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Pet Battlebat

12 bytes removed, 16:26, 10 September 2020
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| title = Pet Battlebat
| type = Rodent
| health = 18001527| armor = 564599| rage = 11971141| effective = Slashing, Piercing| ineffective = Psychic, Electricity
| vineffective = Nature
[[Pet Battlebat]]s are Giant Bats giant bats seemingly trained by various [[Crone-Kin]] to serve them in battle.
== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| area = Labyrinth
| location = Encountered on the lowest Third level.of [[Labyrinth]]| health = 18001527| armor = 564599| rage = 11971141
==Combat Abilities==
* {||'''Skin''': Rough Skin* |None|-|'''Meat''': N/A* |None|-|'''Skull''': |{{Item|Animal Skull}}|}
==Reported Loot==
* Work Orders; Level 50 Jewelry* [[{||{{Item|Guano]]* Grass* [[Sulfur]]}}[[Category:Labyrinth Creatures]]|}