(This is currently a placeholder and active Work<span style="color:#FF0000; font-inweight:bold;font-Progress page to help Adventurers new and old get the most out of their journeys on this islandsize:15px;">(MORE TO FOLLOW)</span>
no edit summary
|type=<span style="color:#000000; font-weight:bold;font-size:15px20px;">Welcome . . . to Anagoge Island!</span>|info=<span style="color:#000000; font-weight:bold;font-size:15px;">You may What you see before you will hopefully be feeling somewhat confused. Don’t worry, that’s normal around these parts. You’re without memories in a land filled with mystery and wonderdetailed breakdown of what you can see, following a branching path many before you have set forth upon. Within these writingsdo, those with patience may find and learn on the near-lost history starting island of a land ravaged by timeAnagoge. Others seek wisdomIt is currently, glimpses at their future potential. If this is your first time visiting this libraryvery much, be aware that everything recorded has been a work-in-progress and it's formatting will probably change multiple times as I learn more wiki keywords and solidify all the data so through the contributions of generous adventurersplease bear with me. Perhaps one day you too will record knowledge here!</span><br/><br/>(<i>NOTE: Most pages on the Project: Gorgon Wiki (including this one) contain open spoilers. The page for Anagoge Island is formatted I will try to allow for new players seeking specific answers to retain an essence of exploration and discovery)hide the most spoilery bits behind expandable tags, but if you want the purest experience then you probably shouldn't be using the Wiki anyway.</i>
{{MAP infobox
| name = Anagoge Island(Marked)
| mapimage = [[File:AnagogeMarkedMap.jpg|400px]]
| portaldesc = Quest Given
<span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold;font-size:15px;">(This is currently a placeholder and active Work-in-Progress page to help Adventurers new and old get the most out of their journeys on this island)</span>
<blockquote><i><b>NOTE:</b> I can not stress enough that a big part of this game is about exploration and discovery.
Please approach the game with that mindset whenever possible.</i></blockquote>
{{Spoiler|That being said, if it is <u>NOT</U> your first time on the island and you just wanna use a "Speed Pass" to get to the main game as fast as possible, then follow the steps hidden below.|
<u>Escaping the Island in six easy steps:</u>
:# Wake up on '''Anagoge Island'''.
:# Head to the broken <Strange Platform> just past [[Lawara]] and loot an {{Item|Amethyst}} from the nearby <Dropped sack>.
:# Head to the Lighthouse and speak to [[Elmetaph]] to learn the [[Teleportation]] Skill and the 'Bind Circle' recipe.
:# Head to the working <Strange Platform> and cast 'Bind Circle' which should then get you the 'Recall Circle' recipe.
:# Head back to [[Elmetaph]] and go through the prompts until you can tell him the Obelisk's code ( 6 9 1 8 ) so he can change your Recall point.
:# Head back to the working <Strange Platform> and cast 'Recall Circle' to be teleported to the northern side of [[Serbule Keep]].
<b>Welcome to the region of [[Serbule]]!</B>}}
It's time to get your bearings. You wake up on the docks with only the clothes on your back (A {{Item|Crude Undershirt}} and {{Item|Crude Underwear}} to be specific), an [[Gourmand|appreciation for food]] and basic knowledge of fighting with your [[Unarmed|fists]], [[Sword|swords]], and [[Archery|bows]].<br/>
Thankfully, there is a <Dropped Backpack> directly in front of you where you can collect a {{Item|Moldy Ancient Sword}} and five {{Item|Hardtack}}.<br/>
Without much in the way of memories you can still seem to remember a few basics of survival:<br/>
<B>* Be brave. Experience the world or you will never truly be a part of it.</b>
{{Spoiler|* Be rested. Take a "Power Nap" whenever you get the chance as the road ahead is full of turmoil and you need to be ready for anything. (Expand for Spoilers)|
:* <b>Comfort:</b> Find a <Bed> and take a "Power Nap" to get a 30-minute buff.
::: (Buff '<i>Regenerates +3 armor per update (when out of combat)</i>'.)
{{Spoiler|* Be nourished. Always have a meal and/or a snack in your belly whenever possible to keep your strength up. (Expand for Spoilers)|
:* <b>Meal:</b> Eating {{Item|Hardtack}} gives you a 60-minute buff.
::: Buff '<i>Max Health +1. Regenerates 15 health and 20 power every few seconds when out of combat</i>'.)
:* <b>Meal:</b> Choosing to "Consume Porridge" at the <Food> Cauldron near Lawara gives you a 60-minute buff.
::: (Buff '<i>Max Health +1. Regenerates 15 health and 20 power every few seconds when out of combat</i>'.)
