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Find an Amethyst (part 2)

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An old elf named Elmetaph taught you some Teleportation magic. He told you to find a teleportation platform on the island and practice binding yourself to it.

[ Stand on a teleportation platform and press the Recipes button on the right of the screen. Find the Bind Circle recipe and use it while standing there. ]


To start this quest, talk to Elmetaph in the lighthouse on Anagoge Island. You must have completed Find an Amethyst before you can begin this quest.


The dialogue shown here picks up from the point where Elmetaph teaches you Teleportation at the end of Find an Amethyst.

There. Now that you know the basics, you should go find a working teleportation platform and practice binding to it.

What do I do exactly?

There are a couple of teleportation platforms on the island. Hopefully they're still in working order! Find one of them and bind yourself to it with your amethyst and the salt I just gave you.

[ Stand on a teleportation platform and press the Recipes button on the right of the screen. Find the Bind Circle recipe and use it while standing on the platform. ]

Oh, but there's one other thing...

What else?

There's a small chance your amethyst will explode when you use it. Perfectly normal, nothing to be ashamed of! Whenever you cast a teleportation spell, there's a 1-in-5 chance your gem exploding. That's why you should always carry a spare amethyst!

Ah. Well, I'll give it a shot. Goodbye.


  • Bind to a teleport circle
  • Talk to Elmetaph


When you use Bind Circle for the first time, you gain 100 XP in Teleportation. This is enough experience to get you to level 5 in Teleportation. As a level-up reward you learn the recipe Recall Circle.

Back so soon, [ mangled player name]? Did you bind to a teleportation platform?

Yes, I've done it.

Wonderful. Then you have enough hands-on experience to teleport yourself! Just go to a teleportation circle and cast the Recall Circle spell. And I hope you come back to visit again. Goodbye, [ mangled player name]!

Wait. That will send me to my bound location, right?

Yes. You'll be whisked away to whatever you last bound yourself.

But I just bound myself to here, on this island!

What? Why?! Now you can't get off the... oh... I see. I did tell you to do that. Well, shit.

Aww come on! What do I do now?

Hmm. Well, I do know how to remotely bind to a distant location. But I couldn't possibly teach you such an advanced Teleportation technique. It took me 40 years to learn it. You're a fast learner, but not that fast.

I suppose I could cast it on you myself...

So you can change my bound location?

Remote binding is hard even for the most advanced mages. And I'm a little past my prime. Bit I can give it a shot, if you like. I can probably get you somewhere off this island, and probably on dry land. I couldn't promise you any specifics, though.

Fine. I'll take it. What do I do?

I'll need to do some math to compensate for ley line fluctuation. Fortunately there are some old obelisks that were once used for this very thing, back when the Council was teleporting students here every week. Hopefully they still work!

Find the four obelisks and write down their info. Then bring it to me.

Four obelisks. Right.

Spoiler text.