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146 bytes added, 23:03, 7 February 2021
Voidsent is a cult of loyal followers of the goddess of time, [[Laeth]].
All cult members eventually rank up based on participation, participation generally refers to just being in the game and doing stuff with the guild! Oh and appeasing the all seeing mother!
== Guild Leadership ==
Guild leadership is comprised of a few roles, Emissary of Darkness and Void Arbiters
=== Emissary of Darkness ===
=== Recruitment ===
Anyone who wishes to seek an invite can do so in a number of ways. First and foremost, you can talk to any of our members who you encounter in game. Most will be able to give you an invite. Alternatively you can send a message to Hiedi in game for an invite. Lastly you're more than welcome to join our discord [ here].

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