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1,036 bytes added, 18:39, 26 August 2020
no edit summary
== About Me ==
I've played a lot of MMORPGs. If you can name it, I probably tried it at least once. But the ones that have stuck with me are the sandbox games that encourage exploration, classless systems that allow creative gameplay, and ones with friendly communities. I never thought I would find one that had all three of these elements and so much more.
I am hooked, genuinely in love with this game, and want to do what I can to make the experience better for others. The best way I know how is to contribute to the wiki, so I will do my best. Please let me know if I've made any errors or missteps in any of my edits.
== My WikiGoals ==
* I want every item to have something filled out for its How to Obtain section!
* I would love to document the lore surrounding each NPC, from details they share to things learned from others about them.
* More than anything, I want to address any page that gets mentioned in Global chat... "the wiki was unclear on x", "oh it's wrong on the wiki" -- I never want to see this again!

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