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Sword/Treasure Effects

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See also: [[Sword/Treasure Effects:By Ability]]
<!-- This table is from patch v287v288, July 21August 28, 2017 -->
{| class="table mw-collapsible<includeonly> mw-collapsed</includeonly>" style="width:100%;"
! style="width:8%"| Prefix !! style="width:8%"| Suffix !! style="width:55%"| Best Tier !! style="width:10%"| Slot !! style="width:15%"| All Tiers
| Rallying || of Rallying || <b>Tier 7</b> - All sword abilities deal +2018% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left || Legs || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:All sword abilities deal +3% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
:All sword abilities deal +15% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
*; Tier 7
:All sword abilities deal +2018% damage when you have 33% or less of your Armor left
| Slashy || of Slashing || <b>Tier 7</b> - Sword Damage +15 14 || Chest, Feet || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Sword Damage +2
:Sword Damage +12
*; Tier 7
:Sword Damage +1514
| || of Effortless Parrying || <b>Tier 14</b> - Parry and Riposte Damage +2320% and Power Cost -7 || Feet, Ring || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Parry and Riposte Damage +5% and Power Cost -1
:Parry and Riposte Damage +16% and Power Cost -6
*; Tier 13
:Parry and Riposte Damage +1918% and Power Cost -7
*; Tier 14
:Parry and Riposte Damage +2320% and Power Cost -7
| || of Defensive Sword Mastery || <b>Tier 7</b> - All Sword abilities have a 2022% chance to restore 30 Health to you || Hands, OffHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:All Sword abilities have a 20% chance to restore 12 Health to you
:All Sword abilities have a 20% chance to restore 24 Health to you
*; Tier 6
:All Sword abilities have a 2022% chance to restore 27 Health to you
*; Tier 7
:All Sword abilities have a 2022% chance to restore 30 Health to you
| Razorslash || || <b>Tier 14</b> - Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow Damage +60 56 || Chest, Hands || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow Damage +3
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow Damage +51
*; Tier 14
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow Damage +6056
| Riposter's || of Riposting || <b>Tier 14</b> - Riposte Damage +7364% || Chest, Hands || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Riposte Damage +11%
:Riposte Damage +55%
*; Tier 13
:Riposte Damage +59%
*; Tier 14
:Riposte Damage +64%
*; Tier 14
:Riposte Damage +73%
| || of Many Cuts || <b>Tier 14</b> - Many Cuts deals +110 98 armor damage || Legs, MainHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Many Cuts deals +20 armor damage
:Many Cuts deals +86 armor damage
*; Tier 13
:Many Cuts deals +92 armor damage
*; Tier 14
:Many Cuts deals +98 armor damage
*; Tier 14
:Many Cuts deals +110 armor damage
| || of Dazing the Naked || <b>Tier 7</b> - Many Cuts deals +3522% damage and stuns targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining. However, Power cost is +33% || Feet || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Many Cuts deals +510% damage and stuns targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining. However, Power cost is +33%
*; Tier 2
:Many Cuts deals +1012% damage and stuns targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining. However, Power cost is +33%
*; Tier 3
:Many Cuts deals +1514% damage and stuns targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining. However, Power cost is +33%
*; Tier 4
:Many Cuts deals +2016% damage and stuns targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining. However, Power cost is +33%
*; Tier 5
:Many Cuts deals +2518% damage and stuns targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining. However, Power cost is +33%
*; Tier 6
:Many Cuts deals +3020% damage and stuns targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining. However, Power cost is +33%
*; Tier 7
:Many Cuts deals +3522% damage and stuns targets that have less than a third of their Armor remaining. However, Power cost is +33%
| || of Arthropod Slicing || <b>Tier 14</b> - Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +140 118 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles) || Necklace, MainHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +10 14 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 2
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +20 22 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 3
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +30 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 4
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +40 38 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 5
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +50 46 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 6
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +60 54 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 7
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +62 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 8
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +70 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 8
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +80 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 9
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +90 78 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 10