:* <b>Snack:</b> Eating {{Item|Mild Cheddar Cheese}} from the <Strange Chest> near the four Pedestals gives you a 60-minute buff.
::: (Buff '<i>Max Health +14. Max Power +28. Regenerates 5 health and 11 power every few seconds during combat. Regenerates 46 health and 28 power every few seconds when out of combat</i>.)
{{Spoiler|* Be curious. Examine objects as learning can sometimes come from the simplest of places. (Expand for Spoilers)|
:* <b>Objects:</b> You can learn many new skills (and recipes) by examining objects around the island
:** <b>Skill:</b> [[Mycology]] is learned when you pick your first <Parasol Mushrooms> that spawned in the ground.
:** <b>Skill:</b> [[Lore]] is learned by reading the <History of Alharth> book in the Lighthouse and/or examining the <Statue> up the hill from the docks.
:** <b>Recipe:</b> {{Item|Parasol Mushroom Flakes}} is learned from the 'Basics of Alchemy' Book in Elmetaph's Lighthouse.
:** <b>Recipe:</b> {{Item|Pick-Me-Up Juice}} is learned from the 'Basics of Alchemy' Book in Elmetaph's Lighthouse.
:** <b>Recipe:</b> {{Item|Rotten Strawberry}} is learned from the 'Basics of Alchemy' Book in Elmetaph's Lighthouse.
{{Spoiler|* Be resourceful. Pick up items lying around on the ground or on a defeated foe as you never know what items may help you survive and possibly assist others. (Expand for Spoilers)|
:* <b>Items:</b> Multiple items are very beneficial to getting the most out of this island.
:** {{Item|Empty Bottle}}: Need one for a local quest (by filling into a {{Item|Bottle of Water}} and crafting something using [[Alchemy]] Skill)), but also something you can never have enough of.
:** {{Item|Spoon}}: Need two for a local quest. Loot randomly spawning <Ivory Spoon> or <Old Spoon> spots to collect.
:** {{Item|Femur}}: Need four for a local quest, but can also be given as a gift to earn Favor. Loot from Skeletons.
:** {{Item|Parasol Mushroom}}: Need two for a local quest (by crafting something using [[Mycology]] Skill). Loot randomly spawning <Parasol Mushrooms> spots to collect.
:** {{Item|Strange Dirt}}: Need two for a local quest (by crafting something using [[Alchemy]] Skill). Loot randomly spawning <Mound of Dirt> spots or loot from Skeletons to collect.
:** {{Item|Salt}}: Need one for a local quest (by crafting something using [[Mycology]] Skill)and six more to escape the island. Loot randomly from enemies and also receive ten from an ally on the island.
:** {{Item|Sugar}}: Need for a local quest (by crafting something using [[Alchemy]] Skill)
:** {{Item|Hard Roll}}: Amazing local item for gaining Favor with an ally on the island.
'''<u>ALLIES OF ANAGOGE</u>'''
There are a few others exiled on this island with you. Interact and assist them and you just may be able to escape this place and have some additional skills to make your survival more possible.
:{| class="wikitable"
|''Shack near the docks''
|A depressed man seriously in need of a Pick-Me-Up. Help him out of his funk to learn how to Psych out your opponents.
{{Spoiler|Specifics (Spoilers)|
{{Spoiler|He gives the [[Cheer Up Riger]] Quest (Expand for Spoilers)|
: 1) Learn the following from the 'Basics of Alchemy' Book in Elmetaph's Lighthouse
::* Skill: [[Alchemy]]
::* Recipe: [[Parasol Mushroom Flakes]]
::* Recipe: [[Pick-Me-Up Juice]]
: 2) Hunt down the following items:
::* 2x {{Item|Parasol Mushroom}}: Loot randomly spawning <Parasol Mushrooms> spots to collect.
::* 1x {{Item|Salt}}: Loot randomly from enemies and also receive ten from a local ally after completing a quest.
::* 1x {{Item|Empty Bottle}}: Just lying around, usually as an <Old Bottle>
::* 1x {{Item|Strange Dirt}}: Search randomly spawning <Mound of Dirt> spots or loot from Skeletons to collect.
::* 1x {{Item|Sugar}}: Search randomly spawning <Dropped sack> spots or loot from enemies.
