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Spirit Fox/Treasure Effects:By Slot

5,060 bytes added, 16:09, 22 July 2020
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<!-- Updated on July 22, 2020 from v336-->
==<!--start-->Spirit Fox Slot List==
<span style = "color: red"><b>Note that this only shows the max-level version of each treasure effect.</b></span>

* Spirit Fox Damage +40%<br>
* Nip causes target's next attack to deal -16 damage<br>
* Soul Bite Damage +50%<br>
* Dimensional Snare deals Fire damage (instead of Darkness) and ignites the target, dealing 294 Fire damage over 12 seconds<br>
* Spirit Bolt Damage +70 and there's a 50% chance target is stunned<br>
* Blur Step provides +14.5% Burst Evasion for 20 seconds, and Paradox Trot boosts Sprint Speed +1<br>
* Galvanize Power Restoration +53<br>

* Nip boosts the damage of Basic, Core, and Nice attacks +80 for 6 seconds. (This buff does not stack with itself.)<br>
* Soul Bite Damage +50%<br>
* Spirit Pounce Damage +35% and there's a 50% chance target is Stunned<br>
* Dimensional Snare Damage +90%<br>
* Spirit Bolt deals +96 damage and there's a 50% chance it deals +55% damage<br>
* Power Glyph restores +37 Power<br>
* Trick Foxes have +128 Max Health and Taunt +85%<br>

* Direct Fire Damage +128 when Spirit Fox is active<br>
* Indirect Fire Damage +42% when Spirit Fox is active<br>
* While Blur Step is active, Soul Bite has a 33% chance to deal +7 damage and hit all targets within 7 meters<br>
* Dimensional Snare causes target to take +14% damage from Crushing for 15 seconds<br>
* Blur Step heals 110 Health over 20 seconds, and Paradox Trot boosts Sprint Speed +1<br>
* Galvanize Health Restoration +85<br>
* Trick Foxes have +128 Max Health and +64 Max Armor<br>

* Nip causes target's next attack to deal -16 damage<br>
* While Blur Step is active, Soul Bite has a 33% chance to deal +7 damage and hit all targets within 7 meters<br>
* Spirit Pounce Damage +48 and ability hits all enemies within 6 meters<br>
* Dimensional Snare causes target to take +9.5% damage from Darkness for 15 seconds<br>
* Spirit Bolt Damage +94 and range is +5 meters<br>
* Power Glyph restores 50 additional Power after a 6-second delay<br>
* Galvanize affects the caster in addition to allies, and restores +24 Power<br>

* Nip boosts the damage of Basic, Core, and Nice attacks +80 for 6 seconds. (This buff does not stack with itself.)<br>
* Soul Bite Power Cost -31<br>
* Spirit Pounce Damage +70 and target is Knocked Back<br>
* Dimensional Snare deals Fire damage (instead of Darkness) and ignites the target, dealing 294 Fire damage over 12 seconds<br>
* Power Glyph restores 50 additional Power after a 6-second delay<br>
* Blur Step provides +14.5% Ranged Evasion for 20 seconds, and Paradox Trot boosts Sprint Speed +1<br>
* Galvanize restores 66 additional Power after a 6-second delay<br>
* Trick Foxes have +128 Max Health and their Rage Attacks deal +260 damage<br>

* Direct Fire Damage +128 when Spirit Fox is active<br>
* Soul Bite deals Fire damage (instead of Darkness) and damage is +62<br>
* Spirit Pounce Damage +50%<br>
* Dimensional Snare Damage +90%<br>
* Spirit Bolt deals +96 damage and there's a 50% chance it deals +55% damage<br>
* Blur Step provides +14.5% Burst Evasion for 20 seconds, and Paradox Trot boosts Sprint Speed +1<br>
* Galvanize Health Restoration +85<br>
* Trick Foxes have +128 Max Health and Taunt +85%<br>

* Direct Darkness Damage +96 when Spirit Fox is active<br>
* Soul Bite deals +48 damage and boosts the damage of Nice attacks by +16% for 6 seconds<br>
* Dimensional Snare Damage +138<br>
* Spirit Bolt deals Fire damage (instead of Darkness) and ignites the target, dealing 288 Fire damage over 12 seconds<br>
* Power Glyph restores +65 Health<br>
* Blur Step provides +14.5% Ranged Evasion for 20 seconds, and Paradox Trot boosts Sprint Speed +1<br>
* Galvanize Power Restoration +53<br>
* Trick Foxes have +128 Max Health and +64 Max Armor<br>

* Spirit Fox Damage +40%<br>
* Direct Darkness Damage +96 when Spirit Fox is active<br>
* Soul Bite deals +37 damage and reduces the damage of the target's next attack by -16<br>
* Spirit Bolt Damage +55%<br>
* Spirit Bolt deals Fire damage (instead of Darkness) and ignites the target, dealing 288 Fire damage over 12 seconds<br>
* Power Glyph restores +65 Health<br>
* Blur Step provides +70% Stun Resistance for 20 seconds, and Paradox Trot boosts Sprint Speed +1<br>
* Power Glyph and Galvanize restore +33 Power<br>

* Spirit Pounce Damage +50%<br>
* Dimensional Snare causes target to take +14% damage from Poison for 15 seconds<br>
* Spirit Bolt Damage +55%<br>
* Power Glyph restores +37 Power<br>
* Blur Step heals 110 Health over 20 seconds, and Paradox Trot boosts Sprint Speed +1<br>
* Galvanize restores 66 additional Power after a 6-second delay<br>
* Trick Foxes have +128 Max Health and their Rage Attacks deal +260 damage<br>
* Paradox Trot boosts Sprint Speed +1, Max Breath +16, and Radiation Protection +9<br>