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Still trying to get better gear. Getting bored of this. Might go and level up Druid first before doing?
Still trying to get better gear. Getting bored of this. Might go and level up Druid first before doing?
Happy August! Obviously I took a small break since I felt that I was stuck at a crossroads... the desire to level up and get stronger vs knowing how much time it would take... it just made me feel uninterested. But, I do really love this game so I'll continue! What;s I'm trying to do now is switch to some different skills. I bought Cow levels 51-60 from Raul, so I want to level up cow again. BUT, I also want to finish leveling druid first.
NEW GOAL: Finish getting Druid to Max level, then train Bard! OR start getting gear for BC/Druid
869,950exp to level 75!
NEW NEW GOAL: Get Unarmed to level 50, then get to level 50-61!
NEW x3 GOAL: Go back to training Druid. Remember! 1 skill at a time. No skill is WASTED. Good Luck!
So, in a not so surprising turn of events, you decided to stop playing Project Gorgon and pursue your goal of coding and or Software development.
Well, I applaud you for at least trying. I know me better than anyone and I know that this isn't an easy thing to decide.. as I've tried this MANY times.
BUT, if a weak man can become strong, and a person can learn the piano, or become an amazing, talented writer....
So, with this farewell. LET'S promise to meet back here! 1D1Y [Not 1 day, but in one YEAR]
Once you finally return, play this song and we'll listen to it together. Past you and Future you, connected through the soundstream.
(use the first, try others if gone.)
It's 9:37:00 pm. Play it at this time if possible. (YES. THAT means WAIT!) But if it's already passed, play it at the next :37 of the next hour.
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You need 10 more silver and gold!!! for the statues!
You need 10 more silver and gold!!! for the statues!
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GO to SUNVALE immediately before the buff runs out! GL.
GO to SUNVALE immediately before the buff runs out! GL.
It was a hard fought battle...but we OVERCAME!
There we're some thing I didn't put into the equation:
1. Exp DECREASES as you level up a craft skill
2. Very few NPCs buy tool items
BUT even tho, I SAYYY...
A very great job. Good job indeed. Omedatou, Omedatou, OMEDATOU!! *~^.^~*
Slabs are depleted. Money is down to 24k... so what else to do but START another craft?! LOL.
Oh wait, I still haven't received enough exp for the extract recipes... and now, I'm down like 32k.
Well.. I'll just level it as I can. I'm not in dire need of them!
I think the next step for me isss....  go back to my previous crating calculations and see what I can realistically accomplish. I think i'll do leatherworking.
Right, now -- not including the bonus, I am at level 41 Leatherworking.
Leatherworking exp needed for 70: 292,260.
There is a 20% depreciation in exp after a certain level.
So.. let's call this exp calculation the "buffer exp". 20% of 292,260 is [58,452]. Since I know that I won't be depreciated from the start.. I'll divide this by 1/3. This gives 19,484. This is pure, unaffected exp that I will need in order to account of the depreciation. I'm doing only 1/3 because the depreciation comes into affect only after you've increased in your levels.
with 15% crafting bonus [43,839] and factoring in 20% depreciation [19,484] of exp... = [267,905] is the total amount needed.
If I'm doing the level 50 Leathering recipe "Quality Leather boots - Enchanted"
I'll need:
4,020 Quality Animal skins
2,680 Leather strips  (893 Decent Leather rolls)
2,682 Rubywall crystals
So.. yeahh.. that's a crap load of material and it's making my eyes hurt @_@.. at this point, I can either struggle through it... or find something else to do. The only constructive things I can do are getting council for 71-80 Ment.. Or choosing another skill to work on.
This might be my wall. I only have plans to level up Mentalism and the crafts. The quintisenntial point for playing PG for me, is to get my damage output as high as it could go. The things blocking me from that goal are unleveled crafting skills and councils.
So.. at this point the most logical thing to do is start a MASSIVE grind for councils by doing surveys. Coglin said he makes 2.5mil per week from mostly gem surveys... so I should start doing it right now. If all the money I need is going to come from there, then I should be doing it non-stop -- right? Yes, I think that makes sense.
Yea... but right now.. even with all of that considered, I'm still cognizant of the fact that all this game really leads a player up to is getting maxed gear, which can only happen when you have maxed crafts, which can only happen when you've gotten strong enough or wealthy enough.
So, essentially.. the beginning was just a waste of time, might as well have made everyone level 30s like with the fairy race instead of literally leaving us up the creek without a paddle.
So.. to close, I'll break taking a break from PG... perhaps only 1 day, perhaps only a month...
BUT.  If I do come back, I want to emphasize something:
If you want to play this game to the place YOU want. You will NEED to grind.. and there is no escaping that fact. You will either grind for the materials or grind for the gold...but,
YOU WILL GRIND. and you'll have to accept have if you wish to move forward. And in case you've forgotten.. the reason you stopped playing was because you realized that the things you desire from PG are very few and you also realized that once you achieve them, the game has no real depth to it. It's a massive grind to a bunch of crafts/skills and options. Nothing else.
Continue? Y/N
And here I am! SO, very good things happened today! Firstly.. Weapon Augementation reached level 70!!! Jewerly reached level 65!!!
I'm now able to augement/extract ANY weapon, off hand, and any ring or necklace! I didn't finish getting Ancillary and Armor to 65, but thats SOON coming.
Ancillary = 63!
Armor = 62!
So, I can essentially do ANY 61-90 gear except for Legs and Shoes!
Besides, that... I GOT EXTREMELY LUCKY in GK. Like 10+ yellows... crazy. I finally recieved Zulemax's ring that gives a 10% chance to avoid slows, stuns, and knockbacks! Very cool!
Oh, and about the surveys.. I actually acted on it! I bought 50 of each required Eltibule hills parchments and some basic ink and began to start my gem grind. Howwwever.. I did about 3 or 4 and stopped.. it was just TOO boring @_@
So, at this point, I guess I've decided to do it the hard way. And tbh, I like it this way. I'm sure many people in this game feel the same, but I very much like to do things that I feel are productive for the advancement of my character... and to me, being a slave to surveys doesn't do that. Will to do BOOKOO surveys later? Likely so! But, just like in Kur, every motherlode I did felt worth it. Even though I didn't know where they were exactly, even though I died to frost bite several times... it was just worth it because I knew what the end come would be. Yes, it was annoying.. but it was FUN too!
So now... I'm thinking about unlocking 80 Ment.. just so I can finally HAVE it. If I don't decide to do that, then I'm just going to be fiddling around with augments, trying to get the right ones.
extract Max health mod from crossbow
get a panther skin for Shamanic infusion level 44 debuff
extract a ment mod from "thunderstriking gazluk shield" in inventory
extract ment mod from yellow Ring of Ele. Resistance in inv.
Reroll crossbow mods
Helm- "done" need new one.
Main-Hand done
Feet- "done" need new one.
gear tips: Hammer:  Pound, Rev strike, Hurl Light, Discharging strike, thunderstrike, way of hammer.
Ment:  Electrify, panic charge, system shock, agonize, psy adren, reconstruct.
70 Weapon Augementation
65 Jewerly augmenation
65 Ancillary Augementation
65 Armor Augmentation!!
C O M P L E T E D! :D :D :D!![[User:MrSeven|MrSeven]] ([[User talk:MrSeven|talk]])*~*~*~
Great job.. this took quite a while... but my dream has been partially realized :)!
Next: Get Leatherworking or Tailoring to 75
Get Mentalism 80
Literally... WTF. This has been ALOT of peoples method of collecting gems and minerals and motherlodes. This is the part that "HE" wouldn't tell me. He gets his gems at that speed because he uses a FREAKIN' TOOL. Can't believe this.
(Well, live and learn.. read the forums I guess)
Doing surveys, need to get some peening hammers and stuff from Amutasa
Need 20 Masterwork
20 Experts
10 grass
Alrighty, so I've turned in several WO's.. did the daily... bought 61-70 Carpentry, 51-60 Industry...
for right now, I really want to start on gathering all the Quality leather I'll need.. So I'm going to Kur
Alright! So, I'm still collecting skins for 70 Leatherworking. I currently haaaave: 1668!
So just about 2350 more.
I wanted to mention something... it feel like Hammer has alot of drawbacks too it. It's melee combat so you have to be within 5 meters, all the damage is crushing or electricity. MANY mobs resist crushing at higher levels... even the Orcs I'm fighting in Kur resist it.. (I think the panthers too!
So... after I get to 70+ Leatherworking, I'm going to focus on leveling up other skills.
Skills I KNOW I want to do:
Battle Chemistry
Animal Handling
Skills I dont mind doing:
Skills I will NOT do:
(all animal skills)
(all magic skills)
For Kur skin gathering, I did 183 in an hour. Let's test and repeat!
2nd hour was.... 18....4!!  184! That's awesome. It was actually the exact same! So.. I'll test it one more time and see how much I get!
If it's accurate again, then it's an established Quality skin gather rate per hour! :)
I now have 2250. I'm doing to give all these Orc skulls to Kelim and then I'll take a break from gathering skins =_=... 1750 left!
2500+ now. 1500- left.  I'd like to acquire Chopjaw... he'd do great in Kur.
Right now I''m in Illmari doing some War Caches.
I've done 6 so far and I haven't yet recieved the one for Chopjaw, which is D-1.
Now, for the Quality skin count... we're at... 2723!
1,277 more! That won't take very long at all.
I should start thinking about how I'm going to get all the extra material for the recipe.
Here's everything I need again:
4,020 Quality Animal skins
2,680 Leather strips  (893 Decent Leather rolls)
2,682 Rubywall crystals
For the Rubywalls, I think it'll only take somewhere south of 1,500.. i know rubywall surveys don't always give out x2 rubywalls. If it actually does, then I'll adjust. VERY glad I found out about without it, the amount of time it would have taken me to do this would be at least TRIPLED.
The 893 decent skins will cost around 54k if I don't gather them. I'll do 2 hours of wolves in Kur to offset the cost.. (if I feel like it)
My current combat levels:
73 AH (maxed until 80s)
58 Archery
63 Bard
74 BC (maxed until 80s)
72 Druid (maxed until 80s)
45 Fire Magic
85 Hammer (MAXED. who woulda guessed?)
27 Ice Magic
17 Knife Fighting
73 Mentalism (maxed until 80s)
71 Necromancy (maxed until 80s)
32 Priest
36 Psych
65 Shield
65 Staff
24 Sword (lol.. I didn't even touch it)
34 Unarmed
Crafting levels:
47 Leatherworking
27 Tailoring
59 Blacksmithing
75 Toolcrafting (maxed until 80s. surprised? :] )
Other notable levels:
9 Cheesemaking
26 Civic Pride
32 Cooking
70 Endurance
63 Gardening (maxed until 70s)
63 Surveying (maxed until 70s)
Good job us! Any exp not listed wasn't important enough to be notable :}
I need 266 Dirt for Kelim for 61-70 Gardening. Costs 43k..soo.. just do it when you can.
SO, I wasn't able to get Chopjaw. Even after 14+ War Caches. I only persisted in doing the caches, because I felt that I needed to make the time that I spent worth while. This was a completely UNNECESSARY distraction that would've only helped in VERY MINUTE WAYS.
J  U  S  T  F  I  N    I    S  H.
(im mad if you cant tell)
So, I have 1,235 Skins to go.. a very easy amount of about less than 800 Panthers. Extremely doable within 7 hours. So just start grinding.
Also, the cost of the Quality tannin will be 50k.
The cost of the mats for the rubywall surveys will cost under 40k.
The cost for the 893 Decent skins (if not gathered from wolves) is 54k.
So, at the very least, have 145k available to gather the materials.
AS of 8:23pm on March 27th, 2020.. I have completed gathering... 4,000 QUALITY SKINS!!!!
Great job, great efforts, f*ck Chopjaw. You did it!
Proud of you!! :)) Now, let's gather 20 more and get the HELL out of KUR!
893 Decent Skins acquired.
All that's left is the 2.6k Rubywalls ;_;
I've cleared my inventory as best as possible and I'm going to gather the mats for the Serbule rubywall surveys!
I'm in Wolf Cave completing the daily. Don't forget to complete and turn it in! You can still get the completion! Besides that, con
Alright! I've been doing the surveys already and I can give the current total of Rubywalls... which is attt... 552!!! Reminder: the amount required is 2,682. 2,130 left!  oh, also! I forgot something! ANY gem can be used in crafting the armor! So, I am also going to use the extra gems I am getting from the surveys! I'd estimate that I have... around 120 gems! With that, the cost is reduced to 2,010! So, realistically, I'll need about 1/3 of these in surveys.. 600+ should be enough.
So... I deleted my account.. and I'm never coming back to PG. Bye. 
~_~ April Fools. huehuehue.. I gotcha, huh?
So, it's been a few days... I've been really tired during the past week.. alotta extra stress caused by the fakerona virus at my job.. but, hey.. I'm not here to talk about that! Let's begin an update!
So! I currently have 1210 Rubywalls! Which means I only have 1,472 left to collect! However, if I add the gems I've collected, which are 559, I only have 913 more redwalls/gems to collect!
After I'm done, I'll gather all the skins, make quality rolls, use decents for strips, and gather the rubywalls.
Just did the math for how long this will take... it'll be about 111 minutes... almost 2 hours just to craft items~ lmao.
This time, I'll REALLY want to sell the items... cuz I'm going to be make 1,333 of a level 50 item.. and that is pretty much guaranteed to be over 300 for most of the items... so I think the place I'll craft them is going to be in the Casino, next to Evelin? Hmm.. maybe.
Ok. Still gathering gems.. I'm really making this take longer than needed >_>
A few hours later and I currently have 2208 redwalls/gems! I need 400+ more :S
A few more hours later and I finished collected ALL the gems I needed!!!
I got Leatherworking from 48 to 53 and bought the Quality Leather recipes from Kleave!
I did a ton of Quality shoes and advanced my level to 68!!!  Getting to 70 will be easy as pie, but the real goal is getting past 75, to ensure I can make any non 80 level item.
So, I have 1 pumpkin and dragon statue left... I currently have the dragon buff for 55 more minutes... so I'll need to make use of it as soon as I start again.
Just keep going! Idk what exp this will take me too, but i have 1,055 more times that I can craft the Quality Leather shoes.. which equates to 206k exp at the current depreciated exp amount of 206. I think I'll be able to reach 77! The exp is on it's 1st stage of depreciation.. from 229 to 206 -- this was a 10% depreciation.
At a 20% rate of depreciation, the least it can go to is 160exp which might still give me 184exp with the statues.. Regardless, the max amount of exp I need for 68-77 is 165k exp. I should have more than enough to make it there.  Finishing up and getting 80 will take 63k more exp.. but meh, decide if you want to bother with that.
SO, when you come on again:
1. Put down the pumpkin statue.
2. Start crafting again.
(dragon statue buff has 24 mins left, right now
PHLOG THEM ALL. You make money gathering phlog versus dropping the boots.
Alllrighttt! I'm continuing with my Leathermaking and I'm glad to report that I passed level 70!!! WAAAAHOOOOOOOOO!
I'm currently at 72! Also, I kinda figured out how bonus levels work when deciding the exp amount... essentially, just minus the current bonus level by 1 and thats that current level of your skill!
So, my plan is to get to level 75 Leatherworking.
Which is very doable even with the new depreciation of 185exp X_X...  I still stand to make about 70k exp with 375 recipe usages left.
Alright, at the moment I ran out of crystals and I need 39k more exp to get to 75.
That's 215 more recipes, so 430 more crystals.
Now, if I want to push it to 77... then I would need
78.4k exp which is  SSSCCRRRRRR
New plan: Acquire the level 63 Recipe "Great Leather Gloves (Enchanted)" from Sirine. This exp is 252 per.  with 15% extra its 289.
-198 recipes or 397 Great skins. for 67 1/2 to 70
-80 recipes (at 260exp) or 160 Great skins for 71(77)
Total Great skins needed: 558-309 = 250 more
Total Quality skins needed: 558 (done)
Total Crystals needed: 558-347= 211 more
SO! I bought the recipe without any difficulty! Raised Sirine's favor to Like Family too!
Now, I'll gather some Great skins. (199x costs 48k >_>) and 558 more crystals.
I'll start with the crystals. Redwalls, HOOOO
So, I collected the Great Skins at a STEAL of a price. The player vendor sold for it's actual price! no more or less *_*.  And as for the rubywalls, I actually had 297 laying in Ashk's storage... aaand I remembered that I had some in my  player shop and that was 50! So, 347 rubywalls collected! I just need 211 more! EEEZ.
A slight mistake ;) I actually needed 66,700 exp instead of 78,400.. I didn't add the 15% exp statues!
66,700/289 = 230 recipes.
To do list:
Tame Chopjaw
Tame Grottofang
Tame Fire rat
Tame a blood hunter,  bee
Tame a big cat in Gaz
77 Leatherworking is C O M P L E T E D
Another G R R E AT job! Great hustle! Very proud of you! Now, let's go get Chopjaw!
As luck would have it, the first War Cache I got was for D-1!!!! Wow! and after a few minutes, Chopjaw has been successfully captured!!!! :3 :3
The name? That's easy. "Marimo"
Chopjaw's respawn after only 5 minutes.. so....
I caught another!! And this ones name will beee.... "Magate" for "moss agate" the skill that levels up my best skill, Hammer. ok.. that sounds weird.. lets just do "Moss"
So, now... I'm going to save up money for 80 Animal Handling! I have several work order that I needed to get around to, so I'll have the councils in no time.
Ok, so I got my funds up to 220k. I likely need over 350k, plus 19k. So, hopefully some items sold on the stalls. Otherwise, I'll look for more work orders, or sell my phlog, or go kill mobs in FR for skins and quality phlog.
Fae realm item/skin hunting won't work out... I need to just sell stuff or stick to work orders.
Two months later and I'm finally back.
I was banned by the asshole himself -- Jackencola.
Glad to be back, but I think I'll forever dislike the admins now. No redeeming whatsoever for doing this to me and many other players.
SO! Where I last left off, I was trying to gather enough money for level 80 AH unlock. AND while I DO want to do that. I think ill just start another character. I'm not where I totally want to be for Mr7, but I'd still like to try leveling up another.
So, 911. I'm comin for ya.
Actually. Nevermind. I just came back from the ban... so I want to go around with Mr7.
I did a daily. And even won in the arena! :)
Now, I'll go to FR and unlock AH 80.
80 AH has been unlocked[[User:MrSeven|MrSeven]] ([[User talk:MrSeven|talk]])!!!!
Now, to grind it out! My current level is 73... imagine all the wasted exp... ;-;...
So, before I start hardcore leveling, I want to level up nature appreciation so that I can make Bee-Lover's Bouquet!
Nature Appreciation is currently at 27.
Flower Arrangement is at level 12.
I need it at 60 to make the bee-lovers bouquet.
For it, I need 168,460 exp. with the 15% exp statues, it's 143,191 exp.
To level this, we'll do the bouquet recipes.
Violet (lvl 13) to dahlia (lvl 20) 
daisy (lvl 27) to pansy (lvl 32) 
marigold (lvl 38) to wolfsbane (lvl 40)
to poppy (lvl 43).
V - D  = 4660 exp  179 violets needed
D - P = 8920 exp  223 dahlias needed
P-M =  14,450 exp 227 pansies needed
M - W = 7500 exp  117 marigolds needed
W - P = 9630 exp 120 wolfsbane needed
(The next is red rose. but we'll see how it goes. Likely, I'll just do more of the previous recipes)
Ok, I'm going to do some recalculations on the Flower Arrange. exp I need.. ( I was really sleepy =_=)
Violet to Dahlia is 4,660 exp (104 exp) 180*
Dahlia to Daisy is 8,330 exp (160 exp) 209*
Daisy to Pansy is 8,920 exp (216 exp) 166*
Pansy to Marigold is 14,540 exp (256 exp) 228*
Marigold to Wolfsbane is 7,500exp (304 exp) 99*
Wolfsbane to Poppy is 12,130exp (320 exp) 152*
= 56,080 exp  Poppy is 344 exp.
*= number of flowers needed.
I should be at level 43 at the end of this with only 87,111 exp remaining.
I'll powerlevel to 60 with poppies, which will require 1015 poppies.
If I use wolfbane instead, it's 1,090 needed.
If I use marigolds, it's 1,146 needed.
I underestimated how fast time moves. In less than 2 months, it will have already been a year since I "pledged" to learn how to code.
I know that it isn't games that are the problem.. it's me. I choose to fall short on things like this because mentally, I'm already making preparations for my failure.
If I committed to coding for  TEN MONTHS, who knows where I would be....
Please... please... until 1 YEAR passes... do not come back. If you make it a full year, (barring the rapture) then GO ON AMAZON RIGHT NOW AND BUY ANYTHING YOU WANT.  CUZ YOU DID IT. so..... yeah...
Connect to the past. Sing this at 9:00 PM and you'll be connected to me in the past.
Great job. You really did a great job. You make me proud... bakayaro! ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)  <-- copy n paste
AAAAANDDDD I'm back! (for however long that may be...) and I'm just going to carry on with what I've been doing... which appears to have been leveling my Flowering Arrangement...?
I'll just review the previous notes and continue off of that!
AAAAANDDDD I'm back! (for however long that may be...) and I'm just going to carry on with what I've been doing... which appears to have been leveling my Flowering Arrangement...?
I'll just review the previous notes and continue off of that!
Yo, this will be a list of what I currently have in flowers and seeds
Violets: 86
Dahlia: 36
Daisy: 274 >_>
Pansy: 358 O_O
Marigold: 155
Wolfsbane: None
So, I previously bought a TON of seeds and thats why I have soo many seeds. Everything looks good.. but I have to prepare more seeds for the huge jump from level 43ish to 60s.
Alright, so I checked for Marigolds, Poppies and Wolfsbane in the player vendors and.. of course.. no one is currently selling. SO! Time to grind it ouuuuut~~ I'll be looking for better options/routes to take if i can't grind the seeds up within a reasonable amout of time.
Ok, I'm making progress in seed collecting! I've just been flying around Sunvale and grabbing what I can!
Cereal321 sold me 94 Marigold seeds for 7,000! Quite a steal, eh!
Besides that, I'll continue collecting seeds!
Alright! So I managed to get 200+ marigold seeds today! The 200 came from players... xD. Nevertheless.. I'm nearing my goal amout of 1000 seeds! I just put up some player work orders for a few hundred marigold and poppy seeds combined. So.. let's see if anyone sells!
Besides that, don't forget to do the Dragon and Gryphon Statues!
It's been a few days, but I've been playing everyday! I've currently gathered 673 Marigolds! Just a few hundred more! :D
I wanna take a moment to kind of understand what I'm doing:
I'm gathering seeds. I plan to use these seeds to make bouquets which will give me Flower Arrange. exp. I plan to power level to 60 Flow. Arrangement by doing this!
At level 60 Flow. Arrang. I can make, "Bee Lover's Bouquet" which doesn't require any Nature Appreciation!
So^ yeah, that's pretty much the plan as of right now. However, the thing I haven't calculated in the amount of Nat Appreciation exp I'll be getting.. but that doesn't matter too much to me. One of the main reasons I'm doing this is so I can use any displays when I see em.
Right, so, now that I've determined what I'm doing... let me continue! 400+ more seeds to go[[User:MrSeven|MrSeven]] ([[User talk:MrSeven|talk]]) o-o
New totals-
Violets: 90
Dahlia: 37
Daisy: 401
Pansy: 498
Marigold: 723
Wolfsbane: None
So, if I add the totals and also factor in the exp depreciation of about 20-35% for the lower level bouquets...
90 Violets @ 104 exp would yield 2,340 exp
37 Dahlia @ 160 exp would yield 1,480 exp
401 Daisies @ 216 exp would yield 21,654 exp
498 Pansies @ 256 exp would yield 31, 872 exp
723 Marigolds @ 304 exp would yield 37, 848 exp
125 Poppies @ 344 exp would yield 10, 750 exp
I don't have any Wolfsbane, but the exp is @320 per bouquet
Total exp = 105,944
Exp needed out of 143,191 = 37,247
So, I need 465 Wolfsbane or 490+ Marigolds or 433 Poppies.
Oof.. it'll be a little more grinding. The cool thing is that I wasn't far from my earliest calculation of 1.1k Marigolds.. +_+
So, I suppose I'll start grinding them out. The depreciation exp will be a bit... since i'll be using the same recipes a few extra dozens of times.. but it should all be ok in the end. I'm guesstimating I'll be 1-2 levels off from 60.
I just bought 82 Marigold bouquets! That's 328 Marigold seeds taken care of! That's 24,928 exp!  Now there's only 12,319 needed!
Ok, I bought 93 Marigold seeds! This should be around enough to get me to level 60! I'm very anxious to start so I'll begin right away~~
I made an obvious mistake and bought bouquets when I actually NEEDED seeds since Flower Arrangment exp only comes from MAKING flowers... JEEZ! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Now, I lost 55k... and I have to get 400 more poppies.........
-sigh-... (deep breaths...)
GREATT NEWS!! The vendor that I mistakenly bought the bouquets from was actually soulsurfer!!! Lol, what are the odds it would be someone I know? x)  So... he fully refunded me aaaand also gave me... (drumroll)
THREE - HUNDRED SEEDS!!! (at a price, hehe)
200 POPPIES and 100 Marigolds! T_T ;-; q-q I can't believe it.
SO, with this...! Let's calculate how much more exp we need!
12,319 / 344exp (from poppies) = 143 poppies needed.
Let's immediately start the gardening and processing!
Getting good advice about builds from Kimdoohan.
Said the best pets are:
Fire rat, Turret Bee, Ice Bee, Stunning Bear.
THESE pets are a MUST if someone wants to AH.
Said that Chopjaw and Hissy were basically useless...
Good Builds:
Hammer/AH- Crushing Build. Use Graz/Grottofang
Archery/AH- DPS Poison build. You need Poison Bee
Sword/AH- DPS Slashing build. You need panther partner
Necro/AH- Solo/Group build.
Bard/AH- Support build.
OK, after I finish making all the flowers and bouquets and get the bee I want; I'm going to immediately start working
on Max level Leatherworking.
Kim allowed me to see his current build and I know now that's it's going to take ALOT of dedication and time if I want
gear like his. So, that's the current plan! (hopefully it'll happen sooner than later!)
Ok, I'm doing some early calculations for Lvl 83 Leatherworking.
And it looks the the total from 77 is: 185,250 exp
with 15% buffs it's only: 160,813 exp
I currently have 400 Astounding Animal skins, 200 Amazing and
400 Quality
So, the recipes I plan to use are: Lvl 70 Amazing Leather Boots
and Level 77 Astounding Winter boots.
Level 70 Amazing Leather Boots requires: x3 Amazing rolls, x2 strips, and x2 Rubywalls @280 exp ea. Max exp yield = 18.6k
Level 77 Astounding Winter boots requires: x2 Astounding roll, x2 Wool,  x1 Tuft of fur and x2 Rubywalls. @308 exp ea. Max exp yield = 61.6k
So, I'll just gather 1,722 Amazing skins from that cave that leads to the Fae Realm. Amaluk Valley cave..
or 1,045 for the Astounding skins in Fae Realm.
And ill do ALL of this AFTER I get that dang bee!
Alriiiight. 4 days later. What have I accomplished!?
WELLL... as of now, I have 815 Marigold flowers!
Time of completion: 5 days ;_;
But who carrres! I now have 1000 marigolds cultivated!
Also.. this.. I just realized that my exp calucation might've been a bit off... so... give me a second.
I need  143,191 exp. This is the depreciated amount due to the 15% crafting bonus.
Violets = 90
Dahlia = 37
Daisy = 401
Pansy = 498
Marigold = 1026
Exp formula is  "Current flowers divided by 4 * the exp amount for the bouquet for said flower"
Violets 90/4= 22.5 * 104exp = 2,340
Dahlia 37/4=9.25 * 160exp = 1,480
Daisies 401/4=100.25 * 216exp =  21,654
Pansies 498/4=124.5 * 256exp= 31,872
Marigolds 1034/4=258.5 * 304exp =  78,584
Poppies 388/4=97 * 344exp = 33,368
Total exp is: 169, 298!
With that in mind: This means i have a 26k exp extraa exp that i dont really need...
I'll deduct it from the poppies and will only do....
33,368 - 23,000 (in case of an unforseen exp deficiets) = 10,368 exps worth and that will leave me with only 120 Poppies to do!!
Currently have 194 available... sooo we are officially done with gardening Marigolds and Poppies!
I am now beginning to plant 400+ daisies and pansies!
I'm 80 flowers away from being done with the pansies! After that.. just the daisies and I'm set!
I'll be wasting a huge amount of exp by not doing this during an appropriate event like Poetry Jam.. but I can't find the next to ever attend so... who cares lol.
Just finished collecting 500 Pansies! Now, it's just the daisies that are left and we are golden!
I got 21 poppies from someone.. so i need 33 less daisies.
atm 151 left!
bought 24 pansies
subtract 28 more daisies!
1045 Marigolds
215 Poppies
520 Pansies
349 Daisies
and MORE...
But, I'm only level 12 in FA.. I need to supplement those levels from violet to dahia to daisy...
So, I need 100 more violet seeds and 170 more Dahlias.
And i also need a certain amount of flower wraps.
Ok, I currently have 2,840 exp worth of Dahlias
Dahlia to Daisy is 8,330 exp (160 exp) 209*
8330 - 2840 =  5490 exp
If I do the level 19 Lumberjack Flower Arragn. for 152 exp, I would make it 37 times.
All i need is 108 Red Asters, 36 Violets, and 36 Oak wood chips! Too easy!
I'm going to unlock nature appreciation 51-60 and maybe more and also flower arrangement 51-60 after they are leveled up.
Decided to make a switch to defensive skills.
Trading Hammer for Shield!
OK, so! I finished all the necessary materials for 12-60 FA. Now.. I just need to wait for a poetry jam to use it on.
So.. now that I'm done with that flower nonsense.. I'll be focusing on leveling up Animal Handling along with my pets and Shield!
After failing to tame a Bloodhunter Bee... and doing a little bit of soul-searching... I've decided to go with my heart and switch to Archery/Animal Handling!
The first thing I'll be doing is going back to FR to tame a fae bee. Then I'll see what I need to prepare for Archery leveling...
I'll also see what gear I can start making for it!
*Go to Sirine in Rahu and unlock the Amazing Leather gear sets
Alright, steady as she goes!
Next on list: Make Amazing Leather Armor for Archery/AH.
I'm having some issues deciding what to build...
So, I finally got a Giant Razorslash Panther! I was able to do it pretty easily during this Civic Pride exp event... and yeah.. very happy about my new "Clawbaby".
Besides that, I collected and augmented some of the loot from the GK runs and I'm back in action with the skills.....
I just couldn't stay away from it! So much to level! So many pets to tame! (well not really.. just a few more bees and wasps :p) Even so! I'm really looking forward to leveling my pets and my newly found "end gaming" combat skills.
It's Thanksgiving weekend! I'll be finishing leveling up my AH to 80! After that, I'll focus on either farming skins for gear, or getting FA up.
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm glad you made it!
What am I thankful for? Hmm.. Well.. I'm thankful for you. You really are a sweet and understanding person! Great knowing you!
All right.. cutting out all that crazy talk... o-o
I have FINALLY acquired LEVEL 80 ANIMAL HANDLING!! WOOOOHAAAAA![[User:MrSeven|MrSeven]] ([[User talk:MrSeven|talk]])
A dream...;-;... realized....
So, now that that is done.. I'm going to start leveling Brewery! Idk why I decided to.. but I really wanna!
So, it's off to Serbule Hills for meee~
*Get Amutasa Organ Knife.
Do quest from Amutasa and give her a Cranium Balm!
Alright, so right now I'm going to gather what I think will be the right amounts of materials I need for the exp i'll be farming for Brewery.
So, I did my research and it seems that the biggest material requirements are fruits, corpse trophies, mushrooms/flakes/suspensions, and other miscellaneous stuff. Mostly, it will be easy to acquire the things I need. I just need Barrels and Firkins to start.
Then, I'll see which of the recipes are easier to gather and spam that one.
Now, Mushroom faming! It's pretty easy... I think the best one to go is the "Practice boxes" as I don't really need any mushrooms at a certain speed...
I'm maximzing exp.
I'll only need to do this to the point where I can start making blood mushrooms as that is the highest
(finish looking at which you're oging to use and the mats required!)
I tried to go ahead and knock out my 12-60 FA situation.. but I fell short! I didn't have enough cotton! IT SUCKS SO MUCH! I had Rappenels Post-Coaital buff and it was all wasted! :/
Well, know I'm gogin to do what I should have before!
The amount of materials needed to COMPLETELY be READY and DONE when it comes time to spam the exp:
1,040 Marigolds. I need 260 FW and FB
214 Poppies. I need 107 FW 54 FB
496 Pansies. I need 124 FW and FB
349 Daisies. I need 88 FB
210 Violet. I need 53 FW.
Total: I need 289 FB's and 544 FW's
So, I need 561 Wool. (If I really.. want to do this)
The rest of the items I pretty much have... but before I continue with this.. I should know that THIS is what needs to be gathered before anything progresses.
So.. I'll just take a break on getting 60 FA and I'll go back to my current projects: Cheesemaking, Brewery, and Mushroom Farming
Update: 360,700 exp is needed for 72 Cheesemaking.
LOL, yea right.. lemme get my lazy butt started!
First, I'll start collecting milk for Cheesemaking!
Late, but HAPPY DECEMBER! I've been playing on USA alot. I'm making progress in leveling up all the beginner level combats and skills.
I'm mainly on to just procure a better/smoother gameplay for USA.
Also, I might be switching to Battle/
I'm going to unlock 80 Battle Chemistry.
I need 180 masterwork slabs
i need 100 Expert quality slabs
I need 80 gold
I need 80 silver
I need 40 good metals
Ok! I'm still gathering money to unlock 80 BC! Making sure to do daily and AM when I can! FULL MONEY CONSERVATION MODE! []-[]
OYMCEB, hogquei gob d
OK! :D Now, begins the TREANT LEAF GRIND!
Stopping all motherlodes and immediately getting 60 blacksmithing!
Alright so i did all that and I found that Treant leaves are infrequent drops on treants..
plan now: Do only the daily and AM quests and just level up the other accs.
OR: continue to grind gold in Kur and more likely the sewer..
Finally! I have a Saturday off! I'm going to grind as much cotton as I can to take advantage!
I need 289 FB's and 544 FW's  DONE!
NOW. I need to go to ROHINA in SUNVALE for Flower Arrangement.
Creplin in FR for Nature Appreciation AND
Floxie in FR for Flower Arrangment
It has been done! The plan worked perfectly, the materials I had were in the perfect amounts! I am so very glad that I did this!
Ech-hem...!  Annoucing the totals!
Flower Arrangement, which once was at a paltry level 12... has been boosted to level 68!!!
Nature Apprecation, which once was a dismal level 27... has been boosted to level 77!!
WOW! How incredible... just an amazing.. amazing turn out!
Leatherworking was also raised from 78 to 80!!!
@_@_@_@_@_@_@_@! It's like I did several hard achievements in 1 day! (cuz.. i did)
NOW! The only thing I'm trying to do it begin Cheesemaking, Brewery, and Mushroom Farming..
But.. I may put these on the back burner for now..
Currently, Ri-Shin is going on! The new thing is a server-quest that involves players giving a specfic "donation" to a shrine in order to level it up!
The more we level it up, the better the rewards we all recieve are.
One of the items to donate was 25,000 beets, for example. So, beets were obviously a big ticket item.. especially since you could acquire the first ever "Vanity pet" from donating only 100 beets.
In fact, I was able to sell 100 beets for 50k!! I was literally given free money!
Right now, I'm taking advantage of that and I'm planning to vendor beets for a HUGE markup of 800-1500 councils each.
Another thing is that I realized just how OP vendor and raffle machines are! It seems that players are willing and ready to POUR their councils into a machine for random items...
and I will DEFININTELY take advantage of that by leveling Gadgeterring and acquire the level 30 "Simple Item Vendor" recipe which is the  first recipe to allow me to place and sell a single item for profit.
I've already tested it out on several items:
some rare food, and some cashfall tokens!
I did a "resonable" markup on these and ended up making about 40k!
Vendors.. are where... it's at.
So.. after I get tired of preparing these beets, I'll stack everything I have into a vendor and place it by the Shrine... so the lazy rich players can buy! ;)
Then I'll grind Gagdeterring to max level and then... I'll just play on my alts if I don't feel like starting the other skills.
Ok. I did the calculations.
I need x39 of the Simple Free Item Raffler
I need x83 of the level 30 Simple Item Vendor
for the rest of the exp.
107.2 of the level 10s are needed for level 30.
its 17,200 exp to 30
60,550 exp remaining to 50.
x190 level 30 recipe to 50
Only 67,163 exp is needed due to the buffs.
Right now, I'm gathering clownfish for the level 10 "Modest Free" recipe. Making 107!
Alright so, besides for just being a mule for the ALTS, I'm going to be retiring Mr7.
So, say hello to USA! Our main character!
Anyways, I'm going to start training at Serb hills near the goblins. The exp is easy and very steady. I'll do that until 25 Fire Magic, get Ice Magic... and then start rolling Ice/Psych! :D
It's another day on USA! I've done a bit.. i suppose, most importantly, I've gotten past 40 Psych and past 30 Ice Magic! Won't be long now untill I'm vendor all my items! XD�
After I get 50 Psych, I need to start Druid immediately. Or, maybe I'll unlock 50-60 on Psych and level it...
Got Alch to 15. About ready to grind out to level 50! :D
15-20 will be the Pure Crainium Powder recipe. I'll need 100 onions and brain lobes.
20-30 will be the Agonizing speed potions. It'll take 11,700 exp or 9,945.I'll need 125 fire dust and perch fillets
30-50 will take  59,550 exp. Or 50.6k exp.
I'll need 846 parasols and 421 beets.
Just reached level 50 Alchemy! Time to buy Battle Chem! >:)
I'll be doing Battle Chem and Druid! Both are very low leveled, so I'll start training in the newbie levels.
See you later! I'ma try something new
Hey!! So, here's what I've completed so far:
Ice Magic is at level 53
Battle Chemistry is at level 43
Alchemy is at level 50
So, I'm planning to go Ice Mag/BC and Druid as another option for cold-resistant enemies.
I've been short on money, so I might need to start doing surveys!
After level 50 BC, I'm going to go to the Carpal Tunnels to farm up some Ambient Sponges from jars
Ok, So, I bought the level 55 Ice Magic spells and I bought a few BC skills.
I need to get mycology, fishing, gardening, meditation and cooking up.
So, I created new level 50 gear for Ice Magic/BC.. and MAN... I am stronk as hell.
Blizzard does flat damage of 931! o_o! It's only at level 45!
Right now I'm in the Carpal Tunnels looking for jars that might contain Ambient sponges
I got 29 sponges! Much easier than I thought!
I need 42 total for 55 and 60 Ice Magic. I'll go on Mr7 and try to gather some faded blues at Rahu.
Right now, I'm training up Meditation for BC.
I'm going to use the 350+ pork i have to train up cooking.
For Extra toes 3, these are the altar locations that I need for Lore exp:
Altar: Eye 250 Sun Vale
Altar: Femur 250 Serbule
Altar: Fish 250 Serbule Hills
Altar: Mushroom 250 Serbule Hills
Altar: Onion 250 Serbule Hills
Altar: Salt 250 Serbule
Altar: Water 250 Serbule
Altar: Eye 250 Sun Vale
Book: Elzehatl's First Journal 50 Serbule
Book: Elzehatl's Second Journal 50 Serbule
Book: Fighting Lessons From Elsenro 50 Serbule Hills
Book: The Wasted Wishes 50 Serbule
Sign: Eltibule Graveyard 50 Eltibule
Sign: Model Home 50 Eltibule
Sign: Welcome to Sun Vale! 50 Sun Vale
Note: Old Owner's Note 50 Sun Vale
Ok, so I'm going to get Fishing up for Acid bomb and i'll passively level up Mycology for Mycotoxin Formula. I also need Gardening at level 40 for the last Freezing Mist skill.
I also need 1 more level in Cooking and 1 more level in Lore.
Total cost to buy EVERYTHING for skill training (except knees): 57k.
Alright! I unlocked Ice Magic 61-70 and BC 51-60..
I finished learning ALL level 55 and 60 Ice Magic spells! All I'm going to be doing now is leveling up Ice and BC. I'll eventually unlock BC 61-70 then I'll start gearing for them at level 70.
Firstly, I should start leveling up my other skills.
Namely, mining and surverying... retail too..
I need to be able to make my own money without Mr7.
So, just level as you train. We also need Industry, sos doing Work Orders.
I've decided to start doing skinning for money and exp. I'll spend a huge majority of time at Kur while I'm there. I'll get enough materials and the like to to have a LARGE amount of stuff to sell... and this will fund what I need.
Now... what I need to do is get my Mining and Foraging levels up in order to get the interactables in Kur... Gold, Silver, Cedar, Tundra Lichen... etc.
Mining should be at 40
Foraging should be at 50.
Let's get started.
Cool! I reached level 10 mining! I'll continue this!
Also! I can start mining moledybmun at level 35.. so I REALLY need to aim for that!
-> follow the pinned defenstration. everything done already.
Ok, I'm heading back to Serbule Hills to buy Eltibule EXPERTS'S MINING SURVEY at level 35.
I'll calculate how many i need to do for 40 mining.
Seems like I'll need to do 144. Oof.. I need 16k gold.. ok... back to Goblin dung. to farm for gear to sell to Kib and Willem! :)
OK! 40 Mining Acquired! Now, it's time to head the Moldyb. mine and start spam farming it! I'm aiming for farm so much that I have 10+ stacks of it lol... but... yea.. just as much as I want to.
(Realisitically, enough to fund myself for my BC and Ice Magic level 70's)
So, after I have enough fun doing that, I'll head to Kur to start farming wolves for skins and items.
Then, depending on my levels I'll do what I need to do.
Heyyyy! It's just another dayyyy! Feeling.. craaa..zy? .-.  Anywho, I'. in Kur Towers right now just leveling my skills and... idk? leveling phrenology? Really, I dont really have a goal atm... I know that I definintely want to unlock  60-70 BC but ill need about 95k.
And i'll be getting the level 65 recipes for ice magic soon...
besides that, I'm thinking about getting transumation and augmentation started..
Get your necklace modded with Ice armor +16 mitigation instead of nova and shardblast boost.
Alright, I unlocked Blacksmithing from Tadion. I'll go to Kleave, then Yogzi, then Malgath next.
First, go to Borghild and touch the books and corpses to get recipes and armored golem
So... It's been a while!!! (not really, I've just been playing alts.. well kinda) I ran into a problem with leveling my alts.. I realized that they would share the same fate as Mr7, bored with no real desire to pursure the rest of the "high-level" content. i.e cheesemaking, brewery, higher tier industry tasks..  It just didn't seem smart to create a new char when I already knew I wasn't interested. BUT PG is much to fun to quit cold turkey! I tried, but it has so much charm that I just keep making new characters -> I then realize that this character is doomed for a boring end-game, then I delete it. I've done this at least 50 times.. just trying figure out I can approach the game with a new character in a way that get me interested in playing.. but ultimately, it doesn't last long. I endured to level 40s, 50s, even 70s with some characters... but.. nuthin.
Anyways, I made another character. Mr7 is gone, USA is gone and all the others. I'll try again to start this journey with another char..  and hopefully it'll last!

