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==[[Battle Chemistry/Abilities|Battle Chemistry Complete Ability List]]==
==[[Battle Chemistry/Abilities|Battle Chemistry Complete Ability List]]==
</includeonly><noinclude><!-- Updated to v401 on Fri Jan 12 2024 10:06:27 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time) using FoxnEagle's auto-wiki-generator --></noinclude>
<!-- Updated on August 26, 2019 from v323 -->
{| {{STDT|sortable mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>}} style="width:100%;"
Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Abilities for the {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} skill.
{| {{STDT|sortable mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>}} style="width: 100%;"
! Icon !! Level !! Name !! style="width: 25%;" | Description !! style="width: 25%;" | Special !! style="width: 11%;" | Effects !! style="width: 11%;" | Stats !! style="width: 9%;" | Source
! Icon !! Level !! Name !! style="width: 25%;" | Description !! style="width: 25%;" | Special !! style="width: 11%;" | Effects !! style="width: 11%;" | Stats !! style="width: 9%;" | Source
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 1 || Toxin Bomb || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 12 Poison<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>14<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Toxin Bomb|2}} || 1 || Toxin Bomb || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 15 Poison<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 15<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 2 || Mycotoxin Formula || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you (10m radius). || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 12 Nature<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>13<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mycotoxin Formula|2}} || 2 || Mycotoxin Formula || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 15 Nature<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 13<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 3 || Acid Bomb || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Nice Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage Armor: </b>12 Acid<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>11<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Acid Bomb|2}} || 3 || Acid Bomb || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Nice Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 17 Acid<br><b>Armor Dmg:</b> 17 Acid<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 16<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 4 || Freezing Mist || Toss instant-freeze chemicals all around yourself to slow enemy movement (10m radius). ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 9 Cold || <b>Power Cost: </b>21<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Mist|2}} || 4 || Healing Mist || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 25 Health to You and Nearby Allies<br><b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds<br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 16<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 4 || Healing Injection || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 25 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>13<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Freezing Mist|2}} || 4 || Freezing Mist || Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 15 Cold || <b>Power Cost:</b> 22<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 4 || Healing Mist || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 25 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>15<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Injection|2}} || 4 || Healing Injection || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 38 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 13<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 5 || Toxic Irritant || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +12 Power) ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 10 Acid || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>5 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Toxic Irritant|2}} || 5 || Toxic Irritant || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 6 Acid || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 5 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 6 || Mutation: Knee Spikes || Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Kicks deal +5% damage.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>11<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Toes|2}} || 6 || Mutation: Extra Toes || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Kicks deal +5% damage.<br>Sprint Speed Bonus 2 (out-of-combat only)<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 10<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 7 || Mutation: Extra Skin || Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +3, Indirect Damage Mitigation +1<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>12<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Skin|2}} || 7 || Mutation: Extra Skin || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +3, Indirect Damage Mitigation +1<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 11<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 8 || Mutation: Extra Heart || You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || In-Combat Power Regeneration +2, Out-Of-Combat Power Regeneration +3.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>12<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Heart|2}} || 8 || Mutation: Extra Heart || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Combat Refresh Power Restoration +22<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 11<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 9 || Mutation: Extra Toes || You grow numerous additional toes on your feet, giving you slightly better purchase on the ground. You can sprint faster while out of combat. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Out-of-Combat Sprint Speed +2<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>13<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxin Bomb 2|2}} || 10 || Toxin Bomb 2 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 33 Poison<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 20<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 10 || Toxin Bomb 2 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 26 Poison<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>19<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Create Primitive Golem|2}} || 11 || Create Primitive Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given one command. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 90 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 11 || Create Primitive Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given one command. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>50<br><b>Range: </b>0<br><b>Cooldown: </b>90 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mycotoxin Formula 2|2}} || 12 || Mycotoxin Formula 2 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 32 Nature<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 17<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 12 || Mycotoxin Formula 2 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you (10m radius). || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 24 Nature<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>17<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Acid Bomb 2|2}} || 13 || Acid Bomb 2 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Nice Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 38 Acid<br><b>Armor Dmg:</b> 38 Acid<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 21<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 13 || Acid Bomb 2 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Nice Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage Armor: </b>24 Acid<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>14<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Mist 2|2}} || 14 || Healing Mist 2 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 35 Health to You and Nearby Allies<br><b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds<br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 22<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 14 || Freezing Mist 2 || Toss instant-freeze chemicals all around yourself to slow enemy movement (10m radius). || || <b>Damage: </b> 22 Cold || <b>Power Cost: </b>29<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Freezing Mist 2|2}} || 14 || Freezing Mist 2 || Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 37 Cold || <b>Power Cost:</b> 30<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 14 || Healing Injection 2 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 35 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>17<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Injection 2|2}} || 14 || Healing Injection 2 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 51 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 18<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 14 || Healing Mist 2 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 35 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>21<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Haste Concoction|2}} || 15 || Haste Concoction || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +6 for 6 seconds. ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 10<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 15 || Haste Concoction || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +6 for 6 seconds. ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>10<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxic Irritant 2|2}} || 15 || Toxic Irritant 2 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 15 Acid || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 5 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 15 || Toxic Irritant 2 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +17 Power) ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 17 Acid || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>5 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Toes 2|2}} || 16 || Mutation: Extra Toes 2 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Kicks deal +10% damage.<br>Sprint Speed Bonus 2 (out-of-combat only)<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 14<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 16 || Mutation: Knee Spikes 2 || Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Kicks deal +10% damage.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>15<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Skin 2|2}} || 17 || Mutation: Extra Skin 2 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +6, Indirect Damage Mitigation +2<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 14<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 17 || Mutation: Extra Skin 2 || Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +6, Indirect Damage Mitigation +2<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>16<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Heart 2|2}} || 18 || Mutation: Extra Heart 2 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Combat Refresh Power Restoration +30<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 15<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 18 || Mutation: Extra Heart 2 || You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || In-Combat Power Regeneration +3, Out-Of-Combat Power Regeneration +6.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>16<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxin Bomb 3|2}} || 20 || Toxin Bomb 3 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 56 Poison<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 25<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 19 || Mutation: Stretchy Spine || Your spine becomes flexible like rubber. You are highly resistant to physical trauma. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Trauma Mitigation +10.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>16<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Yalox]]
