,→Recipe Lists: Added level 10 recipes.
| 5 || {{icon|recipe}} Alchemy: Inks for Special Occasions Pt 1 || '''Volatile Ink 1''' <br>'''Holistic Ink 1'''<br>'''Caustic Ink 1''' || Teaches you various recipes for special inks.
| 10 || {{iconItem|recipeAlchemy: Better Pick-Me-Ups}} || [[Make-Me-Strong Juice]] (L10) || Teaches you how to make Make-Me-Strong Juice, an overly cutesy name for a potion that boosts max health.|-| 10 || {{Item|Alchemy: Dirt Shield Potion}} || [[Dirt Shield Potion]] (L10) || Teaches you an odd recipe for a potion that keeps dirt off of you.|-| 10 || {{Item|Alchemy: Weak Poison For Knives }} || '''Poison Blade''' [[Weak Poisoned Knife]] (L10) || Teaches you how to make and apply poison to a small knife.
| 15 || {{icon|recipe}} Alchemy: Inks for Special Occasions Pt 2 || '''Volatile Ink 2''' <br>'''Holistic Ink 2'''<br>'''Caustic Ink 2''' || Teaches you various recipes for special inks.