Latest revision as of 19:49, 22 June 2022

I'm putting on here all of the progress I've currently made since I started the game on April 6th 2018.


Made friends with Guerrillasim and Mortifact.

Mortifact helped me understand what to do next. hint said: find the elf

Alot of other people helped, Loss and some others.

About to get off the baby island? :O!

Coordinates: 6, 9, 1...8?


I'm in Serbule. Not sure what to do next. I'll just look for stuff in "Stuff to do" lol...

Accepted ALOT of quests or (Favors) from several different NPCS. I'll try to whittle em' down, one by one.


I've been whittling down the favors. Right now I'm training my gardening and cooking levels.

WOP: XXANDRYQ --> teleport to goblin dungeon beneath Eltibule

Did a few more favors, leveled up same crafts. Discovered that deers can be summoned and killed... REPEATEDLY using the geomancy awl on the red crystal! I'll train there for a while.. maybe until level 15?

^before I continue, I want to get my Surveyor skill and start the foraging skill

Surveryor trainer is NW Surbule docks are South I can forage in the Surbule hills

Rummencola hosted a cauldron party.. o_0 One of the words of power sent me to Kur Mountain? I took the portal back to Etibule and it turns out that I can forage here!

More WOP: CHACKPRAE --> +1/sec hp regen PWYLLGRIQ --> swim much faster FWIBCLEN --> instant DEATH... (for real)

Continued to do some leveling and foraging near the portal to Serbule hills. Almost at 15 Psy. :]

Last tree for 15 Foraging! T_T


Just trying to figure out what to do next... favors or leveling...? hmm... I'll go to Serbule Hills!

