tier 7
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 7 health
    Tier 8
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 8 health
    Tier 9
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 9 health
    Tier 10
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 10 health
    Tier 11
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 11 health
    Tier 12
  • Precision Pierce heals you for 12 health

Keenslash Tier 12 - Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +36 damage Chest, Hands

  • Tier 1
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +3 damage
    Tier 2
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +6 damage
    Tier 3
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +9 damage
    Tier 4
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +12 damage
    Tier 5
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +15 damage
    Tier 6
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +18 damage
    Tier 7
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +21 damage
    Tier 8
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +24 damage
    Tier 9
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +27 damage
    Tier 10
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +30 damage
    Tier 11
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +33 damage
    Tier 12
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade have a 50% chance to deal +36 damage

Tier 6 - Precision Pierce deals +25 direct health damage Chest, Feet

  • Tier 1
  • Precision Pierce deals +4 direct health damage
    Tier 2
  • Precision Pierce deals +8 direct health damage
    Tier 3
  • Precision Pierce deals +12 direct health damage
    Tier 4
  • Precision Pierce deals +16 direct health damage
    Tier 5
  • Precision Pierce deals +21 direct health damage
    Tier 6
  • Precision Pierce deals +25 direct health damage

of Many Cuts Tier 12 - Many Cuts deals +75 armor damage Legs, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Many Cuts deals +15 armor damage
    Tier 2
  • Many Cuts deals +20 armor damage
    Tier 3
  • Many Cuts deals +25 armor damage
    Tier 4
  • Many Cuts deals +30 armor damage
    Tier 5
  • Many Cuts deals +35 armor damage
    Tier 6
  • Many Cuts deals +40 armor damage
    Tier 7
  • Many Cuts deals +45 armor damage
    Tier 8
  • Many Cuts deals +55 armor damage
    Tier 9
  • Many Cuts deals +60 armor damage
    Tier 10
  • Many Cuts deals +65 armor damage
    Tier 11
  • Many Cuts deals +70 armor damage
    Tier 12
  • Many Cuts deals +75 armor damage

Repositioning Tier 12 - Parry restores 16 health Chest, OffHand

  • Tier 1
  • Parry restores 3 health
    Tier 2
  • Parry restores 4 health
    Tier 3
  • Parry restores 5 health
    Tier 4
  • Parry restores 6 health
    Tier 5
  • Parry restores 7 health
    Tier 6
  • Parry restores 8 health
    Tier 7
  • Parry restores 10 health
    Tier 8
  • Parry restores 11 health
    Tier 9
  • Parry restores 12 health
    Tier 10
  • Parry restores 13 health
    Tier 11
  • Parry restores 14 health
    Tier 12
  • Parry restores 16 health

Rallying of Rallying Tier 6 - All sword abilities deal +25% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left Legs

  • Tier 1
  • All sword abilities deal +5% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
    Tier 2
  • All sword abilities deal +9% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
    Tier 3
  • All sword abilities deal +13% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
    Tier 4
  • All sword abilities deal +17% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
    Tier 5
  • All sword abilities deal +21% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
    Tier 6
  • All sword abilities deal +25% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left

of De-cat-itation Tier 10 - Decapitate deals +750 damage to Cats Necklace, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Decapitate deals +75 damage to Cats
    Tier 2
  • Decapitate deals +150 damage to Cats
    Tier 3
  • Decapitate deals +225 damage to Cats
    Tier 4
  • Decapitate deals +300 damage to Cats
    Tier 5
  • Decapitate deals +375 damage to Cats
    Tier 6
  • Decapitate deals +450 damage to Cats
    Tier 7
  • Decapitate deals +525 damage to Cats
    Tier 8
  • Decapitate deals +600 damage to Cats
    Tier 9
  • Decapitate deals +675 damage to Cats
    Tier 10
  • Decapitate deals +750 damage to Cats

of Explosive Cuts Tier 12 - Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +11 damage Hands

  • Tier 1
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters
    Tier 2
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +1 damage
    Tier 3
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +2 damage
    Tier 4
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +3 damage
    Tier 5
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +4 damage
    Tier 6
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +5 damage
    Tier 7
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +6 damage
    Tier 8
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +7 damage
    Tier 9
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +8 damage
    Tier 10
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +9 damage
    Tier 11
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +10 damage
    Tier 12
  • Many Cuts hits all enemies within 5 meters, dealing +11 damage

Tier 1 - Chance to Ignore Stuns +15% when Sword is active Feet, Necklace
Tier 12 - Heart Piercer heals you for 31 health OffHand, Ring

