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Project: Gorgon Wiki β



1,659 bytes added, 11:24, 24 October 2021
Version History
* [[Hardcore_Mode#List_of_Items_Usable_Only_in_Hardcore_Mode]]
* [[Gourmand/Edibles]], [[Gourmand/Meals]], [[Gourmand/Snacks]], [[Gourmand/Instant-Snacks]]
* [[Template:Attribute icon]] and [[Template:Attribute label]]
* The Xp tables (the pages in [[:Category:Xptable]])
AllyBot is on GitHub:
=== Version History ===
*119: Updating to v352. Run 10/24/2021 (after a slight delay of a week or so on alleryn's part).*118: Updating to v351. Added some NPC location inof. Run 10/5/2021.*117: Now maintains xp tables.*116: Updating to v350. Also fixed bug with whittling recipes and updated some NPC location info. Run 9/29/2021.*115: Updating to v349. Run 9/27/2021.*114: Updating to v348. Run 7/4/2021. No changes.*113: Updating to v347. Run 7/4/2021.*112: Bugfix: work order council rewards working again after change to quests.json in v345. Run 5/26/2021.*111: Updating to v346. Run 5/25/2021. No changes.*110: Updating to v345. Run 5/25/2021.*109: Updating to v344. Run 4/22/2021. No changes.*108: Updating to v343. Run 4/22/2021. No changes.*107: Updating to v342. Run 3/26/2021.*106: Minor bugfix. Run 12/15/2020.*105: Development VersionMinor bugfix and added functionality. Run 12/15/2020.:** add [[Template:Attribute icon]] and [[Template:Attribute label]] to maintained pages.** Some category ingredients display incorrectly, e.g. [[:Category:Items/CheapMeat]] butchering recipe shows Cheap Meat (stack of 60) x60 (with the x60 displayed redundantly). ** add [[Daisy_(Lute)]] to list of maintained item pages (I don't really already manually edited, AllyBot should not have a good excuse for not having fixed this bug yet... but i guess it's pretty minorany immediate effect).
*104: Updating to v341. Run 12/11/2020.
*103: Updating to v340. Run 11/7/2020.
*101: Bugfixes run 10/4/2020:
** Add keyword values to Gifting table.
** Recipes for the keyword [[:Category:Items/Crystal |Crystal]] are numerous and clog the readability of some recipe outputs (notably those for [[Vervadium]], [[Glowy Yellow Crystal]], and [[Winterprize]]). Separate these out. Also separate out the keywords [[:Category:Items/CheapMeat|CheapMeat]], [[:Category:Items/Equipment|Equipment]], and the various keywords for each equipment slot, not counting the belt or racial slot (these two slots do not have analagous keywords, augementation recipes, or shamanic infusion recipes), namely [[:Category:Items/MainHand|MainHand]], [[:Category:Items/OffHand|OffHand]], [[:Category:Items/Head|Head]], [[:Category:Items/Chest|Chest]], [[:Category:Items/Legs|Legs]], [[:Category:Items/Hands|Hands]], [[:Category:Items/Feet|Feet]], [[:Category:Items/Necklace|Necklace]], [[:Category:Items/Ring|Ring]]. Also the keyword [[:Category:Items/Shield|Shield]], due to the many shield-wax recipes should be separated.
** Items with zero value like temporary fairy items should not produce information that they make good gifts.
** Add some more info for some recipe results, including Meditation, Calligraphy, and recipes that produce CraftingEnhanceItem or AddItemTSysPower ResultEffects (will parse the description string and make the most (subjectively, i guess) important parts bold for ease of reading). Also fix the recipe for Rum-Glazed Shrimp, the only recipe (as of v338) to use the ResultEffects ConsumeItemUses, which should convey that it consumes only 2 doses of the rum barrel (it already says this in the description, but Allybot's recipe output doesn't display that info).
* Skips items with "EquipSlot:" and with "Lint_NotObtainable" in "Keywords" (because they are numerous, and generally uninteresting since they can't be obtained in game by any normal means). Most of these do not have wiki pages at all, with the exception of a few admin items, the starting underwear, and a few other random uninteresting items (or maybe this is one of those 'only interesting because it would otherwise be uniquely uninteresting in a swath of interesting' type of deals (see, but probably not) like [[HumanClothBoots1]].
=== Known Bugs/Potential Improvements ===
* High Priority (will be fixed soon)
* Medium Priority (may be added eventually if i have spare time)
** Wintria and Hirochi don't show their preferences in the Gifting section for textbooks, as they appear to accept only crafted textbooks for favor, and the bot doesn't parse this information as of now.
** Notes about unobtainable (Lint_NotObtainable) items, to avoid confusion (although this info is already present in the item infobox)
** Does not correctly find all npc names that it should (affects Quests section)
** Recipe scroll information can be extracted from sources_recipes.json for any recipe with at least one source having "Type": "Item", in which case that source's "ItemTypeId" will indicate the item teaching the recipe.
* Low Priority (unlikely to be added, unless someone thinks it's important)
** Sometimes the Ability Consumption script will report some misleading data, as the "AmmoDescription" in abilities.json is not always precise. For example, Basic Shot will report consuming "Beginner's Arrow (or better)", correctly, but Multishot will report consuming "Beginner's Arrow x5" even though it can also use "(or better)" arrows.
** Purchase info for work orders (from w.o. board), i.e. automatically add to Purchasing section which work order board the work order can be purchased from (info is currently available at the page for the item in the Quest Fulfillment section; this would add the info also to Purchasing section at the page for the work order for the item.
== Other Projects ==
** Updates to [[Fairy]] page. Scripts to generate info on FaeMetalArmor and Help the Hive Quests
** <s>Update Bartering templates to use <nowiki>{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}</nowiki></s> (It turns out this was a bad idea, because it didn't play well with dpl).
==Unmaintained Scripts==
* [[Template:Attribute icon]] and [[Template:Attribute label]]. I have scripts to generate these, but at this time i do not run them. Feel free to contact me if you would like me to update either of these pages, or if you would like the source code i use to generate those pages.