| {{Ability icon|Mycotoxin Formula 3|2}} || 22 || Mycotoxin Formula 3 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 50 Nature<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 22<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 20 || Toxin Bomb 3 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 41 Poison<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>24<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Acid Bomb 3|2}} || 23 || Acid Bomb 3 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Nice Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 64 Acid<br><b>Armor Dmg:</b> 64 Acid<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 26<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 22 || Mycotoxin Formula 3 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you (10m radius). || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 36 Nature<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>21<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Mist 3|2}} || 24 || Healing Mist 3 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 45 Health to You and Nearby Allies<br><b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds<br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 27<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 23 || Acid Bomb 3 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Nice Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage Armor: </b>40 Acid<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>18<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Freezing Mist 3|2}} || 24 || Freezing Mist 3 || Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 64 Cold || <b>Power Cost:</b> 37<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 24 || Freezing Mist 3 || Toss instant-freeze chemicals all around yourself to slow enemy movement (10m radius). ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 38 Cold || <b>Power Cost: </b>36<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Injection 3|2}} || 24 || Healing Injection 3 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 65 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 23<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 24 || Healing Injection 3 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 45 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>22<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Create Simple Golem|2}} || 25 || Create Simple Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given two commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 90 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 24 || Healing Mist 3 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 45 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>26<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Toes 3|2}} || 26 || Mutation: Extra Toes 3 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Kicks deal +12% damage.<br>Sprint Speed Bonus 3 (out-of-combat only)<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 17<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 25 || Create Simple Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given two commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>50<br><b>Range: </b>0<br><b>Cooldown: </b>90 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Toxic Irritant 3|2}} || 26 || Toxic Irritant 3 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 26 Acid || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 5 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 26 || Mutation: Knee Spikes 3 || Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Kicks deal +12% damage.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>19<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Skin 3|2}} || 27 || Mutation: Extra Skin 3 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +9, Indirect Damage Mitigation +3<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 17<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 26 || Toxic Irritant 3 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +21 Power) ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 26 Acid || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>5 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Heart 3|2}} || 28 || Mutation: Extra Heart 3 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Combat Refresh Power Restoration +36<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 18<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 27 || Mutation: Extra Skin 3 || Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +9, Indirect Damage Mitigation +3<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>19<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxin Bomb 4|2}} || 30 || Toxin Bomb 4 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 86 Poison<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 30<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 28 || Mutation: Extra Heart 3 || You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || In-Combat Power Regeneration +4, Out-Of-Combat Power Regeneration +9.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>19<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Trigger Golem|2}} || 30 || Trigger Golem || Order your golem to immediately run through its instruction set and use an ability. (You can use the golem conditional "Owner has triggered golem" to add a special instruction for this situation. Remember that it will still follow its rules from first to last, so if you want the rule to always trigger, it should be the first rule.) || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 29 || Mutation: Extra Toes 2 || You grow numerous additional toes on your feet, giving you slightly better purchase on the ground. You can sprint faster while out of combat. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Out-of-Combat Sprint Speed +3<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>20<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Create Basic Golem|2}} || 31 || Create Basic Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given three commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 90 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 30 || Toxin Bomb 4 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 62 Poison<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>29<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mycotoxin Formula 4|2}} || 32 || Mycotoxin Formula 4 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 78 Nature<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 27<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 30 || Trigger Golem || This ability does nothing on its own. It is possible to program golems to behave differently when this ability is active, however. (Use the ability again to turn the trigger off.) || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>0<br><b>Cooldown: </b>1 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Acid Bomb 4|2}} || 33 || Acid Bomb 4 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Nice Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 96 Acid<br><b>Armor Dmg:</b> 96 Acid<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 32<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 31 || Create Basic Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given three commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>50<br><b>Range: </b>0<br><b>Cooldown: </b>90 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Healing Mist 4|2}} || 34 || Healing Mist 4 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 60 Health to You and Nearby Allies<br><b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds<br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 33<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 32 || Mycotoxin Formula 4 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you (10m radius). || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 55 Nature<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>25<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Freezing Mist 4|2}} || 34 || Freezing Mist 4 || Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 99 Cold || <b>Power Cost:</b> 45<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 33 || Acid Bomb 4 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Nice Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage Armor: </b>57 Acid<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>21<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Injection 4|2}} || 34 || Healing Injection 4 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 78 Health || || <b>Power Cost:</b> 28<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 34 || Freezing Mist 4 || Toss instant-freeze chemicals all around yourself to slow enemy movement (10m radius). || || <b>Damage: </b> 59 Cold || <b>Power Cost: </b>42<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Haste Concoction 2|2}} || 35 || Haste Concoction 2 || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +8 for 8 seconds. || || <b>Power Cost:</b> 16<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 34 || Healing Injection 4 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 55 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>26<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxic Irritant 4|2}} || 35 || Toxic Irritant 4 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 37 Acid || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 5 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 34 || Healing Mist 4 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 60 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>31<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Toes 4|2}} || 36 || Mutation: Extra Toes 4 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Kicks deal +15% damage.<br>Sprint Speed Bonus 3 (out-of-combat only)<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 21<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 35 || Haste Concoction 2 || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +8 for 8 seconds. ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>15<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Skin 4|2}} || 37 || Mutation: Extra Skin 4 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +12, Indirect Damage Mitigation +4<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 21<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 35 || Toxic Irritant 4 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +25 Power) ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 35 Acid || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>5 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Heart 4|2}} || 38 || Mutation: Extra Heart 4 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Combat Refresh Power Restoration +42<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 21<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 36 || Mutation: Knee Spikes 4 || Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Kicks deal +15% damage.