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Hemmit Magmagrip

1 byte added, 11:23, 5 October 2020
Hang Out
==Hang Out==
{{Spoiler|Have a mushroom-joke competition (8 3 hours) {{Favor|Neutral}}|
{{Quote|"Hahaha! Wait, damn it all! I laughed, but only because your joke was so awful! Mycelium museum doesn't even rhyme! Or make sense! Okay, my turn... we're both about out of material here... have I tried this one? Why did the two algae get married? They took a lichen to each other! ...nothing? Then the final score is 3 to 2, I win! No, I said that laugh didn't count!... Fine, it's a tie! Didja like the mushroom bites? Well, next time YOU make 'em, 'cuz they're a pain in the ass! Here's the recipe."}}
:30 Favor with Hemmit Magmagrip
:The ability to learn more mushroom-grow boxes gets unlocked (i.e. Epic Crop Mushroom Box).
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====

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