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Ivory Horn (Quest)

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Tadion wants an ivory horn.
===Prerequisites===To start this quest, talk to '''[[Tadion]]''' in '''[[Serbule Keep]]'''. The quest is available at {{Favor|Comfortable}} favor.
===Preface==={{Quote|I'm making a special ... device. For Ivyn. It's a ... well, anyway, it doesn't matter. I need a horn. A really nice one, maybe made of ivory? Or something even better if you come across it. Thanks.}}
===Requirements==<!-- Add requirements here. Use {{Item}} template for items, and link mobs. -->=* Find Obtain an {{itemItem|Ivory Horn}}. {{Hint|You can find these off of Rhinos in the crypt or in Sun Vale}}* Talk to Quest GiverTadion
===Rewards==<!-- We use a spoiler here to hide the end results of the quest. A player may want to see what the quest requirements are, without knowing what the reward is. -->=
{{Spoiler|Rewards for Ivory Horn|
{{Quote|You found one?! Wow. Thanks! Here's some cash for your trouble.}}
<!-- This text is what the quest giver says in the dialog window when you complete the quest. Place that text in the quote. -->{{Quote|You found one?! Wow. Thanks! Here's some cash for your trouble.}} <!-- Add items received upon quest completion. Use {{Item}} template for items. Link XP in skills.-->* 100 favor towards {{Favor|favor|Friend}}* 1500 Councilscouncils
 [[Category:Quests]][[Category:Quests/Serbule Quests]][[Category:Quests/Tadion]]