While exploring Serbule Hills, I found a cave that led me to Anagouge!


I'm finally going to tackle the favors! 1 week later i'll continue the main story quest... lol. (cuz the favors are at 40+ right now @_@)

Code for the barrier in Serbule Graveyard: 397

I decided to deleted all my favors... I was way too cluttered with them that I couldn't focus on one thing at one time. I will now always limit them to 6-8. Tomorrow I plan to continue the "Unlocking the Crystal Lattice" quest, then I'll proceed with the favors. :)


Went to Serbule Hills to learn Surverying... WHICH I DID! :D So now I'm going to get some ink from Joehhhh and make some maps. I also did a few favors for NPC's in Serb. Hills. [Thank you "Fupasan" for the Mycena bites!]

Found a noob named [Starseye] that was lost and I "helped" them. Basically, I ended up learning that the rock that blocked me from going to Anagouge was actually controlled by a lever. That's why people were talking about a lever to get to Serb hills. lol... I had no idea.

Paul's belt buckle is on the NE part of the camp. Alrighty, I learned how to make Oak Dowels from Paul which means I can finally get some arrows. T_T

I've decided to be a Psychologist/Mentalist! I'm going to talk to Echur to get my Mentalist lessons started! :D

Tommorow I'll go to Echur and try to get started.


I'm now trying to aquire things that can help me get Echur's favor level to FRIENDS, which is when he'll teach me mentalism. So.. I guess I'll try buying some drugs.. i.e cranium powder, etc. OR I'll advance my surveryor skill and get some gems if I'm luckyyy.

Oh, one thing led to another and I learn how to make arrows now! Finally, I can use 4 more skills! [literally, no arrows until now... how sad. lol]

WOP: TWEOGWYG, teleport to Eltibule Keep BREKCIRR, teleport to Serbule Crypt GWAMGLAL, death FWULLLECH, death DONFRIT, increase lung capacity (swimming) IOLBWAY, +10 inventory for 1 hour FUJIH, Max Power +50 for 15 min. DOIFREK, debuff/all attacks cost +5 for me VOCKAYA, +1/sec for 15 min hp regen SYMGREQ, Teleport to Serbule <- used

FINALLY got Mentalism! WOOT. MENT/PSYCH. However, as I'm using it, I realize that Mentalist will not be strong. It's for support.


Besides training Mentalism, I'm going to knock out some quests. Hopefully, mentalism will get stronger as I grow... I don't want to be completely unable to fight psychic mobs.

I've reached the limit. Lol. Good luck future Mr7


So, I'm still trying to figure out the best my to train Ment. I see that it's definintely going to be for more of a support role... so, I might just ex-nay it from the "plan"... I'm going to try and raise my Alchemy for BattleChem.


Had some trouble deciding whether or not I wanted to play, but I remembered this, whenever I played Runescape I had the same thoughts, "too hard" "I can't"... I just need to take my time! Right now I'm running around the Serbule fields killing mobs. feelin' good.

3 hours later...

Finally made over 3k... T_T

I continued surverying and bing-bang-boom! 6k! How profitable! ^_^


Goodness... I got so much done today. So, first. I continued to level up my Animal Handling to 17... I did a few quests, got some money, yada yada... rose my cooking and farming, and favor... yep. BUT, the icing on the cake: I GOT Necromancy! So, the next thing to do is train Necro!


Talked to Tome today. Advised me what to do to get 50 Alchemy. I need to spam surveys and get gems to give to Azalak.

I'm going to Serbule hills to get some surveys from Jaime.

Decided to train my Necro. Got it to 14. BUT, the skellies died and now I have to run back to a graveyard. How annoying.


Been awhile... been busy! Right now I'm sticking to Ranged and Animal Handling. It suits me. The Ur-Bacon quest can be done by killing the faeries in Serb. Hills. I'm completing this Commander Ferrows quest line right now.


Again, got alot done today. Did quests in Serb. Elti, and I'm going to Serb Hills right now to start Calligraphy to use RUNEZ baby. Made some friends aaaand.. I'm sticking to arch/animalhand! GOAL: Continue Calligraphy, but get money through Surveying


Alrighty... I did some more favors and continued my Calligraphy. I also learned Goblinese to level 12! Plan right now is to do Surverying to earn money from vendors in order to FUND Calligraphy.


Alllrighty. Plan right now is to get cotton to raise my textile so I can make the "butter muslin" so I can make sour cream. So, I need to get cotton. heading to hogans. <---continue all of this^ and do the work orders. Turn in Work orders!


Ok, so. Today I turned in some work orders, did a few favors around eltibule and began to train my armor patching so i can start blacksmithing which will give me Knife Fighting! Good day. (Remember to make WOPs with the crab)

breath underwater: doiflel, navbwun swim fast: dixleu, fugdwag, pykflur, swudwhur inventory+ 10: harrhif die: glukeoq, trylpred, oyebwez, drolwryz cure cow: Blewpyu, foebrid, fraiswat, wxiachrum tele to eltibule keep: gob dun: dwylwou, whupriz, yanyom, jaelix, crunoim power + 50: pyvtryt, jechmwiw, mwajuas, ainyyw serbule: oychcrub, piqgril, iapoey serb crypt: borrgreh, bleckmwor


Today I got Armor Patching from 1 to 25 to learn Blacksmithing! I need Simple Metal though, and I can get it by Mining... (why haven't I learned Mining yet...). So, right now I'm off to Jaime in Serb. Hills! I got mining up to level 7 annnd I made it to sun vale... I talked to Agarashab and it seems he had no favors for me.. I need to dump my ancient coins on him! As for Knife fighting, I only need to get Sharpening stone so that I can make the knives! Sharp Stone is only sold by Yogzi here.. and I need 35 Goblinese. SO, now I'm going to Serb Hill to farm goblinese! (good thing I can 2 hit most mobs there now)


Here in Serbule Hills just trying to train my Goblinese... jeez, why is it so difficult to get a paper close to my level?? Killed more than 200 I would guess... only level 20. I need 15 more levels, so... I'll be spending much more time here. I'm getting THIS before anything else! (Turn in quest to Percy Evans and Get the staff skill!)


So, today I focused on doing some quests and turning them in. Yes, Goblinese is the main goal! But, right now in Eltibule. After I finish turning in some other quests i'll go back to Serb Hills for Goblinese. I learned that Knife Fighting is NOT a ranged skill! There are just skills that correspond to the "Throwing Knife" item, just like first aid or armor patching. However, I'll continue to get at least 35 Goblinese to make what I need. Who knows, I might like it alot. (I'm inside of Goblin Dungeon for the quest from Yasinda)


Went into Goblin Dungeon and actually got my level up alot! I think about 4-5. So, I can either stay in there and farm the goblins OR I can go to Serbule Hills. This just depends on whether the Goblins in Serbule drop a set amount of notes that are random v.s the gob. dungeon goblins that might drop their own set of random notes. For now.. that at Gob Dungeon. Different types of goblins can drop certain notes that I might not have read... as I have seen recently.


Alright, today I got 35 Goblinese! woot woot! So, now I'll proceed with getting my knives made. From there 'll decide if I'm going to train it. I also got Animal Hand. to 40! I can now tame bears and am looking to tame an Ice Bear. I can tame within 5 levels of my level. Pets to tame: Razorslash Panther, (<- Kur ->) Ice Bear, and Graz (Gob. Dungeon). Besides that, train Knife and see if you like it.


I went to Sun Vale and learned the Hammer skill! I might use it with Knife fighting, so I'll train them both. I need 20 Carpentry or Blacksmithing to learn Toolcrafting from Yogzi. 14 Carpentry currently so I'll just level that out. At any rate, I'm going to need ALOT of oak wood. So, I'll either spend a chunk of time farming it, or I'll gather fire dust to trade it into oak wood. Right now, I'm training Knife and Sheild. I might switch Knife to Hammer... I'll just train them simultaneously. I'll continue training in Serbule Hills! Hopefully, the levels will come fast.


For today I still trained my skills, but I decided to ditch Knife and go with Hammer. I've been training Shield however to be used with Hammer. I'm in Eltibule killing the bears that spawn with The Mangler. The exp is decent, but the Hunting Quests the bears sometimes spawn with are the reason why I'm staying. Free 300 exp for each skill! Levels rising fast! Currently sheild is at 30. I'm going to go to 35 then train Hammer the same way.


Whew.. been a few days. Well, as of now I am still training my Sheild. I got it to 30 and I'm train it along with Hammer. I don't know if I'm sticking to these skills. I would actually make more sense to do crafting right now.. I dont really need combat exp right now since you only really need 2 reliable skills... hmm. I might just stop and straight craft. We'll see.


I'm going to train Surveying now that I've got 35 gardening... I'll make about 50k or so from that... then I'll start Industry.

logging out for a while. Last thing I was doing: Sell the gems in my inventory and continue with Surveying. do the metals surveys to get close friends with Jaime. Alright. Putting it down for a while. See ya then, future me.


Aaand, I'm baack lol.. guess I can't stay away... anyways, remember to get new sigil spells from Sir Arif. Sigil level currently at 27. I'm continuing this shift to crafting instead of combat.. it just.. makes sense to focus more on crafts right now. I got the Advanced Inks and the Gel recipes. Leveled Alchemy to 20! heh, now to spam Hulking Gel, then Willpower Gel at level 30. I'm going to forage for Parasol mushrooms for a while!


So.. I'm trying to level up alchemy through several ways. I can make Psychic Resistance Potions by farming the Brain bug cave, some Mushroom suspensions by farming the specific mushrooms, or Advanced Volatile Ink by farming fire dust.. I'll just do a combination of them and probably stick to Advanced Ink. Right now, I'm at the graveyard in Serb... for bones... oh, which is another way, i guess.

Got several upgraded Sigil spells! :D Now, I'm going to go to Elitbule to get more Fire Dust so I can make Advanced Vol. Ink to level up my Alch! OR I could farm mushrooms.. but I'm leaning toward the Spiders.

Actually.. I learned that I can make Hulking Gel with just parasol and cabbage with water... so I'll farm more Parasol. heading to the sewer to try to farm parasol.


So, I'm in the Myconian Caves gathering as many mushrooms as I can to level up my Alch. The plan is to gather a TON of mushrooms and use the "Suspension" spells for them to level fast. I'll stay here and hopefully I'll be done soon! (Remember to talk to Mushroom Jack to by mushrooms) (Give Heartshrooms to Jumjab, eltibule)


Todaima.... T_T. Ok so, I was doing some math and realized that all I need for level 50 Alch issss... 504 Willpower Gels!!

So, I need 1008 parasol mushrooms and 504 Beets! Beets will be somewhat easy... but will take a huge amount of time to wait.. q-q

New plan: Farm fire dust and basic fish scales in Eltibule. My Total exp needed to level 50 alch: 60,000. I need to make... 1,000 Advanced Volatiles which means I need 1000 Fire dust... (oh... that's not too bad actually! That's very doable!) If I make the Advanced Caustic, it's 789 of them... BUT, I need double the amount of fish scales... so 1579 of them, for level 60!

Ok, off the Eltibule.. I'll stick mostly to the spiders, but I'll collect some fish sometimes. Good for fishing exp too.


Ok, so alot happened today. I'm still in Etibule, farming fire dust. But, since I'm constantly running, I mangaged to level up Foraging to 52 and Mycology reached the 40's! As did Shield! I also learned Corpse Talking from Jumjab and Art History from Jesina! So.. I'll keep grinding fire dust until I have about 900+, it'll be worth it!


Today I continued grinding fire dust. I have about 230+ now. So... 20-25% done with the goal! It's all up to the RNG. First thing to do is sell all the loot I've acquired through walking around Eltibule. -__-


Make sure to get Shield Skills from Nelson.


I'm not documenting my days enough! >_< A bit busy.. but any time I get is just spent gathering Fire Dust. Currently at 380+ only a few.... HUNDRED more. Q_Q good luck 2 me. However, some other things that happened were: I realized that there was something to the "Anatomy" skill that a saw in the skills. I needed a Forensics Kit to perform "Autopsy"!! I could have been getting exp for Anatomies this whole time T_T... it's leveling fast however, Antropod Anat. is at 31 already, and thats just the highest. Tanning is around the low 40's... umm, that all I suppose. I'll keep at it! FOR ALCHEMY and BATTLE CHEM! FOR SPEE3D!

few hours later** Ok, I got 400 Firedust now... tomorrow I'll dump out my inventory and keep it up


The update came! The Priest skill came out and I immedately went to get it (being the support styled player that I am) to start leveling it up! Right now it's at 15! I might make it my main ability depending on how viable it is in regular mob killin'. I'm still here grinding for fire dust. I'm at 434... not much because I was a bit busy today! gahhh >_< but I'll get there! Dattebayo!


So, I finally gathered 600 Fire Dust! (This was actually wayyy more than I needed for level 50 Alch) Right now, I'm going about acquiring the 180k council or so I need to buy Expert Inks. I'll go to Borghild and just farm stuff there. (here we go again Q_Q)

I need 671 Parasol Mushrooms in order to get level 50 Alchemy. I'm at level 39 with 37,705 exp. I need 40,305 exp. I have 126 Parasol flakes which will give me 15,120 exp. So, right now I'm sitting at 52,825. 25,185 remaining! I'll need to get 419 Parasol mushrooms in Anagouge and be ready to make those beets... cuz, in theory, it will be 30-45 seconds per beet. So... 6-8 hours of farming. Q_Q

I AM PLEASANTLY SUPRISED. hehehe!! I was able to collect all the Parasol Mushrooms I needed in about 5-7 hours! I asked several new players to trade me some for councils and newbie gear... this was the most suprising thing.. most of them had 10-15+ Parasol! Jeez, that made it go really fast! So now I'm back in Serbule getting ready to start gardening the beets for Willpower potions! Almost there!! #ROADtoBC


Today I'll finish farming all the beets I need. From my calculations, (pushes up glasses*) "I ONLY NEED 335 beets!" I have 270 at the moment! I'm soo close, I can taste ittt~~ (licks spongebob)

As of 2:25 pm on 5/29/18... I offically have 50 ALCHEMY!!!! ("We did it boys!) (Hurrah! Hurrah) (I knew you could do it!) (huh, you actually did it...)

said all the voices in my head... .___. :D!

Now, I can finally get Battle Chemistry!

I got Battle Chemistry from the "Chemist" in Rahu in Illmari. I'm going back to Elitbule to level it up. Then, my next goal is learning how to enchant armor and weapons.

According to the wiki, to start Transumation I need to talk to Makara in far north east Illmari. (bring rare gear, blue color or better!!) And I also want to do Augmention which goes hand in hand with this. The wiki says I need to talk to several people and that each of them have a requirement. All need Alchemy at 25, as well as 25 Toolcrafting, Blacksmith, Tailoring, Leatherwork.

I'll work on those after I finish leveling up my Battle Chemistry.

(Remember to give Sir Arif food to get the next Sigil spell)

    • Flower Arrangment is learned in Rahu

    • Level up Meditation

breath underwater: doiflel, navbwun swim fast: new: wujmwock, draoeae, yeckbryg inventory+ 10: harrhif die: drolwryz cure cow: new: zirgaz Eltibule: new: gob dun: new: power + 50: pyvtryt, jechmwiw, mwajuas, ainyyw serbule: new: steymraz serb crypt: new: yumdwyb


Alright, so I since then I talked to Markara and got Transmuation. I stayed in Rahu are a bit because I wanted to tame "Hissy" , the ever elusive demon cat. Found her once, but another player killed it.. what a waste :p. I've given up on trying.. maybe later.

I'm just leveling up my BC right now. I'm at level 32 at the moment. I'm in the Gob Dung. so I'll stay and just level up my Transumation too.

I'll do that for a while, then I'll start work orders so I can get money.


It's been a week... but i'm back for a bit. So.. I just continued leveling BC and I managed to get it to 40. :) Now, I'm in Rahu and I'm going to look for Hissy again.


I just realized something... I probably shouldn't be playing this as it is a big waste of time. I mean.. what will I accomplish in this game that will feel lasting? Level and level and spend for more levels.. that game just feeds itself. Kida boring tbh... but hey... I know me.. I might be back soon enough.. but for now, I'll try to stay away. Good luck with the Detention Officer job. Hope ya don't die.


Hey. Everything with the job went pretty well... going through hiring phases and such. As for this game, I'm going to move out of this desert and back to Gob Dungeon or Outer Eltibule to fight Tor-aks... but not right now... pausing again until I find the want to play. Alrighty, do your best.


After almost 8 months I am back! WOW. 8 months went by so fast!! Well, to update.. I am now working as a Detention Office Full Time. I've gotten very used to the environment and my work. I've made great friends and am taking things a day at a time. Everything's swell!

Game update: I just captured HISSY! YAAAAAA! An 8 month old dream has been realized! Good job for your efforts! (I'll take screenshots for prosperity) :) So, now... I'm literally trying to relearn PG... I have no idea what I wanted to do next.... but I guess I'll list it here as this journal has really helped as I've played.

So... Hissy(Redo) is captured. Alchemy is 50, AH is 50's, Archery is 50's, BC is 40's.... hmm...

I... want to do druid stuff next.. So, it's off to Sun Vale to meet Silvia at it's North-east corner!

vawcen- cure cow pruygrutpex - super jump chregwreitriu- whiney voice (aggro)


I decided to get the Druid skill and am currently leveling it up in Serbule Hills. I'm starting to get the hang of PG again... its challenging to re-learn if you take a long break :P. So for now I'll level up Druid and (reminder) level up my Cooking skill & Gourmand.


So, I managed to get Druid to level 34. That's all I've really been doing. Oh, but there was a nice event that went on! Kraken, Loot Pigs, and a spider invasion! The lag was atrocious, but overall it was a very good time! I got a few yellow rares that I gifted to some NPC's! Besides that, I'm still leveing Druid. I'm going to go make some Fire/Acid shield potions and go to a dungeon as "Macnamara" suggested.

I acquired the Alchemy recipes I needed to make the Fire/Acid Shield potions. Currently, I'm in Serbule gathering Augmented Mantis Claws for the potions. As expected, it's been quite grindy and boring, SOO... I've decided to take another break from PG. Hopefully, I'll be back... hopefully... Alrighty. See you wheneves past me!


Just stopped by to play for a quick sec. I learned that I need 100 Dreva Blessings to unlock any of the animal forms... I have 8 -__-... and you only get an oppurtunity ONCE a day. So, again.. I'm a bit annoyed and taking a small break! See ya wheneves!


Back again! Right now I'm doing some work orders. Planning to make beg. dense arrows and some shoddy chairs. ALSO, I got BUNNY potion from a generous guy! I'll be doing something with it later. So.. work orders for now and i'm going to try to level up other stuff.


Much has happened since my last entry. I decided to level up Cow/Priest for these past days! I'm currently level 35 in Cow! All they way from level 3! Animal Handling is at 58, too! Great improvement all around!! So, I'll continue doing this and getting Cow and AH to level 50 and 60 and then level up Priest!

malachite = cow crystal fluorite = animal handling crystal Player: Skogen


Been a while, BUT... I managed to get Cow to 50!!! Yeee-haw & MOOOOO! AH is currently at 63! Now, I just want to get more money and just earn for a while and train my other skills. I'm going to start doing surveying and get gems or rubywall crystal! I'll need to do this for a while, so i'll get the supplies and start soon. [Get someone to buy you Basic ink and Basic parchment and then start doing rubywall crystal surveys!!!]


Ok.. it's been like 13 days but, I've been very busy playing. Biggest Achievement? LEVEL 50 DRUID!!! AHAHAA. Now I can be a bird! I've already been using it to do Eltibule Blue surveys and WOW, i'm gather hundreds of gems more than the Serbule ones. Let's see... um... I did manage to make alot more money and I finally reached 100,000 councils at one point! AH is currently at 69! 2 more levels! Oh, and I finally opened a player-owned shop! It's how I've been making money! Alot more stuff happened... uhh... Armor Patching is at 50. Butchering is at 50. I bought 51-60 Foraging. Gardening is at 50. Pretty good overall. So, what's the next plan? Well... Surveying in Eltibule is somewhat mundane, (but it's super fun to fly around) so I think I'll focus on leveling my skills and gathering stomachs. I plan to get Mentalism and Priest to 50 with the help of AH~ so... we'll see how that turns out. [Actually, I'll focus on BattleChemistry. I leveled Cow and Druid to 50 so I should probably stop ignoring it!]

Go to Nightshade. start the augementing chain.

Got to Nightshade, now find all the crew!


Man, i need to record more... especially since I've been playing everyday for the last week...

So, most recently, I've reached 50 Necromancy! ~~ I took some advice and trained at Kur Tower. More enemies. More exp. Now, my goal is to get the Ratkin Summon at level 64. for that, I need 20k plus councils... so I'll be doing surveys and collecting stomachs.


As usual, the game is fun... and also as usual, I grew bored very quickly. I suupose I can't help but enjoy the "fun" feeling while it lasts, and stop playing when it goes. So, I'll be taking another break. No regrets and nothing that I need to tie up... alot of what i want, I'm starting to accomplish... i.e: flying, necromancy, fast speed....

I guess my future goals are: 70 Battle Chem 64 Necro for Ratkin Blasters 70 Bunny 70 Ice Magic

But... that'll come with time. SO, for now... P3ACE.


Back again. I continued Necromancy. Now it's at level 59. Soo close to those Ratkin BLASTERS. (they better be worth it...) I'm also getting some Explosive Sigil to use during training! This'll be fun. Killed the "Eye of Fate" for Ashk in Rahu~ this will be benefical when my Shamanic Infusion and Meditation is higher.

Necro reached 61! Now I can no longer level it up without buying 61-70. So, I'll be gathering tons of gems. I just need around 500-600. That's around 100 surveys! Alright, I'll be doing this next time! l8r.


Early today I had a moment of utter stupidity and decided to hastily delete my account. I don't have any reason for it... i just did it. I'm seeing the same pattern play out as before in other mmos. play, have fun, get discouraged, quit - cold turkey.

When it was in games like Runescape or Allods --games that had end-games that I didn't understand; it was fine. BUT, PG is incredibly easy to learn even though its the most CONFUSING exploration MMO I've ever played! It's fun, the community is nice, and I deserve to be happy. SO... right now I'm going to declare my future intentions for all games that I EVER play in the future. IF YOU'RE A FUN GAME, THEN I'LL PLAY YOU. I WON'T QUIT FOR ANY PASSING EMOTION AND BE LESS RASH IN MY DECISION MAKING. I AM A GAMER. I LOVE PC GAMES. I LOVE MMORPGS. MY PASSION FOR THEM WILL NEVER LEAVE SO I WILL NOT BE FOOLED BY UNECESSARY, DISTRACTING E M O T I O N S! BECAUSE... MMO'S. ARE. AWESOME!!!!

