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5 bytes added, 06:08, 22 August 2019
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Lunaera is a panpriest shapeshifter. What is a panpriest you might wonder? Well a panpriest is a priest who reveres *most* of the gods. However her primaries are Dreva, Akhisa, Norala and Arisetsu ([[Priest]]). She however is violently opposed to the god of the Ranalon, Enoyos. She takes many forms but you'll almost never see her in a humanoid form. You're most likely to see her as a Wolf ([[Lycanthropy]]) but you may also catch her as a [[deer]], [[spider]], [[cow]], [[pig]], or bird ([[druid]]). Lunaera is also an advocate for nature and the natural order. She is very much a jack of all trades. She is always happy to help those in need. Even humans. (But not Ranalon).
She does not like humans.

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