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>22<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Create Standard Golem|2}} || 39 || Create Standard Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given four commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 90 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 36 || Mutation: Stretchy Spine 2 || Your spine becomes flexible like rubber. You are highly resistant to physical trauma. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Trauma Mitigation +20. Occasionally cures broken bones.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>22<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Yalox]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxin Bomb 5|2}} || 40 || Toxin Bomb 5 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 130 Poison<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 36<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 37 || Mutation: Extra Skin 4 || Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +12, Indirect Damage Mitigation +4<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>22<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Create Armored Standard Golem|2}} || 40 || Create Armored Standard Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given four commands. It is extra-armored against attack. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 90 || <b>Gift:</b> [[Leonard Allenson]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 38 || Mutation: Extra Heart 4 || You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || In-Combat Power Regeneration +5, Out-Of-Combat Power Regeneration +12.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>22<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Mycotoxin Formula 5|2}} || 42 || Mycotoxin Formula 5 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 120 Nature<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 31<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 39 || Create Standard Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given four commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>50<br><b>Range: </b>0<br><b>Cooldown: </b>90 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Acid Bomb 5|2}} || 43 || Acid Bomb 5 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Nice Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 147 Acid<br><b>Armor Dmg:</b> 147 Acid<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 37<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 40 || Create Armored Standard Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given four commands. It is extra-armored against attack. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>50<br><b>Range: </b>0<br><b>Cooldown: </b>90 || <b>Gift:</b> [[Leonard Allenson]]<br>
| {{Ability icon|Healing Mist 5|2}} || 44 || Healing Mist 5 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 70 Health to You and Nearby Allies<br><b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds<br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 38<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 40 || Toxin Bomb 5 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 93 Poison<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>33<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Freezing Mist 5|2}} || 44 || Freezing Mist 5 || Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 154 Cold || <b>Power Cost:</b> 52<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 42 || Mycotoxin Formula 5 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you (10m radius). || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 85 Nature<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>28<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Injection 5|2}} || 44 || Healing Injection 5 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 91 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 32<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 43 || Acid Bomb 5 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Nice Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage Armor: </b>88 Acid<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>23<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Haste Concoction 3|2}} || 45 || Haste Concoction 3 || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +10 for 10 seconds. || || <b>Power Cost:</b> 18<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 44 || Freezing Mist 5 || Toss instant-freeze chemicals all around yourself to slow enemy movement (10m radius). ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 92 Cold || <b>Power Cost: </b>46<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxic Irritant 5|2}} || 45 || Toxic Irritant 5 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 58 Acid || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 5 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 44 || Healing Injection 5 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 65 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>28<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Toes 5|2}} || 46 || Mutation: Extra Toes 5 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Kicks deal +17% damage.<br>Sprint Speed Bonus 4 (out-of-combat only)<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 24<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 44 || Healing Mist 5 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 70 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>34<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Skin 5|2}} || 47 || Mutation: Extra Skin 5 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +15, Indirect Damage Mitigation +5<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 24<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 45 || Haste Concoction 3 || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +10 for 10 seconds. ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>16<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Heart 5|2}} || 48 || Mutation: Extra Heart 5 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Combat Refresh Power Restoration +48<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 24<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 45 || Toxic Irritant 5 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +27 Power) || || <b>Damage: </b> 52 Acid || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>5 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Toxin Bomb 6|2}} || 50 || Toxin Bomb 6 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 200 Poison<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 40<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 46 || Mutation: Knee Spikes 5 || Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Kicks deal +17% damage.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>24<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Create Improved Golem|2}} || 51 || Create Improved Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given five commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 90 || Leveling
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 47 || Mutation: Extra Skin 5 || Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +15, Indirect Damage Mitigation +5<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>24<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Mycotoxin Formula 6|2}} || 52 || Mycotoxin Formula 6 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 181 Nature<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 35<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 48 || Mutation: Extra Heart 5 || You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || In-Combat Power Regeneration +6, Out-Of-Combat Power Regeneration +15.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>24<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Acid Bomb 6|2}} || 53 || Acid Bomb 6 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Nice Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 220 Acid<br><b>Armor Dmg:</b> 220 Acid<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 42<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 49 || Mutation: Extra Toes 3 || You grow numerous additional toes on your feet, giving you slightly better purchase on the ground. You can sprint faster while out of combat. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Out-of-Combat Sprint Speed +4<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>24<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Chemist]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Mist 6|2}} || 54 || Healing Mist 6 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 80 Health to You and Nearby Allies<br><b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds<br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 42<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 50 || Mutation: Stretchy Spine 3 || Your spine becomes flexible like rubber. You are highly resistant to physical trauma. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Trauma Mitigation +35. Randomly cures broken bones.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>25<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Yalox]]
| {{Ability icon|Freezing Mist 6|2}} || 54 || Freezing Mist 6 || Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 228 Cold || <b>Power Cost:</b> 58<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 50 || Toxin Bomb 6 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 144 Poison<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>35<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Healing Injection 6|2}} || 54 || Healing Injection 6 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 104 Health || || <b>Power Cost:</b> 36<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 51 || Create Improved Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given five commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>50<br><b>Range: </b>0<br><b>Cooldown: </b>90 || Leveling
