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13 bytes added, 16:35, 9 January 2020
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| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 1 || Front Kick || A kick that sends the enemy flying backwards. || Flings opponent backwards<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Damage: </b> 11 Crushing<br><b>Dmg to Vulnerable Targets: </b> 11 Crushing || <b>Power Cost: </b>7<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>7 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 1 || Jab || A feint that catches an opponent off-guard. In combos, you can use Jab whenever Punch is called for, and equipment that affects Punch also affects Jab.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +10 Power) || || <b>Damage: </b> 6 Crushing<br><b>Reduces Rage: </b>-12<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>0% || <b>Power Cost: </b>4<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>5 || <b>Item:</b> [[Unarmed_Jab|Unarmed: Jab]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 3 || Barrage || A flurry of blows that will leave an opponent briefly stunned. (Your hands must be empty.)<br><b>This is a Nice Attack.</b> || Stuns opponent<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 4 times over 8 seconds<br><b>Suppresses Monster Shout</b> || <b>Damage: </b> 16 Crushing || <b>Power Cost: </b>12<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || Leveling

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