So, here's hoping I can get my account back.

Update: 5/8/19 

I sent message to the PG's team Twitter account some days ago. They replied 2 days ago with: "Uh, ... we don't support restoring deleted accounts, because they were deleted. We are working to try to find a way to restore your deleted character from a backup, but lots of code will need to be written first. We'll see what we can do, but no promises. ETA: no idea, sorry."

I sent this a few days after recieving this reply to my support ticket on the 2nd of May.

"Hello! I have heard back from the devs on the matter. There is good news and semi-bad news. The good news is we found your character and it can be restored. The semi-bad news is the process involved to restore your character cannot be performed while the game is live. Your character will be restored during the next game update, so make sure you keep one character slot open and do not create another character with that name. At this time, there is no official ETA for the next patch."

So, it seems like both of the comments aren't giving me a thumbs down, so I'll be optimistic here. Hopefully the support tickets' reply will be the one that ends up happening. I won't be contacting them anymore about this... I don't want to "bother" them and have them "l o s e" my data... So, until I am hopefully reunited with my character, I'll just continue playing Guild Wars 2. (somewhat fun, actually)

Update: 5/15/19

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEAEAAAAAAAAAAAAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAW!!!!! IT'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!! MY ACCOUNT IS BACK!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! OK. So that's how 14 days of being depreived of Project Gorgon feels like.... hmm. I did ok. But its defintely great to know that I always have PG as an option to alleviate my boredom! I really love this game. :) Guild Wars ended up being a bit lame. The leveling up was very fun!! But the endgame content is dull PvP and WvW. I uninstalled it, but I might play in the future.. (the far future). So... besides that, I'll continue my leveling in PG!

So, what I was doing before was getting Necro to 64 so I could have Ratkin Blasters! Oh, but i need money first! So, lets do some surveys!


serb crypt, spider caves, carpal tunnels, ranalon den. (for egg witch quest --didn't complete)


Heyyy! So, I finally gathered enough council to unlock 61-70 Necro!! Wooooot! Now, the plan is the acquire some UNLIVING RATKINS at level 64. I'm going to go back to Kur Tower and farm on ghouls until I reach it! edit: So, some hours later into my day and I think about asking on chat for some Xedrite. As fate would have it, "Nicola21" ended up having some. But most amazingly, SHE GAVE IT FOR FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! LoL. So, now I don't have to struggle with getting it inside the sewers! WOOT. Back to Kur Tower's ghouls! 2 more levels.

edit: ALLLLright!! I finally got 64 Necro and (painstakingly) got every other requirement out of the way! I am offically ROLLIN with my RATKINS. WootMrSeven (talk)! So... now... i'm going to level more? :S really idk... I think I'll become a spider? Maybe not. If not, I'll just level... Battle Chem! I've put it off SOO MUCH. It's only level 43! Wow. Yeah. I'm going to cap it... then I'll focus on making money.


So.. I'm feeling a bit lost. The Ratkin Blasters were a bit... "lackluster". They aren't very sturdy and can easily die without GREAT stats... (I think). So... now I'm going to devote time to making money? edit: I trained bunny 'cuz I felt like it and got it to level 30. BUT, I un-bunny'd myself b/c the damage was too low and the combat was MUCH to close. (I'm not used to that, i guess) So, some time later.. I decided to train archery. But it wont be like last time! I'm going to make some proper arrows for myself! (or buy them) I'm training Fletching at the moment though buy converting the fire dust I'm getting.


So, the plan for now is to start doing mining surveys so that I can start doing blacksmithing, as well as level up mining. I can be doing that and carpentry as well. For carpentry, I need to get money for unlocking the receipes from Paul Vaughn in Serb hills. Carpentry and Fletching (17) will probably go together since they both involve wood. So, I'll gather what I need for fletching when the time is right. Besides these, I'll train toolcrafting. I haven't unlocked it yet, but I do have at least 20 Carpentry, so I'll be heading to Yogzi to unlock it. Leatherworking is at level 20 right now, but it can wait since it's somewhat easy to level... i think. Tailoring will require ALOT of cotton... so... do that later?

Focus on: mining, blacksmithing, carpentry & fletching.

Reason: To get stronger with Archery skill and be able to get toward the path to better gear.

If you need money.. Survey, do daily, skin mobs. This will require quite a bit of effort, but I've leveled up enough. In order to proceed in this game, I need to level up my skills so I can make better gear. Ok... here we go! Ikuze!


It's been nearly a week. I haven't made TOO much progress but I did do several Mining surveys in Eltibule which helped me get about 80+ Good metal slabs and a few other slabs. Also, I found out a great way to make money: farming recipes in Borghild! With a recipe over 1k I can at least get 887 from it through Fila. So, I'll do that and also collect decent gear I get.


Didn't get to play much today. Did the daily and... almost at 70 Necro. There is a "Perceive Undead Spawn Premonition Spell -10 secs" that I can get at level 70 Nec. Only Undead creatures tho... :/


We're already 5 days into it, BUT... HAPPY JUNE! So, I decided to level up Spider for these past few days. Currently at level 37 with it. Someone named "Kirean" has been giving me some GOOD info on certain builds:

Spider/Druid: Monstrous DPS Cow/Druid: Can't FEEL a THING

I'm now more confident in this path. I was told that AH with Necro was kinda... stupid. You can get good gear with either and do fine in dungeons... but you won't be super safe or super strong.

K, (Kirean) said that when they were training skills, they focus first on blacksmithing and mining. Mostly, the mining was done in Illmari and Kur.

[Leatherwork = evasion] [Metal = armor] [Cotton = power]

Ok, so... leveling my crafts is very important when it comes to getting good gear. BUT. I just realized that when it comes down to it, all "good" gear is just RNG. SO, I'm going to have fun leveling my skills and worrying about those crafts when I want to.

So.. now that I'm not worries about crafts anymore... i don't really know what my main goal is. I suppose I'll switch up my current combat, AH and Necro since their both pretty much maxed.. and start doing... Archery, Sword, Cow, Druid, or Shield.

I'm going with Archery. I miss it. First skill I leveled to 50... last to be taken to 60.. lol. I'll unlock it right away!


So... things are going well with Fletching~ I'm at level 33! I still need a ways to go until Masterwork, but I just gotta do what I can. Actually, I think I'll use the masterwork arrows I have and make some snare/reservior arrows so I can talk leveling Archery. Well, thats the plan for now! (Advanced my Mangling shot from Azalak)


In continuing with Fletching for Archery, I thought about buying "weak acidic cleanser" so that I could have some to gain the bonus exp for the specific fletching skills, but it's pretty easy to make. rotten strawberry, water, and.. something else... but super easy. Anyway, I'm going to make about 20~ish of these and further my leveling of fletching. I have more than enough councils to by the wood glue for the "prepared flectching" recipe that I'm spamming.. (which is going pretty well, actually :D) just not enough feathers. decent, but low amount of chickens. So, thats the plan at the moment. Besides, that I'll work towards getting all the mats I need to make the snare/poison/hook etc arrows I need. Masterwork AT LEAST!


In continuing with Fletching for Archery, I thought about buying "weak acidic cleanser" so that I could have some to gain the bonus exp for the specific fletching skills, but it's pretty easy to make. rotten strawberry, water, and.. something else... but super easy. Anyway, I'm going to make about 20~ish of these and further my leveling of fletching. I have more than enough councils to by the wood glue for the "prepared flectching" recipe that I'm spamming.. (which is going pretty well, actually :D) just not enough feathers. decent, but low amount of chickens. So, thats the plan at the moment. Besides, that I'll work towards getting all the mats I need to make the snare/poison/hook etc arrows I need. Masterwork AT LEAST!


Today I leveled Fletching a decent amount..... ALL THE WAY TO 44. 46-50 won't take very much. I want to unlock endurance from Lamasha in Kur (where the campfire and the wolfs are) because I want to wear this very decent gear from the LAB I did today. I'll just kee the gear with Joeh and NEVER SELL IT. Besides that, I'm going to try and finish leveling Fletching so I can start and unlock more Archery!

Tried to level up Lamashu to "Close Friends" and I fell a biiit short... so, I'll logout here and hopefully she'll have all the favor she needs after I do a hang out session.


remember to get fashionable boots for lamashu and to continue fletching the prepared fletchings talk to hemmit magmagrip - new pres. cave (give black foot morels)

give bellema some drinks, peridots, or magic crossbows. [Crossbow skill is learned at "Comfortable" Lapis laz is for "Sem" in Gazluk

Besides doing all these memos^ I'm currently in Shadow/Gazluk Caves. I'm here to collect some items for Hemmit-- some "Groxmak" mushrooms to be exact. After that I'll head back to him and advance favor with him. I learned the next tier of Mycology! 51-60! Now I dont have to ignore mushrooms~~ I also acquired 51-60 Endurance from Lamashu!

Plan right now: Get Bellema favor'd up so I can start the "Crossbow" skill. I think getting magic crossbows might be easiest... --well,, whichever works. Also, I haven't forgetten about Fletching! I'll take care of the last few levels to 50 after I'm done in Gazluk. Also, I think I'll get level 50-61 Fletching.

I found SEM! Turns out he was in the Shadowblood cave... i just had to search it a bit more! There was a cool dialouge and we became friends! Now I finally have the first few skills in mushroom teleportation! [even though it looks like the cooldown is HUGE] So, naturally I accepted the favor quests he had and am currently doing those. When I finish, everything else will be done.

Make Eel Stir-fry for food source. Going to turn in stuff to Ashk and Thimble Getting parasol mushrooms for teleportation getting favor stuff for Bellema. (crossbows)

Just binded with the mushroom circle at Serbule...! Wow. It... took me a while to do that. I had labeled on my map "parasol ring". I made that label so LONG ago and it was still there. :,) I bought 90 parasols thinking that I'd be able to use them over and over again... but I didnt see that they are only used to bind! I'll just save them for late use.

Make some FOOD, and sell what you can. Don't sell the favor items though. (The rings for Yogzi)<--


So, I finally unlocked crossbow! It seems that the crossbow goes into the off-hand... that's fine... BUT ARCHERY DOES TOO. -_-. So, now I need to pick a different skill. I'm going to go with Fire Magic.

Ok, Crossbow is already at 25. At about 37 I'm going back to Bellema to upgrade. In terms of my damage output... I'm okay with everything. I'll obviously need better gear along the way though.


Ok, forget Fire Magic. I just don't like it! idk why. I'm going to do "Staff" instead. Let's see how far I can level it. I'd also like to do unarmed -- but we'll see.

Cool, I finally just got "Percieve Undead"! It seems that it knocked out the 3sec perception I had... but ah well. Let's see how it goes!

So, I got a tip to go to war caches! They are really fun so far! I'll keep doing them for now..


Took a break from doing war caches. I'm trying to level up Fletching to 60. It's at 51 right now!~~^_^ So... i'm just going to collect Alot more strawberries and start hacking away at it :p Then after that... I guess I'll do what I started when I first played. Archery/Animal Handling :)

Also, I need to remember to get all the arrow spells from everyone that teaches. Elahil, Marna... etc.


Go get Fletching 51-60 from Bellema!!! <--- train archery and crossbow... (somehow..)

Get Carpentry to level 30 so you can make spruce dowels. [Completed]

Now to get some spruce and make the dowels

BIG info: Dorimir Fangblade trades certain items for RED WING TOKENS. (Yet another important piece of information that was NEVER imparted to me. This game is truly one of discovery... because you literally need to DISCOVER all your options.. jeez...)

Here are the items:

Brass Nail x3 Brass Gear x2

Tin Gear x2 Metal Claw x2 Spool of Wire x1 Springs x1 Dwarven Weight x1

Magnifying Glass x1 Brass Screws x1

Silver Spring x1

    • All the "x1" give you TWO Red Wing Tokens!" ------------>Collect these especially!<----

OK! Level 59 Fletching Completed!!!

Need to boost up Bellema's favor to like family.

Currently at Best Friends: 366.5/600

need: 1,033.5

I'm doing war caches so that I can get these crossbows through Sir Johnson.

ALSO, remember to unlock archery for 18.5k at Allveresa. YOU NEED to give her favor before though. Brass Figurines and Magic Bows.

Finally! Bellema's Favor reached "Like Family" and I was able to acquire ALL Amazing Arrow Recipes! ~~:) Now I can start finding items for Allveresa. (It's just going to be magical bows again).. :p


Unlocked 51-60 Archery! Ohhh yeea :D! Now, to train at Kur for a while. I think i'll stop at 60, as usual. 61-70 Archery costs 92k. I'll focus on that after 60 and do War caches along with that.

(Need to go back to Rahu to get Coins for the loot)

explanation for augmenting gear:

"You can either add one shamnic infusion or one augementation mod"

from wiki: "Augmentation, on the other hand, is more complex and involves removing a magical effect/mod from one piece of gear and adding it to a different piece of gear. "

You can only add 1 mod. Augemented or Shamanic.

Start with Transmutation first. (most important) Then Shamanic.


Ok, today I decided that I am going to go Archery/Ment. AH/Necro is GOOD. But I want skills that can LAST me in fights. I want to heal myself a good amount and not have my mana sooo low. Ment is a great skill for that. I'll continue leveling that up tomorrow.


So, I accomplished leveling up Transmutation to level 45! I got all the recipes and am going to go what I can with the items I get! I'm saving all the phlog for future transmuting. I'll been a bit too preoccupied focusing on other things!

I want to get back to doing War caches and rolling some good archery gear. OK, instead of doing war caches, I decided to go back to Kur and level them UP. It's tried and true.. and better than TRYING to get gear for skills I don't even have MAX out yet.


Get cloth armor for Sona in New Prestonbule cave and get your phlog for her too. (favor)

Go visit Yagreet and the big Tree in Sunvale. NEW INFO: Apparently, Yag trades Heartshooms for FREAKIN Diamonds -___-?!. So, uhh.. diamonds are basically worth 1 heartshroom... I would say that that is kinda ridiculous and easy to exploit but then I remember that the player needs to be able to fly... So we're already making the requirement at least two level 50's combat skills. Which is fair... keeps the player who haven't took the time to level Druid from accessing her. (She needs 6 Master first aids and 6 rubbery tounges for favor.) Buy some Pineal juice as well. She can teach RESUSITATE!

So, I'll go to her... see if I can farm up some heartshrooms... and then I'll continue with leveling Archery. Currently at 58! Ment is 22.

I got Resusitate! traded pretty much all of my RTW's for it...:,/.. but I did also get 2 Teleportation Exp potions. And got level 25 Teleportation!

Currently, I'm inside of the Myconian Caverns. I'm here to get some heartshooms! I want ALOT.

I think I'll do this for a while... maybe until... i get x99? Then... hmm... back to Archery/Ment. (YES, I still want to do it -__-)


Started todays play by doing GK for the first time! After this, I'm going to see about getting the teleportation ability "Organ Displacement" from that guy in Kur...

SO, something cool happened today. The devs, who are trying to spice this game up decided to do an event. That event was... WORLD BOSSES. Empusa in Serbule Hills, George in Serbule, Civeros in Eltibule, Claudia in Illmari, and X in Gazluk. This event is pretty AWESOME. And the loots I'm getting have been VERY NICE. It lasts until July 1st... (or until I loot all the chests, tbh) I did Empusa x2, George and Civeros x1 Claudia x1 and Xman x1

I will continue with harvesting heartshrooms and then Archery/Ment. Might Do Battle Chem instead.


Happy July! So, today I'm going to continue with level Battle Chem. Right now it's at 45. I'm getting some amethysts around Eltibule as well cuz I ran out :P. Hopefully I'll be able to run pretty fast and won't have to use bird form anymore. I'll do the calculation like this: "If Extra toes + speed mods + Hunters Stride is still slower than 'birdflight+huntersstride+speed mods' then I'll know which one to rely on. BUT... I see players literallly gone in the blink of an eye... some of them are only in mallard form too! But most are in Cow form. Anyways. It will be good to finally get Max Battle Chem.

Cost analysis: not too sure. BUT, Mox Warcut will raise the level from 51-60 AND 61-70. He will also do the same for First Aid. I should have more than enough money to get these and the upgrades for them. 61-70 always costs 90k+ so... prepare to be broke T_T.


Happy 4th of JULY**!!**~**!!**~**!!** (>_>... thats a bit much...) ANYWAYS, I finally favor'd up Hogan and was able to go inside his keep! I met a few goblins and talked to the one I needed to, Gribburn. NOW, I can go back to Nightshade and get Augementation or whatever it was ...:p. I'll continue with leveling BC. Currently at 48!

That time again, stopping for a while. See you later Future Mr7. (Got Level 54 BC for you... you're welcome ;])


Well... that wasn't very long >_>.. anyway, I unlocked 51-60 Alchemy. The current bonus levels I had took me to level 55.. so i wonder if I'm going to stop at 60... or... 65?? Idk. Probably 60. But anyways, I'll see how quickly I can level that up.. And I'll most likely make it my main since I'm planning level 70 with it. BC and Ment is the dream right now... so lets see how it goes. (I want BC and Ment b/c these are some of the most useful skills. I want to be able to clear out 600HP/600Armor Mobs without any difficulty... AH isn't taking me there TBH... so I might abandon it.

I'm going to try to augment my AH/Necro gear a bit. If it doesn't work out, that's fine. I'll just continually focus on BC then Ment.

I'll continue from here tomorrow! Lets level BC as much as we can! it's late =_=, tomorrow


Been a week, been busy though! Got to level 63 BC! Goal is the same: Get Max BC in Kur Tower! We are almost there!

I need 156,400 council for the rest of the the summoned golems abilites.(...lets wait on that :I) I'm going to serbule's garden so I can level the rest of my meditation... I should have enough materials (flower seeds) to get me there... lemme check the wiki. So.. "I'll do 43-48 with Red asters, then 48 to 51 with beets, then 52 to 55 with Violets... annd there's 10 more levels after that... but I'll just gather those.. (somehow)

Bought Raised Skeletal Archer and Swordsman 6... cost 40k+ T_T

I'm about to unlock 61-70 BC! I need Battle Chem requirement items for Mox!

I decided to go ahead and find Ratuk to finally get more Teleportation skills! WHICH I DID! Now, I have some new Recall abilities ~_~! I still need about 4 levels for everything though. I'll go around and use teleportation pads until I get reasonably close, then use Teleportation dedoctions for the rest of the exp!

Teleport pads missing: 1 in Rahu 1 in Kur 1 in Ilmari (Ruined Village) Right most side of the middle section 2 in Serb. HILLS

I'll only get 200 exp for each one... so 1000 exp and I haven't used some of the new teleportation recipes.. so that's an extra... 200? idk... but it seems that the exp needed is a bit too much for the exp given... so... I'll go back to leveling BC for now.

Oh, I did unlock 61-70 BC btw.

I just did the calculation 35%+ 35%+ 44%+ 44% +84 dmg +84 dmg +41 dmg +41 dmg = 1,167.2 dmg from 219 (base dmg) This was for Mycotoxin. I chose it because it had the larger percentages than the others.

So, with at least these stats on my level 70 gear. I'll be doing some really great damage. The stats above belong in these areas: (randomized) 1: Head 1: Chest 2: Feet 2: Main hand 1: Legs 0: Hands 0: Off hand 0: Necklace 1: Ring

So... this will actually be incredibly easy to get... I just need to do a few GK runs and getting Nice Phlog (or higher) to transmute some mods.

ALL I need is 8. All I need is 8! All I need is 8!

Ashk skill prices (to be updated on wiki)

Mediation 51-60 18400 6010 #52 6040 #53 6072 54 6102 55 7052 56 7084 57 7114 58 7114 59 ** YOU UPDATED THIS** 7/11/19. good job :] 7176 60 9046 61 9076 62 9108 63 9138 64 9168 #65

Augury Beginners 2760 Basic 8280 Advanced 13800 Expert 23000

Spawn Premonitions 5 secs 18400


Ok! BC is still at 66, BUT I have GREAT news! I got my two new Teleportation Spells from Ratuk! "Recall Alternate Circle" and Bind Alternate Circle"! Now, all I need is level 30 Teleportation and I can buy my final spell, "Recall Alternate Circle (Improvised)" from Ratuk! Then, the FINAL spell that isn't sold by vendors (technically) is "Summon Alternate Portal!" hehe! Finally, I'll be able to teleport to the Casino! It's about time I did this... -_- honestly....(taaku..)  ;3! I used (ALOT) of my Red Tokens to buy some Teleportation Decoction. I bought 15 of them for 12 rwt's each. It'll give me a total of 3,750 exp! which is probably more than I needed T_T... but, OH WELL! Down the HATCH! :D

Well! I'm only 1560 exp away from my goal :) Feels good! So, I'll just do what I can... (spam skills) xD... good job today!

I ended up grinding the rest! =__= You're looking at a level 33 Teleportation User! WOOT!MrSeven (talk) Now.. i can enjoy going to the casino and NO more running everywhere unless I'm lazy! :D It feels like having options. I'll continue with leveling BC. But... I'll only get it to max and then I'll choose a different skill. :/ I realized that the damage from BC isn't too great. I need something more reliable, like sword/staff/unarmed. After BC, I'll raise MENT. I still want to use any funds I gain on the newest BC spells though.


I purchased the HORSE LORD package. Idk why I did... probably just an impulse buy. But I did! So, I'll get those benefits whenever they come.. But besides that, I'm still training BC. Level 67 atm! Going to 74!


Not much today. Raised BC to level 69. Getting there!


WOOO! 70 Battle Chemistry! I'm finally there! :D Now, I plan to level up either Ment or a combat skill. I'm going to favor up Yalox so I can get the Spine Mutation Buff and clear up my broken bones! (22 BB's o_o... that's a record for me) So, I'll do that and then try to save up money for BC skills from Mox.

Just learned that Yalox barters brains for spleens and hearts and vice versa.

I got Stretchy Spine 2 & 3 from Yalox! no money now :S


going to try to find a wooden lute so that i can do bard/druid


I've been sick this last week, and i'm now much more stable! (just a persisting cough) So, I'm leveling Bard now with the help of Battle Chemistry! It's quite effective!

Bard is at level 32 while BC is 72. I'm back at Kur Tower as usual to train! Hopefully I can get it up fast!


Going to rahu to do some war caches to see what kind of mods I can get for Bard/BC. I'm planning to do this enough for each gear piece.