| {{Ability icon|Toxic Irritant 6|2}} || 55 || Toxic Irritant 6 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 85 Acid || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 5 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 52 || Mycotoxin Formula 6 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you (10m radius). || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 128 Nature<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>30<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Toes 6|2}} || 56 || Mutation: Extra Toes 6 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Kicks deal +20% damage.<br>Sprint Speed Bonus 4 (out-of-combat only)<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 27<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 53 || Acid Bomb 6 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Nice Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage Armor: </b>132 Acid<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>25<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Skin 6|2}} || 57 || Mutation: Extra Skin 6 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +18, Indirect Damage Mitigation +6<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 27<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 54 || Freezing Mist 6 || Toss instant-freeze chemicals all around yourself to slow enemy movement (10m radius). ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 137 Cold || <b>Power Cost: </b>51<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Heart 6|2}} || 58 || Mutation: Extra Heart 6 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Combat Refresh Power Restoration +54<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 27<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 54 || Healing Injection 6 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 75 Health || || <b>Power Cost: </b>31<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxin Bomb 7|2}} || 60 || Toxin Bomb 7 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 273 Poison<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 45<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 54 || Healing Mist 6 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 80 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>37<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Haste Concoction 4|2}} || 60 || Haste Concoction 4 || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +11 for 10 seconds. ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 21<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 55 || Toxic Irritant 6 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +29 Power) ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 73 Acid || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>5 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Create Augmented Golem|2}} || 61 || Create Augmented Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given six commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 90 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 56 || Mutation: Knee Spikes 6 || Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Kicks deal +20% damage.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>26<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mycotoxin Formula 7|2}} || 62 || Mycotoxin Formula 7 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 242 Nature<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 39<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 57 || Mutation: Extra Skin 6 || Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +18, Indirect Damage Mitigation +6<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>27<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Injection 7|2}} || 62 || Healing Injection 7 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 115 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 39<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 58 || Mutation: Extra Heart 6 || You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || In-Combat Power Regeneration +7, Out-Of-Combat Power Regeneration +17.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>27<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Zealo]]
| {{Ability icon|Acid Bomb 7|2}} || 63 || Acid Bomb 7 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Nice Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 293 Acid<br><b>Armor Dmg:</b> 293 Acid<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 47<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 60 || Haste Concoction 4 || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +11 for 10 seconds. ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>19<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Freezing Mist 7|2}} || 63 || Freezing Mist 7 || Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 293 Cold || <b>Power Cost:</b> 64<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 60 || Toxin Bomb 7 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 196 Poison<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>40<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Mist 7|2}} || 64 || Healing Mist 7 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 90 Health to You and Nearby Allies<br><b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds<br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 47<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 61 || Create Augmented Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given six commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>50<br><b>Range: </b>0<br><b>Cooldown: </b>90 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxic Irritant 7|2}} || 65 || Toxic Irritant 7 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 111 Acid || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 5 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 62 || Healing Injection 7 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 85 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>34<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Toes 7|2}} || 66 || Mutation: Extra Toes 7 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Kicks deal +22% damage.<br>Sprint Speed Bonus 5 (out-of-combat only)<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 30<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 62 || Mycotoxin Formula 7 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you (10m radius). || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 172 Nature<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>34<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Skin 7|2}} || 67 || Mutation: Extra Skin 7 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +21, Indirect Damage Mitigation +7<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 30<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 63 || Acid Bomb 7 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Nice Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage Armor: </b>176 Acid<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>29<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Heart 7|2}} || 68 || Mutation: Extra Heart 7 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Combat Refresh Power Restoration +60<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 30<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 63 || Freezing Mist 7 || Toss instant-freeze chemicals all around yourself to slow enemy movement (10m radius). || || <b>Damage: </b> 176 Cold || <b>Power Cost: </b>57<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxin Bomb 8|2}} || 70 || Toxin Bomb 8 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 348 Poison<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 64 || Healing Mist 7 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 90 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>41<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Create Superior Golem|2}} || 71 || Create Superior Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given seven commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 90 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 65 || Mutation: Stretchy Spine 4 || Your spine becomes flexible like rubber. You are highly resistant to physical trauma. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Trauma Mitigation +50. Randomly cures broken bones.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>29<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mycotoxin Formula 8|2}} || 72 || Mycotoxin Formula 8 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 309 Nature<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 43<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 65 || Toxic Irritant 7 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +31 Power) ||  || <b>Damage: </b> 94 Acid || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>5 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Injection 8|2}} || 72 || Healing Injection 8 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 128 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 43<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 66 || Mutation: Knee Spikes 7 || Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Kicks deal +22% damage.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>29<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Acid Bomb 8|2}} || 73 || Acid Bomb 8 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Nice Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 373 Acid<br><b>Armor Dmg:</b> 373 Acid<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 52<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 67 || Mutation: Extra Skin 7 || Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +21, Indirect Damage Mitigation +7<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>30<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Freezing Mist 8|2}} || 73 || Freezing Mist 8 || Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 373 Cold || <b>Power Cost:</b> 72<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 68 || Mutation: Extra Heart 7 || You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || In-Combat Power Regeneration +8, Out-Of-Combat Power Regeneration +19.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>30<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Mist 8|2}} || 74 || Healing Mist 8 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 100 Health to You and Nearby Allies<br><b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds<br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 52<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 69 || Mutation: Extra Toes 4 || You grow numerous additional toes on your feet, giving you slightly better purchase on the ground. You can sprint faster while out of combat. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Out-of-Combat Sprint Speed +5<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>30<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Haste Concoction 5|2}} || 75 || Haste Concoction 5 || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +12 for 10 seconds. ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 24<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 70 || Toxin Bomb 8 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 251 Poison<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>44<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxic Irritant 8|2}} || 75 || Toxic Irritant 8 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> || || <b>Damage:</b> 141 Acid || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 5 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 71 || Create Superior Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given seven commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>50<br><b>Range: </b>0<br><b>Cooldown: </b>90 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Toes 8|2}} || 76 || Mutation: Extra Toes 8 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Kicks deal +25% damage.