  • Tier 1
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 5 health
    Tier 2
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 7 health
    Tier 3
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 9 health
    Tier 4
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 11 health
    Tier 5
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 13 health
    Tier 6
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 15 health
    Tier 7
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 17 health
    Tier 8
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 19 health
    Tier 9
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 22 health
    Tier 10
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 25 health
    Tier 11
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 28 health
    Tier 12
  • Heart Piercer heals you for 31 health

Razorslash Tier 13 - Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 65% chance to deal double damage Chest, Hands

  • Tier 1
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 5% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 2
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 10% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 3
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 15% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 4
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 20% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 5
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 25% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 6
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 30% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 7
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 35% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 8
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 40% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 9
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 45% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 10
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 50% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 11
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 55% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 12
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 60% chance to deal double damage
    Tier 13
  • Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow have a 65% chance to deal double damage

Repositioning Tier 12 - Riposte restores 35 armor MainHand, Head

  • Tier 1
  • Riposte restores 4 armor
    Tier 2
  • Riposte restores 6 armor
    Tier 3
  • Riposte restores 8 armor
    Tier 4
  • Riposte restores 10 armor
    Tier 5
  • Riposte restores 13 armor
    Tier 6
  • Riposte restores 16 armor
    Tier 7
  • Riposte restores 20 armor
    Tier 8
  • Riposte restores 23 armor
    Tier 9
  • Riposte restores 26 armor
    Tier 10
  • Riposte restores 29 armor
    Tier 11
  • Riposte restores 32 armor
    Tier 12
  • Riposte restores 35 armor

Debilitating Tier 12 - Debilitating Blow deals +93 damage Head, OffHand

  • Tier 1
  • Debilitating Blow deals +5 damage
    Tier 2
  • Debilitating Blow deals +13 damage
    Tier 3
  • Debilitating Blow deals +21 damage
    Tier 4
  • Debilitating Blow deals +29 damage
    Tier 5
  • Debilitating Blow deals +37 damage
    Tier 6
  • Debilitating Blow deals +45 damage
    Tier 7
  • Debilitating Blow deals +53 damage
    Tier 8
  • Debilitating Blow deals +61 damage
    Tier 9
  • Debilitating Blow deals +69 damage
    Tier 10
  • Debilitating Blow deals +77 damage
    Tier 11
  • Debilitating Blow deals +85 damage
    Tier 12
  • Debilitating Blow deals +93 damage

of Flinging the Naked Tier 6 - Many Cuts knocks back targets that have less than a third of their Armor, also dealing +30 damage Head, Feet

  • Tier 1
  • Many Cuts knocks back targets that have less than a third of their Armor, also dealing +5 damage
    Tier 2
  • Many Cuts knocks back targets that have less than a third of their Armor, also dealing +10 damage
    Tier 3
  • Many Cuts knocks back targets that have less than a third of their Armor, also dealing +15 damage
    Tier 4
  • Many Cuts knocks back targets that have less than a third of their Armor, also dealing +20 damage
    Tier 5
  • Many Cuts knocks back targets that have less than a third of their Armor, also dealing +25 damage
    Tier 6
  • Many Cuts knocks back targets that have less than a third of their Armor, also dealing +30 damage

of Goblin Racism Tier 10 - Wind Strike deals +400 damage to Goblins Necklace, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Wind Strike deals +40 damage to Goblins
    Tier 2
  • Wind Strike deals +80 damage to Goblins
    Tier 3
  • Wind Strike deals +120 damage to Goblins
    Tier 4
  • Wind Strike deals +160 damage to Goblins
    Tier 5
  • Wind Strike deals +200 damage to Goblins
    Tier 6
  • Wind Strike deals +240 damage to Goblins
    Tier 7
  • Wind Strike deals +280 damage to Goblins
    Tier 8
  • Wind Strike deals +320 damage to Goblins
    Tier 9
  • Wind Strike deals +360 damage to Goblins
    Tier 10
  • Wind Strike deals +400 damage to Goblins

Tier 12 - Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +76 direct health damage Chest, Ring

  • Tier 1
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +10 direct health damage
    Tier 2
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +16 direct health damage
    Tier 3
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +22 direct health damage
    Tier 4
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +28 direct health damage
    Tier 5
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +34 direct health damage
    Tier 6
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +40 direct health damage
    Tier 7
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +46 direct health damage
    Tier 8
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +52 direct health damage
    Tier 9
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +58 direct health damage
    Tier 10
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +64 direct health damage
    Tier 11
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +70 direct health damage
    Tier 12
  • Precision Pierce has a 33% chance to deal +76 direct health damage

of Flashing Life Tier 12 - Flashing Strike deals +135 damage to undead Head, Necklace

