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Event: Nice Bacon Candles for Torana

Revision as of 17:04, 28 September 2021 by Alleryn (talk | contribs) (crafting caravan)


Torana said, "BACON! Who doesn't like bacon? Well, maybe those crazy vegans don't. If I can't have bacon while we're out on the road, I can at least take the smell of it with me! I'm still waiting on my stipend from Orran to go buy supplies to make my own. Could you craft and bring me 10 Nice Bacon Candles? I'll trade some of my knowledge for it!"

This Quest can be repeated after 20 hours.


To start this quest, talk to Torana in the Red Wing Casino. This quest is available at Candle Making level 50. This quest is only available during a Crafting Caravan event.


I need some candles to help inspire these guys to fight harder when we're out there and have to prepare for battle. I'm still waiting on my stipend from Orran to go buy supplies to make my own. Could you craft and bring me 10 Decent Brisk Candles? I'll trade some of my knowledge for it!


  • Make 10 Nice Bacon Candles
  • Possess 10 Nice Bacon Candles
  • Talk to Torana



Mmmm bacon!! Thanks a lot! Maybe we can trade knowledge again like this later on.

[You earn 10 favor with Orran the Caravan Leader]

[This task is repeatable every 20 hours.]