To get to level 50 Bard I need 167,000 from where I am at level 35. I calcuated that I would need to kill about 1770 goblins which give 94 exp. (i would get 137 exp, but I'm leveling the last 2 levels of BC)

So... from right now, I've killed 43,381 monsters. I'm going to let the total of 45,150 monsters be my goal. I should definintely have 50 by then. So, let me BEGIN!

Currently at level 40 Bard. BC need 30k more exp for MAX! So.. after I get 50 Bard. I'm going to either pair it with Druid or Staff. I don't want to use B/C because it's too... well... it's too weak. The buffs are great, I already see the benefit there... but it's not a standalone skill... against weak mobs under 1k HP, its good... but the survivability is low.

So, actually.. Sheild/Bard might be good. I like group enemies together and hitting them all at once, but i'd like to actually be able to handle the damage I take from them. Shield is already at 50, so I'll start it after I get Bard to 50. Since I have no gear, I'll need to do war caches then switch loadouts when looting the chests or redeeming.

WOOOO! LEVEL 74 BATTLE CHEMISTRY GET! finally T_T... it's been so long, but I finally did it! NOW I can level up Bard without any exp restrictions! So I should be done a bit faster. Bard is currently 43 at %50.. so, it won't be much longer. I haven't totally decided the route i'll take...but I'll pick one that can handle high level enemies. Until then, Good luck!


I posted a question on Reddit about Battle Chemistry asking "Which skill is best compatible with it" (for killing Droaches o-o) And I got some good responses... "mostly anything" But more specifically: Druid, Ice Magic and Staff.

All of these have surivability abilities, i.e (less damage, more armor, damage reflection)

I'm going to do Druid/BC because I see ALOT of Druids that do amazing damage, but are the main tankers in parties. So, this will be my new build!

DRUID/BC (or vice versa)

For today, I started with a nice EXP debuff from a hangout request that basically forced me to stop trying to level up Bard. (only 7 mins left.. oof)

So, I did a daily and finally remembered that I need to get Mediation up by 2 levels to unlock the next "Haste Concoction"! I'm doing this right now!

I leveled up Meditation to 45! I acquired Haste 3 AND 4!!! Time 4 speed. o_O! ALSO, I unlocked two Golem skills and got Superior GOLEM! ALSO, I unlocked Druid levels 51-60! Now I can start earning exp toward it again! :D

So, the main goal at the moment is to do war caches and hope to get some good gear for Druid/BC.

OK. I did the math. In order to get all the other skills (except for Knee Spikes -_-) from Mox, I need: 282,992 Councils.

So... I'll be working on that AS I level Druid. I get forego getting 61-70 Druid if it means I can get all the spells for Battle Chemistry... we'll see.

Alright, so everything is going pretty well! I got a hand, boot, offhand, and necklace that offer great stats! All I need is a helm, pants and ring! I'm hoping that I just luckiily find them without using the jonhson bucks like for these four items~~..but we'll see! Goood luck.


Still trying to get better gear. Getting bored of this. Might go and level up Druid first before doing?


Happy August! Obviously I took a small break since I felt that I was stuck at a crossroads... the desire to level up and get stronger vs knowing how much time it would take... it just made me feel uninterested. But, I do really love this game so I'll continue! What;s I'm trying to do now is switch to some different skills. I bought Cow levels 51-60 from Raul, so I want to level up cow again. BUT, I also want to finish leveling druid first.

NEW GOAL: Finish getting Druid to Max level, then train Bard! OR start getting gear for BC/Druid 869,950exp to level 75!

NEW NEW GOAL: Get Unarmed to level 50, then get to level 50-61!

NEW x3 GOAL: Go back to training Druid. Remember! 1 skill at a time. No skill is wasted. Good Luck.


So, in a not so surprising turn of events, you decided to stop playing Project Gorgon and pursue your goal of coding and or Software development.

Well, I applaud you for at least trying. I know me better than anyone and I know that this isn't an easy thing to decide.. as I've tried this MANY times.

BUT, if a weak man can become strong, and a person can learn the piano, or become an amazing, talented writer....


So, with this farewell. LET'S promise to meet back here! 1D1Y [Not 1 day, but in one YEAR]

Once you finally return, play this song and we'll listen to it together. Past you and Future you, connected through the soundstream. (use the first, try others if gone.)

It's 9:37:00 pm. Play it at this time if possible. (YES. THAT means WAIT!) But if it's already passed, play it at the next :37 of the next hour.

Thanks. Thank you for that. Well. I'll see you then.


So, I'm back! It's only been 18 days... and I really haven't had any 'urges' to play PG... but I was just SO bored. I'm on day 2 of my 'week' vacation. So... yea... I'm playing for the mean time and I'll decide if I want to continue later.

So, Bard/Druid has been confirmed as "very good" to me by Jacken and some other players... so I'm going to go that route. Oh right! I forgot that Bard/Druid was ALWAYS my plan! LOL. I'm only using BC/Druid because BC is a good exp farming skill! Bard/Druid is STILL the goal!! With that in mind, just continue onward! Slow and steady wins the race. The gear that I'm trying to get is going to be Druid focused since I'm going to be using it while leveling Bard. (also Heros is pretty good to rewatch... s1 ep 16 currently... its very interesting)

WOOO! LEVEL 60 DRUID!!! YAAAAAAAA! OHHH man, that was LONG. But, I finally did it! Now, to get level 70!


Doing ALOT of Survey so that I can get enough money to afford all level 60-70 Druid skills. I have about 120+ gems right now. I think I'll need about 1Million council to acquire everything for BC and Druid and Bard.

The calculation is this: total cost of the gems you've collected divided by the current amount of maps you've DONE/have completed.

Amount of gems i have is 143; maps ive completed is 68. so I'm getting about 620c per map. This number doesn't really mean much... I guess, if anything, its to give some kind of measure as to how much you're techinally making per survey. So, I can use this to give me an idea of what I'll be making with the 230 maps i have remaining. I'm getting 121,800c from the calculation... but the amount of worth of the maps keep increasing the more I do... I'll do 50 more and see If the measurements are the same.

Currently, at 68 maps completed, its 620c per map, estimated 121,800c for the 230 maps remaining. Divide the cost of the gems by the remaining maps and compare.

There wasn't much of a difference. It actually decreased to 530-50... I'll stop doing it for now. BORING.


OK! Unlocked 70 Druid! Time to grind it out. Then, I'll slowly switch to Bard. Also! I added up the cost of all the Druid skills. It is: 291,105c

So... I'll level up Druid and build up the neccessary funds.

The Battle Chemistry's skills I need cost: 282,992c

Keep all druid gear to give to Silvia in Sunvale


I'm leveling up druid, but I decided to do some leveling for Industry by doing a few work orders. Right now, I'm just gathering oak wood and fire dust for bartering oak wood. I should get quite a bit since I'm going to be training carpentry!

Also, I should remember that I can by Industry dedoctions from Qatik. 20 RWT's for 1... it's quite a bit :I From where I am at near 27, it's going to take 108 Industry dedoctions OR 2,148 RWT's.... LOL I'll just gather it up slowly. I'm only interested in doing this because i'll be able to get higher level work order and thus, more money.

Im getting mycology to 60 for mushroom farming, then ill do black smithing and carpentry


SO! I leveled up Mushroom Farming to level 21 and stopped there for now... if I want to continue, I'll just go to Hemmit and learn the new mushroom boxes to get better exp. Exp was entirely gained through spamming harvestable recipes for it. <_<

Right now I'm at Kur Mountain where Lamashu is. I came here because I needed to gather ceder for making some food "Chicken and Broccoli" THEN I discovered something: EXP is MUCH more better over here! Not only that though! I can harvest cedar, tundra lichen, and skin from the wolves!

I'll stay here until I reach level 70 druid in 5 1/2 more levels!


Happy September! I am closer to 70 Druid! Just two more levels! Staying at Kur was a great idea, i would say that this is the best place to make money because of all the things you can do! So.. i'll be grinidng out that $$$ here. Someone told me that doing Motherlodes can net you 10-15 metals! I have to level up my mining. It's only at 28 T_T. I'll just spam some surveys!

Level 70 Druid will be soon, i estimate in the next 2 hours. When I get it, I'll start to decide the gear I want. Transumation and Decomp is VITAL for re-rolling, so I need to talk to Sona and pay for 61-90... after I actually level up Transumation that is...

I want to go for a healing/sustain build. and I think i'm going to KEEP Battle Chemistry. it's just too useful. BC/Druid was the dream after all...


Ok, druid is at 69 now.... LOL. I'm taking WAY too long to level this skill! I keep getting sidetracked since it gets boring after a few dozen minutes. Anyway, I'll get it today! Only 30k+ exp left! aw Here's something new! I learned that Syndra in Kur and help me to start decomposing armor!!! I need leatherworking to be level 25 though... so, I'll get on that sometime after this. Currently, the plan is to get 70 Druid, re-arrange the gear I'm using, then start working on mining. I'm prioritizing blacaksmithing.... but maybe armor augements is smarter to learn... hmm.

WOOOOOO! 70 Druid has been accomplished!!! NOW, the next step is to level up Bard. Currently, it's at level 43. I have enough fund to raise the cap from 51-60 and 61-70. In order to unlock 51-60 I need Performance level 10. And in order to unlock 61-70, I need to get Flower Arrangement to 10. I'll talk to Zhao in Rahu to start Flower Arrangement after I finish getting Performance to 10. Time to play for SerbuleMrSeven (talk) Yes, I wanted to trying mining and all that, but I really want to get Bard leveled to 70. Hopefully I can get near 60 today?

info: Ufakr in Rahu can teach 51-60 Weapon Augementation.

k0fgznjv -bard/druid build for gorgon explorer


Always Remember. R.I.P to all the deceased.

SO! I am furthering my leveling of Bard. Right now it's at 49, soon to be 50! yippie! After I unlock 51-60, i'll do a bit of leveling and buy some skills. Then I'll do some war-caches to get better weapons and armor. (it's like..... the only way -_-) I seem to be really combat focused... if I was smart about this I would already started to progress my skill levels: mining, leatherworking... etc.

OK! I got 51-60 Bard. Will level it up tomorro


oohh spooopy. Friday the 13thMrSeven (talk)@_@ JK. Ghouls and Freddie aint real! Ok, soo... I just realized that leveling Shamanic Infusion is VERY easy. I just need to complete some recipes by getting ingredients and using on armor pieces. Irkima will be the one to give me all of the 1-50 shamanic inf. recipes. The total cost for everything he has 46,095! I'll remember that. Speaking of money... i have over 260k councils! $_$ $_$ $_$! (will probably all be gone to skills tho T_T) So... atm I'm still leveling Bard. I did GK and it went up to 53!! just 17 levels to 70! Once I do that, I'll finally have the two skills I want! I'll then start doing my skills like blacksmithing, carpentry, mining, etc and try to make more money! :)


alright, so i'm moving a bit slowish... bard is at 55 and I'm still on the exp grind for it. I've been going to dungeons since the exp is decent and I don't really think about leveling when I go... it just maybe happens. I'm in Kur now, doing to use the same method as BC druid.


Ok, still leveling Bard! Close to 57 atm. good progress. I'll do what i can tonight and hopefully grind to 60. I should've mentioned this earilier, but I was able to get the "Summon Ingredients" Shamanic Infusion spell from Irkima... i think in the Casino! Its such a cool feature! Also, I bought a few final upgrade for BC! Acid and Toxin Bomb and Myco Formula are at the most strongest before this level 80 update, so it's going to be a very welcoming change.

I continue grinding out Bard and then I'll work on getting armor. And test out the strength of Bard/Druid as well. I want to go "moderate" build so that I can cycle between heals and damage.... we'll see.

Just decided that Battle Chemistry is just too good to ignore. So I'll DEFININTELY switch to it if Bard doesn't work out. Bard/BC isn't really possible.. so many B/C and Druid?


I'm trying my best here! 1/3 of the way towards 59. lil more ta' go :)! I wanted to add that I'm tranmuting any gear that I loot so I can level up Transumation. I might get the next Foraging Cap from Jesina in Elt... mayybe.


Heyyyoo~ Todayo I-o am-o doing-o some-o more-o leveling-o! And tooday-o.. I GOT-O... 60 BARD-OOOOOOOO!!!! Yaaaahh~hooooo!!! Yess, 60 Bard! So now, all I have to do is get 10 Flower Arrangment to unlock 61-70 from Percussa! (also, I just realized that I could buy a "vistors pass" for 500 councils to enter into the hostile part of the town... unaggro'd!!) Also! I found Percussa's house and marked it! ^_^ Now.. she won't sleep. O-o. So yeeah... just going to level FA and go from there!


Hiii~ So, I'm currently leveling FA. It's at level 2 atm.. so I have some ways to go. :S It's a minor annoyance that the plants you need to make the displays are really varied. for example, the second recipe that you unlock for FA requires: 3 bluebells and 1 red aster and 1 basic fish scale. Now.. these are not THAT difficult to acquire, but the required materials get more numerous and varied as you level it up.

I got Bard to level 61! Can't recieve any more exp on it until I buy 61-70 T_T. So, I'm going to finish getting FA to level 10 so I can do that. ok, see you later.

(And I know how you were feeling about the game... about your current ability and usefulness... just know that everything will come it time, so don't stress too much about it)


Back again, but just to see what I'm doing. It seems that I bought several seeds and flowers. I'm guessing I wanted to level up FA much more than to 10. But, FA is already at 10 and I unlocked 61-70 bard!! So, I suppose I'll start grinding that out.

I'll steadily plant the flowers.. just to kinda get my head back into the game. After that, I'll start leveling mining by doing motherlodes in Kur. I need to get these crafting levels up.


Just checking in. I'm might make a soon return back to PG. I'll just start by doing whatever I said above^


Oof, it's been 20 days. But i have a bit of time off in all the craziness i'm dealing with as of late.. so i'll try to play a bit more. I'll continue making flowers. Once I'm done with ALL of them, I'll st


Must have not been enthusiastic enough to finish typing ^ lol. SO, I'm playing only here and there because I'm having trouble figuring out the endgame content; namely, Transmutation, Shamnic infusion etc... it's feeling like a lofty goal at the moment and I don't really want waste time just trying to FIGURE it out... but (sigh) I'm going to have to... otherwise I'll be extremely useless in battle. I just keep getting the image in my head of a player that has already accomplished max level enchant skills and is just zooming through the world, 1 hitting 5k hp enemies... it's just annoying to think about the difference in power. it's like a slow, draining feeling... ugh. But I'm always complaining about this so I shouldn't be so sad, lol.

P Ok, as always, we'll focus on ONE thing first then proceed with the rest.

SO, right NOW I'm trying to level flower arrangement. I began doing it because I realized just how much I needed it for later stuff. My level is currently 10.


Still planting. Make sure you make alotta cotton for the "carded cotton" that comes from it. You need this for flower wraps for some FA recipes. Did WN daily today with Seya, Bowwow, Towers and some others :). Map is almost memorized for me! (not really lol)

I got 51-60 Gardening! Now I can garden without my guilt! o-o AND I now know that 61-70 Gardening is only 44k! What a steal! It's from Kelim in Aluma.


Hiiiiii! I am in Serbule garden! Still have about 165 seeds to plant! Not including the 297 bluebell seeds in the casino @_@... Alot the the FA recipes require pansies and daisies, so I'll go to Sunvale and collect 100 of each. I want to be able to use an FA statue to boost my yield rates from gardening.

I'm realizing now that FA might be a bit more challenging to level up than I thought. D: It looks like I'll need to level up blacksmithing a bit. I think I should start doing motherlodes.

For FA, the next recipes will start the requirement of "dahlia" flowers... -_- it's like I'm wasting my time here LoL. (but I know I need these flowers just as much as dahlias!) ...hmm... i'll just petter off when I feel like stopping.


Howdy! I did my first motherlode today! It was at Kur! Unfortunately, i need a certain mining level just to MINE the other load. (oof) So... i'll level it up a bit and get more slabs then return to doing motherloads. Mining = Level 28 atm.


I'm currently leveling up my Mining skill. 32 atm! I'll get more survey and try to at least max it before I do anything else. (im tired of being inconvienced)


~!~!~!~~!~!MERRY CHRISTMAS!! ~!~!~!~!~!~ I've been just tackin away at leveling my mining. Currently at 35. I'm planning to go all the way to max. I calculated that I needed about 590 surveys at 100exp to reach max from my (then) current level. doing better surveys and motherlodes will help though! So, it's get mining maxed --> do alotta motherlode digging --> start blacksmith level with the motherload mats --> from that, look for other skills to level up


Alright. So, my mining level is now 45! (real nice, eh?) I've been doing several motherlodes and I've acquire 270 Good Metal slabs for blacksmithing! Now, I need some basic metal slabs as well -- so I'll do more surveys for that in Kur. After I get enough, I'll start leveling black smithing.

    • Blacksmithing level is at 31! Also, I did a caluclation in saw that it was about 140-170 surveys to level 60. So, that's always an option.

Anyway, besides all of that.. I think I'll stop doing blacksmithing and focus on the other skills that are needed for augementation.

I remembered that I have quite a bit of gear just sitting in Kib's (Red wing) inventory. The gear is purple-yellow and they are all bard/druid related.

Ever since I started trying to level FA, I became more preoccuiped with my skills. But 61-70 bard has been unlocked and waiting for me!!

So, I'm dropping everything, going to Kur, and fighting some wolves.

Oh, but before that..! I finally finished talking to Poe who was the last pre-requiste for me to finish the Augementation quest from Nightshade! So, I'm going to Kur and seeing just how far I can go with that.

Remember that you need Toolcrafting exp in order to gain the Jewerly augement recipe from Poe. (everything else should be fine though)

The biggest thing after all this is settled is finding the proper way to go about acquiring, infusing, and augementing my armor.

Let's decide right now: We are not going to be afraid to transmute our gear, nor will we wait until we receive the best/awesomest/lucky gear from a drop. Just use what you can around the LVL 70 range if it's yellow. Do NOT augment/infuse gear that is not your current level. The values are not SO different that we should waste our Nice phlog on them.

What's wrong with me? I'm stressing so much over this game. I just sound so overwhelmed and helpless thinking about the best method to play and how to become strong enough to contend with the mobs...

I should really consider if it's healthy for me to play this.

New plan: Go back to cow. Pair it with Druid. Use keys on the chests after I get to 70 cow

Ok, so MONEY. I cry alot about that. But i just learned that EVERYONE has to grind for their money and I should too.

So, Work orders and industry leveling need to be done.

See the requirements for doing these Industry Work Orders and make sure those skills are leveled up!

LOL. BIG FAIL on statue work-orders. T_T. will take a long break now.. cya l8r


Actually, Not a big fail! Was able to sell about 20 statues by just waiting for the work orders to populate! Right now, I'm kinda in Crafting burst-modeee! I'm just doing all that i can to level up Carpentry and Toolcrafting. Next will be Leatherworking. All I'm doing is buying sharpning stone from Yogzi and making a SH*T load of easy recipes to drastically increase my levels to at least the mid 40's...

I'm particulary eyeing the level 21 "Good Skinning Knife" recipe. It's really low cost and will give me 84exp each time it's completed.

My Toolcrafting level is only at 14... so I'll do what i can to reach 21. (For this, making carded cotton then using the remaining regular cotton to make canvases, seems like the way to go)

For Carpentry it's even EASIER! Just choose the recipes that only require maple logs and tannin powder! WOO! (Try to get the bonus exp first though.)


Heeey~ right now I'm leveling my Toolcrafting. Im going to do the level 13 "shoddy hardcore belt" recipe a few dozens of times to get to level 21, which I've calculated is about 4300 exp or 83 usages of the "shoddy hardcore belt" which gives 52exp. Also, right now I'm making some cotton. Idk why, but I just decided to!

important: I'm learning how augementing works. Learned about how there are 3 types of clothing Winter (cold resistance) Bard (Nature resistance) and Evasion (Projectile evasion) These clothings will AUTOMATICALLY have these stats. No need to add anything for them.

Now LISTEN UP! (read up -_-) Mods are only decided through the Primary and Auxillary Gems that you use! [These can be found on the "gems" page on PGwiki]

THREE mods come from the PRIMARY crystal TWO mods come from the AUXILLARY crystal

So, an "enchanted" version has 5 + 1 "Max-enchanted" version has 6 + 1

The "+1" automatically comes from either Augmentation or SI.

LOOK man. "Augmentation" just means: "put 1 mod on this gear"

It also means: Decomposing items for crystals and beads or undoing augements that were placed on the item on accident? (im guessing)

Now, what needs to happen: You need to go to every other person besides Nightshade who was involved in the Augmentation quest. Why? BECAUSE ONLY THEM CAN TEACH YOU how to decompose helmets, chest, jewelery, ancillary-armor (shoes) etc. Just go talk to the other 3 people:

Malgath(Wolf Caves| teaches main-hand, off-hand, gloves)

Gribburn (Hogans basement, Eltibule| teaches helms and boots)

Syndra (in that shed/barn in Kur | teaches chest and leg armor)

Poe (in Myconian cave| teaches ring and necklace)

[I do not know how much training 1-50 skills costs] \_ o_o _/ "ah well..."

Kohan and Ufkar teach 51-70 for ALL of these.

Total Cost for learning: 551,000

Hey hey hey! It's not too bad! All I have to do is absolutely hoard my Work Order earnings! ;-;

SO! What's the big takeaway? This: Keep on leveling your crafting skills. Namely, the ones that can help you acquire money. Including cheese making. Finshing working on toolcrafting to however far you'd like to get it.

After that, start leveling up Leatherworking so that you can do other Work Orders

63,600 exp from 26-50 Toolcrafting. If I'm using the 84exp "Good Skinning Knife" recipe, then I need good slabs for that. Or. Huh... less than 50 motherload surveys. And when you factor in that you'll likely get 20 or 25 it becomes 32 surveys.

This might be a really good idea. I'll make the surveys let's see if we can get it done with only 32.

And I can make a Gold Dragon Statue that gives me 10% extra exp! So, now the exp total is:

57,240/84 exp = 682 good slabs. 15 slabs per motherload = 45 surveys. 31 surveys if you get the average of 22 slabs per survey. We only need 682! Let's set the goal to 30 surveys!

for level 70: 250,550exp - 10% less is 225,550exp /84recipe exp = 2686 slabs / 15(slabs per surv.) = 180. if 20(slabs per surv.) the average is then: 134 surveys.

Adding both of these together gives you about 3370 good slabs. 224 surveys. 165 if average is 20 slabs per surv.


2 days left until 2020! 2019 almost gone ~_~!

