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Felmer's First Aid

114 bytes added, 20:43, 1 October 2021
[[Felmer ]] in the [[Fae Realm ]] said, "If you bring me dinosaur scales to make buttons, I'll show you how to use First Aid."
To start this quest, talk to '''[[Felmer]]''' in '''[[Fae Realm]]'''. This quest is only available to [[Fairy|Fae]].
If you bring me [[Small Dinosaur Scale|dinosaur scales ]] to make buttons, I'll show you how to use [[First Aid]].
* Obtain [[Small Dinosaur Scale|Small Dinosaur Scales ]] x2
* Talk to [[Felmer]]
{{Quote|These are just what I wanted. Thank you! Now hand me that kit and I'll show you the best way to wrap bandages. This works for bondage as well as injuries.}}
* 25 {{Favor|favor}}
* [[First Aid]] raised to Level 10.
[[Category:Quests]][[Category:Quests/Fae Realm Quests]][[Category:Quests/Felmer]][[Category:Quests/Fae Quests]]