: 3) Craft the following:
::* Interaction: Create a {{Item|Bottle of Water}} by choosing 'Fill' on {{Item|Empty Bottle}} while standing in water
::* Alchemy Skill: 1x {{Item|Parasol Mushroom Flakes}}
::* Alchemy Skill: 1x {{Item|Pick-Me-Up Juice}}
: 4) Give [[Riger]] the {{Item|Pick-Me-Up Juice}} to complete Quest and earn [[Alchemy]] XP (100)
: 5) Read the <Textbook> near him, once completed, to learn the [[Psychology]] Skill
|A former instructor willing to help you escape this gods-forsaken place.
{{Spoiler|Specifics (Spoilers)|
{{Spoiler|He first gives the [[Find an Amethyst]] Quest (Expand for Spoilers)|
: 1) Find a single {{Item|Amethyst}}. Can be found in a <Dropped sack> laying near either <Strange Platform> or as a reward for completing a Favor for [[Lawara]]
: 2) Return to Elmetaph to be rewarded with the following:
::* Skill: [[Teleportation]]
::* Recipe: Bind Circle
::* 10x {{Item|Salt}}
{{Spoiler|He then gives the [[Find an Amethyst (part 2)]] Quest (Expand for Spoilers)|
: 1) Head out to the working <Strange Platform> (south side of the island)
: 2) Craft the 'Bind Circle' Recipe on platform to bind to it
: 3) You'll level up [[Teleportation]] and learn the 'Recall Circle' Recipe
: 4) Return to [[Elmetaph]]
{{Spoiler|He finally gives the [[Obelisk Math]] Quest (Expand for Spoilers)|
: 1) Explore the island for and read the writing on all four Obelisks
: 2) Return to [[Elmetaph]] once deciphered
: 3) Provide him the proper code to be tied to the new Recall point
{{Spoiler|Obelisk Code Answers (Expand for Spoilers)|
:* The first number listed is . . . <b>SIX</b> !
:* The second number listed is . . . <b>NINE</b> !
:* The third number listed is . . . <b>ONE</b> !
:* The fourth number listed is . . . <b>EIGHT</b> !
Once you are ready to leave the island go to the working <Strange Platform> and craft the 'Recall Circle' Recipe to leave the island (Destination: [[Serbule Keep]])
|''Camp past Statue''
|A formal General who's happy to remain ignorant of the possible atrocities of her past. You can spend time with her, gain Favor, and be rewarded with tools to help you in your journeys.
{{Spoiler|Specifics (Spoilers)|
Lawara is the first NPC where you can have extended interactions with her to gain [[Favor]]. Gaining Favor allows more options to open up, such as new Quests, Hangouts, or even the ability for her to store items for you.
{{Spoiler|Rewards at Higher Favor Levels (Spoilers)|
{{Spoiler|<u>Comfortable</u> Favor Level (reach 100 pts):|
* {{Item|Autopsy Kit}}
{{Spoiler|<u>Friends</u> Favor Level (reach 300 pts):|
* {{Item|Simple Skinning Knife}}
{{Spoiler|<u>Close Friends</u> Favor Level (reach 600 pts):|
* {{Item|Lawara's Mangled Platemail}}
{{Spoiler|<u>Best Friends</u> Favor Level (reach 1200 pts):|
{{Spoiler|<u>Like Family</u> Favor Level (reach 2000 pts):|
{{Spoiler|<u>Soul Mates</u> Favor Level (reach 3000 pts):|
Please note that you don't need to become 'Soul Mates' with her before leaving the island as you will be able to find ways to get back here and continue your "friendship".
<br/>Besides the choice to "Talk" with her, you can also do the following (beware of spoilers if you expand them):
{{Spoiler|You can choose to "Small Talk", where she tells you what kinds of gifts she likes.|
* She Loves Bread
* She Likes Bones
* She Likes Art
See the "Give Gifts" section for actual value amounts for items found on the island.
{{Spoiler|You can choose to "Do Favor", where she will give you Quests (availability based on current Favor level).|
{{Spoiler|At <b>Neutral</B> Favor, she gives the [[Find Spoons]] Quest (Expand for Spoilers)|
: 1) 2x {{Item|Spoon}}: Loot randomly spawning <Ivory Spoon> or <Old Spoon> spots to collect.
: 2) Return to [[Lawara]] for the following Rewards:
:* [[Favor]] (100 pts)
:* 1x {{Item|Amethyst}}
{{Spoiler|At <b>Neutral</B> Favor, she gives the [[Find Bones]] Quest (Expand for Spoilers)|
: 1) 4x {{Item|Femur}}: Loot from Skeletons.