  • Tier 1
  • Flashing Strike deals +10 damage to undead
    Tier 2
  • Flashing Strike deals +20 damage to undead
    Tier 3
  • Flashing Strike deals +30 damage to undead
    Tier 4
  • Flashing Strike deals +40 damage to undead
    Tier 5
  • Flashing Strike deals +50 damage to undead
    Tier 6
  • Flashing Strike deals +60 damage to undead
    Tier 7
  • Flashing Strike deals +70 damage to undead
    Tier 8
  • Flashing Strike deals +80 damage to undead
    Tier 9
  • Flashing Strike deals +90 damage to undead
    Tier 10
  • Flashing Strike deals +105 damage to undead
    Tier 11
  • Flashing Strike deals +120 damage to undead
    Tier 12
  • Flashing Strike deals +135 damage to undead

Refortifying of Refortifying Tier 6 - Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade restore 14 armor Chest

  • Tier 1
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade restore 4 armor
    Tier 2
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade restore 6 armor
    Tier 3
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade restore 8 armor
    Tier 4
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade restore 10 armor
    Tier 5
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade restore 12 armor
    Tier 6
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade restore 14 armor

of Undetected Slashes Tier 12 - Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 65 rage Head, Legs

  • Tier 1
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 10 rage
    Tier 2
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 15 rage
    Tier 3
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 20 rage
    Tier 4
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 25 rage
    Tier 5
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 30 rage
    Tier 6
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 35 rage
    Tier 7
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 40 rage
    Tier 8
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 45 rage
    Tier 9
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 50 rage
    Tier 10
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 55 rage
    Tier 11
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 60 rage
    Tier 12
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade remove 65 rage

Tier 12 - Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +48 damage. Hands, Legs

  • Tier 1
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +4 damage.
    Tier 2
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +8 damage.
    Tier 3
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +12 damage.
    Tier 4
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +16 damage.
    Tier 5
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +20 damage.
    Tier 6
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +24 damage.
    Tier 7
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +28 damage.
    Tier 8
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +32 damage.
    Tier 9
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +36 damage.
    Tier 10
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +40 damage.
    Tier 11
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +44 damage.
    Tier 12
  • Combo: Precision Pierce+Any Melee+Any Melee+Any Melee+Many Cuts: final step stuns the enemy and deals +48 damage.

of Decapitations Tier 12 - Decapitate deals +200% damage Legs, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Decapitate deals +30% damage
    Tier 2
  • Decapitate deals +45% damage
    Tier 3
  • Decapitate deals +60% damage
    Tier 4
  • Decapitate deals +75% damage
    Tier 5
  • Decapitate deals +90% damage
    Tier 6
  • Decapitate deals +105% damage
    Tier 7
  • Decapitate deals +120% damage
    Tier 8
  • Decapitate deals +135% damage
    Tier 9
  • Decapitate deals +150% damage
    Tier 10
  • Decapitate deals +165% damage
    Tier 11
  • Decapitate deals +180% damage
    Tier 12
  • Decapitate deals +200% damage

Death Vigor Tier 12 - Finishing Blow restores 65 armor to you Chest, OffHand

  • Tier 1
  • Finishing Blow restores 5 armor to you
    Tier 2
  • Finishing Blow restores 10 armor to you
    Tier 3
  • Finishing Blow restores 15 armor to you
    Tier 4
  • Finishing Blow restores 20 armor to you
    Tier 5
  • Finishing Blow restores 25 armor to you
    Tier 6
  • Finishing Blow restores 35 armor to you
    Tier 7
  • Finishing Blow restores 40 armor to you
    Tier 8
  • Finishing Blow restores 45 armor to you
    Tier 9
  • Finishing Blow restores 50 armor to you
    Tier 10
  • Finishing Blow restores 55 armor to you
    Tier 11
  • Finishing Blow restores 60 armor to you
    Tier 12
  • Finishing Blow restores 65 armor to you

of Dazing the Naked Tier 6 - Many Cuts has a 90% chance to stun targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining Head, Feet

  • Tier 1
  • Many Cuts has a 30% chance to stun targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining
    Tier 2
  • Many Cuts has a 40% chance to stun targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining
    Tier 3
  • Many Cuts has a 50% chance to stun targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining
    Tier 4
  • Many Cuts has a 60% chance to stun targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining
    Tier 5
  • Many Cuts has a 80% chance to stun targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining
    Tier 6
  • Many Cuts has a 90% chance to stun targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining

