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Fire Magic/Recipes

Revision as of 21:03, 27 March 2017 by ExtraBot (talk | contribs) (Removing calls to template, too expensive)

Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the Fire Magic skill.

Lvl Name XP Bonus XP Ingredients Results Description
0 Introductory Fire Magic Research 5 100 icon_5013.png  Salt x3 Introductory Fire Magic Research Attempt to research a Fire Magic spell. You can discover 3 abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
5 Fire Magic Research Level 5 15 300 icon_5015.png  Fire Dust x1 Fire Magic Research Level 5 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 5 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
10 Fire Magic Research Level 10 20 400 icon_5015.png  Fire Dust x2 Fire Magic Research Level 10 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 6 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
15 Fire Magic Research Level 15 25 500 icon_5182.png  Sulfur x1 Fire Magic Research Level 15 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 5 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
20 Fire Magic Research Level 20 30 600 icon_5182.png  Sulfur x2 Fire Magic Research Level 20 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 6 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
25 Fire Magic Research Level 25 35 700 icon_5183.png  Saltpeter x1 Fire Magic Research Level 25 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 7 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
30 Fire Magic Research Level 30 40 800 icon_5183.png  Saltpeter x2 Fire Magic Research Level 30 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 5 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
35 Fire Magic Research Level 35 45 900 icon_5015.png  Fire Dust x2
icon_5182.png  Sulfur x2
Fire Magic Research Level 35 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 5 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
40 Fire Magic Research Level 40 50 1000 icon_5182.png  Sulfur x2
icon_5183.png  Saltpeter x2
Fire Magic Research Level 40 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 6 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
45 Fire Magic Research Level 45 55 1100 icon_5015.png  Fire Dust x1
icon_5182.png  Sulfur x2
icon_5183.png  Saltpeter x2
Fire Magic Research Level 45 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 5 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
50 Fire Magic Research Level 50 60 1200 icon_5015.png  Fire Dust x2
icon_5182.png  Sulfur x2
icon_5183.png  Saltpeter x2
icon_5013.png  Salt x1
Fire Magic Research Level 50 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 7 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
55 Fire Magic Research Level 55 65 1300 icon_5182.png  Sulfur x2
icon_5183.png  Saltpeter x2
icon_5477.png  Explosive Runestone x1
Fire Magic Research Level 55 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 7 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
60 Fire Magic Research Level 60 70 1400 icon_5182.png  Sulfur x2
icon_5183.png  Saltpeter x2
icon_5477.png  Explosive Runestone x2
Fire Magic Research Level 60 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 7 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
65 Fire Magic Research Level 65 75 1500 icon_5183.png  Saltpeter x2
icon_5477.png  Explosive Runestone x2
icon_5620.png  Flame Nib x2
Fire Magic Research Level 65 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 5 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.
70 Fire Magic Research Level 70 80 1600 icon_5183.png  Saltpeter x2
icon_5477.png  Explosive Runestone x2
icon_5620.png  Flame Nib x2
icon_5512.png  Guano x1
Fire Magic Research Level 70 Attempt to research a new Fire Magic spell. You can learn 7 different abilities by repeatedly completing this recipe.