So, I did quite the breakdown for the survery exp yesterday ^ and I already know that while this is possible... it would only comsume ALOT of my time compared to just using recipes with more exp. So, I've decided to use the cotton related recipes since cotton is much easier to acquire!

BUT first! I'm going to level my textile creation skill to 45 so that i can get the recipe "Carded Cotton (Master Level)" wich allows me to get carded cotton with only x4 cotton instead x5 cotton!

I also talked to Kleave in order to get some Leatherworking skills and I obtained the "Rough" and "Crude" Leather working skills! She also has 3 more recipes that go all the way to level 50 Max enchanted.

side note: Made my way to Gribburn to get ancillary decomp. recipe. but I needed 25 Tailoring! So, I'll work with that along side Leatherworking. I'm looking at the recipe list for tailoring right now. I'll focus on the easy ones.

Preparing yourself for tailoring because it'll be the most difficult skill to level most likely. There are like 5 DIFFERENT trainers that teach their own specific recipe. (you don't neccesarily need to go to them, so just focus on the main recipes that aren't too costly)

So, refocusing on Textile, I need 45.1k exp to get to level 45.

I'm getting really annoyed that the potential gains i could get from the effects of flower arrangement aren't being used while I do these Textile recipes. I'm going to use what I currently have to try to level my flower arrangement up to at least.

Scratch that^ it's not worth it at the moment.

Making more cotton at the moment. Will do this until 1k.

From this point, I need 260 Fine Cheesecloths for level 45 Textile. (But before i do this, I should really question if I really need it or not!)

OKAY. 45 Textile Accomplished! Now to upgrade this recipe.

So now, I'm going to start working on Leatherworking. Now, I know I don't have great amounts of money, so I'm trying to level these skills without buying new skills which could make it easier.

I'm going to skin (or buy) some rough, crude hide.


Just do what you can. Battle Chemistry will do for now. It's fine to just level this one up for now.

Don't forget to work on Leatherworking and Shamanic Infusion. (Buy the mats you need from Mush. Jack.) Yes, Leather working needs to be done. Why? REMEMBER. You need proper levels in it because you're growing in levels and need to be able to CRAFT your OWN armor. Don't rely heavily on other players. They're in their own game. You just gotta do you. You got you.

So, Leatherworking, Tailoring, Toolcrafting. Let's bring all these up. Check the Work Surveys to confirm what levels you need.

12/31/19 It's NEW YEARS EVE! I'm gunna stay logged in to celebrate! Let's count down to 2020! Woooooo!

So, right now, I've decided to get Unarmed leveled. Why? Idk. I just need a distraction from crafting. Just remember, this game isn't going anywhere -- so do what you want. w

  • ~*~*~*~*~*~HAPPY NEW YEAR!! *~*~*~~*~*~*

It's finally 2020! This year will be a good one! (hopefully last too~)

SO! Right now, I'm in Eltibule training my Unarmed to level 50. I'm currently at level 31!

Once I do that, I'm going to buy 51-60 and save for 61-70. In between there, I'm focus some time on getting my tailoring skill up. It's only Level 4 right now D: But, its a good thing that I already got my Textile Creaiton to level 45! x4 cotton required for carded now, so the entire process is less arduous!

Make some Shamanic infusions with what you have>

Going to go Staff/Ice Magic Go kill Lomas to get started on ice magic.

53.1k for all of Irkima's SI recipes.


Hi! Guess who has two thumbs and acheieved 55 Shamanic Infusion??? o-o. It was me. YESSS! Finally have 55 Shamanic infusion! I'm on my way to making better armor and stuffs! ~_~!

So, now that that's been done, I'm going to focus on the other crafts.. i.e Leatherworking and Tailoring.


I talked to Ukorga and got my favor to "Close Friends!" He even gave me 1000exp for Leatherworking :). So, noww... with the new Leatherworking skills I bought from him, I'll train them and much as I can. I'll just continue leveling Leatherworking and buying the new (not max-enchanted) skills. Also! I just learned 5m - 4hour Ice Fishing recipes! A good day for recipe learning!

Hitting a bit of a wall with training the skills. I'm out of money and I can't farm properly. I need to commit to raising my skills up and getting much more decent gear. I am going to do staff/shield.


Heeeey. So, I'm leveling Staff in Gob. Dungeon. Currently at 39. Now, remember the point of doing all of this is to get good skills/ skill mods that can combat against hard mobs. I want to be strong enough to solo orges or trolls in dunegons.

Also, I just found out about Hopology. -_- I earned this skill the first time I investiaged Timothy Elmerion's stuff in Wolf-Cave. Since then, I hadn't even noticed it. I think I assumed it was a skill for brewing and so I just ignored it. ah well. Did a small calculation and I only need to do it 125 times to get to 50! So... yeah :p


Awllright. So, I have Staff at level 42 and it's growing pretty quickly. The plan is to max it out as fast as possible and then pair it along with shield after I max it out as well. (only to max 70s for both)

Staff/Shield is supposed the be the goal. I just did some damage calculations for Sheild. And I'm seeing that I can end up doing upwards of 3k damage when I'm teamed by several mobs!


OK! So a bit of stuff has happened. Hopology is now at 39. Staff is now at 55! (51-60 was unlocked)

Aaand.. yeah. lol. That's it mostly in terms of the skills. But, woof... in between there.. I spent some time trying to figure out if 'Staff' is really want I wanted to play. Yes, as usual I'm overthinking it... but this is my style!! o-0 So... for staff.. the good parts are that it is an incredibly reliable skill when it comes to physical damage nullification/reduction. It also has great attacks!

But I kept asking around and I realized something. EVERY skill is GOOD. They all have their own weaknesses, but overall, they are very good when modded correctly. That means Sword, Archery, Druid, FM, IM, Psych, Unarmed, Shield... all of THEM! SO. Since I am at a point in this game where I only have to decide my skills and then mod some gear for them... I just need to understand that this is the near to end-game content and I'm inn the true "'enjoyable" part of this MMO. I have the oppurtunity to level and choose my skills and orient the mods in any way I choose.

So... worrying about the 'right' skill is pretty stupid. The main idea here is that: I shouldn't feel like my time is being wasted just because a skill might not "suit my fancy". Just use your head. Listen to the advice you've received from SEVERAL people and SEVERAL sources and just have fun experimenting. And know that you are NOT going to be level 70 in whatever skill you're attempting to level up without going through Gob. Dunegon HELL over and over again. LOL. Make it a point to take every damn skill through this ugly dunegon if need be. Get stronger. Move on. Done deal.

Just did a calculation. I got about 9k exp after doing only just 13 MINUTES of Gob. Dungeon. WOW. I'm going to track my progress and see how much exp I get in another 13 minutes.

Starting at level 56. 185 exp. Results: 13 mins yielded me 6k exp. note: (another player was killing the enemies. didn't get to do the hallways, just the inside rooms)

Decided I'll be going to Kur to train staff on the wolves! The phy dmg immunity is going to work GREAT over th


Getting bored of training staff. I'ma do Druid/Fire as Aws suggested for me.

Ugh.. i hate fire magic. idk why. Just do. But I'm doing this for great recoil damage! So.. yeah :S here we go. FM level is currently 40.

WAIT. WAIT WAIT WAIT. Let's at least get Staff to 70 before jumping into FM.


Ok, it's been 3 days. Since all this time, I've been leveling skills like crazy. I got Staff to 60, Mentalism to 37, Hammer to 31... yes.. i've been kinda testing out which skills I want to main... so it's been a bit crazy. BUT, I've decided that I want to get 71-80 Animal Handling! WHY? Because I realized that we can get a pet B E E. <---! Like, an actual bee! (or wasp) from FR!!! I need like 370k councils.. so I'm going into extreme savings mode right now. Spend as little money as possible and unlock 71-80 as fast as you can!


kinda dragging out this update...woof... So, I've done alot of things I can't remember.. but GOOD for me! Right now I'm still trying to choose the better skills for me. I leaning towards staff/shield or Druid/shield. Now... do i REALLY want shield? Well... i don't hate the idea of using it as my main skill for some time.. So, it's fine.


Right now I'm leveling Hammer. I'm thinking about going Hammer/Necro. I need to go to the Fae Realm and see if it's ACTUALLY allowed or not. (ugh... i can't be THAT gullible) Also, I just found out about Buckle Artistry! It's specifcally made to improve Hammer ablities: Healing, bonus damage, bouns armor, hammer base dmg, pound to slag CD and general CD.

Talked to Agrashab! Just need to get Hammer levels up! I needed to complete Jake the Bucklers quest before he let me learn Buckle Artistry! no wonder... So, just train Hammer and get on getting that Lemon chiffon dye to Jake.

GET lemons.


Buckle Artistry and Dye Making have been unlocked! :D I'll level these when I can! I'll need flowers all the the dye making recipes, so I need to get the appropriate seeds and keep them on stock.

Also, I got 51-60 Surveying and Mining! (MAKE sure to level up Blacksmithing before doing any more work orders for smithing)

Right now, I'll be focusing on Buckle Artistry.


Oooo look at the date! 20 20 20... ooowow soo kewlll. OK. Right now I'm making ALOT of cotton in Rahu Casino so I can have enough supply to level Buckle Artistry (BA).

So, I unlocked 61-70 Transmutation from Sona! But.. I need 8 more levels to learn everything related to distilling gear. plus side is everything only costs around 37k... bad side is that I need 160,000 EXP for the next level T_T.

Go back to Rahu, sell the Gaz gear (if you want) then start making cotton again for BA!


I've acquired ALL the "decomp" recipes! (it just took me till 1am =__=') tired.. going to sleep. Tomorrow, just focus on getting your cotton back for the BA skill. You need alot of Canvases. Try at least 200-300.

Leveling BA and I'm going to serbule to making my BA levels since there's a gem pot there.


I'm doing ALOT of Motherlodes for Work orders. Next time I come back, I need to go straight to Kur and con



You need 10 more silver and gold!!! for the statues!


Ok.. I've been in and out of PG. Mostly, I'm trying to find ways to just make money, but I'm realizing more and more that I just need to level my skills to max and acquire decent gear for them. So, I'll be leveling hammer more and getting it to 70. And I'll be focusing on saving money for 80 Necro.

As for my skills: Blacksmithing is at 57 Fishing is at 59 (need to buy next levels) Mining 63 (need to buy next levels) Tailoring 25 Leatherworking 37


It's Feburary! So, a little bit has changed. I began to get serious about leveling hammer and now it's 2k exp away from 70! ^_^

I have some pretty good level 70 gear for the Hammer/Necro I'm planning to run. It's gunna be fun! (maybe AH is next?)

So, yea! atm, I'll finish maxing out Hammer and buy the appropriate skills when I can. Then comes saving up for level 80 Necro and Hammer!

Besides that, Orcish is now at 50! ^_^


WOO! I got the specs that I wanted for this Glove from my Hammer/Necro! PTS & Seismic AOE! :D

Now, gear that I'm wearing that NEEDS to be rerolled: -feet (both necro mods) -off hand orb (reverb strike mod and rebuild undead mod)

and some others, but this all starts when I can get nice phlog.

i want to remove the -25 power from the necklace if i can and get hurl lightning & thunderstrike dmg ^DONE!

I rerolled and got some GREAT mod on the level 50 gear. The others need some nice phlog to change, but great mods for the level 50s! Thunderstrike at 818!

Oh, and... HAMMER IS LEVEL 75!! HAHA! (Now, I HAVE to buy the next levels T_T)

Saving up, here we come. Selling come Decent phlog and Prisms in stalls. Hope for a good turnout :] -I'll start looking into carpentry leveling... but I need to keep my council saving in mind.

-Don't forget about Buckle Artisty -Try to find methods of making money

-try going into hard dunegons.


Go get favor with Laura Neth in Kur with these tasty paintings!! o-o

Ok. Next time, I'm going to continue leveling Ment at Kur. The exp in Gob. Dung isn't how I want it... great getting paintings tho!

Im choosing ment b/c of the power res and the damage buffs. :/ I like what I like.


Not much happened today. Just continue leveling Ment. 41



going to get ment 50, and kill some gob dungeon elementals for money and RWT barterables Hammer 71-80 will cost 352k! Gotta remember to save!

Remember to buy a Crainiometer in KUR TOWER!


Great job. level 70 Tranumation, Ment is over 60... hard work today. till' next time. Oh, yeah.. just level Ment in Kur. [DON'T FORRGET TO BY 61-70


Welp, it's over now for sure. Don't think this was the best move, but i really hated those long periods of being ignored. Just because i can't contend.. why just totally phase me out. (edit later)

I don't think ill get into any other guild now... went too far. but oh well... the guild didn't deserve it, but whateves. new start and all that junk fnwi0otfgnbaweotgfnaw4t0ghnawt-yg9hn damn it all....

(add to wiki) (add spaces in between log)

what to do now......


Ok, things are lookin up now. I'm not as hated as I thought! :) So, now.. I'll just continue leveling Mentalism then get 71-80 Hammer when I can.

71-80 Hammer is finally UNLOCKED! Along with Pound to Slag 5 and Pound 7!! :D First, I REALLY need to get more beaks for aquamarine gems... then.. back to training! ONWARD to level 85 Hammer!!


It's Twenty Twenty Twenty! ._. kinda rad.. Anyways! I have offically gotten 80 Hammer!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! ~~*~*~*~*~* So, I can finally say that Hammer leveling is offically done! ^_^. Now, I just need to level Mentalism up. Currently at 71. 80/71... not bad Mr7, not bad.

What I want more than anything is 80 Ment so I can start making my build better. I'm still using some items that have Necromany mods! X_X so... I REALLY need to change them out as soon as possible.

OK! With the exception of Reckless Slam, Leaping Smash, LAMH, Discharging Strike, and Rib Shatter... I've gotten all my mainly used Hammer skills from Falkrin. Seismic jumped from 807 to 1276! (Oh, the wasted Seismic's ;-;) Alright, so I'm going to Agrashab in Sunvale to see if I need anymore Electric Hammer skills, then, I'll be getting some Mentalism skills from Rohina. Ment is un-levelable right now! Cap is maxed at 74 until I get Phrenology's to 50 or buy 71-80!

(Please remember that Agrashab's training is all done)


I'm doing Work Orders. Need to get strong nails from Paul V. for Nice Med. Stool


I have 539,100 exp to 80 Tailoring. With the exp bonuses, it's down by 15% to 458,153!


Woop! Good to be back! I'm continuing with making lots of cotton to level Toolcrafting or maybe I'll focus on Carpentry? ah, but for that I need ALOT of wood..


Continuing with cotton... perhaps stop at 2k?


I've been seeing about how I'm going get my gear where I want it. And I think I'll need to get level 80 in Leatherworking if anything.

Let's do Kur Motherlodes... at LEAST get around 500 gold... that would be nice to have ~_~

All the cotton I've made should be used for tailoring. Tbh, Tailoring is the easiest craft to level up... since the main ingredient is Cotton and you can mass produce that stuff.

Stopped at 2100 Cotton. Will make half of it... then use the rest for cloth related recipes. --actually, tailoring recipes dont require cotton itself, just the products of it... But it i could make a rough guess... I'd need about... 15-20K cotton for level 80 Tailoring If you use crafting exp buffs the amount will decrease by ALOT.

I'm at a wall at the moment. I need to get stronger in order to get better materials from enemies which will give me better mods... but at the same time, my current strength isn't good enough to fight those enemies without problems. So... i need to level up any of these crafting skills in order to roll gear instead of trying to find it via drops.

Plan: We are going to level Leatherworking. I need to get my skinning and butchering up badly.

So, right now I'm in HEAVY crafting mode. I have a STUPID STUPID plan: acquire 20.2k Crude skins for level 80 Leatherworking. I guess I'll get started.

Explanation: Leathering working needs: 539,100 exp = 6,738 crude items or 20,216 crude skins for level 80 Leatherworking. Only 458,235 exp with 15% statue bonus. So, onlyy 5,730 Crude items! or 17,183 Crude Skins!


I'm going to start gathering money for 80 Ment. I decided that I want to stop worrying about it and "wasting" exp.

To get money, do the Blacksmithing work orders and remember the Rhino work order, and also don't forget about the Ruby walls.

Things I want: I REALLY NEED TO BUY EXTRACT MOD recipes from Kohan or Ufkar in Rahu. It is VERY important that I finally unlock this, because I can really stop depending on others for that!

I need favor for them to be above Close Friends.. which will require 600 or 1200 for Best and 2000 for Like Family. Buy or make Carpentry items or buy exotic potions (Farming maple in Elt now)

Things I want: I'm trying to level up Leatherworking OR Tailoring so that I can MAKE my own armor. (which is basically the true endgame)

I've currently been leveling my Leatherworking, so I'll need more Rubywalls to continue that. I very much want to do it all in one big burst, but it isn't realstic. So... I'll do what I can, when I can.

Alright, so... I'm going to finish doing these 186 surveys... why? B/c I WANNA! And I reaaally want to finish, keep @ it. Remember the reasons why are:

-You need gold for Work Orders and future Work Orders. -You need slabs for the same reason. -You need slabs also to level Toolcrafting.


Doing a small checklist in order to know what my future plans are at all timezz:

-Finish the Good Slab motherlodes (do as much as possible) -Gather 551,000 council for Extract unlocks. -Continue leveling up Leatherworking (go bit by bit)

85 Hammer is about to hit soon!! 72k exp left!! :)) After I finish skinning up some Trophy Rhino Hides, I'll continue with the Kur Motherlodes... tbh, I don't wanna do too many of the motherlodes... just gotta watch out for inventory and all that (Marna is full... xD) Then after I do several more Motherloads, I'll start doing Work orders.. depending on how much gold I have. OK, BREAK!

319,270 base exp is needed for 32-70 Toolcrafting. With the 15% crafting bonus, the total exp needed is 271,380. (recipes don't cut exp from level btw) divide by 124 and that give you 2,200 Good Slabs that are needed.


early morning =_= pulling a nighter on trying to complete some work orders.

At the moment, I'm doing Viedesi's work orders and getting some Onyx to give Lamashu to buy "Nice Storage Crate" so, I'll just buy about 70 or so to get all the way to Soulmates. Meanwhile, I need to prepare the Masterwork Arrows. To do that I need to gather Cedar!

Ok, right now I'm going to Kur to gather Cedar for Nice Storages for Kohan OR Ufkans favor.

I got a bit, I'm only going to do to "Best Friends" with Kohan. Strong nails are 30c at Yetta and Sie Antry.

I went to Kohan and I have an exact number of council needed for all extraction levels! And the total issss: 418,500c! I currently haveeee... 240k! I only need 178k! Very EASY!

I've sold everything in Kib's storage for a big amount of gold. Before that, I bought 50-60 for every Augementation skill, Weapon, Ancillary, Jewelry and Armor -- which cost around... ugh.. don't remember totally.. BUT, I know that I only gained about less than 20k from the armor/etc I sold in Kib's inventory. So.. let's just say I need 158k more! SO, I've decided to do a crap ton of Kur wolves in order to get there! I also need to start raising these levels so I can buy the appropriate extractions for them.. if I'm right... I'll still need to unlock the 60-70 before I get the extractions... so the money might come faster than the hundreds of gear I'll be to train the Augementation skills on.

Also, I did the math for how much favor I need left for Kohan. 1 Nice Storage crate is 33.6 favor. 1 Nice Meditation Stool is worth 27.8 Kohan was about 150 away from Best Friends, but we're doing another 800 for Like Family.

So, just know you need 115 Maple and 8,625c to buy the Strong nails... you should be all good after that though. I'll leave the maple in Serb storage.

-need to get 2 Enchanted Mistletoe from Lamashu for WO.

I'm 14 Toolcrafting levels away from Forensic Analysis Kit. Need to make some Expert Skinning Knives. (NOT ALOT though, remember this needs to be done while under 15% exp buff)

I'm going to Kur now to start farming skins n' junk. Obviously I'll continue the motherlodes.. but i just need to secure this council FIRST. ;-;


Ok, for the rest of the Extract abilities, I need to garner 375k council. With what I have now, plus some soon-to-be completed Work Orders.. I now only need less than 98k! WOO.

So, while the money is obviously going to come, I need to somehow get my transumation levels to 70 in order to use the max extraction mods. So... ye.. it'll actually take a while. I should start doing that now.

Currently, still doing Kur wolves for extra money.


So, I just got done doing Gaz for a few hours with BloodyG, Ornhelm (who im really starting to like) Ristlin, Kilosmash, and Jhaeros.. and I was able to boost my augmentation levels SUPER fast! Everything is at 59 except for Armor (at 56).

Right now, I just learned that Kohan needs "Like Family" favor to unlock the next levels of Augmentation. So.. l'm going to make more crates or other furnities for him. Then, I'll work on the WOs and then I'll do back to wolves.

To do list:

Get 50+ Heartshrooms to barter for diamonds. Make Nice storage boxes for Kohan favor Start doing the Work orders Get more gold for Huge Statue Work order

I'm about to give Kohan 37 more Nice Storage crates to get to "Like Family" funnily enough, I had the EXACT amount of cedar I needed for it (111) on hand.. what are the odds?

SO, Here's the final stretch! But need 120k more to buy everything!!! :D Also, some good new is that I dont need to level the augmentations up to level 70 (except for Weapon) every other auge. only needs level 65 or under.


Right now I'm in Kur doing some of these motherlodes! I'm still planning to get to 70+ toolcrafting by way of Expert Knife recipe. I currently have 955 GM slabs. Still haven't done the work orders and therefore haven't made any head way on unlocking the extraction recipes from Kohan (but I did collect enough gold for the Huge statue recipe..) From the previous calculation, I need 2200 of then... so about 47% of the way there! The amount of motherlodes I need left will be around.

So, I gathered all the money I needed and more for Extraction levels. BUT, I just saw that exp cost... and it's pretty hefty.. like 51k per level. Since I'm stopping at level 65 for all of them, it's going to take 256k exp EACH. T_T.. (it never ends does it...?) SO, what I'll br doing now is going to FR to slowly farm the gear... 85 pieces each.. oh boy. (Actually, that'll be kinda fun :D..) but before that, I'm going to finish these motherlodes from Kur.


Well, I'm still continuing with Kur Motherlodes. A little bit of drama happened... ya know.. as usual...


Early morning 1:25AM.. =_= did another all nighter.. (really enjoying this mini-vacation) Something good to report though! I unlocked Chest and Ancillary 61-70! I also bought some of the augement recipes for jewelery! :'D..its all coming together!! total amount of the rest of the recipes is 54k.

