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Guild:Holy Order

Revision as of 14:45, 18 March 2023 by Greyfyn (talk | contribs) (Recruitment)


Holy Order, rewritten, revived, rebuilt, reordered, revised, resuscitated. Re, re, riiiii! Re again. Yes, quite batty. But also, erudite. Having been one of the largest and most flamboyant guilds in Project: Gorgon, Holy Order focusses on scholarly pursuits and exploring deeper realms of knowledge. Our motto:

                                  == ~Long Live the Order~ ==

The Knights of Holy Order is not an endgame guild; exploring and sharing knowledge builds player strength and ability. Active alts welcome. Encouragement and support are favored over carrying players through the game. Players interested in reading, writing, languages, lore, history, artistry, and performance will find a special home in the Order.

Contributing to the game by writing books for game libraries, wiki editing, creating game guides, and a monthly poetry reading at the Redwing Casino [watch this spot for details] are a sampling of activities fostered by the guild.


No, this is not a zombie guild. That’s a myth derived from misinterpretation of historical documents. Holy Order is, however, an ancient guild built on the great deeds of knights past. As one of the first guilds in game, Holy Order was founded September 1, 2015 by EasyLivin, Many notable players have graced our guildhall and have moved on to other pursuits—they can be found everywhere in game. For further elucidation, peruse the footnote* below.


Built on the previous organization structure of knights, chamberlains, commanders, and grandmasters, the guild awaits new active members to fill out the roster and determine the direction of the guild. Civility will be maintained. Current membership consists of long-time players who play sporadically. Guildmaster Greyfyn understands that the most important job of a leader is to build new leaders.


Chat with Greyfyn, Zaffre, or any officer to discover if Holy Order is a good fit for individual players. Players are welcome to the guild discord: Visitors who inquire about the guild in discord will be granted Envoy status.

Notable Mentions

  • Footnote--Stories from the past:

Established by the Duke of Serbule, before he mysteriously disappeared, The Knights of the Holy Order continue the mission of purging evil wherever it appears.

Originally the Order was run by the Duke's Vanguard, a group of seven of Serbule's most Elite Holy Knights who wielded blessed weapons and were assigned to protect the town of Serbule. But after the Duke disappeared, the Vanguard attempted a rescue party which apparently failed, leaving only their bones to be found outside the Ruins of Borghild. Their weapons were recrafted into sigil bearing rings for the remaining Knights of the Holy Order.

With the situation in Serbule far from under control, the Knights' membership continues to ebb and flow with the years. Although previously one of the largest and most active guilds in game, many Holy Order Knights have wandered off into other groups or have disappeared entirely, to fates unknown. Currently remaining Knights quietly patrol Serbule Keep, now understanding that the mission includes survival against evil.
