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Council Lands

75 bytes added, 22:06, 9 October 2014
Starting to add references, as this was requested.
:Explorers traveling west of Serbule can find themselves at the old [[Serbule Crypt]], which is rumored to be haunted. Another point of interest in the west are two large stone hands jutting up from the rocky hills. These are the remains of a large statue that once stood in the area, now buried.
:- The Chortling Beaver Inn is a popular meeting place in town<ref>Lore item on the wall of the inn.</ref>, the proprietor [[Fainor]] is an excellent chef.
:-Citizens of The Council Lands often mistake Alharth as being the name for the entire world.
:- Alharth is the second largest of the nine continents.
<references />

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