Now, I just need 5 more levels in Armor and Ancillary-Armor and Weapon Augementation. But just 4 for Jewerly. 1 more good run in GK should take care of it!!

The good metal slabs are currently at 1859! I have the remaining motherlode surveys in my inventory and they should take me to 70 Toolcrafting! 51-70 is going to cost 61k. So, plan that out wisely ~_~!

Did some math for Phrenology. It takes 37,500 exp to get to level 50 for that skull kind. This is 1,875 Normal skulls. 750 Impressive Skulls, or 250 Astonishing skulls. 1 to 12 takes 2,340 exp. (117 skulls) 12 to 28 takes 9,840 exp.(197 Impress. skulls or 492 skulls) 28-50 takes 25,320 exp. (168 Aston. skulls or 506 Impress. skulls or 1,266 skulls)

idk if that breakdown was totally necessary but there ya go! don't ask me for it later! >:D.

So, time for sleep. But.. ill be back and finishing good slab collection in Kur later today. (Please know that no resonable amount of money is worth sell your slabs for. Consider 1 to be worth 500c... that's how much you need them right now! @_@)

After you finish that: >Start gathering money to get toolcrafting unlocks. >Get the statue buffs. >Begin making Expert knives. >Use profit to that to unlock Mentalism. OR >Hold onto profit and figure out how you'll level other crafts.

Haven't began doing the surveys and therefore haven't done anything on the list YET xD.

But something interesting happened. Noobiforever dropped TONS of items and most of them were FULL STACKS of leathers or rolls or carded cotton.. etc.. So I got 398x Astouding Skins 199x Amazing Skins 398x Greats Skins 199x Decent Skins 199x Quality Skins 99x Carded Cotton 99x Cotton 99x Lemons 26x Vervadium and ALOT more...!! Imagine how much time all of this would take to acquire... at least half a week of time! POOF! Automatically in my hands!

Besides this, I see that Buckle Artistry on PGwiki has updated some of the effects of the belts

The most interesting being: Buckle of Hardy Combat 12: 96 Armor (could use this I go Hammer/Shield for the armor-damage mitigation mod) Buckle of Slagging Blurs: -8 secs PoundtoSlag Buckle of Healthy Hammering: 13: 10% to restore 65 hp and armor when using Hammer skills. (ill use this in my build) Buckle of Flowing Hammering 13: ALL Hammer Abilities -5 secs. (might consider using this)

I've been doing a little bit of lamp lighting and snuffing in Serbule. Just a reminder that 5AM and 7PM are the times for lamp exp. 1 ingame hour passes every 5 minutes. [Confirmed]

BUT 5am-7pm is 14 hours or 60 mins. and 7pm-5am is 10 hours or 60 mins.

Ok, with all that said and updated.. I'm going to start doing motherlodes in Kur!

Make sure you acquire your pumpkin and gold statue!

NOW, for something I've been needing to do: B U I L D P L A N N I N G!~~

So, 80 Hammer, 80 Mentalism are the skills. For the build, I'm not focusing on "Crit chance" since the odds are INCREDIBLY LOW.

Instead, I'll substitute that for more healing or buffs.

AAAAAANDDD after several weeks (of mostly procrastination) I FINALLY gathered 2200+ GOOD METAL SLABSSSSS!! YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEEWWWW!!~~

Right, so now I need to get 2220 whetstone and start crafting :D. Here's the plan. I'm going to craft it all at Rahu, near Amutasa since she's the one that unlocks the levels! I've already bought the gear I need to increase her favor to where I need it! (but ill buy more just in case) I have the slabs, I have the councils, time to do this!

It's not turning out SUPER well.. I am level 65 but only have 637 metal slabs left.. D:

GO to SUNVALE immediately before the buff runs out! GL.


75 TOOLCRAFTING ACCOMPLISHED! It was a hard fought battle...but we OVERCAME! There we're some thing I didn't put into the equation:

1. Exp DECREASES as you level up a craft skill 2. Very few NPCs buy tool items

BUT even tho, I SAYYY... A very great job. Good job indeed. Omedatou, Omedatou, OMEDATOU!! *~^.^~*

Slabs are depleted. Money is down to 24k... so what else to do but START another craft?! LOL.

Oh wait, I still haven't received enough exp for the extract recipes... and now, I'm down like 32k. Well.. I'll just level it as I can. I'm not in dire need of them!

I think the next step for me isss.... go back to my previous crating calculations and see what I can realistically accomplish. I think i'll do leatherworking.

Right, now -- not including the bonus, I am at level 41 Leatherworking.

Leatherworking exp needed for 70: 292,260.

There is a 20% depreciation in exp after a certain level. So.. let's call this exp calculation the "buffer exp". 20% of 292,260 is [58,452]. Since I know that I won't be depreciated from the start.. I'll divide this by 1/3. This gives 19,484. This is pure, unaffected exp that I will need in order to account of the depreciation. I'm doing only 1/3 because the depreciation comes into affect only after you've increased in your levels.

with 15% crafting bonus [43,839] and factoring in 20% depreciation [19,484] of exp... = [267,905] is the total amount needed.

If I'm doing the level 50 Leathering recipe "Quality Leather boots - Enchanted"

I'll need: 4,020 Quality Animal skins 2,680 Leather strips (893 Decent Leather rolls) 2,682 Rubywall crystals

So.. yeahh.. that's a crap load of material and it's making my eyes hurt @_@.. at this point, I can either struggle through it... or find something else to do. The only constructive things I can do are getting council for 71-80 Ment.. Or choosing another skill to work on.

This might be my wall. I only have plans to level up Mentalism and the crafts. The quintisenntial point for playing PG for me, is to get my damage output as high as it could go. The things blocking me from that goal are unleveled crafting skills and councils.

So.. at this point the most logical thing to do is start a MASSIVE grind for councils by doing surveys. Coglin said he makes 2.5mil per week from mostly gem surveys... so I should start doing it right now. If all the money I need is going to come from there, then I should be doing it non-stop -- right? Yes, I think that makes sense.

Yea... but right now.. even with all of that considered, I'm still cognizant of the fact that all this game really leads a player up to is getting maxed gear, which can only happen when you have maxed crafts, which can only happen when you've gotten strong enough or wealthy enough.

So, essentially.. the beginning was just a waste of time, might as well have made everyone level 30s like with the fairy race instead of literally leaving us up the creek without a paddle.

So.. to close, I'll break taking a break from PG... perhaps only 1 day, perhaps only a month...

BUT. If I do come back, I want to emphasize something:

If you want to play this game to the place YOU want. You will NEED to grind.. and there is no escaping that fact. You will either grind for the materials or grind for the gold...but,

YOU WILL GRIND. and you'll have to accept have if you wish to move forward. And in case you've forgotten.. the reason you stopped playing was because you realized that the things you desire from PG are very few and you also realized that once you achieve them, the game has no real depth to it. It's a massive grind to a bunch of crafts/skills and options. Nothing else.

Continue? Y/N



And here I am! SO, very good things happened today! Firstly.. Weapon Augementation reached level 70!!! Jewerly reached level 65!!!

I'm now able to augement/extract ANY weapon, off hand, and any ring or necklace! I didn't finish getting Ancillary and Armor to 65, but thats SOON coming.

Ancillary = 63! Armor = 62! So, I can essentially do ANY 61-90 gear except for Legs and Shoes!

Besides, that... I GOT EXTREMELY LUCKY in GK. Like 10+ yellows... crazy. I finally recieved Zulemax's ring that gives a 10% chance to avoid slows, stuns, and knockbacks! Very cool!

Oh, and about the surveys.. I actually acted on it! I bought 50 of each required Eltibule hills parchments and some basic ink and began to start my gem grind. Howwwever.. I did about 3 or 4 and stopped.. it was just TOO boring @_@

So, at this point, I guess I've decided to do it the hard way. And tbh, I like it this way. I'm sure many people in this game feel the same, but I very much like to do things that I feel are productive for the advancement of my character... and to me, being a slave to surveys doesn't do that. Will to do BOOKOO surveys later? Likely so! But, just like in Kur, every motherlode I did felt worth it. Even though I didn't know where they were exactly, even though I died to frost bite several times... it was just worth it because I knew what the end come would be. Yes, it was annoying.. but it was FUN too!

So now... I'm thinking about unlocking 80 Ment.. just so I can finally HAVE it. If I don't decide to do that, then I'm just going to be fiddling around with augments, trying to get the right ones.


extract Max health mod from crossbow get a panther skin for Shamanic infusion level 44 debuff extract a ment mod from "thunderstriking gazluk shield" in inventory extract ment mod from yellow Ring of Ele. Resistance in inv. Reroll crossbow mods

Helm- "done" need new one. Chest-done Legs-done Hands-done Necklace-done Main-Hand done Off-hand-done Feet- "done" need new one. Ring-done

gear tips: Hammer: Pound, Rev strike, Hurl Light, Discharging strike, thunderstrike, way of hammer.

Ment: Electrify, panic charge, system shock, agonize, psy adren, reconstruct.


70 Weapon Augementation 65 Jewerly augmenation 65 Ancillary Augementation 65 Armor Augmentation!! C O M P L E T E D! :D :D :D!!MrSeven (talk)*~*~*~ Great job.. this took quite a while... but my dream has been partially realized :)!

Next: Get Leatherworking or Tailoring to 75 Get Mentalism 80


Literally... WTF. This has been ALOT of peoples method of collecting gems and minerals and motherlodes. This is the part that "HE" wouldn't tell me. He gets his gems at that speed because he uses a FREAKIN' TOOL. Can't believe this. (Well, live and learn.. read the forums I guess)

Doing surveys, need to get some peening hammers and stuff from Amutasa

Need 20 Masterwork 20 Experts 10 grass


Alrighty, so I've turned in several WO's.. did the daily... bought 61-70 Carpentry, 51-60 Industry...

for right now, I really want to start on gathering all the Quality leather I'll need.. So I'm going to Kur


Alright! So, I'm still collecting skins for 70 Leatherworking. I currently haaaave: 1668!

So just about 2350 more.

I wanted to mention something... it feel like Hammer has alot of drawbacks too it. It's melee combat so you have to be within 5 meters, all the damage is crushing or electricity. MANY mobs resist crushing at higher levels... even the Orcs I'm fighting in Kur resist it.. (I think the panthers too!

So... after I get to 70+ Leatherworking, I'm going to focus on leveling up other skills.

Skills I KNOW I want to do: Battle Chemistry Animal Handling Staff

Skills I dont mind doing: Archery Mentalism Shield

Skills I will NOT do: (all animal skills) (all magic skills)

For Kur skin gathering, I did 183 in an hour. Let's test and repeat!

2nd hour was.... 18....4!! 184! That's awesome. It was actually the exact same! So.. I'll test it one more time and see how much I get!

If it's accurate again, then it's an established Quality skin gather rate per hour! :)

I now have 2250. I'm doing to give all these Orc skulls to Kelim and then I'll take a break from gathering skins =_=... 1750 left!

2500+ now. 1500- left. I'd like to acquire Chopjaw... he'd do great in Kur.

Right now Im in Illmari doing some War Caches. I've done 6 so far and I haven't yet recieved the one for Chopjaw, which is D-1.

Now, for the Quality skin count... we're at... 2723! 1,277 more! That won't take very long at all.

I should start thinking about how I'm going to get all the extra material for the recipe. Here's everything I need again: 4,020 Quality Animal skins 2,680 Leather strips (893 Decent Leather rolls) 2,682 Rubywall crystals

For the Rubywalls, I think it'll only take somewhere south of 1,500.. i know rubywall surveys don't always give out x2 rubywalls. If it actually does, then I'll adjust. VERY glad I found out about without it, the amount of time it would have taken me to do this would be at least TRIPLED.

The 893 decent skins will cost around 54k if I don't gather them. I'll do 2 hours of wolves in Kur to offset the cost.. (if I feel like it)

My current combat levels: 73 AH (maxed until 80s) 58 Archery 63 Bard 74 BC (maxed until 80s) 72 Druid (maxed until 80s) 45 Fire Magic 85 Hammer (MAXED. who woulda guessed?) 27 Ice Magic 17 Knife Fighting 73 Mentalism (maxed until 80s) 71 Necromancy (maxed until 80s) 32 Priest 36 Psych 65 Shield 65 Staff 24 Sword (lol.. I didn't even touch it) 34 Unarmed

Crafting levels: 47 Leatherworking 27 Tailoring 59 Blacksmithing 75 Toolcrafting (maxed until 80s. surprised? :] )

Other notable levels: 9 Cheesemaking 26 Civic Pride 32 Cooking 70 Endurance 63 Gardening (maxed until 70s) 63 Surveying (maxed until 70s)

Good job us! Any exp not listed wasn't important enough to be notable :}

I need 266 Dirt for Kelim for 61-70 Gardening. Costs 43k..soo.. just do it when you can.


SO, I wasn't able to get Chopjaw. Even after 14+ War Caches. I only persisted in doing the caches, because I felt that I needed to make the time that I spent worth while. This was a completely UNNECESSARY distraction that would've only helped in VERY MINUTE WAYS.


So, I have 1,235 Skins to go.. a very easy amount of about less than 800 Panthers. Extremely doable within 7 hours. So just start grinding.

Also, the cost of the Quality tannin will be 50k. The cost of the mats for the rubywall surveys will cost under 40k.

The cost for the 893 Decent skins (if not gathered from wolves) is 54k.

So, at the very least, have 145k available to gather the materials.

AS of 8:23pm on March 27th, 2020.. I have completed gathering... 4,000 QUALITY SKINS!!!! WOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAH! Great job, great efforts, f*ck Chopjaw. You did it! Proud of you!! :)) Now, let's gather 20 more and get the HELL out of KUR!

893 Decent Skins acquired.

All that's left is the 2.6k Rubywalls ;_; I've cleared my inventory as best as possible and I'm going to gather the mats for the Serbule rubywall surveys!

I'm in Wolf Cave completing the daily. Don't forget to complete and turn it in! You can still get the completion! Besides that, con


Alright! I've been doing the surveys already and I can give the current total of Rubywalls... which is attt... 552!!! Reminder: the amount required is 2,682. 2,130 left! oh, also! I forgot something! ANY gem can be used in crafting the armor! So, I am also going to use the extra gems I am getting from the surveys! I'd estimate that I have... around 120 gems! With that, the cost is reduced to 2,010! So, realistically, I'll need about 1/3 of these in surveys.. 600+ should be enough.


So... I deleted my account.. and I'm never coming back to PG. Bye.

~_~ April Fools. huehuehue.. I gotcha, huh?

So, it's been a few days... I've been really tired during the past week.. alotta extra stress caused by the fakerona virus at my job.. but, hey.. I'm not here to talk about that! Let's begin an update!

So! I currently have 1210 Rubywalls! Which means I only have 1,472 left to collect! However, if I add the gems I've collected, which are 559, I only have 913 more redwalls/gems to collect!

After I'm done, I'll gather all the skins, make quality rolls, use decents for strips, and gather the rubywalls.

Just did the math for how long this will take... it'll be about 111 minutes... almost 2 hours just to craft items~ lmao.

This time, I'll REALLY want to sell the items... cuz I'm going to be make 1,333 of a level 50 item.. and that is pretty much guaranteed to be over 300 for most of the items... so I think the place I'll craft them is going to be in the Casino, next to Evelin? Hmm.. maybe.


Ok. Still gathering gems.. I'm really making this take longer than needed >_>

A few hours later and I currently have 2208 redwalls/gems! I need 400+ more :S

A few more hours later and I finished collected ALL the gems I needed!!!

I got Leatherworking from 48 to 53 and bought the Quality Leather recipes from Kleave!

I did a ton of Quality shoes and advanced my level to 68!!! Getting to 70 will be easy as pie, but the real goal is getting past 75, to ensure I can make any non 80 level item.

So, I have 1 pumpkin and dragon statue left... I currently have the dragon buff for 55 more minutes... so I'll need to make use of it as soon as I start again.

Just keep going! Idk what exp this will take me too, but i have 1,055 more times that I can craft the Quality Leather shoes.. which equates to 206k exp at the current depreciated exp amount of 206. I think I'll be able to reach 77! The exp is on it's 1st stage of depreciation.. from 229 to 206 -- this was a 10% depreciation. At a 20% rate of depreciation, the least it can go to is 160exp which might still give me 184exp with the statues.. Regardless, the max amount of exp I need for 68-77 is 165k exp. I should have more than enough to make it there. Finishing up and getting 80 will take 63k more exp.. but meh, decide if you want to bother with that.

SO, when you come on again: 1. Put down the pumpkin statue. 2. Start crafting again. (dragon statue buff has 24 mins left, right now

DO NOT WASTE THE ITEMS. PHLOG THEM ALL. You make money gathering phlog versus dropping the boots.


Alllrighttt! I'm continuing with my Leathermaking and I'm glad to report that I passed level 70!!! WAAAAHOOOOOOOOO!

I'm currently at 72! Also, I kinda figured out how bonus levels work when deciding the exp amount... essentially, just minus the current bonus level by 1 and thats that current level of your skill!

So, my plan is to get to level 75 Leatherworking. Which is very doable even with the new depreciation of 185exp X_X... I still stand to make about 70k exp with 375 recipe usages left.

Alright, at the moment I ran out of crystals and I need 39k more exp to get to 75.

That's 215 more recipes, so 430 more crystals. Now, if I want to push it to 77... then I would need 78.4k exp which is SSSCCRRRRRR

New plan: Acquire the level 63 Recipe "Great Leather Gloves (Enchanted)" from Sirine. This exp is 252 per. with 15% extra its 289.

-198 recipes or 397 Great skins. for 67 1/2 to 70 -80 recipes (at 260exp) or 160 Great skins for 71(77)

Total Great skins needed: 558-309 = 250 more Total Quality skins needed: 558 (done) Total Crystals needed: 558-347= 211 more

SO! I bought the recipe without any difficulty! Raised Sirine's favor to Like Family too!

Now, I'll gather some Great skins. (199x costs 48k >_>) and 558 more crystals.

I'll start with the crystals. Redwalls, HOOOO


So, I collected the Great Skins at a STEAL of a price. The player vendor sold for it's actual price! no more or less *_*. And as for the rubywalls, I actually had 297 laying in Ashk's storage... aaand I remembered that I had some in my player shop and that was 50! So, 347 rubywalls collected! I just need 211 more! EEEZ.


A slight mistake ;) I actually needed 66,700 exp instead of 78,400.. I didn't add the 15% exp statues!

66,700/289 = 230 recipes.

To do list:

Tame Chopjaw Tame Grottofang Tame Fire rat Tame a blood hunter, bee Tame a big cat in Gaz


77 Leatherworking is C O M P L E T E D WAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!~~ Another G R R E AT job! Great hustle! Very proud of you! Now, let's go get Chopjaw!


As luck would have it, the first War Cache I got was for D-1!!!! Wow! and after a few minutes, Chopjaw has been successfully captured!!!! :3 :3 The name? That's easy. "Marimo"

Chopjaw's respawn after only 5 minutes.. so.... I caught another!! And this ones name will beee.... "Magate" for "moss agate" the skill that levels up my best skill, Hammer. ok.. that sounds weird.. lets just do "Moss"

So, now... I'm going to save up money for 80 Animal Handling! I have several work order that I needed to get around to, so I'll have the councils in no time.

Ok, so I got my funds up to 220k. I likely need over 350k, plus 19k. So, hopefully some items sold on the stalls. Otherwise, I'll look for more work orders, or sell my phlog, or go kill mobs in FR for skins and quality phlog.


Fae realm item/skin hunting won't work out... I need to just sell stuff or stick to work orders.


Two months later and I'm finally back. I was banned by the asshole himself -- Jackencola.

Glad to be back, but I think I'll forever dislike the admins now. No redeeming whatsoever for doing this to me and many other players.

SO! Where I last left off, I was trying to gather enough money for level 80 AH unlock. AND while I DO want to do that. I think ill just start another character. I'm not where I totally want to be for Mr7, but I'd still like to try leveling up another.

So, 911. I'm comin for ya.

Actually. Nevermind. I just came back from the ban... so I want to go around with Mr7.

I did a daily. And even won in the arena! :) Now, I'll go to FR and unlock AH 80.


80 AH has been unlockedMrSeven (talk)!!!! Now, to grind it out! My current level is 73... imagine all the wasted exp... ;-;... So, before I start hardcore leveling, I want to level up nature appreciation so that I can make Bee-Lover's Bouquet!


Nature Appreciation is currently at 27. Flower Arrangement is at level 12. I need it at 60 to make the bee-lovers bouquet. For it, I need 168,460 exp. with the 15% exp statues, it's 143,191 exp.

To level this, we'll do the bouquet recipes.

Violet (lvl 13) to dahlia (lvl 20) daisy (lvl 27) to pansy (lvl 32) marigold (lvl 38) to wolfsbane (lvl 40) to poppy (lvl 43).

V - D = 4660 exp 179 violets needed

D - P = 8920 exp 223 dahlias needed

P-M = 14,450 exp 227 pansies needed

M - W = 7500 exp 117 marigolds needed

W - P = 9630 exp 120 wolfsbane needed

(The next is red rose. but we'll see how it goes. Likely, I'll just do more of the previous recipes)


Ok, I'm going to do some recalculations on the Flower Arrange. exp I need.. ( I was really sleepy =_=)


Violet to Dahlia is 4,660 exp (104 exp) 180* Dahlia to Daisy is 8,330 exp (160 exp) 209* Daisy to Pansy is 8,920 exp (216 exp) 166* Pansy to Marigold is 14,540 exp (256 exp) 228* Marigold to Wolfsbane is 7,500exp (304 exp) 99* Wolfsbane to Poppy is 12,130exp (320 exp) 152* = 56,080 exp Poppy is 344 exp.

  • = number of flowers needed.

I should be at level 43 at the end of this with only 87,111 exp remaining.

I'll powerlevel to 60 with poppies, which will require 1015 poppies.

If I use wolfbane instead, it's 1,090 needed. If I use marigolds, it's 1,146 needed.

I underestimated how fast time moves. In less than 2 months, it will have already been a year since I "pledged" to learn how to code.

I know that it isn't games that are the problem.. it's me. I choose to fall short on things like this because mentally, I'm already making preparations for my failure.

If I committed to coding for TEN MONTHS, who knows where I would be....

Please... please... until 1 YEAR passes... do not come back. If you make it a full year, (barring the rapture) then GO ON AMAZON RIGHT NOW AND BUY ANYTHING YOU WANT. CUZ YOU DID IT. so..... yeah...


Connect to the past. Sing this at 9:00 PM and you'll be connected to me in the past.