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +100 86 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 11
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +110 94 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 12
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +120 102 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 13
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +130 110 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
*; Tier 14
:Many Cuts and Debilitating Blow deal +140 118 damage to Arthropods (such as spiders, mantises, and beetles)
| Rage Poking || || <b>Tier 7</b> - Precision Pierce deals +35 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 270 210 || Head, Legs || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Precision Pierce deals +5 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 30
*; Tier 2
:Precision Pierce deals +10 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 7060
*; Tier 3
:Precision Pierce deals +15 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 11090
*; Tier 4
:Precision Pierce deals +20 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 150120
*; Tier 5
:Precision Pierce deals +25 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 190150
*; Tier 6
:Precision Pierce deals +30 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 230180
*; Tier 7
:Precision Pierce deals +35 direct health damage and further reduces target's Rage by 270210
| Belaying || of Belaying || <b>Tier 14</b> - Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 680 600 || Head, Legs || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 80
:Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 520
*; Tier 13
:Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 560
*; Tier 14
:Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 600
*; Tier 14
:Parry and Riposte further reduce target's Rage by 680
| || of Deflective Swordplay || <b>Tier 7</b> - Parry and Riposte Damage +5547% || Chest || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Parry and Riposte Damage +15%
:Parry and Riposte Damage +40%
*; Tier 7
:Parry and Riposte Damage +5547%
| || of Feinting || <b>Tier 14</b> - Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal +110 100 damage || Legs || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal +13 damage
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal +86 damage
*; Tier 13
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal +98 93 damage
*; Tier 14
:Wind Strike causes your next attack to deal +110 100 damage
| Platestriker || || <b>Tier 14</b> - Wind Strike and Heart Piercer deal 104 94 armor damage || Legs, MainHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Wind Strike and Heart Piercer deal 7 armor damage
:Wind Strike and Heart Piercer deal 80 armor damage
*; Tier 13
:Wind Strike and Heart Piercer deal 92 87 armor damage
*; Tier 14
:Wind Strike and Heart Piercer deal 104 94 armor damage
| || of the Wind || <b>Tier 14</b> - Wind Strike deals +4936% damage and gives you +14 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have) || Necklace, MainHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Wind Strike deals +10% damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 2
:Wind Strike deals +1312% damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 3
:Wind Strike deals +14% damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 4
:Wind Strike deals +16% damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 4
:Wind Strike deals +19% damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 5
:Wind Strike deals +2218% damage and gives you +5 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 6
:Wind Strike deals +2520% damage and gives you +6 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 7
:Wind Strike deals +2822% damage and gives you +7 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 8
:Wind Strike deals +3124% damage and gives you +8 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 9
:Wind Strike deals +3426% damage and gives you +9 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 10
:Wind Strike deals +3728% damage and gives you +10 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 11
:Wind Strike deals +4030% damage and gives you +11 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 12
:Wind Strike deals +4332% damage and gives you +12 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 13
:Wind Strike deals +4634% damage and gives you +13 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
*; Tier 14
:Wind Strike deals +4936% damage and gives you +14 Accuracy for 10 seconds (Accuracy cancels out the Evasion that certain monsters have)
| || || <b>Tier 14</b> - Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +5029% || Chest, Feet || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +10%
*; Tier 2
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +11%
*; Tier 3
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +12%
*; Tier 3
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +14%
*; Tier 4
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +1613%
*; Tier 5
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +1814%
*; Tier 6
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +2015%
*; Tier 7
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +2316%
*; Tier 8
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +2617%
*; Tier 9
