Game updates/2014-11-04

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Revision as of 12:58, 6 November 2014 by Extractum11 (talk | contribs)
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November 4th, 2014

This is a minor update; content update is still intended for this weekend!

  • Fixed weird graphical errors in Serbule terrain (brown blobby roads)
  • Fixed issue with pressing Enter in chat adding an extra blank line
  • Partially reverted boss monster change in last update. The following are no longer group-looted boss monsters (reverting to old stats and loot profiles): Bleddyn, Vulka the Snarl, Warmaster Juk, The Flower Child, Tyxr the Guardian Elemental, Omegaspider, Khryulek's First Form, Angry Bear in Barn
  • The following are still group-loot boss monsters, but stats have been toned down some: Timothy Elerimon, Maronesa, Nameless Guardian, Rhino Guardian, Placeholder Boss rhinos, Tremor, and Tidal

Anti-Exploit AI Logic

This update adds some very experimental AI code to help monsters avoid getting perched by players (e.g. killed by enemies up in a tree). Animals should know to "run away", will (sic) varying levels of effectiveness. (Still tuning that.)

Some enemies, such as Winter Court Fey, now have special ranged attacks that they bust out only when their enemy is in an unreachable spot.

More coming soon!