Great job. You really did a great job. You make me proud... bakayaro! ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ) <-- copy n paste


AAAAANDDDD I'm back! (for however long that may be...) and I'm just going to carry on with what I've been doing... which appears to have been leveling my Flowering Arrangement...?

I'll just review the previous notes and continue off of that!


AAAAANDDDD I'm back! (for however long that may be...) and I'm just going to carry on with what I've been doing... which appears to have been leveling my Flowering Arrangement...?

I'll just review the previous notes and continue off of that!


Yo, this will be a list of what I currently have in flowers and seeds Violets: 86 Dahlia: 36 Daisy: 274 >_> Pansy: 358 O_O Marigold: 155 Wolfsbane: None

So, I previously bought a TON of seeds and thats why I have soo many seeds. Everything looks good.. but I have to prepare more seeds for the huge jump from level 43ish to 60s.

Alright, so I checked for Marigolds, Poppies and Wolfsbane in the player vendors and.. of course.. no one is currently selling. SO! Time to grind it ouuuuut~~ I'll be looking for better options/routes to take if i can't grind the seeds up within a reasonable amout of time.


Ok, I'm making progress in seed collecting! I've just been flying around Sunvale and grabbing what I can!

Cereal321 sold me 94 Marigold seeds for 7,000! Quite a steal, eh!

Besides that, I'll continue collecting seeds!


Alright! So I managed to get 200+ marigold seeds today! The 200 came from players... xD. Nevertheless.. I'm nearing my goal amout of 1000 seeds! I just put up some player work orders for a few hundred marigold and poppy seeds combined. So.. let's see if anyone sells!

Besides that, don't forget to do the Dragon and Gryphon Statues!


It's been a few days, but I've been playing everyday! I've currently gathered 673 Marigolds! Just a few hundred more! :D

I wanna take a moment to kind of understand what I'm doing:

I'm gathering seeds. I plan to use these seeds to make bouquets which will give me Flower Arrange. exp. I plan to power level to 60 Flow. Arrangement by doing this!

At level 60 Flow. Arrang. I can make, "Bee Lover's Bouquet" which doesn't require any Nature Appreciation!

So^ yeah, that's pretty much the plan as of right now. However, the thing I haven't calculated in the amount of Nat Appreciation exp I'll be getting.. but that doesn't matter too much to me. One of the main reasons I'm doing this is so I can use any displays when I see em.

Right, so, now that I've determined what I'm doing... let me continue! 400+ more seeds to goMrSeven (talk) o-o

New totals- Violets: 90 Dahlia: 37 Daisy: 401 Pansy: 498 Marigold: 723 Wolfsbane: None

So, if I add the totals and also factor in the exp depreciation of about 20-35% for the lower level bouquets...

90 Violets @ 104 exp would yield 2,340 exp 37 Dahlia @ 160 exp would yield 1,480 exp 401 Daisies @ 216 exp would yield 21,654 exp 498 Pansies @ 256 exp would yield 31, 872 exp 723 Marigolds @ 304 exp would yield 37, 848 exp 125 Poppies @ 344 exp would yield 10, 750 exp I don't have any Wolfsbane, but the exp is @320 per bouquet Total exp = 105,944

Exp needed out of 143,191 = 37,247

So, I need 465 Wolfsbane or 490+ Marigolds or 433 Poppies.

Oof.. it'll be a little more grinding. The cool thing is that I wasn't far from my earliest calculation of 1.1k Marigolds.. +_+

So, I suppose I'll start grinding them out. The depreciation exp will be a bit... since i'll be using the same recipes a few extra dozens of times.. but it should all be ok in the end. I'm guesstimating I'll be 1-2 levels off from 60.

I just bought 82 Marigold bouquets! That's 328 Marigold seeds taken care of! That's 24,928 exp! Now there's only 12,319 needed!

Ok, I bought 93 Marigold seeds! This should be around enough to get me to level 60! I'm very anxious to start so I'll begin right away~~ ^SCRATCH THIS STUPIDITY^

I made an obvious mistake and bought bouquets when I actually NEEDED seeds since Flower Arrangment exp only comes from MAKING flowers... JEEZ! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Now, I lost 55k... and I have to get 400 more poppies......... -sigh-... (deep breaths...)

GREATT NEWS!! The vendor that I mistakenly bought the bouquets from was actually soulsurfer!!! Lol, what are the odds it would be someone I know? x) So... he fully refunded me aaaand also gave me... (drumroll)

THREE - HUNDRED SEEDS!!! (at a price, hehe)

200 POPPIES and 100 Marigolds! T_T ;-; q-q I can't believe it.

SO, with this...! Let's calculate how much more exp we need!

12,319 / 344exp (from poppies) = 143 poppies needed.


Let's immediately start the gardening and processing!


Getting good advice about builds from Kimdoohan.

Said the best pets are:

Fire rat, Turret Bee, Ice Bee, Stunning Bear. THESE pets are a MUST if someone wants to AH.

Said that Chopjaw and Hissy were basically useless...

Good Builds: Hammer/AH- Crushing Build. Use Graz/Grottofang

Archery/AH- DPS Poison build. You need Poison Bee

Sword/AH- DPS Slashing build. You need panther partner

Necro/AH- Solo/Group build.

Bard/AH- Support build.

OK, after I finish making all the flowers and bouquets and get the bee I want; I'm going to immediately start working on Max level Leatherworking.

Kim allowed me to see his current build and I know now that's it's going to take ALOT of dedication and time if I want gear like his. So, that's the current plan! (hopefully it'll happen sooner than later!)

Ok, I'm doing some early calculations for Lvl 83 Leatherworking.

And it looks the the total from 77 is: 185,250 exp

with 15% buffs it's only: 160,813 exp

I currently have 400 Astounding Animal skins, 200 Amazing and 400 Quality

So, the recipes I plan to use are: Lvl 70 Amazing Leather Boots and Level 77 Astounding Winter boots.

Level 70 Amazing Leather Boots requires: x3 Amazing rolls, x2 strips, and x2 Rubywalls @280 exp ea. Max exp yield = 18.6k

Level 77 Astounding Winter boots requires: x2 Astounding roll, x2 Wool, x1 Tuft of fur and x2 Rubywalls. @308 exp ea. Max exp yield = 61.6k

So, I'll just gather 1,722 Amazing skins from that cave that leads to the Fae Realm. Amaluk Valley cave..

or 1,045 for the Astounding skins in Fae Realm.

And ill do ALL of this AFTER I get that dang bee!


Alriiiight. 4 days later. What have I accomplished!?

WELLL... as of now, I have 815 Marigold flowers!


CONGRATS on 1000 MARIGOLDS! Time of completion: 5 days ;_; But who carrres! I now have 1000 marigolds cultivated!

Also.. this.. I just realized that my exp calucation might've been a bit off... so... give me a second.

I need 143,191 exp. This is the depreciated amount due to the 15% crafting bonus.

Violets = 90 Dahlia = 37 Daisy = 401 Pansy = 498 Marigold = 1026

Exp formula is "Current flowers divided by 4 * the exp amount for the bouquet for said flower"

Violets 90/4= 22.5 * 104exp = 2,340 Dahlia 37/4=9.25 * 160exp = 1,480 Daisies 401/4=100.25 * 216exp = 21,654 Pansies 498/4=124.5 * 256exp= 31,872 Marigolds 1034/4=258.5 * 304exp = 78,584 Poppies 388/4=97 * 344exp = 33,368

Total exp is: 169, 298!

With that in mind: This means i have a 26k exp extraa exp that i dont really need...

I'll deduct it from the poppies and will only do.... 33,368 - 23,000 (in case of an unforseen exp deficiets) = 10,368 exps worth and that will leave me with only 120 Poppies to do!!

Currently have 194 available... sooo we are officially done with gardening Marigolds and Poppies!

I am now beginning to plant 400+ daisies and pansies!


I'm 80 flowers away from being done with the pansies! After that.. just the daisies and I'm set!

I'll be wasting a huge amount of exp by not doing this during an appropriate event like Poetry Jam.. but I can't find the next to ever attend so... who cares lol.

Just finished collecting 500 Pansies! Now, it's just the daisies that are left and we are golden!

I got 21 poppies from someone.. so i need 33 less daisies.

atm 151 left!

bought 24 pansies

subtract 28 more daisies!


1045 Marigolds 215 Poppies 520 Pansies 349 Daisies

and MORE...

But, I'm only level 12 in FA.. I need to supplement those levels from violet to dahia to daisy...

So, I need 100 more violet seeds and 170 more Dahlias.

And i also need a certain amount of flower wraps.


Ok, I currently have 2,840 exp worth of Dahlias

Dahlia to Daisy is 8,330 exp (160 exp) 209*

8330 - 2840 = 5490 exp

If I do the level 19 Lumberjack Flower Arragn. for 152 exp, I would make it 37 times.

All i need is 108 Red Asters, 36 Violets, and 36 Oak wood chips! Too easy!

I'm going to unlock nature appreciation 51-60 and maybe more and also flower arrangement 51-60 after they are leveled up.

Decided to make a switch to defensive skills.

Trading Hammer for Shield!

OK, so! I finished all the necessary materials for 12-60 FA. Now.. I just need to wait for a poetry jam to use it on.

So.. now that I'm done with that flower nonsense.. I'll be focusing on leveling up Animal Handling along with my pets and Shield!

After failing to tame a Bloodhunter Bee... and doing a little bit of soul-searching... I've decided to go with my heart and switch to Archery/Animal Handling!

The first thing I'll be doing is going back to FR to tame a fae bee. Then I'll see what I need to prepare for Archery leveling...

I'll also see what gear I can start making for it!

  • Go to Sirine in Rahu and unlock the Amazing Leather gear sets

Alright, steady as she goes!

Next on list: Make Amazing Leather Armor for Archery/AH.


I'm having some issues deciding what to build...


So, I finally got a Giant Razorslash Panther! I was able to do it pretty easily during this Civic Pride exp event... and yeah.. very happy about my new "Clawbaby".

Besides that, I collected and augmented some of the loot from the GK runs and I'm back in action with the skills.....


I just couldn't stay away from it! So much to level! So many pets to tame! (well not really.. just a few more bees and wasps :p) Even so! I'm really looking forward to leveling my pets and my newly found "end gaming" combat skills.


It's Thanksgiving weekend! I'll be finishing leveling up my AH to 80! After that, I'll focus on either farming skins for gear, or getting FA up.


Happy Thanksgiving! I'm glad you made it! What am I thankful for? Hmm.. Well.. I'm thankful for you. You really are a sweet and understanding person! Great knowing you!

All right.. cutting out all that crazy talk... o-o


A dream...;-;... realized....

So, now that that is done.. I'm going to start leveling Brewery! Idk why I decided to.. but I really wanna!

So, it's off to Serbule Hills for meee~

  • Get Amutasa Organ Knife.

Do quest from Amutasa and give her a Cranium Balm!

Alright, so right now I'm going to gather what I think will be the right amounts of materials I need for the exp i'll be farming for Brewery.

So, I did my research and it seems that the biggest material requirements are fruits, corpse trophies, mushrooms/flakes/suspensions, and other miscellaneous stuff. Mostly, it will be easy to acquire the things I need. I just need Barrels and Firkins to start.

Then, I'll see which of the recipes are easier to gather and spam that one.

Now, Mushroom faming! It's pretty easy... I think the best one to go is the "Practice boxes" as I don't really need any mushrooms at a certain speed... I'm maximzing exp.

I'll only need to do this to the point where I can start making blood mushrooms as that is the highest

(finish looking at which you're oging to use and the mats required!)

I tried to go ahead and knock out my 12-60 FA situation.. but I fell short! I didn't have enough cotton! IT SUCKS SO MUCH! I had Rappenels Post-Coaital buff and it was all wasted! :/

Well, know I'm gogin to do what I should have before!

The amount of materials needed to COMPLETELY be READY and DONE when it comes time to spam the exp:

1,040 Marigolds. I need 260 FW and FB 214 Poppies. I need 107 FW 54 FB 496 Pansies. I need 124 FW and FB 349 Daisies. I need 88 FB 210 Violet. I need 53 FW.

Total: I need 289 FB's and 544 FW's

So, I need 561 Wool. (If I really.. want to do this) The rest of the items I pretty much have... but before I continue with this.. I should know that THIS is what needs to be gathered before anything progresses.

So.. I'll just take a break on getting 60 FA and I'll go back to my current projects: Cheesemaking, Brewery, and Mushroom Farming

Update: 360,700 exp is needed for 72 Cheesemaking.


LOL, yea right.. lemme get my lazy butt started! First, I'll start collecting milk for Cheesemaking!


Late, but HAPPY DECEMBER! I've been playing on USA alot. I'm making progress in leveling up all the beginner level combats and skills.

I'm mainly on to just procure a better/smoother gameplay for USA.

Also, I might be switching to Battle/


I'm going to unlock 80 Battle Chemistry.

I need 180 masterwork slabs i need 100 Expert quality slabs I need 80 gold I need 80 silver I need 40 good metals


Ok! I'm still gathering money to unlock 80 BC! Making sure to do daily and AM when I can! FULL MONEY CONSERVATION MODE! []-[]

THUODRYLL serb OYMCEB, hogquei gob d




OK! :D Now, begins the TREANT LEAF GRIND!

Stopping all motherlodes and immediately getting 60 blacksmithing!

Alright so i did all that and I found that Treant leaves are infrequent drops on treants..

plan now: Do only the daily and AM quests and just level up the other accs.

OR: continue to grind gold in Kur and more likely the sewer..


Finally! I have a Saturday off! I'm going to grind as much cotton as I can to take advantage!

I need 289 FB's and 544 FW's  DONE!

NOW. I need to go to ROHINA in SUNVALE for Flower Arrangement.


Creplin in FR for Nature Appreciation AND Floxie in FR for Flower Arrangment


It has been done! The plan worked perfectly, the materials I had were in the perfect amounts! I am so very glad that I did this!

Ech-hem...! Annoucing the totals!

Flower Arrangement, which once was at a paltry level 12... has been boosted to level 68!!!

Nature Apprecation, which once was a dismal level 27... has been boosted to level 77!!

WOW! How incredible... just an amazing.. amazing turn out!

Leatherworking was also raised from 78 to 80!!!

@_@_@_@_@_@_@_@! It's like I did several hard achievements in 1 day! (cuz.. i did)

NOW! The only thing I'm trying to do it begin Cheesemaking, Brewery, and Mushroom Farming..

But.. I may put these on the back burner for now..

Currently, Ri-Shin is going on! The new thing is a server-quest that involves players giving a specfic "donation" to a shrine in order to level it up!

The more we level it up, the better the rewards we all recieve are.

One of the items to donate was 25,000 beets, for example. So, beets were obviously a big ticket item.. especially since you could acquire the first ever "Vanity pet" from donating only 100 beets.

In fact, I was able to sell 100 beets for 50k!! I was literally given free money!

Right now, I'm taking advantage of that and I'm planning to vendor beets for a HUGE markup of 800-1500 councils each.

Another thing is that I realized just how OP vendor and raffle machines are! It seems that players are willing and ready to POUR their councils into a machine for random items...

and I will DEFININTELY take advantage of that by leveling Gadgeterring and acquire the level 30 "Simple Item Vendor" recipe which is the first recipe to allow me to place and sell a single item for profit.

I've already tested it out on several items: some rare food, and some cashfall tokens!

I did a "resonable" markup on these and ended up making about 40k!

Vendors.. are where... it's at.

So.. after I get tired of preparing these beets, I'll stack everything I have into a vendor and place it by the Shrine... so the lazy rich players can buy! ;)

Then I'll grind Gagdeterring to max level and then... I'll just play on my alts if I don't feel like starting the other skills.

Ok. I did the calculations.

I need x39 of the Simple Free Item Raffler I need x83 of the level 30 Simple Item Vendor

for the rest of the exp. EZ PZ.

107.2 of the level 10s are needed for level 30.

its 17,200 exp to 30

60,550 exp remaining to 50.

x190 level 30 recipe to 50

Only 67,163 exp is needed due to the buffs.

Right now, I'm gathering clownfish for the level 10 "Modest Free" recipe. Making 107!


Alright so, besides for just being a mule for the ALTS, I'm going to be retiring Mr7.

So, say hello to USA! Our main character!

Anyways, I'm going to start training at Serb hills near the goblins. The exp is easy and very steady. I'll do that until 25 Fire Magic, get Ice Magic... and then start rolling Ice/Psych! :D


It's another day on USA! I've done a bit.. i suppose, most importantly, I've gotten past 40 Psych and past 30 Ice Magic! Won't be long now untill I'm vendor all my items! XD� After I get 50 Psych, I need to start Druid immediately. Or, maybe I'll unlock 50-60 on Psych and level it...


Got Alch to 15. About ready to grind out to level 50! :D

15-20 will be the Pure Crainium Powder recipe. I'll need 100 onions and brain lobes.

20-30 will be the Agonizing speed potions. It'll take 11,700 exp or 9,945.I'll need 125 fire dust and perch fillets 30-50 will take 59,550 exp. Or 50.6k exp. I'll need 846 parasols and 421 beets.


Just reached level 50 Alchemy! Time to buy Battle Chem! >:)

I'll be doing Battle Chem and Druid! Both are very low leveled, so I'll start training in the newbie levels.


See you later! I'ma try something new


Hey!! So, here's what I've completed so far:

Ice Magic is at level 53 Battle Chemistry is at level 43 Alchemy is at level 50

So, I'm planning to go Ice Mag/BC and Druid as another option for cold-resistant enemies.

I've been short on money, so I might need to start doing surveys!

After level 50 BC, I'm going to go to the Carpal Tunnels to farm up some Ambient Sponges from jars

Ok, So, I bought the level 55 Ice Magic spells and I bought a few BC skills.

I need to get mycology, fishing, gardening, meditation and cooking up.


So, I created new level 50 gear for Ice Magic/BC.. and MAN... I am stronk as hell.

Blizzard does flat damage of 931! o_o! It's only at level 45!

Right now I'm in the Carpal Tunnels looking for jars that might contain Ambient sponges

I got 29 sponges! Much easier than I thought!

I need 42 total for 55 and 60 Ice Magic. I'll go on Mr7 and try to gather some faded blues at Rahu.

Right now, I'm training up Meditation for BC.

I'm going to use the 350+ pork i have to train up cooking.

For Extra toes 3, these are the altar locations that I need for Lore exp:

Altar: Eye 250 Sun Vale Altar: Femur 250 Serbule Altar: Fish 250 Serbule Hills Altar: Mushroom 250 Serbule Hills Altar: Onion 250 Serbule Hills Altar: Salt 250 Serbule Altar: Water 250 Serbule Altar: Eye 250 Sun Vale Book: Elzehatl's First Journal 50 Serbule Book: Elzehatl's Second Journal 50 Serbule Book: Fighting Lessons From Elsenro 50 Serbule Hills Book: The Wasted Wishes 50 Serbule Sign: Eltibule Graveyard 50 Eltibule Sign: Model Home 50 Eltibule Sign: Welcome to Sun Vale! 50 Sun Vale Note: Old Owner's Note 50 Sun Vale


Ok, so I'm going to get Fishing up for Acid bomb and i'll passively level up Mycology for Mycotoxin Formula. I also need Gardening at level 40 for the last Freezing Mist skill. I also need 1 more level in Cooking and 1 more level in Lore.

Total cost to buy EVERYTHING for skill training (except knees): 57k.


Alright! I unlocked Ice Magic 61-70 and BC 51-60.. I finished learning ALL level 55 and 60 Ice Magic spells! All I'm going to be doing now is leveling up Ice and BC. I'll eventually unlock BC 61-70 then I'll start gearing for them at level 70.

Firstly, I should start leveling up my other skills.

Namely, mining and surverying... retail too.. I need to be able to make my own money without Mr7.

So, just level as you train. We also need Industry, sos doing Work Orders.


I've decided to start doing skinning for money and exp. I'll spend a huge majority of time at Kur while I'm there. I'll get enough materials and the like to to have a LARGE amount of stuff to sell... and this will fund what I need.

Now... what I need to do is get my Mining and Foraging levels up in order to get the interactables in Kur... Gold, Silver, Cedar, Tundra Lichen... etc.

Mining should be at 40 Foraging should be at 50.

Let's get started.

Cool! I reached level 10 mining! I'll continue this! Also! I can start mining moledybmun at level 35.. so I REALLY need to aim for that!

-> follow the pinned defenstration. everything done already.


Ok, I'm heading back to Serbule Hills to buy Eltibule EXPERTS'S MINING SURVEY at level 35.

I'll calculate how many i need to do for 40 mining.

Seems like I'll need to do 144. Oof.. I need 16k gold.. ok... back to Goblin dung. to farm for gear to sell to Kib and Willem! :)


OK! 40 Mining Acquired! Now, it's time to head the Moldyb. mine and start spam farming it! I'm aiming for farm so much that I have 10+ stacks of it lol... but... yea.. just as much as I want to. (Realisitically, enough to fund myself for my BC and Ice Magic level 70's)

So, after I have enough fun doing that, I'll head to Kur to start farming wolves for skins and items.

Then, depending on my levels I'll do what I need to do.


Heyyyy! It's just another dayyyy! Feeling.. craaa..zy? .-. Anywho, I'. in Kur Towers right now just leveling my skills and... idk? leveling phrenology? Really, I dont really have a goal atm... I know that I definintely want to unlock 60-70 BC but ill need about 95k.

And i'll be getting the level 65 recipes for ice magic soon...

besides that, I'm thinking about getting transumation and augmentation started..

Get your necklace modded with Ice armor +16 mitigation instead of nova and shardblast boost.


Alright, I unlocked Blacksmithing from Tadion. I'll go to Kleave, then Yogzi, then Malgath next.

First, go to Borghild and touch the books and corpses to get recipes and armored golem


So... It's been a while!!! (not really, I've just been playing alts.. well kinda) I ran into a problem with leveling my alts.. I realized that they would share the same fate as Mr7, bored with no real desire to pursure the rest of the "high-level" content. i.e cheesemaking, brewery, higher tier industry tasks.. It just didn't seem smart to create a new char when I already knew I wasn't interested. BUT PG is much to fun to quit cold turkey! I tried, but it has so much charm that I just keep making new characters -> I then realize that this character is doomed for a boring end-game, then I delete it. I've done this at least 50 times.. just trying figure out I can approach the game with a new character in a way that get me interested in playing.. but ultimately, it doesn't last long. I endured to level 40s, 50s, even 70s with some characters... but.. nuthin.

Anyways, I made another character. Mr7 is gone, USA is gone and all the others. I'll try again to start this journey with another char.. and hopefully it'll last!

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