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +2919%
*; Tier 10
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +3221%
*; Tier 11
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +3523%
*; Tier 12
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +3825%
*; Tier 13
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +4427%
*; Tier 14
:Flashing Strike and Hacking Blade Damage +5029%
| || of Mortifying Wounds || <b>Tier 7</b> - Decapitate deals +140 70 damage and briefly terrifies the target || Legs || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Decapitate deals +10 damage and briefly terrifies the target
*; Tier 2
:Decapitate deals +20 damage and briefly terrifies the target
*; Tier 2
:Decapitate deals +40 damage and briefly terrifies the target
*; Tier 3
:Decapitate deals +60 30 damage and briefly terrifies the target
*; Tier 4
:Decapitate deals +80 40 damage and briefly terrifies the target
*; Tier 5
:Decapitate deals +100 50 damage and briefly terrifies the target
*; Tier 6
:Decapitate deals +120 60 damage and briefly terrifies the target
*; Tier 7
:Decapitate deals +140 70 damage and briefly terrifies the target
| || of Resurgence || <b>Tier 7</b> - Finishing Blow restores 38 37 Power to you || Head, Hands || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Finishing Blow restores 12 Power to you
:Finishing Blow restores 32 Power to you
*; Tier 7
:Finishing Blow restores 38 37 Power to you
| || of Finishing Blows || <b>Tier 14</b> - Finishing Blow Damage +5347% || Legs, MainHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Finishing Blow Damage +8%
:Finishing Blow Damage +41%
*; Tier 13
:Finishing Blow Damage +44%
*; Tier 14
:Finishing Blow Damage +47%
*; Tier 14
:Finishing Blow Damage +53%
| || of Final Swordplay || <b>Tier 14</b> - Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +152 130 || Feet, Ring || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +20
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +100
*; Tier 12
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +108110
*; Tier 13
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +120
*; Tier 14
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +130
*; Tier 14
:Finishing Blow and Decapitate damage +152
| || of Decapitations || <b>Tier 14</b> - Decapitate Damage +5549% || Legs, MainHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Decapitate Damage +10%
:Decapitate Damage +43%
*; Tier 13
:Decapitate Damage +46%
*; Tier 14
:Decapitate Damage +49%
*; Tier 14
:Decapitate Damage +55%
| || || <b>Tier 14</b> - Decapitate deals +415 375 damage to non-Elite targets || Head, Necklace || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Decapitate deals +50 damage to non-Elite targets
:Decapitate deals +325 damage to non-Elite targets
*; Tier 13
:Decapitate deals +370 350 damage to non-Elite targets
*; Tier 14
:Decapitate deals +415 375 damage to non-Elite targets
| || || <b>Tier 14</b> - Flashing Strike Damage +6155% || Legs, MainHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Flashing Strike Damage +4%
:Flashing Strike Damage +47%
*; Tier 13
:Flashing Strike Damage +5451%
*; Tier 14
:Flashing Strike Damage +6155%
| || of Flashing Life || <b>Tier 14</b> - Flashing Strike deals +205 191 damage to undead || Head, Necklace || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Flashing Strike deals +22 damage to undead
:Flashing Strike deals +165 damage to undead
*; Tier 13
:Flashing Strike deals +185 178 damage to undead
*; Tier 14
:Flashing Strike deals +205 191 damage to undead
| || of De-escalating Heart Piercing || <b>Tier 14</b> - Heart Piercer removes (up to) 210 186 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage || Chest, Feet || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 17 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 160 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
*; Tier 13
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 185 173 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
*; Tier 14
:Heart Piercer removes (up to) 210 186 more Rage, turning half of that into Trauma damage
| || of Heart Piercing || <b>Tier 14</b> - Heart Piercer deals +18% piercing damage and heals you for 23 21 health || Ring, Necklace || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Heart Piercer deals +3% piercing damage and heals you for 4 health
:Heart Piercer deals +14% piercing damage and heals you for 19 health
*; Tier 13
:Heart Piercer deals +16% piercing damage and heals you for 21 20 health
*; Tier 14
:Heart Piercer deals +18% piercing damage and heals you for 23 21 health
| || || <b>Tier 7</b> - Precision Pierce Damage +64 56 || Chest, Feet || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Precision Pierce Damage +8
:Precision Pierce Damage +48
*; Tier 7
:Precision Pierce Damage +6456
| || of Perfectly Timed Piercing || <b>Tier 14</b> - Precision Pierce deals +252180% damage but its reuse timer is increased +6 4 seconds || Chest, Ring || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Precision Pierce deals +108135% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 4 seconds
*; Tier 2
:Precision Pierce deals +120138% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3 4 seconds
*; Tier 3
:Precision Pierce deals +132141% damage but its reuse timer is increased +3.5 4 seconds
*; Tier 4
:Precision Pierce deals +144% damage but its reuse timer is increased +4 seconds
*; Tier 5
