,bad link
| 25 || {{Item|Alchemy: Inks for Special Occasions Pt 3}} || [[Volatile Ink 3]] (L 25) <br>[[Holistic Ink 3]]<br>[[Caustic Ink 3]] || Teaches you various recipes for special inks.
| 25 || {{Item|The Alchemist's Screams}} || [[Keep-meMe-alive juiceAlive Juice]] (L 25)|| An Orcish Hal-Ku story..slowly killed... useful recipe hidden in the appendix. --Boosts Maximum health by +30 for 60minutes
1 Bottle of Water, 1 Boletus Mushroom Flakes, 1 Cat eyeball, 1 Muntok Peppercorns
| 25 || {{Item|Alchemy: Orchish Thickskin Potion}}|| [[Keep-meMe-alive juiceAlive Juice]] (L 25)|| Teaches you how to create a potion that dramatically boosts your Max Bodyheat.
| 30 || {{Item|Alchemy: Behold the Fire Shield}} || [[Fire Shield Potion]] (L 30) || Teaches you how to create a potion that burns enemies that attack you