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Ratkin Revolutionist Coat

992 bytes added, 03:04, 22 February 2020
Creating page
{{ITEM infobox
|name = Ratkin Revolutionist Coat
|skillreqs = Endurance 35<br>
|description = These coats were a gift from the Crone Hegemony to Gob-land guerillas who were trying to free enslaved ratkin. Since the Hegemony is not against slavery in general, it's generally assumed they were just trying to stir up disharmony in the Gob-lands... but perhaps there was an ulterior motive. Anyway, they're still in pretty good shape a decade later.
|basemods = {{Attribute|MAX_ARMOR|+144}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_HEALTH_DELTA|+54}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_ARMOR_DELTA|+54}}<br>{{Attribute|COMBAT_REFRESH_POWER_DELTA|+22}}<br>
|value = 180
|extra = {{Spoiler|
|{{ITEM EXTRA infobox
| craftpoints = 100
| equipslot = Chest
| stack = 1
| dye =
| keywords = <p>{{KW|Armor}}{{KW|ArmorOrShield}}{{KW|Chest}}{{KW|Equipment}}</p><p>{{KW|LeatherArmor}}{{KW|LeatherDyeableArmor}}{{KW|LeatherShirt}}{{KW|Loot}}</p>

=== How to Obtain ===

=== Gifting ===

=== Lore ===