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Paul Vaughn/Small talk

8 bytes removed, 10:30, 3 August 2022
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* Loves Perfect Pieces of Wood {{Hint|Perfect Oak +10, Perfect Maple +25, Perfect Cedar +50, Perfect Spruce +67}}
* Loves Dessert Meals {{Hint|Candied Apple +1.11, Boring Fruit Cocktail +4.06, Slightly Sub-Par Fruit Cocktail +4.2, Fruit Cocktail +6.8585, Weird Fruit Cocktail +10, Candied Lemon +55, Fried Banana +54.2}} {{Hint|Guava Bowls and Fried Bananas are an excellent choice.}}
* Likes Beer {{Hint|+12.6 per 100 value?}}
* Tips {{Hint|Guava Bowls and Fried Bananas are an excellent choice.}}
<noinclude>[[Category:Small talk]]</noinclude>