<br>Sprint Speed Bonus 5 (out-of-combat only)<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 33<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 72 || Healing Injection 8 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 95 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>38<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Skin 8|2}} || 77 || Mutation: Extra Skin 8 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +24, Indirect Damage Mitigation +8<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 33<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 72 || Mycotoxin Formula 8 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you (10m radius). || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 219 Nature<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>38<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Heart 8|2}} || 78 || Mutation: Extra Heart 8 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Combat Refresh Power Restoration +68<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 34<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 73 || Acid Bomb 8 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Nice Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage Armor: </b>224 Acid<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>32<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxin Bomb 9|2}} || 80 || Toxin Bomb 9 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 436 Poison<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 56<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 73 || Freezing Mist 8 || Toss instant-freeze chemicals all around yourself to slow enemy movement (10m radius). || || <b>Damage: </b> 224 Cold || <b>Power Cost: </b>63<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Create Greater Golem|2}} || 81 || Create Greater Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given eight commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 90 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 74 || Healing Mist 8 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 100 Health to you and nearby allies ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>46<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>30 || <b>Training:</b> [[Mox Warcut]]
| {{Ability icon|Mycotoxin Formula 9|2}} || 82 || Mycotoxin Formula 9 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 383 Nature<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 48<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 75 || Haste Concoction 5 || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +12 for 10 seconds. ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>22<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>45 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Injection 9|2}} || 82 || Healing Injection 9 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 141 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 48<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 75 || Toxic Irritant 8 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack.</b> (When it triggers a Combat Refresh, +33 Power) || || <b>Damage: </b> 118 Acid || <b>Power Cost: </b>0<br><b>Range: </b>5<br><b>Cooldown: </b>5 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Acid Bomb 9|2}} || 83 || Acid Bomb 9 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Nice Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 460 Acid<br><b>Armor Dmg:</b> 460 Acid<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 57<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 76 || Mutation: Knee Spikes 8 || Sharp spikes grow out of your knees, causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Kicks deal +25% damage.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>33<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Mist 9|2}} || 84 || Healing Mist 9 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 110 Health to You and Nearby Allies<br><b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds<br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 58<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Healing Mist 9]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 77 || Mutation: Extra Skin 8 || Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +24, Indirect Damage Mitigation +8<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> || || <b>Power Cost: </b>33<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Freezing Mist 9|2}} || 84 || Freezing Mist 9 || Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 470 Cold || <b>Power Cost:</b> 80<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Freezing Mist 9]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 78 || Mutation: Extra Heart 8 || You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage. You regenerate power quicker. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || In-Combat Power Regeneration +9, Out-Of-Combat Power Regeneration +21.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>34<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxic Irritant 9|2}} || 85 || Toxic Irritant 9 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 173 Acid || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 5 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Toxic Irritant 9]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 80 || Mutation: Stretchy Spine 5 || Your spine becomes flexible like rubber. You are highly resistant to physical trauma. (You can only have one Mutation active at a time.) || Trauma Mitigation +75. Randomly cures broken bones.<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>34<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>10 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Toes 9|2}} || 86 || Mutation: Extra Toes 9 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Kicks deal +28% damage.<br>Sprint Speed Bonus 5.5 (out-of-combat only)<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 36<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Mutation: Extra Toes 9]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 80 || Toxin Bomb 9 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Core Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 314 Poison<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>49<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Skin 9|2}} || 87 || Mutation: Extra Skin 9 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Direct Damage Mitigation +27, Indirect Damage Mitigation +9<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 37<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Mutation: Extra Skin 9]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 81 || Create Basic Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given eight commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost: </b>50<br><b>Range: </b>0<br><b>Cooldown: </b>90 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Mutation: Extra Heart 9|2}} || 88 || Mutation: Extra Heart 9 || Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) || Combat Refresh Power Restoration +74<br><b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 37<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 10 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Mutation: Extra Heart 9]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 82 || Healing Injection 9 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Healing ability.</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 105 Health || || <b>Power Cost: </b>42<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxin Bomb 10|2}} || 90 || Toxin Bomb 10 || Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Core Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 526 Poison<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 61<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Toxin Bomb 10]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 82 || Mycotoxin Formula 9 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you (10m radius). || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage: </b> 271 Nature<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>42<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>16 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Haste Concoction 6|2}} || 90 || Haste Concoction 6 || Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. || Sprint Speed +12 for 13 seconds. || || <b>Power Cost:</b> 28<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 45 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Haste Concoction 6]]
| <span class="extimage64px"></span>&nbsp; || 83 || Acid Bomb 9 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you (10m radius).<br><b>This is a Nice Attack.</b> || <b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage Armor: </b>276 Acid<br><b>Enrages Target: </b>2% || <b>Power Cost: </b>35<br><b>Range: </b>10<br><b>AoE: </b>10<br><b>Cooldown: </b>15 || <b>Training:</b> [[Bendith the Banished]]
| {{Ability icon|Create Heightened Golem|2}} || 91 || Create Heightened Golem || You concoct an automaton that can be given nine commands. || <b>Can Be On Sidebar</b> ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 50<br><b>Range:</b> 0<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 90 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Create Basic Golem]]
| {{Ability icon|Mycotoxin Formula 10|2}} || 92 || Mycotoxin Formula 10 || Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 460 Nature<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 53<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 16 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Mycotoxin Formula 10]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Injection 10|2}} || 92 || Healing Injection 10 || Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.<br><b>This is a Minor Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 154 Health ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 53<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Healing Injection 10]]
| {{Ability icon|Acid Bomb 10|2}} || 93 || Acid Bomb 10 || Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.<br><b>This is a Nice Attack</b> || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds<br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds || <b>Health Dmg:</b> 552 Acid<br><b>Armor Dmg:</b> 552 Acid<br><b>Enrages:</b> 200% || <b>Power Cost:</b> 63<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 15 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Acid Bomb 10]]
| {{Ability icon|Healing Mist 10|2}} || 94 || Healing Mist 10 || Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.<br><b>This is a Major Heal</b> || <b>Restore:</b> 120 Health to You and Nearby Allies<br><b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds<br><b>Restore:</b> 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds ||  || <b>Power Cost:</b> 63<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Healing Mist 10]]
| {{Ability icon|Freezing Mist 10|2}} || 94 || Freezing Mist 10 || Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. || <b>--Can Have--</b><br><b>DoT:</b> 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds || <b>Damage:</b> 561 Cold || <b>Power Cost:</b> 88<br><b>AoE:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 30 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Freezing Mist 10]]
| {{Ability icon|Toxic Irritant 10|2}} || 95 || Toxic Irritant 10 || Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.<br><b>This is a Basic Attack</b> ||  || <b>Damage:</b> 206 Acid || <b>Power Cost:</b> 0<br><b>Range:</b> 10<br><b>Cooldown:</b> 5 || <b>Item:</b> [[Battle Chemistry: Toxic Irritant 10]]

Latest revision as of 13:10, 12 January 2024

Icon Level Name Description Special Effects Stats Source
icon_2171.png 1 Toxin Bomb Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.