:Precision Pierce deals +156147% damage but its reuse timer is increased +4 seconds
*; Tier 6
:Precision Pierce deals +168150% damage but its reuse timer is increased +4.5 seconds
*; Tier 7
:Precision Pierce deals +180153% damage but its reuse timer is increased +5 4 seconds
*; Tier 8
:Precision Pierce deals +192156% damage but its reuse timer is increased +5 4 seconds
*; Tier 9
:Precision Pierce deals +204160% damage but its reuse timer is increased +5.5 4 seconds
*; Tier 10
:Precision Pierce deals +216164% damage but its reuse timer is increased +6 4 seconds
*; Tier 11
:Precision Pierce deals +228168% damage but its reuse timer is increased +6 4 seconds
*; Tier 12
:Precision Pierce deals +240172% damage but its reuse timer is increased +6 4 seconds
*; Tier 13
:Precision Pierce deals +246176% damage but its reuse timer is increased +6 4 seconds
*; Tier 14
:Precision Pierce deals +252180% damage but its reuse timer is increased +6 4 seconds
| || || <b>Tier 14</b> - For 6 second after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +64 56 damage || Hands, Legs || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:For 6 second after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +4 damage
:For 6 second after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +48 damage
*; Tier 13
:For 6 second after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +52 damage
*; Tier 14
:For 6 second after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +56 damage
*; Tier 14
:For 6 second after using Precision Pierce, your Nice Attacks deal +64 damage
| || of Hacking Blades || <b>Tier 14</b> - Hacking Blade Direct Damage +6738% || Head, Ring || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +712%
*; Tier 2
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +1114%
*; Tier 3
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +1516%
*; Tier 4
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +1918%
*; Tier 5
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +2320%
*; Tier 6
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +2722%
*; Tier 7
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +3124%
*; Tier 8
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +3526%
*; Tier 9
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +3928%
*; Tier 10
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +4330%
*; Tier 11
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +4732%
*; Tier 12
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +5134%
*; Tier 13
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +5936%
*; Tier 14
:Hacking Blade Direct Damage +6738%
| Hacking || || <b>Tier 14</b> - Hacking Blade deals 104 100 Trauma damage over 4 seconds || Feet, MainHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Hacking Blade deals 4 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
:Hacking Blade deals 80 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
*; Tier 13
:Hacking Blade deals 94 90 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
*; Tier 14
:Hacking Blade deals 104 100 Trauma damage over 4 seconds
| Hacking || || <b>Tier 14</b> - Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 114 102 Trauma damage over 12 seconds || Necklace, OffHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 18 Trauma damage over 12 seconds
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 96 Trauma damage over 12 seconds
*; Tier 14
:Hacking Blade and Debilitating Blow deal 114 102 Trauma damage over 12 seconds
| || || <b>Tier 14</b> - Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 490 315 || Hands, Legs || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 3025
*; Tier 2
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 6045
*; Tier 3
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 9065
*; Tier 4
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 12085
*; Tier 5
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 150105
*; Tier 6
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 180125
*; Tier 7
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 210145
*; Tier 8
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 240165
*; Tier 9
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 270185
*; Tier 10
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 300205
*; Tier 11
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 330225
*; Tier 12
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 360245
*; Tier 13
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 425280
*; Tier 14
:Hacking Blade generates no Rage, and instead reduces Rage by 490315
| Debilitating || || <b>Tier 14</b> - Debilitating Blow Damage +6658% || Head, OffHand || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Debilitating Blow Damage +6%
:Debilitating Blow Damage +50%
*; Tier 13
:Debilitating Blow Damage +54%
*; Tier 14
:Debilitating Blow Damage +58%
*; Tier 14
:Debilitating Blow Damage +66%
| Debilitating || || <b>Tier 14</b> - Debilitating Blow deals +48 36 damage and causes your Core Attacks to deal +65 damage for 7 seconds || Necklace, Ring || {{Spoiler|
*; Tier 1
:Debilitating Blow deals +10 damage and causes your Core Attacks to deal +7 damage for 7 seconds
:Debilitating Blow deals +32 damage and causes your Core Attacks to deal +55 damage for 7 seconds
*; Tier 13
:Debilitating Blow deals +40 34 damage and causes your Core Attacks to deal +60 damage for 7 seconds
*; Tier 14
:Debilitating Blow deals +48 36 damage and causes your Core Attacks to deal +65 damage for 7 seconds