Astonishing Arrow

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Astonishing Arrow
A perfectly weighted arrow with quality fletching and supernatural accuracy.
Value: 0.35

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Fletching [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
63 Astonishing Arrow icon_6267.png Astonishing Arrowheads x1
icon_6269.png Astonishing Arrow Shafts x1
icon_5226.png Precision Fletchings x1
icon_6259.png Astonishing Arrow x1000

Obtaining through Bartering




Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes




Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption

Icon Name Consumes Skill Level Consume Chance [Expand] Stick Chance
icon_3310.png Basic Shot Beginner's Arrow (or better) Archery 1 Always 80%
icon_3315.png Aimed Shot Beginner's Arrow (or better) Archery 4 Always 60%
icon_3318.png Multishot Beginner's Arrow x5 Archery 8 Always Never
icon_3321.png Blitz Shot Beginner's Arrow (or better) Archery 10 Always 85%
icon_3310.png Basic Shot 2 Basic Arrow (or better) Archery 14 Always 70%
icon_3315.png Aimed Shot 2 Basic Arrow (or better) Archery 18 Always 50%
icon_3318.png Multishot 2 Basic Arrow x5 Archery 23 Always Never
icon_3321.png Blitz Shot 2 Basic Arrow (or better) Archery 25 Always 80%
icon_3310.png Basic Shot 3 Advanced Arrow (or better) Archery 30 Always 65%
icon_3315.png Aimed Shot 3 Advanced Arrow (or better) Archery 35 Always 40%
icon_3318.png Multishot 3 Advanced Arrow x5 Archery 40 Always Never
icon_3321.png Blitz Shot 3 Expert's Arrow (or better) Archery 42 Always 75%
icon_3310.png Basic Shot 4 Expert's Arrow (or better) Archery 44 Always 60%
icon_3315.png Aimed Shot 4 Expert's Arrow (or better) Archery 50 Always 30%
icon_3321.png Blitz Shot 4 Masterwork Arrow (or better) Archery 51 Always 70%
icon_3310.png Basic Shot 5 Masterwork Arrow (or better) Archery 53 Always 55%
icon_3318.png Multishot 4 Expert's Arrow x5 Archery 57 Always Never
icon_3315.png Aimed Shot 5 Masterwork Arrow (or better) Archery 60 Always 20%
icon_3321.png Blitz Shot 5 Amazing Arrow (or better) Archery 62 Always 65%
icon_3310.png Basic Shot 6 Amazing Arrow (or better) Archery 64 Always 45%
icon_3318.png Multishot 5 Amazing Arrow x5 Archery 65 Always Never
icon_3315.png Aimed Shot 6 Amazing Arrow (or better) Archery 70 Always 10%
icon_3310.png Basic Shot 7 Astonishing Arrow (or better) Archery 73 Always 40%
icon_3321.png Blitz Shot 6 Astonishing Arrow (or better) Archery 73 Always 65%
icon_3318.png Multishot 6 Astonishing Arrow x5 Archery 76 Always Never
icon_3315.png Aimed Shot 7 Astonishing Arrow (or better) Archery 80 Always 10%

Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Event: Astonishing Arrows for Jopol 10000 (Collect) 20 Hours Unknown Unknown Unknown
Work Order

Turn in 10000x Astonishing Arrow to Ogamboe for 0 councils. Requires Industry Level 53.

Other Uses