This is a Core Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds
Damage: 15 Poison
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 15
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
icon_2178.png 2 Mycotoxin Formula Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 15 Nature
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 13
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 16
Training: Chemist
icon_2184.png 3 Acid Bomb Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds
Health Dmg: 17 Acid
Armor Dmg: 17 Acid
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 16
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Chemist
icon_2175.png 4 Healing Mist Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 25 Health to You and Nearby Allies
--Can Have--
Restore: 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds
Restore: 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
Power Cost: 16
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Chemist
icon_2176.png 4 Freezing Mist Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 15 Cold Power Cost: 22
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Chemist
icon_2243.png 4 Healing Injection Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.
This is a Minor Heal
Restore: 38 Health Power Cost: 13
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Zealo
icon_3651.png 5 Toxic Irritant Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 6 Acid Power Cost: 0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
icon_2183.png 6 Mutation: Extra Toes Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Kicks deal +5% damage.
Sprint Speed Bonus 2 (out-of-combat only)
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 10
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Chemist
icon_2179.png 7 Mutation: Extra Skin Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Direct Damage Mitigation +3, Indirect Damage Mitigation +1
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 11
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Chemist
icon_2182.png 8 Mutation: Extra Heart Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Combat Refresh Power Restoration +22
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 11
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Zealo
icon_2171.png 10 Toxin Bomb 2 Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.
This is a Core Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds
Damage: 33 Poison
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 20
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
icon_2174.png 11 Create Primitive Golem You concoct an automaton that can be given one command. Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 50
Range: 0
Cooldown: 90
icon_2178.png 12 Mycotoxin Formula 2 Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 32 Nature
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 17
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 16
Training: Chemist
icon_2184.png 13 Acid Bomb 2 Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds
Health Dmg: 38 Acid
Armor Dmg: 38 Acid
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 21
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Chemist
icon_2175.png 14 Healing Mist 2 Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 35 Health to You and Nearby Allies
--Can Have--
Restore: 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds
Restore: 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
Power Cost: 22
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Chemist
icon_2176.png 14 Freezing Mist 2 Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 37 Cold Power Cost: 30
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Chemist
icon_2243.png 14 Healing Injection 2 Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.
This is a Minor Heal
Restore: 51 Health Power Cost: 18
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Zealo
icon_2172.png 15 Haste Concoction Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. Sprint Speed +6 for 6 seconds. Power Cost: 10
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 45
Training: Chemist
icon_3651.png 15 Toxic Irritant 2 Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 15 Acid Power Cost: 0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
icon_2183.png 16 Mutation: Extra Toes 2 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Kicks deal +10% damage.
Sprint Speed Bonus 2 (out-of-combat only)
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 14
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Chemist
icon_2179.png 17 Mutation: Extra Skin 2 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Direct Damage Mitigation +6, Indirect Damage Mitigation +2
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 14
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Chemist
icon_2182.png 18 Mutation: Extra Heart 2 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Combat Refresh Power Restoration +30
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 15
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Zealo
icon_2171.png 20 Toxin Bomb 3 Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.
This is a Core Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds
Damage: 56 Poison
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 25
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
icon_2178.png 22 Mycotoxin Formula 3 Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 50 Nature
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 22
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 16
Training: Chemist
icon_2184.png 23 Acid Bomb 3 Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds
Health Dmg: 64 Acid
Armor Dmg: 64 Acid
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 26
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Chemist
icon_2175.png 24 Healing Mist 3 Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 45 Health to You and Nearby Allies
--Can Have--
Restore: 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds
Restore: 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
Power Cost: 27
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Chemist
icon_2176.png 24 Freezing Mist 3 Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 64 Cold Power Cost: 37
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Chemist
icon_2243.png 24 Healing Injection 3 Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.
This is a Minor Heal
Restore: 65 Health Power Cost: 23
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Zealo
icon_2174.png 25 Create Simple Golem You concoct an automaton that can be given two commands. Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 50
Range: 0
Cooldown: 90
icon_2183.png 26 Mutation: Extra Toes 3 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Kicks deal +12% damage.
Sprint Speed Bonus 3 (out-of-combat only)
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 17
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Chemist
icon_3651.png 26 Toxic Irritant 3 Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 26 Acid Power Cost: 0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
icon_2179.png 27 Mutation: Extra Skin 3 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Direct Damage Mitigation +9, Indirect Damage Mitigation +3
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 17
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Chemist
icon_2182.png 28 Mutation: Extra Heart 3 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Combat Refresh Power Restoration +36
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 18
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Zealo
icon_2171.png 30 Toxin Bomb 4 Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.
This is a Core Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds
Damage: 86 Poison
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 30
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
icon_3460.png 30 Trigger Golem Order your golem to immediately run through its instruction set and use an ability. (You can use the golem conditional "Owner has triggered golem" to add a special instruction for this situation. Remember that it will still follow its rules from first to last, so if you want the rule to always trigger, it should be the first rule.) Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 0
Range: 0
Cooldown: 15
Training: Chemist
icon_2174.png 31 Create Basic Golem You concoct an automaton that can be given three commands. Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 50
Range: 0
Cooldown: 90
icon_2178.png 32 Mycotoxin Formula 4 Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 78 Nature
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 27
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 16
Training: Chemist
icon_2184.png 33 Acid Bomb 4 Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds
Health Dmg: 96 Acid
Armor Dmg: 96 Acid
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 32
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Chemist
icon_2175.png 34 Healing Mist 4 Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 60 Health to You and Nearby Allies
--Can Have--
Restore: 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds
Restore: 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
Power Cost: 33
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Chemist
icon_2176.png 34 Freezing Mist 4 Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 99 Cold Power Cost: 45
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Chemist
icon_2243.png 34 Healing Injection 4 Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.