Belaying of Belaying Tier 12 - Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 220 Head, Legs

  • Tier 1
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 20
    Tier 2
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 40
    Tier 3
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 55
    Tier 4
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 70
    Tier 5
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 80
    Tier 6
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 100
    Tier 7
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 120
    Tier 8
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 140
    Tier 9
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 160
    Tier 10
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 180
    Tier 11
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 200
    Tier 12
  • Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 220

of Heart Piercing Tier 12 - Heart Piercer deals +17% piercing damage and heals you for 26 health Ring, Necklace

  • Tier 1
  • Heart Piercer deals +3% piercing damage and heals you for 4 health
    Tier 2
  • Heart Piercer deals +5% piercing damage and heals you for 6 health
    Tier 3
  • Heart Piercer deals +7% piercing damage and heals you for 8 health
    Tier 4
  • Heart Piercer deals +9% piercing damage and heals you for 10 health
    Tier 5
  • Heart Piercer deals +10% piercing damage and heals you for 12 health
    Tier 6
  • Heart Piercer deals +11% piercing damage and heals you for 14 health
    Tier 7
  • Heart Piercer deals +12% piercing damage and heals you for 16 health
    Tier 8
  • Heart Piercer deals +13% piercing damage and heals you for 18 health
    Tier 9
  • Heart Piercer deals +14% piercing damage and heals you for 20 health
    Tier 10
  • Heart Piercer deals +15% piercing damage and heals you for 22 health
    Tier 11
  • Heart Piercer deals +16% piercing damage and heals you for 24 health
    Tier 12
  • Heart Piercer deals +17% piercing damage and heals you for 26 health

Wind Dancer's Tier 1 - Using Wind Strike gives you 25% resistance to Elemental damage (Fire, Cold, Electricity) for 5 seconds OffHand
Platestriker Tier 12 - Wind Strike deals +115 armor damage Legs, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Wind Strike deals +15 armor damage
    Tier 2
  • Wind Strike deals +25 armor damage
    Tier 3
  • Wind Strike deals +30 armor damage
    Tier 4
  • Wind Strike deals +35 armor damage
    Tier 5
  • Wind Strike deals +45 armor damage
    Tier 6
  • Wind Strike deals +55 armor damage
    Tier 7
  • Wind Strike deals +65 armor damage
    Tier 8
  • Wind Strike deals +75 armor damage
    Tier 9
  • Wind Strike deals +85 armor damage
    Tier 10
  • Wind Strike deals +90 armor damage
    Tier 11
  • Wind Strike deals +105 armor damage
    Tier 12
  • Wind Strike deals +115 armor damage

Debilitating Tier 12 - Debilitating Blow deals +65 damage and generates -120 rage Ring, Necklace

  • Tier 1
  • Debilitating Blow deals +5 damage and generates -10 rage
    Tier 2
  • Debilitating Blow deals +10 damage and generates -20 rage
    Tier 3
  • Debilitating Blow deals +15 damage and generates -30 rage
    Tier 4
  • Debilitating Blow deals +20 damage and generates -40 rage
    Tier 5
  • Debilitating Blow deals +25 damage and generates -50 rage
    Tier 6
  • Debilitating Blow deals +30 damage and generates -60 rage
    Tier 7
  • Debilitating Blow deals +35 damage and generates -70 rage
    Tier 8
  • Debilitating Blow deals +40 damage and generates -80 rage
    Tier 9
  • Debilitating Blow deals +45 damage and generates -90 rage
    Tier 10
  • Debilitating Blow deals +52 damage and generates -100 rage
    Tier 11
  • Debilitating Blow deals +59 damage and generates -110 rage
    Tier 12
  • Debilitating Blow deals +65 damage and generates -120 rage

Hacking Tier 12 - Hacking Blade deals 80 Trauma damage over 4 seconds Feet, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Hacking Blade deals 4 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 2
  • Hacking Blade deals 8 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 3
  • Hacking Blade deals 12 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 4
  • Hacking Blade deals 16 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 5
  • Hacking Blade deals 20 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 6
  • Hacking Blade deals 24 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 7
  • Hacking Blade deals 30 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 8
  • Hacking Blade deals 40 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 9
  • Hacking Blade deals 50 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 10
  • Hacking Blade deals 60 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 11
  • Hacking Blade deals 70 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
    Tier 12
  • Hacking Blade deals 80 Trauma damage over 4 seconds

of Critical Windstrikes Tier 10 - Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +205 damage Head, Chest

