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NPC Template

221 bytes added, 12:49, 20 April 2015
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: Description of whereabouts <!-- could be [[Some Area]] link if the need arise to create separate pages, eg. for towns -->
==ShopBuys==<!-- I think it's best to only include points where their money pool changes -->; Money Pool: 5000 at '''Friends''': 25000 at '''Best Friends''': 10000000 at '''Soul Mates'''<!-- "Weapons" means all main hand and offhands, except Shields. "Armor" is all helms/chests/legs/feet. "Jewelry" is necklaces/rings. If a vendor buys anything for reduced prices (like [[Laura Neth]]), mention '(reduced price)' -->* Gems* Shields* Boots ==Sells==
An introductory paragraph briefly explains what this merchant has to offer.
==Small Talk==
<!-- remember to update the categories below! -->
* Loves ...
* Likes ... {{Hint|Hints about good gifts can be added like so.}}
* Hates ...
<!-- "teaching" and "training" is simplified here to just "Training" -->
; [[Fire Magic]] <!-- organize abilities and recipes, and let the reader get ability info from the relevant pages -->
: ''Defensive ChillAbility Name'' (level requirement if different from the skill) -- at '''Friends''': ''Fireball'', ''Super Fireball'' -- at '''Close Friends''': ''Cold Protection'' <!(10 [[Meditation]]) -- plain list of abilities and recipes, one per line -->at '''Like Family'''
; [[Mycology]]
; [[Consignment]]
: Requires Friends. Mark-up fee of 200 gold plus 20%, and non-refundable stocking fee of 100 gold.
; [[Storage]]
: Requires '''Close Friends'''. At '''Soul Mates''', 500 slots.
==Hang Out=={{Spoiler|*;Add a hang out title here(Duration):-Rewards here:-More rewards here *; [[Storage]] Next hang out (10 slotsDuration): Offers storage at ''Friends''.Rewards}}
<!-- SuggestionsNPC Category, and the NPC Category for their zone (EX * Zone-wide sub-category[[Category: Serbule NPCs, Eltibule NPCs, etc.  * For Favors, suggest using "Likes" even if game says "Loves" so we can have useful groups and search, otherwise there will be too many unusable indexes (eg. one NPC loves swords, another likes swords: they won't show up in the same list, greatly reducing the usefulness of such categories]]). -->
[[Category:Template guides]][[Category:NPCs]]

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