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730 bytes added, 19:02, 13 April 2018
Added a page to the register.
[[Prestonbule]] was a village created in on the [[Gazluk]] Plateau. The nearby [[New Prestonbule Cave]] holds much of the town's supplies.

{{Quote| source =[[Rick Snapley]]|
The settlers who lived in the houses outside were adherents of [[Arisetsu]], the goddess of hope and warmth. You know what that means, right? Blankets! [[Arisetsu]] nuts always bring tons of blankets to give to the needy. Well, they're dead, and we're the needy. They brought a lot of their stuff into this cave when they fled, but when they died, they were buried in... you guessed it: blankets. So now we're very low. I'm betting that there's more blankets in those houses, though. Sneak past the ghosts and get us some!
[[Category:Register of Lore]]

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