: 2) Return to [[Lawara]] for the following Rewards:
:* [[Favor]] (100 pts)
{{Spoiler|You can choose to "Give Gift", where you earn Favor points by giving her items from your inventory that interest her.|
As referred to in "Small Talk", Lawara is interested in the following:
* She Loves Bread
* She Likes Bones
* She Likes Art
{{Spoiler|Hidden below are the actual Favor Value for items found on the island (MAJOR Spoiler. Last chance to avoid)|
* 14.4 pts per {{Item|Hard Roll}}
* 3.6 pts per {{Item|Hardtack}}
* 3.0 pts per {{Item|Femur}}
* 3.0 pts per {{Item|Rib Bone}}
* 1.2 pts per {{Item|Elven Verse}}
* 0.9 pts per {{Item|Burial Poem}}
{{Spoiler|You can choose to "Hang Out", where you can spend time offline with her to earn [[Favor]] (availability based on current Favor level)|
{{Spoiler|At <u>Neutral</u> Favor Level, she will ask to "Check each other for lice (1 hour)" (Expand for Spoilers)|
: 1) Log out with the character for at least 60 minutes
: 2) Log in with the character for the following Rewards:
:* [[Favor]] (12 pts)
:* 1x {{Item|Louse Comb}}
{{Spoiler|At <u>Neutral</u> Favor Level, she will ask to "Share your experiences with amnesia (2 hours)" (Expand for Spoilers)|
: 1) Log out with the character for at least 120 minutes
: 2) Log in with the character for the following Rewards:
:* [[Favor]] (20 pts)
:* [[Unarmed]] XP (300 pts)
{{Spoiler|At <u>Friends</u> Favor Level, she will ask to "Help carve marionettes (4 hours)" (Expand for Spoilers)|
: 1) Log out with the character for at least 240 minutes
: 2) Log in with the character for the following Rewards:
:* [[Favor]] (35 pts)
:* [[Carpentry]] XP (300 pts)
There's a lot of trouble roaming the island and it's up to you to show them the error of their ways.
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!Additional Details
|[[File:Headshot--Arthropod-Venom_Spider.PNG|60px|Venom Spider]]
|[[Venom Spider]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 18
|style="text-align:right;" | 7
|style="text-align:right;" | 51
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Canine-Malnourished_Wolf.PNG|60px|Malnourished Wolf]]
|[[Malnourished Wolf]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 18
|style="text-align:right;" | 20
|style="text-align:right;" | 43
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Construct-Enchanted_Dummy.PNG|60px|Enchanted Dummy]]
|[[Enchanted Dummy]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 20
|style="text-align:right;" | 0
|style="text-align:right;" | 0
|(Details forthcoming)
|style="text-align:right;" | 28
|style="text-align:right;" | 18
|style="text-align:right;" | 71
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Fish_and_Snail-Great_White_Shark.PNG|60px|Great White Shark]]
|[[Great White Shark]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 354
|style="text-align:right;" | 251
|style="text-align:right;" | 519
|Fish and Snail
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Rodent-Giant_Rat.PNG|60px|Giant Rat]]
|[[Giant Rat]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 23
|style="text-align:right;" | 0
|style="text-align:right;" | 44
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Undead-Dilapidated_Guardian.PNG|60px|Dilapidated Guardian]]
|[[Dilapidated Guardian]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 29
|style="text-align:right;" | 0
|style="text-align:right;" | 25
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Undead-Forgotten_Skeletal_Mage.PNG|60px|Forgotten Skeletal Mage]]
|[[Forgotten Skeletal Mage]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 58
|style="text-align:right;" | 35
|style="text-align:right;" | 95
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Undead-Old_Skeleton_Guard.PNG|60px|Old Skeleton Guard]]
|[[Old Skeleton Guard]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 30
|style="text-align:right;" | 31
|style="text-align:right;" | 80
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Undead-Skeleton_Archer.PNG|60px|Skeleton Archer]]
|[[Skeleton Archer]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 48
|style="text-align:right;" | 35
|style="text-align:right;" | 96
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Undead-Toughened_Skeleton_Guard.PNG|60px|Toughened Skeleton Guard]]
|[[Toughened Skeleton Guard]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 57
|style="text-align:right;" | 51
|style="text-align:right;" | 123
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Undead-Waterlogged_Guardian.PNG|60px|Waterlogged Guardian]]
|[[Waterlogged Guardian]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 15
|style="text-align:right;" | 0
|style="text-align:right;" | 25
|(Details forthcoming)
|[[File:Headshot--Undead-Weatherbeaten_Skeleton_Archer.PNG|60px|Weatherbeaten Skeleton Archer]]
|[[Weatherbeaten Skeleton Archer]]
|style="text-align:right;" | 11
|style="text-align:right;" | 12
|style="text-align:right;" | 49
|(Details forthcoming)