This is a Minor Heal
Restore: 78 Health Power Cost: 28
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Zealo
icon_2172.png 35 Haste Concoction 2 Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. Sprint Speed +8 for 8 seconds. Power Cost: 16
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 45
Training: Chemist
icon_3651.png 35 Toxic Irritant 4 Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 37 Acid Power Cost: 0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
icon_2183.png 36 Mutation: Extra Toes 4 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Kicks deal +15% damage.
Sprint Speed Bonus 3 (out-of-combat only)
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 21
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Chemist
icon_2179.png 37 Mutation: Extra Skin 4 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Direct Damage Mitigation +12, Indirect Damage Mitigation +4
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 21
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Chemist
icon_2182.png 38 Mutation: Extra Heart 4 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Combat Refresh Power Restoration +42
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 21
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Zealo
icon_2174.png 39 Create Standard Golem You concoct an automaton that can be given four commands. Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 50
Range: 0
Cooldown: 90
icon_2171.png 40 Toxin Bomb 5 Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.
This is a Core Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds
Damage: 130 Poison
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 36
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
icon_2174.png 40 Create Armored Standard Golem You concoct an automaton that can be given four commands. It is extra-armored against attack. Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 50
Range: 0
Cooldown: 90
Gift: Leonard Allenson
icon_2178.png 42 Mycotoxin Formula 5 Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 120 Nature
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 31
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 16
Training: Chemist
icon_2184.png 43 Acid Bomb 5 Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds
Health Dmg: 147 Acid
Armor Dmg: 147 Acid
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 37
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Chemist
icon_2175.png 44 Healing Mist 5 Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 70 Health to You and Nearby Allies
--Can Have--
Restore: 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds
Restore: 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
Power Cost: 38
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Chemist
icon_2176.png 44 Freezing Mist 5 Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 154 Cold Power Cost: 52
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Chemist
icon_2243.png 44 Healing Injection 5 Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.
This is a Minor Heal
Restore: 91 Health Power Cost: 32
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Zealo
icon_2172.png 45 Haste Concoction 3 Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. Sprint Speed +10 for 10 seconds. Power Cost: 18
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 45
Training: Chemist
icon_3651.png 45 Toxic Irritant 5 Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 58 Acid Power Cost: 0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
icon_2183.png 46 Mutation: Extra Toes 5 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Kicks deal +17% damage.
Sprint Speed Bonus 4 (out-of-combat only)
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 24
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Chemist
icon_2179.png 47 Mutation: Extra Skin 5 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Direct Damage Mitigation +15, Indirect Damage Mitigation +5
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 24
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Chemist
icon_2182.png 48 Mutation: Extra Heart 5 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Combat Refresh Power Restoration +48
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 24
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Zealo
icon_2171.png 50 Toxin Bomb 6 Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.
This is a Core Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds
Damage: 200 Poison
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 40
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
icon_2174.png 51 Create Improved Golem You concoct an automaton that can be given five commands. Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 50
Range: 0
Cooldown: 90
icon_2178.png 52 Mycotoxin Formula 6 Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 181 Nature
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 35
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 16
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2184.png 53 Acid Bomb 6 Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds
Health Dmg: 220 Acid
Armor Dmg: 220 Acid
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 42
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2175.png 54 Healing Mist 6 Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 80 Health to You and Nearby Allies
--Can Have--
Restore: 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds
Restore: 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
Power Cost: 42
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2176.png 54 Freezing Mist 6 Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 228 Cold Power Cost: 58
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2243.png 54 Healing Injection 6 Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.
This is a Minor Heal
Restore: 104 Health Power Cost: 36
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Zealo
icon_3651.png 55 Toxic Irritant 6 Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 85 Acid Power Cost: 0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2183.png 56 Mutation: Extra Toes 6 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Kicks deal +20% damage.
Sprint Speed Bonus 4 (out-of-combat only)
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 27
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2179.png 57 Mutation: Extra Skin 6 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Direct Damage Mitigation +18, Indirect Damage Mitigation +6
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 27
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2182.png 58 Mutation: Extra Heart 6 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Combat Refresh Power Restoration +54
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 27
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Zealo
icon_2171.png 60 Toxin Bomb 7 Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.
This is a Core Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds
Damage: 273 Poison
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 45
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2172.png 60 Haste Concoction 4 Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. Sprint Speed +11 for 10 seconds. Power Cost: 21
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 45
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2174.png 61 Create Augmented Golem You concoct an automaton that can be given six commands. Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 50
Range: 0
Cooldown: 90
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2178.png 62 Mycotoxin Formula 7 Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 242 Nature
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 39
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 16
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2243.png 62 Healing Injection 7 Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.
This is a Minor Heal
Restore: 115 Health Power Cost: 39
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2184.png 63 Acid Bomb 7 Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds
Health Dmg: 293 Acid
Armor Dmg: 293 Acid
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 47
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2176.png 63 Freezing Mist 7 Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 293 Cold Power Cost: 64
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2175.png 64 Healing Mist 7 Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 90 Health to You and Nearby Allies
--Can Have--
Restore: 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds
Restore: 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
Power Cost: 47
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_3651.png 65 Toxic Irritant 7 Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 111 Acid Power Cost: 0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2183.png 66 Mutation: Extra Toes 7 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Kicks deal +22% damage.
Sprint Speed Bonus 5 (out-of-combat only)
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 30
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2179.png 67 Mutation: Extra Skin 7 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Direct Damage Mitigation +21, Indirect Damage Mitigation +7
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 30
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2182.png 68 Mutation: Extra Heart 7 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Combat Refresh Power Restoration +60
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 30
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2171.png 70 Toxin Bomb 8 Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.
This is a Core Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds
Damage: 348 Poison
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 50
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2174.png 71 Create Superior Golem You concoct an automaton that can be given seven commands. Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 50
Range: 0
Cooldown: 90
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2178.png 72 Mycotoxin Formula 8 Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 309 Nature
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 43
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 16
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2243.png 72 Healing Injection 8 Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.