  • Tier 1
  • Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +20 damage
    Tier 2
  • Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +35 damage
    Tier 3
  • Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +50 damage
    Tier 4
  • Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +75 damage
    Tier 5
  • Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +100 damage
    Tier 6
  • Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +125 damage
    Tier 7
  • Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +145 damage
    Tier 8
  • Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +170 damage
    Tier 9
  • Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +190 damage
    Tier 10
  • Wind Strike has a 50% chance to deal +205 damage

Tier 12 - Hacking Blade deals +48 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 140 Hands, Legs

  • Tier 1
  • Hacking Blade deals +4 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 25
    Tier 2
  • Hacking Blade deals +8 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 30
    Tier 3
  • Hacking Blade deals +12 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 35
    Tier 4
  • Hacking Blade deals +16 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 40
    Tier 5
  • Hacking Blade deals +20 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 50
    Tier 6
  • Hacking Blade deals +24 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 60
    Tier 7
  • Hacking Blade deals +28 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 70
    Tier 8
  • Hacking Blade deals +32 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 80
    Tier 9
  • Hacking Blade deals +36 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 90
    Tier 10
  • Hacking Blade deals +40 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 100
    Tier 11
  • Hacking Blade deals +44 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 120
    Tier 12
  • Hacking Blade deals +48 immediate slashing damage and reduces Rage by 140

of Heart Seeking Tier 12 - Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +87 direct health damage Legs, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +10 direct health damage
    Tier 2
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +17 direct health damage
    Tier 3
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +24 direct health damage
    Tier 4
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +31 direct health damage
    Tier 5
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +38 direct health damage
    Tier 6
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +45 direct health damage
    Tier 7
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +52 direct health damage
    Tier 8
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +59 direct health damage
    Tier 9
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +66 direct health damage
    Tier 10
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +73 direct health damage
    Tier 11
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +80 direct health damage
    Tier 12
  • Finishing Blow and Decapitate deal +87 direct health damage

Rage Poking Tier 5 - Precision Pierce deals +20 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 125 Head, Legs

  • Tier 1
  • Precision Pierce deals +4 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 25
    Tier 2
  • Precision Pierce deals +8 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 50
    Tier 3
  • Precision Pierce deals +12 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 75
    Tier 4
  • Precision Pierce deals +16 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 100
    Tier 5
  • Precision Pierce deals +20 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 125

of Mortifying Wounds Tier 1 - Decapitate briefly terrifies the target Legs
Wind Dancer's Tier 1 - Using Wind Strike grants you +50% projectile evasion for 5 seconds MainHand
Slashy of Slashing Tier 6 - Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade deal +13 damage Chest, Feet

  • Tier 1
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade deal +1 damage
    Tier 2
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade deal +3 damage
    Tier 3
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade deal +6 damage
    Tier 4
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade deal +9 damage
    Tier 5
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade deal +11 damage
    Tier 6
  • Sword Slash and Thrusting Blade deal +13 damage

of Finishing Blows Tier 12 - Finishing Blow deals +96% damage Legs, MainHand

  • Tier 1
  • Finishing Blow deals +8% damage
    Tier 2
  • Finishing Blow deals +16% damage
    Tier 3
  • Finishing Blow deals +24% damage
    Tier 4
  • Finishing Blow deals +32% damage
    Tier 5
  • Finishing Blow deals +40% damage
    Tier 6
  • Finishing Blow deals +48% damage
    Tier 7
  • Finishing Blow deals +56% damage
    Tier 8
  • Finishing Blow deals +64% damage
    Tier 9
  • Finishing Blow deals +72% damage
    Tier 10
  • Finishing Blow deals +80% damage
    Tier 11
  • Finishing Blow deals +88% damage
    Tier 12
  • Finishing Blow deals +96% damage

Hacking Tier 12 - Hacking Blade has a 77% chance to deal 120 Trauma damage over 8 seconds Head, OffHand

  • Tier 1
  • Hacking Blade has a 11% chance to deal 12 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 2
  • Hacking Blade has a 17% chance to deal 24 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 3
  • Hacking Blade has a 23% chance to deal 32 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 4
  • Hacking Blade has a 29% chance to deal 40 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 5
  • Hacking Blade has a 35% chance to deal 52 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 6
  • Hacking Blade has a 41% chance to deal 60 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 7
  • Hacking Blade has a 47% chance to deal 72 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 8
  • Hacking Blade has a 53% chance to deal 80 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 9
  • Hacking Blade has a 59% chance to deal 92 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 10
  • Hacking Blade has a 65% chance to deal 100 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 11
  • Hacking Blade has a 71% chance to deal 112 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
    Tier 12
  • Hacking Blade has a 77% chance to deal 120 Trauma damage over 8 seconds
