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Find an Amethyst (part 2)

88 bytes added, 12:29, 10 February 2021
Summary: fixed text
An old elf named [[Elmetaph ]] taught you some [[Teleportation ]] magic. He told you to find a teleportation platform on the island and practice binding yourself to it.
''[ Stand on a teleportation platform and press the Recipes Recipe button on the right of the screen. Find the Bind Circle recipe and use it while standing there. ]''
{{Spoiler|Reward for this quest|
When you use '''Bind Circle''' for the first time, you gain 100 XP in [[Teleportation]]. This is enough experience to get you to level 5 in Teleportation. As a level-up reward you learn the recipe '''Recall Circle'''.
;Wait. That will send me to my bound location, right?
Yes. You'll be whisked away to whatever wherever you last bound yourself.
;But I just bound myself to here, on this island!
;Aww come on! What do I do now?
Hmm. Well, I do know how to remotely bind to a distant location. But I couldn't possibly teach you such an advanced Teleportation technique. It took me over 40 years to learn it. You're a fast learner, but not that fast.
I suppose I could cast it on you myself...
;So you can change my bound location?
Remote binding is hard even for the most advanced mages. And I'm a little past my prime. Bit But I can give it a shot, if you like. I can probably get you somewhere off this island, and probably on dry land. I couldn't promise you any specifics, though.
;Fine. I'll take it. What do I do?
[[Category:Quests]][[Category:Quests/Elmetaph]][[Category:Quests/Anagoge Island Quests]]