This is a Minor Heal
Restore: 128 Health Power Cost: 43
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2184.png 73 Acid Bomb 8 Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds
Health Dmg: 373 Acid
Armor Dmg: 373 Acid
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 52
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2176.png 73 Freezing Mist 8 Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 373 Cold Power Cost: 72
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2175.png 74 Healing Mist 8 Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 100 Health to You and Nearby Allies
--Can Have--
Restore: 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds
Restore: 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
Power Cost: 52
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Training: Mox Warcut
icon_2172.png 75 Haste Concoction 5 Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. Sprint Speed +12 for 10 seconds. Power Cost: 24
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 45
Training: Bendith the Banished
icon_3651.png 75 Toxic Irritant 8 Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 141 Acid Power Cost: 0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
Training: Bendith the Banished
icon_2183.png 76 Mutation: Extra Toes 8 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Kicks deal +25% damage.
Sprint Speed Bonus 5 (out-of-combat only)
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 33
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Bendith the Banished
icon_2179.png 77 Mutation: Extra Skin 8 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Direct Damage Mitigation +24, Indirect Damage Mitigation +8
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 33
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Bendith the Banished
icon_2182.png 78 Mutation: Extra Heart 8 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Combat Refresh Power Restoration +68
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 34
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Training: Bendith the Banished
icon_2171.png 80 Toxin Bomb 9 Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.
This is a Core Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds
Damage: 436 Poison
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 56
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Bendith the Banished
icon_2174.png 81 Create Greater Golem You concoct an automaton that can be given eight commands. Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 50
Range: 0
Cooldown: 90
Training: Bendith the Banished
icon_2178.png 82 Mycotoxin Formula 9 Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 383 Nature
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 48
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 16
Training: Bendith the Banished
icon_2243.png 82 Healing Injection 9 Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.
This is a Minor Heal
Restore: 141 Health Power Cost: 48
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Bendith the Banished
icon_2184.png 83 Acid Bomb 9 Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds
Health Dmg: 460 Acid
Armor Dmg: 460 Acid
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 57
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Training: Bendith the Banished
icon_2175.png 84 Healing Mist 9 Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 110 Health to You and Nearby Allies
--Can Have--
Restore: 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds
Restore: 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
Power Cost: 58
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Item: Battle Chemistry: Healing Mist 9
icon_2176.png 84 Freezing Mist 9 Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 470 Cold Power Cost: 80
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Item: Battle Chemistry: Freezing Mist 9
icon_3651.png 85 Toxic Irritant 9 Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 173 Acid Power Cost: 0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
Item: Battle Chemistry: Toxic Irritant 9
icon_2183.png 86 Mutation: Extra Toes 9 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow numerous additional spiky toes on your feet, giving you purchase on the ground and causing all Kick attacks to deal extra damage. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Kicks deal +28% damage.
Sprint Speed Bonus 5.5 (out-of-combat only)
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 36
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Item: Battle Chemistry: Mutation: Extra Toes 9
icon_2179.png 87 Mutation: Extra Skin 9 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. Your skin thickens and coarsens. You take less damage from attacks. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Direct Damage Mitigation +27, Indirect Damage Mitigation +9
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 37
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Item: Battle Chemistry: Mutation: Extra Skin 9
icon_2182.png 88 Mutation: Extra Heart 9 Inject mutation chemicals into yourself or an ally. You grow a small ancillary heart inside your ribcage, causing you to regenerate power quicker. (Someone can only be affected by one Mutation at a time.) Combat Refresh Power Restoration +74
Can Be On Sidebar
Power Cost: 37
Range: 10
Cooldown: 10
Item: Battle Chemistry: Mutation: Extra Heart 9
icon_2171.png 90 Toxin Bomb 10 Fling deadly toxins into the air all around you.
This is a Core Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Poison, 7 times over 7 seconds
Damage: 526 Poison
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 61
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Item: Battle Chemistry: Toxin Bomb 10
icon_2172.png 90 Haste Concoction 6 Disperse chemicals that let you and your allies run at high speed for a short time. Sprint Speed +12 for 13 seconds. Power Cost: 28
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 45
Item: Battle Chemistry: Haste Concoction 6
icon_2174.png 91 Create Heightened Golem You concoct an automaton that can be given nine commands. Can Be On Sidebar Power Cost: 50
Range: 0
Cooldown: 90
Item: Battle Chemistry: Create Basic Golem
icon_2178.png 92 Mycotoxin Formula 10 Fling deadly fungal toxins into the air all around you. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Nature, 8 times over 8 seconds
Damage: 460 Nature
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 53
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 16
Item: Battle Chemistry: Mycotoxin Formula 10
icon_2243.png 92 Healing Injection 10 Inject healing chemicals into yourself or an ally.
This is a Minor Heal
Restore: 154 Health Power Cost: 53
Range: 10
Cooldown: 15
Item: Battle Chemistry: Healing Injection 10
icon_2184.png 93 Acid Bomb 10 Fling armor-dissolving acids into the air all around you.
This is a Nice Attack
--Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
DoT: 0 Acid, 6 times over 6 seconds
Health Dmg: 552 Acid
Armor Dmg: 552 Acid
Enrages: 200%
Power Cost: 63
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 15
Item: Battle Chemistry: Acid Bomb 10
icon_2175.png 94 Healing Mist 10 Fling restorative chemicals onto yourself and nearby allies.
This is a Major Heal
Restore: 120 Health to You and Nearby Allies
--Can Have--
Restore: 0 Health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds
Restore: 0 Armor every 3 seconds for 15 seconds
Power Cost: 63
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Item: Battle Chemistry: Healing Mist 10
icon_2176.png 94 Freezing Mist 10 Disperse an instant-freeze chemical bomb to slow enemy movement. --Can Have--
DoT: 0 Fire, 5 times over 10 seconds
Damage: 561 Cold Power Cost: 88
AoE: 10
Cooldown: 30
Item: Battle Chemistry: Freezing Mist 10
icon_3651.png 95 Toxic Irritant 10 Splash harmful chemicals on an enemy.
This is a Basic Attack
Damage: 206 Acid Power Cost: 0
Range: 10
Cooldown: 5
Item: Battle Chemistry: Toxic Irritant 10